Competitive League Circuit 13 - LouisCyphre vs Hyjack

Sending in Tachyon the Aggron :aggron: @ :iapapa berry: Iapapa Berry

:sv/aggron: @ :iapapa berry:
"How many times do we gotta teach you this lesson?!"

Stealth Rock ~ Sand Tomb
= = =
Start of Aggron's Turn
If Incineroar is to order Endeavor on Step 2, and Taunt is present on Aggron
order Fury Cutter
- - - -
If Aggron is under the effects of Taunt
Order Body Press
- - - -
Step 1: Start of Aggron's Turn
If Aggron's HP is 85, and opponent is to use Focus Blast
Push orders back and order Sandstorm
- - - -
If opponent is to order Focus Blast in combination
order Protect
= = =
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Round 8

LouisCyphre (62/72 Battle Hours, 1 Tech Control)
Palaestra :quick claw: Quick Claw (Quick)
HP: 83/95, EN: 66/100, Stats: 8/0/0/0/[30], Typing: Fire / Dark, Abilities: Blaze / Intimidate
Status: Faked, Paralyzed (3), Field: Spikes (1)
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:red card:Red Card
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
Tachyon :iapapa berry: Iapapa Berry
HP: 85/85, EN: 100/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: OK, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO
:aggron::hard stone:
Aggron was hurt by the pointed stones! (-9 HP)
:aggron::hard stone:
Aggron was hurt by the pointed stones! (-9 HP)

:aggron::iapapa berry:
Aggron consumed its Iapapa Berry! (+18 HP, -1 Recovery)

Step 1

Aggron used Stealth Rock! (-12 EN)
Pointed stones floated around Incineroar's team! (Stealth Rock)

Incineroar used Rest! (-15 EN, -1 Recovery)
Incineroar went to sleep! (Rest, next 2 turns)
Incineroar recovered HP! (+12 HP)
(Incineroar recovered from Paralysis)

Step 2
Incineroar used Extremely Loud Snore (Snore + Roar)! (-16 EN, -1 Combo Token, -1 Tech Control)
Crit (1, d24): 5 (No)
(5 + (0 - 0) - 1)*0.5 = 2

Aggron used Sand Tomb! (-5 EN)
Miss (18 - 20, d20): 11 (No), Crit (1, d24): 22 (No)
(4 + (0 - 0))*1.5 = 6
Incineroar was trapped by the swirling sands! (Sand Tomb, 4 steps)

Incineroar was hurt by Sand Tomb! (-2 HP)

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:incineroar: HP: +12-6-2 = +4
:incineroar: EN: -15-16 = -31
:aggron: HP: -9-9+18-2 = -2
:aggron: EN: -12-5 = -17
LouisCyphre (62/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Palaestra :quick claw: Quick Claw (Quick)
HP: 87/95, EN: 35/100, Stats: 8/0/0/0/60, Typing: Fire / Dark, Abilities: Blaze / Intimidate
Status: Faked, 1 Recovery remaining, Rest (1 turn), No combo, Sand Tomb (3 steps), Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:red card:Red Card
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 83/85, EN: 83/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO

"Incineroar takes a strategically planned nap, trying to Roar Aggron straight out of the arena. However, Aggron is too heavy to be blown away that easily!"

LouisCyphre orders first
Hyjack orders second
Doduodrio refs
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*horrific sawing noise*

Palaestra - Snore | U-turn (Quick)
At the start of step 2, IF Tachyon is to use Body Press, and has not executed Body Press in a prior step THEN use Protect.​
At the start of step 2, IF Tachyon is to use Body Press, THEN use Torment (Quick).​
On your turn in step 2, IF able, THEN use Roar.​
Round 9

LouisCyphre (62/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Palaestra :quick claw: Quick Claw (Quick)
HP: 87/95, EN: 35/100, Stats: 8/0/0/0/60, Typing: Fire / Dark, Abilities: Blaze / Intimidate
Status: Faked, 1 Recovery remaining, Rest (1 turn), No combo, Sand Tomb (3 steps), Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:red card:Red Card
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 83/85, EN: 83/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO
Step 1
Incineroar used Snore! (-3 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 8 (No)
(5 + (0 - 0) - 1)*0.5 = 2
Incineroar woke up!

