LC LC Winter Seasonal VIII - Round 4


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artwork by Blazenix
  • Standard SV LC
  • Double Elimination
  • All rounds will be best of three, you may switch teams in between games
  • Any changes to the tier that occur in the middle of a round will not apply until the next round
  • You are expected to know and follow all general tournament rules
  • VMs are only thing that matters for activity. Use this guide to ensure you don't lose via activity or coinflip.
  • Substitutes will be slotted in as players drop out or in mass a few days into the round. If you are tagged due to being in danger of being subbed out you must either post in the thread or on either player's wall within 24 hours or risk being subbed out.
  • In order to encourage development of the Little Cup metagame and higher quality games, replays will be mandatory starting in Round 2 of the Winners bracket and Round 3 of the Losers bracket. If neither player posts replays, the match will be coin flipped.
This is part of the 2024 LC Circuit and will use the following point distribution. As a Type A tour, the points listed are the actual values. For more information on different tournament types and how they relate to circuit points, please read the LC Circuit thread.

Round 4


Inazuma-Fulgur  vs  wesh papillon
Bye  vs  ToastedBunzzz02
Froggy  vs  691
Baddy  vs  Fille
zeroouttathere  vs  Taka
Tempo di anguria  vs  sufys
pokédutch  vs  Flou
aurora  vs  naere
txitxas  vs  Voltix
Hacker  vs  Kipkluif
JuanSG  vs  Divine10
Failbor  vs  reggg
Acehunter1  vs  BlackKnight_Gawain
HSOWA  vs  PolloAriosto
rarre  vs  Quinn
Expulso  vs  CMDoge


DugZa  vs  Wail Wailord
Elfuseon  vs  PoseidonWrath
Leru  vs  fish anemometer
aleaniled  vs  Uta The Clown
Lokifan  vs  feen
Colin  vs  Mcthelegit
yellowfin  vs  Arcanine1929
skimmythegod  vs  vndrevc
Yoshigamer33  vs  giove97
Greedy_eb  vs  pratik2007
Nashrock  vs  Éric
femboy  vs  STarsAma
Airi  vs  MTB
avarice  vs  temp
Lialiabeast  vs  Rasche
ur moom suus  vs  Astraak

Deadline: Sunday February 18th, 10:00 PM EST (GMT-5)
Extension Deadline: Wednesday February 14th, 10:00 PM EST (GMT-5)


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Can finally do good predicts now that im out

Inazuma-Fulgur vs  wesh papillon
Bye  vs  ToastedBunzzz02 close game, will probably go to a g3
Froggy  vs  691 691 u suck
Baddy  vs  Fille
zeroouttathere  vs  Taka
Tempo di anguria
 vs  sufys
pokédutch  vs  Flou
aurora  vs  naere
txitxas  vs  Voltix
 vs  Kipkluif
JuanSG  vs  Divine10
Failbor  vs  reggg
 vs  BlackKnight_Gawain
HSOWA  vs  PolloAriosto
rarre  vs  Quinn
Expulso  vs  CMDoge


DugZa  vs  Wail Wailord
 vs  PoseidonWrath
Leru  vs  fish anemometer
aleaniled  vs  Uta The Clown
Lokifan  vs  feen
Colin  vs  Mcthelegit
yellowfin  vs  Arcanine1929
skimmythegod  vs  vndrevc
Yoshigamer33  vs  (Winner of YinTurtle vs giove97)
Greedy_eb  vs  pratik2007
Nashrock  vs  Éric
femboy  vs  STarsAma
Airi  vs  MTB
avarice  vs  temp
 vs  Rasche
ur moom suus  vs  Astraak
Snivy has been banned from SV LC.

However, since this ban happened after the round went up, Snivy will remain legal for the rest of Round 4 and the ban will go into effect starting Round 5. Games should be played on the smogtours server so that Snivy can still be used.
Hey my opponent has messaged me on Monday asking if I could play the same day, but hasn't responded to me since after I gave my availability despite having been online multiple times