League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Always welcome to see Sona buffs. The global cooldown has always pissed me off.
I tried out Zyra on PBE. I can play her, verses other Zyras. She seems pretty good at supporting as well.
The Evelynn changes is better for stomping noobs, but worse for higher levels. Her detection range is almost as far as her vision.
The Xin Zhao changes are interesting, however, they seem overpowered for sustain.
Patch always subject to change until it goes live but it seems to me Evelynn was mostly nerfed (except the slow removal... doesn't even remove snares though) and so was Twitch if not for the range buff, which seems like it could make him like MF at best (strong early laning but overall one of the worst AD carries still) in exchange for losing all his awesome gimmicks that otherwise made him situationally ultra-broken. Seems pretty asinine considering how poor they already perceived.
i can't think of a reason for how they changed his ult - 'we wanted to focus him on stacking deadly poison' well yeah but that's just a strict damage nerf l0l

but hey maybe he'll turn out to be alright, it's too early to say stuff like that
Patch always subject to change until it goes live but it seems to me Evelynn was mostly nerfed (except the slow removal... doesn't even remove snares though) and so was Twitch if not for the range buff, which seems like it could make him like MF at best (strong early laning but overall one of the worst AD carries still) in exchange for losing all his awesome gimmicks that otherwise made him situationally ultra-broken. Seems pretty asinine considering how poor they already perceived.

Nerfed in comparison to what? Eve as she is now, or Eve as she was before she was pounded to the ground?

Because in the case of the former, I'd have trouble believing you because she was legitimately the worse champion in the game. In the case of the latter, of course it was nerfed in comparison; old Evelynn was one of the most broken things this game has ever known.

Her being unable to remove Snares is what's going to make her able to be balanced, since she can be stopped by something, rather than being an unstoppable gank machine that gives no warning.

I don't know anything about Twitch so I don't know how the changes will affect him.
The changes to Xin Zhao look kind of absurd, and I think they'll only make him pubstomp harder without making him more viable at higher levels of play.

I haven't played on PBE, but Eve looks like she has a much higher skillcap now thanks to her new passive, which is basically Metal Gear Evelynn. And her Q will finally deal more damage to enemy champions then her summoner's fingers.

Twitch seems like a ranged Shaco that is actually useful in teamfights, which is going to be incredibly unhealthy for the game.

Overall, I can see why Riot did what they did, I just don't agree. And now that Xin, Eve, and Twitch have all gotten their stuff, I wish Riot would move on to Sejuani, Xerath, Heimerdinger, and Teemo.

There is literally no reason to pick any of those champions, except maybe Teemo. And Teemo is literally the most anti fun champion in the game, since his abilities are enraging to play against but provide very little fun for the Teemo player.
sejuani needs work but is pretty good - she controls teamfights really well and is NOT an inferior nautilus despite what some people will tell you. she has obvious and exploitable flaws though

xerath, with his ult being changed a bit should go back to being viable as a long range burster

heimer is getting reworked

teemo is in a bad place, i'll agree. he doesn't dominate lane as hard as most people think he does and his utility is limited
I think the single most effective tweak to Sejuani would be to make her W apply the bonus damage at all times as part of its base damage, and instead of doing bonus damage to frosted opponents make it apply frost. As someone who often plays Sejuani I cannot tell you how many times I have been chasing down an opponent who is just outside of my autoattack range, but still sitting in my W, and I am unable to catch them because they run back to their turret. Also, making this do more damage would help her jungle clear tremendously (think mundo/shyvana Ws), which is one of the first people Sejuani haters point out.
honestly, if Sejuani's Q reset after kill or assist she would be in a lot better position. after she blows through all her skills there is an awkward 5-7 second (prolly more) down time.
I think everybody is missing the AD ratio on expunge, the faster attack speed boosts on stealth, and the increased slow at beggining (although skillshot aoe does make me sad), when complaining about twitch nerfs.

I hadn't leagued in like a month but I popped into a normal, grabbed Renekton, and tried to carry my team going 19/6 (I actually started off 14/0), but we all melted in teamfights thanks to Talon and Ashe, who were both fed to hell.

But then I queued up as Sion, went 4/0 and won a surrender at 20, so that was cool.

I've never done ARAM before, so I found some random game to join and went as Sion, my team made me go AD (which I've never done before), but apparently the other team was quite inexperienced and we won quickly. ARAM is a lot of fun, I'll have to do it more.

Two questions:
1. How do you build AD Sion? I just grabbed like PD and Sanguine Blade then started building to an IE lol
2. What Runes should I run on AP Sion?
2. What Runes should I run on AP Sion?

Magic pen marks
Mana per 5(flat if possible) seals
Flat magic resist glyphs
Flat Ability power quints

best way to go mid imo, MS quints also work if you don't own AP but you really want a high early game shield strength as sion
Welcome to not-even-level-30.

You'll also notice that though my CS is awful (since I was sharing a lane and had pretty high ping), I was the only one on my team above 70 CS.

@Minwu if you want a strong shield wouldn't flat AP reds be better than Magic Pen?
Welcome to not-even-level-30.

You'll also notice that though my CS is awful (since I was sharing a lane and had pretty high ping), I was the only one on my team above 70 CS.

@Minwu if you want a strong shield wouldn't flat AP reds be better than Magic Pen?

The AP you get from reds isn't quite as good as what you get from quints, and magic pen is just a really good stat for trading damage with other champions regardless. The ~15 AP from a full set of quints is a lot better than the ~6 mpen from quints though.
I agree whole heartedly that teemo is the most un-fun champion in game right now. He is extremely underwhelming to play with and annoying as fuck to play against.
The AP you get from reds isn't quite as good as what you get from quints, and magic pen is just a really good stat for trading damage with other champions regardless. The ~15 AP from a full set of quints is a lot better than the ~6 mpen from quints though.

Word, sounds good. Thanks man, I appreciate it.
i dont get the teemo hate, hes a fun character to play as. his mushrooms are a neat mechanic and its always smile inducing when a character runs over it.
Two questions:
1. How do you build AD Sion? I just grabbed like PD and Sanguine Blade then started building to an IE lol

You don't.

2. What Runes should I run on AP Sion?

Greater Quintessence of Potency x3
Greater Mark of Insight x9
Greater Seal of Replenishment x9
Greater Glyph of Force x9


I'd honestly suggest you play Ryze over Sion, much more powerful.

ryze and sion aren't very similar at all

They accomplish the same thing, Ryze is just better at it/doesn't fall off late game. I've found Ryze to be very good for pre-30 players, he excels at punishing mistakes and has a strong presence. Just make sure you turn on smartcast and get rid of the camera lock, you'll be swinging in no time.