Aggron used Body Press! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 22 (No)
(8 + (13 - 0))*1.5 => 32

Incineroar was hurt by Sand Tomb! (-2 HP)

Step 2

Aggron used Taunt! (-10 EN)
Incineroar fell for the taunt! (Taunted, next 3 turns)

Incineroar couldn't use Roar due to the taunt!

Incineroar was hurt by Sand Tomb! (-2 HP)

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:incineroar: HP: -32-2-2 = -36
:incineroar: EN: -3
:aggron: HP: -2
:aggron: EN: -6-10 = -16
LouisCyphre (62/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Palaestra :quick claw: Quick Claw (Quick)
HP: 51/95, EN: 32/100, Stats: 8/0/0/0/60, Typing: Fire / Dark, Abilities: Blaze / Intimidate
Status: Faked, 1 Recovery remaining, No combo, Sand Tomb (1 step), Taunted (2 turns), Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:red card:Red Card
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 81/85, EN: 67/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO

"That Body Press really hurt. Ouch."
Hyjack orders first
LouisCyphre orders second
Doduodrio refs
:sv/aggron: @ nothin
*Gestures to the crowd as it prepares to throw Incineroar off Hell in a Cell and plummet 16 ft through an announcer's table*

Body Press ~ Body Press
= = =
Start of Step 1
If opponent is to order Throat Chop on Step 1 AND Endeavor on Step 2
Order string (Dragon Tail ~ Body Press)
- - - -
Start of Step 1
If opponent is to order Focus Punch on Step 1 AND Endeavor on Step 2
Order string (Rock Slide ~ Body Press)
- - - -
Start of Step 1
If opponent is to order Endeavor on Step 2
Order string (Roar ~ Body Press)
= = =
Round 10

LouisCyphre (62/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Palaestra :quick claw: Quick Claw (Quick)
HP: 51/95, EN: 32/100, Stats: 8/0/0/0/60, Typing: Fire / Dark, Abilities: Blaze / Intimidate
Status: Faked, 1 Recovery remaining, No combo, Sand Tomb (1 step), Taunted (2 turns), Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:red card:Red Card
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 81/85, EN: 67/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO
Step 1
Incineroar used Struggle! (-5 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 11 (No)
(5 + (8 - 13) - 1)*1 => 1
Incineroar was hurt by the recoil! (-10 HP)

Aggron used Body Press! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 22 (No)
(8 + (13 - 0))*1.5 => 32

Incineroar was hurt by Sand Tomb! (-2 HP)

Step 2

Incineroar used Struggle (-5 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 22 (No)
(5 + (8 - 13) - 1)*1 => 1
Incineroar was hurt by the recoil! (-10 HP)
:reaper cloth: Incineroar fainted!

Aggron used Body Press! (-6 EN)
But there was no target...

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:incineroar: HP: -10-32-2-10 = -54
:incineroar: EN: -8-8 = -16
:aggron: HP: -1-1 = -2
:aggron: EN: -6-6 = -12
LouisCyphre (62/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Palaestra :quick claw: Quick Claw (Quick)
HP: 0/95, EN: 0/100, Stats: 8/0/0/0/60, Typing: Fire / Dark, Abilities: Blaze / Intimidate
Status: Fainted, Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:red card:Red Card
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 79/85, EN: 55/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO

"Incineroar is not able to fend of Aggron with Dig because it does not know Dig."

LouisCyphre orders first
Hyjack orders second
Doduodrio refs
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"Well, this isn't have we've drawn it up. Looks like we'll have to rely on the cleaner."

We'll send out :garchomp:Prithvi the Garchomp, holding :red card:Red Card.

:sv/garchomp::red card:
"That would be me. A pleasure."

Prithvi - Dragon Rage | Dragon Rage
Once, at start of step, IF Tachyon the Aggron is to use Rock Blast + Mud-Slap THEN use Protect.​
Once, on your turn, IF Tachyon is subject to Protection THEN use Roar.​
On your turn, IF Tachyon is to use Metal Burst THEN use Dragon Rage on first instance and Spikes on second instance.​
On your turn, IF Tachyon is not subject to Protection AND not subject to Decoy AND not subject to Hovering THEN use Earth Power.​
Round 11

LouisCyphre (42/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Prithvi :red card: Red Card
HP: 100/100, EN: 100/100, Stats: 0/0/0/6/118, Typing: Dragon / Ground, Abilities: Sand Veil / Rough Skin
Status: OK, Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
:incineroar: KO
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 79/85, EN: 55/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO
:garchomp::max revive:
Garchomp was hurt by the spikes! (-8 HP)

