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Zap Cannon + Swift - Ice Beam - Ice Beam
At the start of your turn, IF Braviary is under Protection, THEN use Reflect first instance and Soft-Boiled second instance, pushing back each time
At the start of your turn, IF Braviary is to use Double Team, THEN use Shock Wave and push back
At the start of your turn, IF Braviary is to use Fly, THEN use Thunder and push back
At the start of your turn, IF Braviary has a Decoy, THEN use Moonblast and push back
Good game, and well played! I also had lots of fun. Here are my notes if you want to take a look, but they might be a bit hard to understand.
League Circuit 14 Notes:
round 1:
foul play teleport => heat crash x3 to kill kart (but what if it does protect - move - protect to chicken dance?)
reflect teleport => 8 turns of reflect for snorlax, more flexibility if kart switches out (it probably will), but i lose out on the potential kart kill (would ayush even let me get the kill?)
kart switch vs snorlax probably to snaelstrom?
if snaelstrom then i probably counterswitch to dodrio right and then spam sky attack
if braviary hisui then i probably stay in since i don't want to reveal all mons and i don't want slowbro to die (shadow ball LO sheer force tinted lens is scary)
round 2:
yay whirlpool gamble paid off! okay now the goal is to get off as many heat crashes as possible (heat crash deals 26 without band and 34 with band but dodrio needs band probably so we'll go with lefties)
optimal play for kart is probably to protect - move - protect so we gotta find something to make kart pay for the protect (sacred sword deals 15)
curse? belly drum? stockpile?
who would kart switch into? imo it's probably a toss-up because they all seem, at first, pretty even into snorlax. let's see
braviary deals 26 with cc, has fly which is bad but we have thunder which deals 32 so whatever, wild charge deals 18 (24 with charge, 26 if supercell slam with charge) with 2 recoil which is less than ideal but we heal that off with lefties anyways
snaelstrom is a tough nut to crack since it can sit on us with poison heal and high defenses, we deal 14 with wild charge (20 with charge, 21 if supercell slam with charge) and 1 recoil, it deals 17 with hydro cannon which we outdamage probably)
ursaluna deals 30 with close combat which is terrifying, we deal 16 with skull bash with the advantage of having +1 defense so it's probably okay
conclusion: kart probably switches to snaelstrom and we should probably curse to get boosts
WAIT we can just block through protect okay never mind kart isn't getting out of this alive
hmm, we don't even care about countering since we take so little anyways
okay new optimal orderset (i think) is heat crash x3 vs his solar blade x3 which ends up being kart dead and snorlax taking 17*3-6-2-2 = 41 damage and ending up at 115-41 = 74 HP wow snorlax is tanky
alright so the orders now are heat crash x3, protect sub to use block, and ...what about substitute. that costs 16 HP per sub, and it blocks heat crash so ayush could reduce my 78 damage to 48 leaving kart at 23, no decoy, and not being trapped. insane, but that's the new optimal move for him i guess.
do i want to just raw order block to make sure he actually can't escape? but he could counter that by just ordering sub and i don't want to draw attention to that. oh well i guess i am fine with taking zero and him losing 48. that's still a positive trade right.
okay so final orders, heat crash x3 with protect sub to use block and curse, under the expectation that ayush will sub x3 and switch next round (if he finds this line.) coolio.
round 4:
oops i never wrote any notes for round 3, but it was simple enough anyways. i countered to avoid brick break but i forgot reflect was running out anyways...
okay vs ursaluna... we already analyzed this matchup and it looks like skull bashing is the best option? we only have one step left of reflect which is sad, so close combat will deal 15 under reflect (no burn) and 30 without (with burn). so this means ursaluna 2-shots us, and we can probably get off one action. however, we could probably skull bash x2 and survive long enough to actually land two of them. let's see. skull bash deals 16, and two of them deal 32. that leaves ursaluna at 73, or 69 with burn.
