I tried the new Fiora and ended up against another Fiora, the one who gets luckier with the passive spots and can W against either Q or second E autoattack wins, which I did. Got first blood and she couldn't do anything from there.
I built Hydra into trinity which worked out well, though I would have built Spirit visage/Frozen heart if the game had lasted longer.
She feels less binary, definitely snowballs less hard than before and unless some tanky korean build emerges she looks a lot weaker as a jungler since she can't press r to dive you anymore or sustain on monsters. Her ability to take down turrets with a huge attackspeed steroid is gone as well.
On the other hand she now has a much better fallback pattern if she loses lane, her escape is significantly better and her lvl6 is still pretty good in 2v2 situations.
My only real concern with the rework is her E which is disappointing gameplay-wise and feels weird if you build crits since it prevents your 1st attack from critting while the 2nd synergizes well with IE.
Her R is a long shot from what it was but the new Fiora is fun to play and is now a safer pick in a lot of situations imo, expecting her to do well in toplane, I'll try her botlane next.