:garchomp::hard stone:
Garchomp was hurt by the pointed stones! (-9 HP)

Step 1

Garchomp used Earth Power! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 9 (No), Drop (1, d10): 10 (No)
(9 + 3 + (0 - 0) - 1)*2 = 22

Aggron used YOU'RE WINDEX (Roar + Taunt)! (-30 EN, -1 Combo Token)
Garchomp was phazed! (Phazing)
Garchomp fell for the taunt! (Taunted, next 3 turns)

Step 2
Aggron used Protect! (-12 EN)
Aggron protected itself! (Protection)

Garchomp used Earth Power! (-7 EN)
Aggron protected itself!

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:garchomp: HP: -8-9 = -17
:garchomp: EN: -7-7 = -14
:aggron: HP: -22
:aggron: EN: -30-12 = -42
LouisCyphre (42/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Prithvi :red card: Red Card
HP: 83/100, EN: 86/100, Stats: 0/0/0/6/118, Typing: Dragon / Ground, Abilities: Sand Veil / Rough Skin
Status: Taunted (2 turns), Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
:incineroar: KO
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 57/85, EN: 13/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, No combo, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO

"Unfortunately the cleaner got phazed out before it could do much cleaning."

LouisCyphre replaces Garchomp with Tomohawk @ Rockium-Z, no post required
Hyjack "orders" first
LouisCyphre "orders" second
Doduodrio "refs"
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Round 12

LouisCyphre (42/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 9/100, EN: 28/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Bad Poison (6), No Combo, Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Prithvi :red card: Red Card
HP: 83/100, EN: 86/100, Stats: 0/0/0/6/118, Typing: Dragon / Ground, Abilities: Sand Veil / Rough Skin
Status: OK

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
:incineroar: KO
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 57/85, EN: 13/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, No combo, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO
:tomohawk::hard stone:
Tomohawk was hurt by the pointed stones! (-15 HP)
:reaper cloth: Tomohawk fainted!

Meanwhile, Aggron is chillin' like a villain.

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:tomohawk: HP: -15
:tomohawk: EN: -0
:aggron: HP: -0
:aggron: EN: -0
LouisCyphre (42/72 Battle Hours, 0 Tech Controls)
Anpao :rockium-z: Rockium-Z
HP: 0/100, EN: 0/100, Stats: 0/0/8/6/0, Typing: Flying / Fighting, Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified
Status: Fainted, Field: Spikes (1), Stealth Rock
:ghostium-z:Ghostium Z
:rindo berry:Rindo Berry
:fire gem:Fire Gem
:cleanse tag:Cleanse Tag
:razor claw:Razor Claw
Prithvi :red card: Red Card
HP: 83/100, EN: 86/100, Stats: 0/0/0/6/118, Typing: Dragon / Ground, Abilities: Sand Veil / Rough Skin
Status: OK

:metagross: OK
:togekiss: OK
:swampert: OK
:garchomp: OK
:incineroar: KO
Field: Clear​

Hyjack (56/72 Battle Hours, 2 Tech Controls)
HP: 57/85, EN: 13/100, Stats: 0/13/0/0/50, Typing: Steel / Rock, Abilities: Sturdy / Rock Head / Heavy Metal
Status: 1 Recovery remaining, No combo, Field: Stealth Rock, Duplicate (Stealth Rock)
:binding band:Binding Band
:grip claw:Grip Claw
:eject button:Eject Button
:grepa berry:Grepa Berry
:qualot berry:Qualot Berry
:tamato berry:Tamato Berry
:lucky egg:Lucky Egg
HP: 33/100, EN: 33/100, Stats: 0/0/0/5/99, Typing: Fire / Dragon, Abilities: Regenerator / Vital Spirit / Magician
Status: No Combo, 1 Recovery remaining

:dhelmise: OK
:aerodactyl: OK
:flutter mane: OK
:emolga: KO
Here's my notes on the battle:
BBP League Circuit Notes

