personally i think people are getting unnessarily worked up about the sandbox comments and there was a few really good points (transparency and client upgrades are huge). But thats just me
Too hard? Mate, League of Legends is one of the biggest games of all time. If they implemented it before, why don't they just repeat that step?they can solve 90% of the complaints by just making Urf mode playable in customs, like seriously the only reason they haven't done it is probably because it's too hard to program that option for custom games into the shitty client
No, not at all. Lol.For the most part (barring the starting with like no gold and having to wait) isn't Custom Mode pretty close to a Sandbox Mode anyway?
you misunderstand, it's "too hard" in that Riot would rather spend resources on things that make them money, like schoolgirl Ahri skins, due to their misplaced sense of prioritiesToo hard? Mate, League of Legends is one of the biggest games of all time. If they implemented it before, why don't they just repeat that step?
Yeah I mean, I know everyone else was gonna let that slide but holy shit. Bro. Are you like, are you feeling okay? That's a real low point there...
Oh yeah I see. It's disgusting to see where Riot Games' priorities misunderstand, it's "too hard" in that Riot would rather spend resources on things that make them money, like schoolgirl Ahri skins, due to their misplaced sense of priorities
Haven't checked or played her since her update. How is she? Still as rewarding as before?IE scales really well on Fiora, considering her e scales with crit damage. I built standard Fiora yesterday and had solid results.
Can she still lay down game breaking penta kills just like before?Yeah. Her q animation is very smooth and it is on a low enough cooldown late game that you don't feel vulnerable all inning. I was up against a gangplank who went tp, while I went ignite, which made for a much easier game.