League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I understand the feeling. They tilt, they rage, they go 1-8 every other game, they pick horrible picks, they do good and throw 40 minutes in. They don't know how to itemize vs their lane opponents and lose lane because of it. They don't understand why certain champions are good. This is ranked. Get used to it.

People say it is the elo, but sometimes they say they have trouble climbing when they just aren't as bad as the elo. To climb reliably in ranked, you have to be around 4-5 divisions above where you are right now. That is just how it is. People will tell you "gold is easy." well that is because they severely outclass the gold elo or they got a lucky win streak into a brute force mmr climb into platinum diamond or where they ended up.

Just keep trying. If you are truly better than the elo you are in, eventually your bad luck will end. Eventually you will go on a lucky win streak and hold onto it for meaningful climb. Don't tilt. Tilting causes severe damage to your account in ranked. It is much easier to tilt down 150 mmr than to gain it.

Play mid lane, play jungle. If you are better at ADC than the people you are matched with, you can play that, crush bot lane, and solo carry games. Play a mid laner who has meaningful impact if you go even in lane or can hard carry a game if you are ahead. Play a mid laner who can turn things around when your teammates are trash. Play Annie. Play Viktor. Play Brand. Play Ahri. Play Fizz Play a Devourer Jungle, Evelynn, or play an anti metagame jungler. I am 30-11 with Rammus in gold elo ranked because I pick him into Zed and I win every time. If you play a top laner, play one who can get ahead and carry in teamfights. Irelia, Wukong, Garen with Ignite, Darius with Teleport, Tryndamere with Teleport.

Gold elo players don't know how to CS. Sometimes I can get 180-190 by 20 minutes while my opponent has 120. I don't do this every game. Although the point is, you will eventually climb out slowly if you can do these little things every time the chance calls for it.

Pick champions who can take advantage of weak solo queue picks (twisted fate, lee sin, etc.) Annie into Twisted Fate is really great when most players in the elo don't even know how to rock Twisted Fate. You can win lane, pressure lane, and outscale him. Be able to contest roams, be able to teamfight better etc.

Pick a power farming jungler into champions which don't farm well in the jungle. Udyr or Shyvana into a Warwick is literally the easiest win.

If you are playing support, just play Janna, Soraka, and Blitzcrank. Soraka is rather teammate dependent, but she's good vs stuff like Nautilus. Avoid playing support altogether.

Make sure you abuse your free dodge every day. Losing 3 LP is perfectly fine. It has no effect on your MMR.

You need to roam as a top laner. If mid and bot lost, you're the only chance at winning, and you need to be strong enough to fight an adc or a mid laner who is ahead. I believe in the 40-40-20 theory. 40% is how your team does, 40% is the enemy team, 20% is you. You can't win every game. Of course if you are severely better than Gold, you can climb easily. Join the club. I need to grind my ass out of the elo too. I don't carry my shitty teammates, so im here as well. I need to carry harder, or slowly work my way out.

I will post more later when I think of it.
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also Triangles you really shouldn't focus on your current rank at all. gold 3/4/5 or w.e. is just riot's skewed representation of elo and is mainly to give goals or a sense of 'improvement' when that's really not the case. the difference between gold 5 and gold 3 is like 150-200 elo numerically at the most which is pretty insignificant in terms of overall player skill. i started playing a lil over a year ago and i'm hovering at mid-high plat atm (from being bronze last season at one point) and just from playing more i've just minor nuances in mechanics or decision making that used to or still hinder me. just play to improve. one of the best ways to do so is recording your matches on op.gg and watching them a few days later in order to gauge what you did wrong / how you could improve / how you would reverse engineer the situation to play subjectively ideally. i realllllllllly like ls even though a lot of people don't and i'd recommend watching his videos to get a better representation of some decision making / tidbits of information you wouldn't have known before in order to add to your toolbox: https://www.youtube.com/user/lastshadow9

furthermore, i found the most success when i just spammed on champion even if it was way more tedious (possibly not ideal since you should play to have fun..). gaining elo is fun tho right? i went from gold 5 -> plat 5 in 3 days by actually grinding and using ori p much every match-- i was way above gold 5-plat 5 lvl when i did so but not fucking around with 4fun champs really does make a difference.

also u should probably get a duo partner. you're way less prone to being toxic. well... in mine and Rewer's escapades of grinding we kinda spammed mia pings at eachother and our teammates whenever they fucked up but hey man u live and u learn!!
First ranked pentakill this year. Xin Zhao

I think Xin Zhao is pretty point and click. Play him Triangles. If you have Scaling Armor Seals, use those. Those are strong on him.


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or just play whatever the hell you want and have fun. what's the point in playing a game if it feels more like a burden than anything else? also, don't forget to play smart. it doesn't matter how sick your mechanics are if you just let their jungler style all over you and/or are unable to make use of the leads you get. don't play when you're tilting (hello dice <3) and be nice to your teammates (sometimes i like to roleplay as my waifu when i'm mad in order not to bring my team down n_n)

very important edit: BAN VIKTOR GET ELO
play a champ who looks silly and people wont take u serious and make more mistakes so u can beat them easy

source: i main bard and spooky ghost nocturne and i am the best player i know
Just had a Jinx in my game who built AP. Don't care about grinding or climbing so much. Primarily little beta male kids who play the game anyway. I reccomend not climbing if its not fun, and only climb to have fun.

If you think plat players are good, just realize a lot of the same bullshit you experience in gold doesn't change as you climb. Nothing wrong with being where you are. Don't let league be a detrimental thing on your life.

I see low diamond and plat players who are pretty pathetic when it comes to certain things. I know its not saying much since im a low elo player and im obviously not nearly as good. The point is, even higher elo players still have a ton to learn. Huge skill gap between them and master/challenger level.

Just play to learn and have fun. Don't break your back for a shitty border imo. I am not doing it either.
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Do not spam pings at your teammates when you're salty btw, its a very bad habit I got, srry. It's really annoying.

Gaining elo is a side effect of being good, so try to play to improve and focus on learning instead of lp (unless you play annie, then do w/e you want and you're plat)

But yeah basically play your best with things you have fun with and try to learn as much as you can from your games
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Don't rage at your teammates. (my bad habit.) They are overly sensitive due to their age. Don't distract the fools with a petty argument. They want to be right instead of winning the game.

They definitely play a lot worse too. Some people deserve harsh criticism, but for your own sake just mute everyone and play to win. They will make the same mistake 5 times no matter how many times you tell them.


Pretty much that, but don't say anything to them.