Likewise, Tailwind and most speed control tools are ineffective.
Incin has 0 speed. Moonsault is unlikely to be of use.
Tomohawk Z-Twin Rocks chunks all three Defoggers for 30 if they dare come in to Defog. Hyjack has no Heavy-Duty Boots.
With 3 Tech, we can set Rocks again with impunity so long as Tomo lives.
We want to see at least one switch into double rocks (24 damage) per Z-Twin Rocks; two or more switches is insane value.
Confuse Ray | Taunt (second) -> Memento/Healing Wish (first) is a brutal way for Tomo to exit the field.
Quick Claw lets Incin use lines like Taunt (quick) | Roar to rack up hazard damage on Defog attempts.
On a raw Defogger lead, we're happy to lead Tomo and raw Taunt round 1, with a sub to Roar on a Protect.
Between Tomo's Prankster, Incin Quick Claw, and possible Togekiss Magic Coat, we can insulate a team of 3 against Defog until the damage is done. Even two switches into double rocks is backbreaking.
Would love to proactively Imprison (Defog), but the only Imprison users on my profile are Gallade, Gardevoir, and Sableye. All too low-HP to bring to this format.

Round 1:
Field: Astrolotl @ nothing vs. no one (yet). We order first.
This round is a single step only.
Hyjack orders first next round. This means Taunt, etc are largely ineffective, as he can just raw switch.
...Metagross is ATK/DEF and Incin is ATK/SPE. Moonsault would work fine, if we weren't already mostly committed to Quick Claw Incin.
15 - Earthquake
18 - Earth Power
we'll use Earthquake over Earth Power in our subs, to break decoys
Attacking mostly invites a Regenerator switch. Tomo can't force significant progress, except Rocks.
Making Astrol do Magic Coat, take EQ, and hard switch (to Emolga @ Light Ball?) is not what we want.
we take 36 from emolga thunderbolt, and deal 36 back with z-force stone edge. with rocks and a bit of chicken dancing, we come out ahead going second... Emolga has no damaging Defog combos, so we come out ahead regardless.
Metagross with Red Card and Trick can obtain Emolga's Light Ball.
We'd be glad to lock in Astro/Emolga and develop of our Ground-types.
Spending that much Tech on Z-Moves means we probably do not use any Combos this match.
That's not true. We can still do A+A or NA+NA combos
Rocks at all costs, sub for exactly Defog and Defog + Twister.
If we take Dragon Tail or a manual switch: Incin @ Quick Claw forces great progress with Earthquake, Roar, and protects hazards with Taunt (Quick) or Substitute (Quick).
Sub: if magic coat then figure something out.
maybe just taking the switch to emolga (30 from rocks!) and holding second order is fine.
emolga can sub "IF z-force rock attack then substitute" and we're in an awful position. we'll have to switch to metagross or garchomp.
After ordering:
An Emolga switch-in takes 30 from rocks and 21 from Hidden Power Ice. We can bring it to 8 HP, eliminate it with Nature Power Tri-Attack, and then re-set Rocks if needed before going down.
If Rocks stay up, we can go out with Memento or Healing Wish as needed.

Round 2:
Interestingly, Astrolotl is still in. Their orders are Taunt, Fire Spin and the goal seems to be to try to keep us off Rocks.
At very minimum, we can force a nothing round with plain Stealth Rock twice.
Because Astrolotl is ordering first, we can force a LOT of damage on to them with Z-Force Stone Edge into Draco Meteor (68, in fact). Astrolotl would have to chicken dance in the following round to get a chance to switch with Regenerator.
Since Astrolotl's orders are so passive, we can use this as a chance to pull massively ahead in HP.
Since Taunt lasts for the victim's turns, and Tomo is using Prankster Nature Power on step one, Tomo will still have 2 turns of Taunt going into the next round *and* we'll be trapped.
Switching allows Astrolotl to come back later with 37 HP after Regenerator. Any hazard brings them into Draco Meteor range.
Planning for next round: we're trying to secure a KO with Earth Power, Z-Harm Stealth Rock, or with Z-Pierce Stone Edge (beats everything and deals 15 damage but only 90% hit rate) as needed.
Our Special Attack is still -2 into the next round!!
Astro's options for survival:
charm (our damage is affected by stages!!)
does not work: needs 20 hp for substitute. needs defenses for screens. we are already taunted.

