League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

personally i think people are getting unnessarily worked up about the sandbox comments and there was a few really good points (transparency and client upgrades are huge). But thats just me
they can solve 90% of the complaints by just making Urf mode playable in customs, like seriously the only reason they haven't done it is probably because it's too hard to program that option for custom games into the shitty client
they can solve 90% of the complaints by just making Urf mode playable in customs, like seriously the only reason they haven't done it is probably because it's too hard to program that option for custom games into the shitty client
Too hard? Mate, League of Legends is one of the biggest games of all time. If they implemented it before, why don't they just repeat that step?
To be honest, the attitude they gave towards their potential sandbox mode was really disappointing. Riot believes that if they implement this sandbox mode, when a player wants to improve on something, they would just automatically hop into the sandbox mode and practice, as opposed to playing a live game. I don't understand how this makes sense, or why this would be a bad thing. The whole idea of a sandbox mode would be for people to try new things out to see if it actually works before going into an actual live game and potentially causing a disaster. Sandbox mode isn't just about people learning. It can also be about just having fun with some friends. Or it can even come in handy for content creators on YouTube.

Honestly it just seems like a really lazy response from Riot, and it looks like they're just looking for a random excuse to not implement this mode. What's your stance towards sandbox mode?
For the most part (barring the starting with like no gold and having to wait) isn't Custom Mode pretty close to a Sandbox Mode anyway?
Too hard? Mate, League of Legends is one of the biggest games of all time. If they implemented it before, why don't they just repeat that step?
you misunderstand, it's "too hard" in that Riot would rather spend resources on things that make them money, like schoolgirl Ahri skins, due to their misplaced sense of priorities
They dont even give a shit about the Ahri skin, they aren't adding jam and toast to the model and won't give special lines like "I-its not like i like you or anything b-baka"

God I hate the Academy Darius skin. It makes him look like a total pansy. I mean, I can totally see the Gamagori look, but he really didn't need that white hair stripe. Looks like a skunk.

this thread is actually so depressing lol, all these west coast commenters being like "yeah... went up 40 ping, woo." While we're talking about riot's reasoning, why are they not keeping their portland center up? In their post they talk about the unity and community of na... still seems like the west coast (western canada in particular, you could get ~40 from alberta/bc if you weren't too far north) is getting fuked in the ass

I mean fuck those (BAN ME PLEASE)s actually they've had low ping this whole time now it's time for me to be challenjour

also new fiora builds? i'm guessing tiamat brutalizer lw bc youmuu's isn't a good build anymoe. tforce rushinto tank and be an irelia with more utility?
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IE scales really well on Fiora, considering her e scales with crit damage. I built standard Fiora yesterday and had solid results.
I thought the new Fiora differed a lot from the old Fiora

Old Fiora had an awesome level 1, 2, 3 that meant she could bully opponents out of lane and get an advantage and snowball off that. New Fiora doesn't really have that, I thought she was really weak until 6. I picked her into Riven, because I could do that with old Fiora and bully the Riven out of lane with my superior Lifesteal passive and more damage, but it didn't really work out. I maxed W then E, although thinking back maxing E seems best with new Fiora.

Basically I think the new Fiora instead of having a less steep more stable power spike (Fiora had a couple power spikes at 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 (if max Q first), 11, 18) the new Fiora is kinda weak early but scales pretty well starting at level 6 when she can really duel people. So Champions who have a similar scaling path but slightly better spikes (like Riven or Irelia) will really punish her now. Kinda reminds me of Vayne except for Top lane melee assassins tbh

Anyone have any differing build paths? I went Tiamat into Cleaver, which may or may not have been the best build path but I was really low and gold and had already commited to Tiamat (I wanted Cleaver so I could get the Phage passive and I didn't want to just build a trinity. Youmouus might have been a good buy as well)
Yeah. Her q animation is very smooth and it is on a low enough cooldown late game that you don't feel vulnerable all inning. I was up against a gangplank who went tp, while I went ignite, which made for a much easier game.

Also the trick with her is to duel when the passive is facing you, poke them with an auto or q in and then get out . If they retaliate, you have riposte and a slow/crit to wshow hem who's boss.
Yeah. Her q animation is very smooth and it is on a low enough cooldown late game that you don't feel vulnerable all inning. I was up against a gangplank who went tp, while I went ignite, which made for a much easier game.
Can she still lay down game breaking penta kills just like before?
Guess it's time to install League again, /mute all at start of the game, lock in as jungler, power farm 'till ~15-20 minute mark and murk entire teams.
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She sucks as jungle tho. Her e only hits for two autos and her w doesn't bounce monster projectiles. And she doesn't passively regen from hitting creeps/monsters like she used to.
But she already sucked as jungler anyway. Is she even worse in the jungle now? If not, I might just go Yi and do the exact same but rampage harder.