Competitive League Circuit 13 - Doduodrio vs Prismaticism

League Circuit 13

(BH 72) Team Doduodrio :poke ball: ~ :clefable: ~ Tech (1)
Stealth Rock
:pmd/clefable: Oona the Clefable @ :choice scarf: Choice Scarf
HP 34 / EN 60 / Stats 7 DEF / 60*2 SPE / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
- - - -
Frost Markers (2)
:pmd/gardevoir: K.O.
HP -3 / EN 41 / Stats 9 SPA / 8 SPD / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
- - - -
Bad Poison (6)
:weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:choice band: Choice Band
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf @ :clefable:
:kelpsy berry: Kelpsy Berry
:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:metal powder: Metal Powder
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:leftovers: Leftovers
:eject button: Eject Button
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb

Tech (3) :darmanitan-galar: ~ :probopass: ~ :poke ball: Team Prismaticism (BH 72)
Darmanitan Galar @ dropped :pmd/darmanitan-galar:
HP 82 / EN 81 / Stats ATK 10 / SPE 95 / Size 3 Weight 5
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics / Zen Mode
- - - -
Confusion (2) Turns
Moai the Probopass @ nothin :pmd/probopass:
HP 10 / EN 20 / Stats SPA 6 / SPD 11 / Size 2 Weight 7
Chill 5 Rcv 1 Combo 0
Abilities: Sturdy / Magnet Pull / Sand Force
- - - -
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:red card: Red Card
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:life orb: Life Orb
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:exp share: Exp Share

Start of Round 7
:clefable: 60*2 SPE > :darmanitan-galar: 95 SPE
Oona moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)

Discord Link to rolls
Start of Step 1
:clefable: collects light! +1 SPA (2) Turns

Turn 1
Ice Beam -7 EN
Vs Clefable
Crit d24=4
(9 BAP +3 STAB)
=Oona takes 12 Damage!
:darmanitan-galar: -6 HP
:clefable: +2 Frost

Turn 2
Meteor Beam -8 EN
Hit d10=4 / Crit d24=6
(12 BAP)*1.5 +4 STAGE(+1)
=DG takes 22 Damage!
End of Step 1
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Iron Head -6 EN
Vs Clefable
Crit d24=9 / Eff d10(8-10)=
(8 BAP +14 ATK -7 DEF)*1.5
=Oona takes 23 Damage!
:darmanitan-galar: -12 HP
:clefable: fainted!
End of Step 2
End of Round 7

(BH 72) Team Doduodrio :poke ball: ~ Tech (1)
Stealth Rock
:pmd/clefable: K.O.
HP -1 / EN 52 / Stats 7 DEF / 60*2 SPE / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
- - - -
Frost Markers (2)
:pmd/gardevoir: K.O.
HP -3 / EN 41 / Stats 9 SPA / 8 SPD / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
- - - -
Bad Poison (6)
:weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:choice band: Choice Band
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:kelpsy berry: Kelpsy Berry
:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:metal powder: Metal Powder
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:leftovers: Leftovers
:eject button: Eject Button
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb

Tech (3) :darmanitan-galar: ~ :probopass: ~ :poke ball: Team Prismaticism (BH 72)
Darmanitan Galar @ dropped :pmd/darmanitan-galar:
HP 42 / EN 68 / Stats ATK 10 / SPE 95 / Size 3 Weight 5
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics / Zen Mode
- - - -
Moai the Probopass @ nothin :pmd/probopass:
HP 10 / EN 20 / Stats SPA 6 / SPD 11 / Size 2 Weight 7
Chill 5 Rcv 1 Combo 0
Abilities: Sturdy / Magnet Pull / Sand Force
- - - -
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:red card: Red Card
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:life orb: Life Orb
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:exp share: Exp Share


"A piercing pain followed by blunt trauma takes out Oona! Will Donkey Gong be able to sweep, or will Duo finally put a stop to this mayhem!"
Doduodrio to replace
Prismaticism to order 1st
Doduodrio to order 2nd

"Give it everything you have left Moai!"