Round 3:
Field us Taunted Tomo vs. Astro 25 HP. They have Special Defense, not Special Attack. Who knew?
As before, our main complication is Astro's Torment, limiting our sub options. Being Taunted is fine. We're very happy if a 0 Atk 0 SpA mon wants to trade attacks with us.
Earth Power 2x invites a second-order Torment.
We're threatening to set Rocks on step 2 unless prevented. If we get our rocks we'll be very, very pleased.
We use if-able to get around Imprison.
If we get Dragon Tailed this round, we're unhappy. We'll probably go to Garchomp @ Leftovers if that happens, continuing to threaten to set up Rocks. We'll probably additionally allow decline whatever counterswitch Hyjack offers. Garchomp comfortably takes on every Pokemon on Hyjack's team. Emolga would be scarier if their HP wasn't 80 and they weren't ordering first into our generous suite of speed control.
Garchomp's Power Gem lets us damage Emolga well enough (14 DMG) and her Special Defense selection lets her take on Flutter Mane.

Round 4:
Field is Emolga @ Light Ball, ordering Electro Ball x2 for 72 damage. We're poisoned, taking another 8 this round.
I'd very much like to establish Z-Twin Stealth Rock this round, into Memento or Healing Wish next round. But that means we have to bring in Incin @ Quick Claw to protect our hazards; and Incin can't meaningfully hurt Emolga.
If we go offensive, Tomo's HP Ice deals 21, and Z-Force Stone Edge deals 36, leaving Emolga at a snipe-able 23 HP.
Additionally, HP + Focus Blast deals 30, leaving Emolga at just 4 HP.
Z-Harm Stealth Rock leaves Emolga at a much comfier 35 HP -- Not acceptable.
Our line is Z-Twin Rocks, HP + Focus Blast. Next round, we're at 9 HP and can Healing Wish to dodge Defog. On Roost or on Substitute, we can attack instead (earth power for and hyper voice, respectively). Tomohawk will faint ordering first no matter what.
Emolga's only Defog combo is Rain Dance, and Defog can't resolve without a target on-field.
We follow -that- round with Incin @ Quick Claw. No matter who Hyjack has in, we'll be using Fake Out and Roar, with a sub to Quick-Taunt Taunt and a sub to Quick-Taunt Defog. We should be plenty favored from there.
With Incin gainst Emolga, even if we end up with a round of Fake Out - Taunt, we then get to switch whatever we like into a Taunted Emolga, or just roar them and fight (presumably) Aerodactyl.
BE CAREFUL OF EMOLGA'S ENCORE. do not lose to a stupid nerfed move.

Round 5:
Field is Emolga @ Light Ball, 50 HP with 2x Rocks. We're at 9 HP with 6 Poison.
We have a couple of options:
Sac Tomo here to get a Taunt.
Switch, and save Tomo for a going-first Taunt later on. I think we'll do that one.
Switching to Incin @ Quick Claw will let us do "Fake Out, Knock Off (Quick). Once at step start IF defog THEN Taunt (Quick) and push down."
If Hyjack wants to counterswitch into double rocks, he is free to do so. We can stifle any attempt to Defog, and Roar them out.

Round 6:
We got Taunted because we're very stupid. We could have done Fake Out > Protect to get to a Quick Marker for sure.
We're now doing Lash Out for 26 (assuming Defog) into either Fake Out Quick (12 at +3)or Knock Off (Quick) for 21 to secure the KO.
Ordering first next round, we'll probably hard switch back to Tomohawk to spend our last tech on Rocks again. We can do Z-Twin Rocks, and sub for Defog with Z-Harm Rocks.
Thankfully, Hyjack let us escape the round without Defogging. The plan is still on--for now, we'll do 38 damage with Knock and Thief. We'll follow up with a 20-dmg Darkest Lariat Quick next round.

Round 7:
As above: A Darkest Lariat (Quick) will KO Emolga at the start of Priority 0. The only moves Emolga can try, at pri 1 or higher, are Quick Attack, Protect, and Helping Hand.
Emolga has a bunch of annoying options to combo with Quick Attack, including Knock Off, Covet, and Spark. We'll have to Protect against Quick Attack in a combo.
Emolga has Light Screen, but not Reflect. We don't care about Protect Combos.
Helping Hand doesn't viably combo with anything in singles.
WE'RE PARALYZED with 2 markers, so we'll lose a turn at the end of round 9. Wwe'll have to make sure we either box out Defog before then, or move Togekiss through the field (last mon permitting), or phaze the opponent the round before that to accrue value.

Next round, Hyjack will order first whether we Roar or not. Either way, Emolga leaves the field. If Emolga takes the Roar out, then Hyjack will have sent out either Astrolotl or Aerodactyl into Rocks. We'll have to stay in and give Incineroar second order if that happens... We might have to save our Quick marker for Taunt.