what could snorlax do on the utility side? that is, what could snorlax do with a utility move that's more valuable than 32 damage. i could roar maybe, to make ayush pick his last mon. i could also charm to reduce damage output. GASTRO ACID! that cripples ursaluna a bunch AND gives me survivability. okay what combos does snorlax have with gastro acid... only nondamaging one is with toxic. 36 EN for a gastro acid seed bomb combo... that's actually not bad. it even deals 12 damage. okay so we'll do a seed bomb + gastro acid combo into skull bashes. how much does burned guts-less ursaluna do without reflect? ah 15. so ursaluna still 3HKOs with close combat. does ursaluna even want to close combat x3? that leaves it with minus defenses. we can probably assume no right. so let's say ayush goes for the safer hammer arm (ursaluna is slow anyways). hammer arm does 12 without guts.
dig blocks contact and multi-target actions! what can snorlax do to avoid that? seed bomb probably. belly drum? is that an issue? counter we can just solar beam (12 damage). OH low kick probably hits cap 12 BAP so he'll definitely use that over close combat. hmm, it gets refresh, so it could use that to recover from burn. or rest. substitute i just skull bash away. if it taunts, our combo sub just doesn't trigger. oh torment could be tricky. let's put skull bash in a sub then. okay let's replace seed bomb + gastro acid with toxic + gastro acid so torment can't get rid of the combo.
okay orders are finalized. this is going to be FINE. definitely.
round 5:
okay that was NOT fine. i forgot that checking at +1 priority means decoy can be set at +0 priority... okay well let's switch to sheldon here. we have a type advantage boosted by berserk gene, and if ayush switches out, we can always counterswitch.
update: okay so ayush switched to braviary-hisui @ life orb, so we definitely have to switch out. slowbro takes massive damage from those shadow balls (28 i think). let's switch to clefable because it has meme beam! meme beam deals 30 damage at +1 and 34 at +2 which is very nice. in exchange, braviary's best damaging move is... hurricane for 21? steel wing does 17, so yeah probably hurricane. okay this is good, we outdamage it by a lot and we have more HP. now how could braviary disrupt meteor beam? multi-hit moves? dual wingbeat is-- wait no it doesn't okay phew. decoy we can just break with dual wingbeat. i REALLY want to secure this braviary kill, but it could also protect - u-turn - protect...
okay i have concluded that clefable cannot trap braviary. i think what i could do is defend against exactly the aforementioned worst-case-scenario orderset by countering with calm mind - baton pass - calm mind, so that can be one of my subs. oh right double team. i can counter that with aim. okay i'll sleep on these orders tonight and see what i come up with tomorrow.
hello this is duo from the future and i missed fly. very fortunate that i slept on this. also fortunate that clefable gets thunder so there's that. and braviary doesn't know any other evasive move so we are good to just sub for exactly fly. well now we're out of subs. hmm... does braviary get anything else... oh we can counter double team spam with swift rather than aim. okay hmm... well what if braviary does move - u-turn - protect. okay i could sacrifice the substitute sub i guess. meteor beam takes out sub already anyways. in exchange, i can probably add a protect sub to use calm mind. what i really want is a sub to calm mind under protect and a sub to teleport under u-turn... OKAY i got it. i'll force braviary to u-turn twice to make it stick by using a "not on any upcoming step" sub. cool
so my final orderset will be meme beam x3, sub for protect (calm mind), sub for one u-turn (protect), sub for double team (swift), and sub for fly (thunder) let's get this bread... actually let's swap swift for disarming voice for STAB. NOW, let's get this bread... just kidding shock wave deals more damage so we're swapping disarming voice for shock wave. NOW let's actually get this bread.
round 6:
WHY DID MEME BEAM MISS :-( that would have almost KOd too... okay so now what do we do. we want to counterswitch to slowbro so we can blast ursaluna with stab water moves right. that's probably surf (i'm not trusting hydro pump after what just happened) and maybe chilling water, but i don't think chilling water is worth it.