Switching to :ss/probopass: Moai the Probopass holding :focus sash: Focus Sash

Pain Split - Steel Beam

Start of turn, if Tyranitar has Protection, use Sunny Day
Start of turn, if Tyranitar is to use Focus Punch, use Flash Cannon and push back orders

"This is not the best, but I think you'll probably be able to take out Probopass at least."

"Feel the rush of the sand!"

Earthquake - Protect

League Circuit 13

(BH 72) Team Doduodrio :tyranitar: ~ Tech (1)
Stealth Rock
:pmd/tyranitar: Louise the Tyranitar @ :hondew berry: Hondew Berry
HP 95 / EN 100 / Stats 9 ATK / 10 DEF / Size 4 Weight 6
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
:pmd/gardevoir: K.O.
HP -3 / EN 41 / Stats 9 SPA / 8 SPD / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
- - - -
Bad Poison (6)
= = =
:pmd/clefable: K.O.
HP -1 / EN 52 / Stats 7 DEF / 60*2 SPE / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
- - - -
Frost Markers (2)
:weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:choice band: Choice Band
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:kelpsy berry: Kelpsy Berry
:hondew berry: Hondew Berry @ :tyranitar:
:metal powder: Metal Powder
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:leftovers: Leftovers
:eject button: Eject Button
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb

Tech (3) :darmanitan-galar: ~ :probopass: ~ :poke ball: Team Prismaticism (BH 72)
Moai the Probopass @ :focus sash: Focus Sash :pmd/probopass:
HP 10 / EN 20 / Stats SPA 6 / SPD 11 / Size 2 Weight 7
Chill 5 Rcv 1 Combo 0
Abilities: Sturdy / Magnet Pull / Sand Force
- - - -
Darmanitan Galar @ dropped :pmd/darmanitan-galar:
HP 42 / EN 68 / Stats ATK 10 / SPE 95 / Size 3 Weight 5
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics / Zen Mode
- - - -
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:red card: Red Card
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:life orb: Life Orb
:probopass: @ :focus sash: Focus Sash
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:exp share: Exp Share

Start of Round 8
:probopass: First Order > :tyranitar: Second Order
Moai moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)

Discord Link to rolls

:tyranitar: is shanked by rocks! -12 HP
:tyranitar: consumes its :honew berry: Hondew Berry! SPA = 11
:tyranitar: summons a Sandstorm! -9 EN +Sandstorm (4) Rounds
Start of Step 1

Turn 1
Pain Split -12 EN
Vs Tyranitar
=Moai shared its pain!
:tyranitar: -18 HP
:probopass: +18 HP, -1 Rcv

Turn 2
Earthquake -7 EN
Vs Probopass
Crit d24=5
(10 BAP +9 ATK -1 ABILITY)*2/2
=Moai takes 18 Damage!
End of Step 1
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Protect -12 EN
Vs Self
=Louise protected itself![/b]

Turn 2
Sunny Day -10 EN
Vs Field
=Moai ran out of energy!
:probopass: fainted!
End of Step 2
Hondew berry wears off
End of Round 8

(BH 72) Team Doduodrio :tyranitar: ~ Tech (1)
Stealth Rock
:pmd/tyranitar: Louise the Tyranitar @ -consumed-
HP 65 / EN 72 / Stats 9 ATK / 10 DEF / Size 4 Weight 6
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Sand Steam / Unnerve
:pmd/gardevoir: K.O.
HP -3 / EN 41 / Stats 9 SPA / 8 SPD / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
- - - -
Bad Poison (6)
= = =
:pmd/clefable: K.O.
HP -1 / EN 52 / Stats 7 DEF / 60*2 SPE / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
- - - -
Frost Markers (2)
:weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:choice band: Choice Band
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:kelpsy berry: Kelpsy Berry
:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:metal powder: Metal Powder
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:leftovers: Leftovers
:eject button: Eject Button
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
Sandstorm (3) Rounds

Tech (3) :darmanitan-galar: ~ :poke ball: Team Prismaticism (BH 72)
K.O. :pmd/probopass:
HP 10 / EN -2 / Stats SPA 6 / SPD 11 / Size 2 Weight 7
Chill 5 Rcv 0 Combo 0
Abilities: Sturdy / Magnet Pull / Sand Force
- - - -
Darmanitan Galar @ dropped :pmd/darmanitan-galar:
HP 42 / EN 68 / Stats ATK 10 / SPE 95 / Size 3 Weight 5
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics / Zen Mode
- - - -
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:red card: Red Card
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:life orb: Life Orb
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:exp share: Exp Share


"Probopass gave its last breath, but Louise the Tyranitar stands strong! I smell a comeback folks!!"
Prismaticism to replace
Doduodrio to order 1st
Prismaticism to order 2nd

"The monkey's back! Watch out!"

