LC LC Winter Seasonal IX - Round 3 (Losers)


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artwork by Blazenix
  • Standard SV LC
  • Double Elimination
  • All rounds will be best of three, you may switch teams in between games
  • Any changes to the tier that occur in the middle of a round will not apply until the next round
  • You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules
  • VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
  • Substitutes will be slotted in as players drop out or in mass a few days into the round. If you are tagged due to being in danger of being subbed out you must either post in the thread or on either player's wall within 24 hours or risk being subbed out.
  • In order to encourage development of the Little Cup metagame and higher quality games, replays will be mandatory starting in Round 2 of the Winners bracket and Round 3 of the Losers bracket. If neither player posts replays, the match will be coin flipped.
This is part of the 2025 LC Circuit and will use the following point distribution. As a Type A tour, the points listed are the actual values. For more information on different tournament types and how they relate to circuit points, please read the LC Circuit thread (which will go up later)

Round 3

Django  vs  wssi
tazz  vs  Enzonana.
HoopsspooH  vs  Coconut
Fragments  vs  Jojen
vooper  vs  termnal
Quinn  vs  tachi
PigWarrior19  vs  Flareblitzkreig
Taiils  vs  TheDHope
emptywisdom  vs  gregoreturns
SPHZ  vs  naere
Charmriah  vs  LogIce
RL  vs  T.O.T.S
Armo  vs  King Billu
Vertigo  vs  Uta The Clown
roxie  vs  Mik3ymon
horriii  vs  (Winner of HSBT vs Zpice)
aurora  vs  jyusaan
colorednaem  vs  GasaiYunoSan
Failbor  vs  Nineage
TyCarter  vs  Arcanine1929
Dusk  vs  Elian
JustFranco  vs  rarre
SpaceSpeakers  vs  feen
kimer  vs  ExguardiaN
Brammi  vs  (Winner of MemphisDepay vs Don Bork)
AS Saint Priest  vs  Plague
Novax  vs  Zcarlett
hidin  vs  Fille
BlackKnight_Gawain  vs  shreyashhy
Surfy  vs  Elfuseon
Nanchlax  vs  DivineMadness
True Psycho  vs  Exi0022

Deadline: Sunday February 9th, 10:00 PM EST (GMT-5)
Extension Deadline: Wednesday February 5th, 10:00 PM EST (GMT-5)


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Heat Rock has been banned from SV LC. However, since it was banned after the start of the round, it will remain legal for the remainder of Round 3 and only be banned starting in Round 4. Please play your games on the smogtours server, which will not be updated until next week, so that Heat Rock can remain legal.