Round 8:
Field is Aggron @ Iapapa (Defense heal start-of-round). Emolga was fainted, we order second.
If Aggron gets Stealth Rock down, we can't switch to Tomohawk for a rocks reset, but that no longer matters. Their last Defogger, Astrolotl, is about to come in and faint.
Astrolotl's priority options are Ally Switch, Endure, Helping Hand (lol), Magic Coat, and Protect. Their combo was spent on Spikes+Toxic back in Round 3.
We can't KO with Snore (Quick), 0 SpA to 5 SpD.
If we don't go for a Rest -> Snore + Roar line with Incineroar, we're committing to a Roar line that switches to Togekiss, who can checkmate Astrolotl with Extreme Speed and has much better options for punishing Protect and Endure, such as Heal Bell
I think we might almost be happier throwing Taunt outright. We take 21 from Body Press and have 83 HP. We haven't even fielded a third mon.
No, that spends 42 HP too close to round limit. Switching to Togekiss next round (holding what??) wins outright.

Round 9:
Well, we didn't phase Aggron for any number of reasons.
We can threaten Roar and force a Taunt, I think.
This way, we either get Taunt | Body Press and therefore U-turn out, get Taunt | Something else and don't take a bunch of damage, or get our Roar off and get to KO Astrolotl.
If we get Astro: Great, we win.
If we get out of the matchup: We go to Tomohawk to scam Hyjack out of first order. Right?

Round 10:
We're Taunted as Incin.
We threw 51 HP away with a disastrous round.

Round 11:
We have 109% HP before hazards, versus 128% with no hazards incoming.
We need to calc all of Aggron's attacks, against all of our Pokemon that can phaze. Do this before ordering.
Garchomp can choose between Dragon Tail to beat Taunt, and Roar to beat Protect and Substitute. Then, Garchomp can choose between Rock Slide + Spikes and Spikes.
But how do we get those established, without blowing ALL of our HP?
What, in Aggron's movepool (esp. physical attacks), disrupts:

Roar, Spikes
On your turn step 1, IF Tachyon lacks Protection and lacks a Decoy THEN Dragon Tail
On your turn step 2, IF Tachyon lacks Protection and lacks a Decoy THEN Mud Shot + Spikes

(We tried to remove "lacks protection". Why? What on earth?)
Attract can't trip us up because
Are we willing to be Phazed to do this? I think so. Astrol comes in and dies, tomo comes in and dies.
...No, we're not willing to get phazed. SCRAP THE CHOMP SPIKES LINE
Any send-in and first order needs to be able to beat *Aggron's* Roar + Dragon Tail
Workshop a Chomp send-in holding Red Card that focuses on attacking.
Our worst case is if we phaze to Astrolotl without doing big damage AND get phazed back. We have few tools to prevent Roar, though. So we need to deal as much damage as possible as a punishment.

The following moves do NOT outrace Earth Power (22 dmg) + Red Card:
Avalanche: Aggron deals 24, takes 6, and gets phazed.
Bulldoze: Not enough Speed on its own. Even if Astrolotl outspeeds us, they have to order first into us and we can Scale Shot or Outrage or Rest into their Rest, as needed.
Counter: Our attacks are Special.
Dynamic Punch: Combo Level 4, so it deals 10 total damage and Aggron takes 2. We deal 22 and take 11: Total: Us -21, Aggron -23, and we have higher maximum HP.
Endeavor: Annoying, but procs Red Card. So -30 HP.
Endure: We have no SpA or Bonuses.
Icy Wind: We have Special Defense. See Bulldoze.
Magnet Rise: Mainline Dragon Rage and sub Earth Power "if not Hovering"
Metal Burst: Procs Red Card, so -30 HP. We take 28, though, so we should hit this carefully.
Protect: We need to Phaze on this. Unfortunately, we can't luxuriously set Spikes because of the potential for a Substitute -> Protect line.
Roar: A big issue, but one we address passively by making very aggressive orders.
Rock Blast: Rock Blast + Mud-Slap is available. This probably eats an entire sub on its own.
Sand Tomb: Please?
Spite: None of the effects of Dread are relevant. It very slightly increases the damage of Aggron's special Ice moves.
Taunt: We're willing to be Taunted if it means chunking Hyjack's HP a ton and/or phazing Aggron.
You can see in Round 8-9 where it all fell off the rails after that disastrous Heavy Metal Roar. Maybe someday I'll win another one of these.

Well played, Hyjack!