"Grr... this will not be easy. Gorilla warfare."

Rock Slide - Rock Slide
Once, at the start of your turn, IF Darmanitan is under Protection, THEN use Stealth Rock
When you are hit with a damaging Fighting-type move, IF able, THEN use Counter
When you are hit, IF able, THEN use Revenge
At the start of your turn, IF able, THEN use Low Kick

League Circuit 13

(BH 72) Team Doduodrio :tyranitar: ~ Tech (1)
Stealth Rock
:pmd/tyranitar: Louise the Tyranitar @ -consumed-
HP 65 / EN 72 / Stats 9 ATK / 10 DEF / Size 4 Weight 6
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Sand Steam / Unnerve
:pmd/gardevoir: K.O.
HP -3 / EN 41 / Stats 9 SPA / 8 SPD / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
- - - -
Bad Poison (6)
= = =
:pmd/clefable: K.O.
HP -1 / EN 52 / Stats 7 DEF / 60*2 SPE / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
- - - -
Frost Markers (2)
:weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:choice band: Choice Band
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:kelpsy berry: Kelpsy Berry
:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:metal powder: Metal Powder
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:leftovers: Leftovers
:eject button: Eject Button
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
Sandstorm (3) Rounds

Tech (3) :darmanitan-galar: ~ :poke ball: Team Prismaticism (BH 72)
Darmanitan Galar @ :jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry :pmd/darmanitan-galar:
HP 42 / EN 68 / Stats ATK 10 / SPE 95 / Size 3 Weight 5
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics / Zen Mode
- - - -
K.O. :pmd/probopass:
HP 10 / EN -2 / Stats SPA 6 / SPD 11 / Size 2 Weight 7
Chill 5 Rcv 0 Combo 0
Abilities: Sturdy / Magnet Pull / Sand Force
- - - -
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:red card: Red Card
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:life orb: Life Orb
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:darmanitan-galar: @ :jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:exp share: Exp Share

Start of Round 9
:darmanitan-galar: 95 SPE > :tyranitar: 0 SPE
DG moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)

Discord Link to rolls

Start of Step 1

Turn 1
Earthquake -7 EN
Vs Tyranitar
Crit d24=13
(10 BAP +14 ATK -10 DEF)*1.5
=Louise takes 21 Damage!

Turn 2
Revenge -8 EN
Vs Darmanitan-Galar
Crit d24=24 CRIT
(12 BAP +3 CRIT +9 ATK)*1.5
=DG takes 36 Damage!
End of Step 1
:darmanitan-galar: -2 HP
Start of Step 2

Turn 1
Reversal -8 EN
Vs Tyranitar
Crit d24=13
(15 BAP +14 ATK -10 DEF)*2
=Louise takes 38 Damage!

Turn 2
Counter -6+19= -25 EN
Vs Darmanitan-Galar
=DG takes 57 Damage!
:darmanitan-galar: fainted!
End of Round 9

(BH 72) Team Doduodrio :tyranitar: ~ Tech (1)
Stealth Rock
:pmd/tyranitar: Louise the Tyranitar @ -consumed-
HP 6 / EN 39 / Stats 9 ATK / 10 DEF / Size 4 Weight 6
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Sand Steam / Unnerve
:pmd/gardevoir: K.O.
HP -3 / EN 41 / Stats 9 SPA / 8 SPD / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
- - - -
Bad Poison (6)
= = =
:pmd/clefable: K.O.
HP -1 / EN 52 / Stats 7 DEF / 60*2 SPE / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
- - - -
Frost Markers (2)
:weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:choice band: Choice Band
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:kelpsy berry: Kelpsy Berry
:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:metal powder: Metal Powder
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:leftovers: Leftovers
:eject button: Eject Button
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
Sandstorm (2) Rounds