ursaluna's supercell slam deals 26 which, from 95 HP, is a 4HKO. slowbro's surf deals 17 or 26 with specs. we can do a funny thing where we use scarf to outspeed ursaluna by 10 speed and then threaten dive which forces it to use... exactly rock tomb. okay let's do a sub that forces two rock tombs to make it stick. oh right it could counter with its own dig, so let's counter that dig with scald (strongest and most reliable single-target water move). let's also toss in standard protect and decoy subs, as well as putting dive in an if able sub. oh what if ursaluna tries to steal the-- it can't. belly drum sub? does ursaluna get any +priority moves that could hit before dive? hmm better check tomorrow.
future duo here, no it doesn't get any +priority attacks. hmm, i really don't know what else to sub for. oh torment. duh. okay let's counter torment with substitute. OH i'm so glad i caught the issue with my bulldoze protect sub. it triggered at start of turn, when it should've triggered start of step. good thing i went over this. let's move all of the "to use move" to start of step. hmm, this is tricky though because how do i only substitute when slowbro doesn't have a substitute. if we break it into two subs where the first disables the second if you already have a sub, then that means no other subs can trigger and that's a problem. oh and we're assuming that we're faster too. hmm i think i know.
subs have been edited. you know what, bbp subs are like programming. this is hurting my head, and i'm pretty sure i've covered all of my bases. time to send these orders.
just kidding i went back and edited my orders. i was trying to figure out what we do if ursaluna has a sub, is slower, and uses dig because i can't just earthquake it... but then i realized i was stupid. A: earthquake hits through dig. B: to get a sub, it would probably get hit by dive already, meaning scald takes it out. but then again, going back to A, scald is unnecessary.
saving my orders here for now while we clarify the regenerator and berserk gene state of the battle with ayush
Counterswitching toSheldon the Slowbro holding aChoice Scarf!
Surf - Surf - Surf
At the start of the step, IF Ursaluna is to use Bulldoze and is not to use Bulldoze on any upcoming step, THEN use Protect
At the start of the step, IF Ursaluna is to use Dig, THEN use Earthquake
At the start of your turn, IF Ursaluna is under Protection, THEN use Nasty Plot
At the start of your turn, IF Ursaluna has a Decoy, THEN use Earthquake
At the start of your turn, IF Ursaluna is faster than you, THEN use Surf
At the start of your turn, IF Ursaluna is to use Torment, THEN use Substitute first instance
At the start of your turn, IF able, THEN use Dive
round 7:
alright, ayush is switching to braviary forcing me into another first order situation because i want clefable in vs braviary. fortunately for us, we already ordered first into this thing, so we can just copy our orders from last time! yay
however, hold on. braviary can 2HKO us with steel wing (20x2 = 40) so we'll have to kill it before it can get off a second action. either an OHKO or some speed alteration. let's see here... meteor beam combo with hyper beam deals 34 which is just 2 short, and i don't think slowbro has priority to deal with a 2 HP braviary. so that's a no-go. next, we can try paralysis with... zap cannon! that's good. zap cannon + sweet kiss almost guarantees us a dead braviary, but sweet kiss has 75% accuracy and we'd die to the second hit anyways. we can do... zap cannon + swift? yeah. that's probably the best option. and then we can follow up with some 9 BAP coverage move like ice beam. now, we can just copy our subs from last time except change them to secure our combo. protect, double team, and fly subs are all probably fine, but u-turn sub is useless since we aim to kill this thing. oh, we should sub for substitute so it doesn't eat our combo. is that all? hmm... let's run through various scenarios of our subs activating.
protect - u-turn - protect is fine because we'll still get off our combo, leaving it paralyzed at 10 HP and easy for slowbro to clean up. ursaluna will then eat a few ice beams before killing clefable, and then scarf (lol) slowbro can kill the rest, probably.
double team means it gets shock waved for 17 which is net negative for him, and substitute costs 20 HP which is also net negative for him. great!
let's ship these orders then. they worked well enough last time didn't they.
round 8:
oh he forfeited. okay time to post these notes i guess