Tech (3) :poke ball: Team Prismaticism (BH 72)
HP -a lot / EN 53 / Stats ATK 10 / SPE 95 / Size 3 Weight 5
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics / Zen Mode
- - - -
K.O. :pmd/probopass:
HP 10 / EN -2 / Stats SPA 6 / SPD 11 / Size 2 Weight 7
Chill 5 Rcv 0 Combo 0
Abilities: Sturdy / Magnet Pull / Sand Force
- - - -
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:red card: Red Card
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:life orb: Life Orb
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:exp share: Exp Share


"Will he go all the way!?"

Prismaticism to replace and order 1st
Doduodrio to order 2nd

Last edited:

"Sending out Unown holding ---"

"Worst menu pick"


"... Ok.. Change of plans then"

Sending out :ss/delcatty: Archetype the Delcatty holding :leftovers: Leftovers

Grass Knot - Grass Knot - Grass Knot

Start of turn, if Tyranitar is under the effect of Protection, use Calm Mind
Start of turn, if Tyranitar is under the effect of Endure and Tyranitar is not poisoned, use Toxic

League Circuit 13

(BH 72) Team Doduodrio :tyranitar: ~ Tech (1)
Stealth Rock
:pmd/tyranitar: Louise the Tyranitar @ -consumed-
HP 6 / EN 39 / Stats 9 ATK / 10 DEF / Size 4 Weight 6
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Sand Steam / Unnerve
:pmd/gardevoir: K.O.
HP -3 / EN 41 / Stats 9 SPA / 8 SPD / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Synchronize / Trace / Telepathy
- - - -
Bad Poison (6)
= = =
:pmd/clefable: K.O.
HP -1 / EN 52 / Stats 7 DEF / 60*2 SPE / Size 3 Weight 3
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 0
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
- - - -
Frost Markers (2)
:weakness policy: Weakness Policy
:choice band: Choice Band
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:kelpsy berry: Kelpsy Berry
:hondew berry: Hondew Berry
:metal powder: Metal Powder
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:leftovers: Leftovers
:eject button: Eject Button
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
Sandstorm (2) Rounds

Tech (3) :delcatty: Team Prismaticism (BH 72)
Archetype the Delcatty @ Leftovers :pmd/delcatty:
HP 90 / EN 100 / Stats 4 DEF / 90 SPE / Size 1 Weight 1
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Normalize / Cute Charm / Wonderskin
K.O. :pmd/probopass:
HP 10 / EN -2 / Stats SPA 6 / SPD 11 / Size 2 Weight 7
Chill 5 Rcv 0 Combo 0
Abilities: Sturdy / Magnet Pull / Sand Force
- - - -
HP -a lot / EN 53 / Stats ATK 10 / SPE 95 / Size 3 Weight 5
Chill 5 Rcv 2 Combo 1
Abilities: Gorilla Tactics / Zen Mode
- - - -
:leftovers: Leftovers
:sticky barb: Sticky Barb
:red card: Red Card
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:life orb: Life Orb
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:jaboca berry: Jaboca Berry
:rowap berry: Rowap Berry
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:exp share: Exp Share

Start of Round 10
:delcatty: 90 SPE > :tyranitar: 0 SPE
Archetype moves first!

Rolling highs = desired effect
(d24=24=crit. d24=1=no crit)
(90% chance to hit, d10=10=hit / d10=1=no hit)
(10% chance of effect, d10=10=effect, d10=1=no effect)

Discord Link to rolls

Start of Step 1

Turn 1
Grass Knot -8 EN
Vs Tyranitar
Crit d24=
(0+12-3)*1.5=more than 6
:tyranitar: fainted!
End of Round 10


"Prismaticism wins!"

Prismaticism W -> +3 TC, +4 RC, +1 Reward from "+1 Victories" column
Doduodrio L -> +3 TC, +4 RC
Hyjack - Ref - +11 JC, +1 +1 Star Piece (never late)

