League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

The casters went OFF on how much better C9 was than TSM haha.

I like that Hai's playstyle is getting some vindication because I've felt for a long time that being a slightly selfish jungler in the early game pays off in the long run.
1) Learn to last hit
2) Learn to have map awareness
3) Learn how to play a multitude of roles
4) After learning how to play a multitude of roles, build a repertoire of champions that you prefer to use
5) Save up any IP you have until level 30 so that you can buy two full rune pages instead of spending it on champions.
6) And don't start playing ranked until you are used to actually playing the champions in the repertoire you built (mentioned in step 4) so that will have a much easier time with your placement matches (chances are if you start playing ranked as soon as you hit 30 you will end up Bronze/Low-Mid Silver)
7) Play Fiora because she is broke af
8) Stop playing LoL ASAP because it's a huge waste of time and sometimes money
7) Play Fiora because she is broke af

i cuda told u taht yrs ago >.<

anyway, another p. kewl trick: wach ur own creeps hp. ur own creep dying will tell u alot wut the other guy is gonna do.. he gonna either go 4 the cs or if he sux he gonna try 2 hit u. now throw in a mix here by hitting the 1st minion a few times 2 desync the minion deths, aka u last hit first n then get 2 punish the enemy wile he go 4 his cs - ur welcome ur @least gold now
dude, you think I didn't know fiora was broke years ago? she was like the fourth champ I bought.
I have 650 normal wins total and over 4000 ranked wins (at least) so take it from me, you can and should start playing ranked the instant you hit 30 and should try to buy 16 champions by the time you hit 30 so that you can do so. The reason for this is simple: playing normals is an utter waste Of time. You will not improve much (and will get worse after a certain point) and won't be playing for anything.

Read guides (don't watch streams) to learn what champions do and how they interact. Most importantly though, learn from your mistakes. If you minimize your own deaths that is 90% of the battle. The situations in which it is acceptable to follow a teammate into death are few and you won't be able to distinguish them for a long time, so always err on the side of caution.

Always ignore your teammates (though do not put them on ignore, simply don't respond if they address you) in solo queue. They will rarely be constructive via chat and even less often will your responding be constructive, so just don't do it.

Never spend Rp on anything except for skins.

Buy general purpose runes first and don't worry too much about rune page setups - specialized setups aren't generally worth it until well into Diamond. Just take the obvious stuff and focus on your own play.

Finally, learn how to play one champion comfortably in every role but particularly support. For whatever reason terrible league of legends players (aka the ones you'll be matched with as you learn) simply can't play support because they carry so hard, so you'll find yourself playing it a disproportionate amount of the time.

Finally, never get discouraged at a loss. Even he best players lose well over 40% of the games they play and most lose as often (or more) than they win. Learn what you can from one game and then leave it in the past. Never dwell.

Best of luck!
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I have 650 normal wins total and over 4000 ranked wins (at least) so take it from me, you can and should start playing ranked the instant you hit 30 and should try to buy 16 champions by the time you hit 30 so that you can do so. The reason for this is simple: playing normals is an utter waste Of time. You will not improve much (and will get worse after a certain point) and won't be playing for anything.
you take out of it what you put into it

just because the other team might not be tryharding doesn't mean you can't gain some useful knowledge/experience from normals. if you actively try to play well to improve, you usually will. you can still improve if that's your goal for playing, or even (god forbid) while playing for fun
No, I'm going to state that there is no way to legitimately improve by playing normals past a certain point. There simply isn't any better than mid-Plat competition in normals even if you have insane normals MMR, and I've never once seen a normals only player who is better than a low gold level player.

Simply put, the competition is minimal so it's like practicing for a fight by breaking a board with a karate chop.

And as Bruce Lee said, 'Boards don't hit back'.
well yes, literally there is a cap on MMR in normal games (there's one in ranked too :^) ), but considering it takes normal people thousands of games to reach mid-plat level then I don't see the rush for a fresh 30 with 150 wins ever jumping straight into ranked when there's still a lot of people better than them playing normals.

besides, 95%+ of all league players are at mid-plat or below, any kind of skill cap for players who prefer normals is not an issue for a majority of people
The reason most people are at mid-plat or below is because they play normals, it's a self fulfilling prophecy.

I'm arguing that if someone just plays ranked and legitimately tries to improve, it is almost certain that person will eventually hit a diamond level of play. Most people waste countless hours in normals not improving, which is fine I guess but I for one think it's much more fun to improve than to just sit around playing the same stuff and waiting for other people to get better than me.
i disagree, i think you should play normal games until you're comfortable enough with the game to start playing ranked

if you jump straight into ranked as soon as you hit level 30 without having the foundation to do so then you're going to feed, go 0-10 in provisionals, and get placed into bronze 3 where you will lose all motivation to try to climb up

normals has a wall in terms of "you probably won't get much better playing normals" but that wall is sufficiently high enough above "player who just hit level 30 for the first time" that it is absolutely worthwhile for a first-time play to stick with normals until he/she builds up a solid champion pool, learns how to ward, learns how to CS decently, and has a good idea of what most of the champions in this game are capable of

Minders123, playing bots is a fantastic way to improve your basic gameplay and to learn new champions, but don't make the mistake of playing only bot games until level 30 and then trying to play ranked. i highly recommend you get at LEAST 100ish normal games against actual people before playing ranked
On that point we can agree.

You should get a few hundred normals wins under your belt (probably 300-400) before trying ranked. You should be winning at least 55% of your normals games before playing ranked, and you should be able to play something in every role. My point is that from that point on, you should be playing almost exclusively ranked (except when playing a champion for the first time).

Given you're so new however, I'd recommend playing bots until you can CS decently (focusing on CSing is by far the most important thing in bots games) and then jumping into PvP. It'll be super hard at first but the more you play the more you'll learn.

Look at death recaps if you don't know why something killed you. When you die don't focus on the negative but focus on how to avoid it the next time.
^yep, definitely this. the most fun i've ever had playing this game were 5v5 custom game inhouses with 9 other friends all on skype. those of us who were diamond and plat sandbagged like hell and we'd have "player drafts" so the teams wouldn't be lopsided.

playing to win is fun in its own right but not everyone plays this game to hit challenger, keep that in mind. if you're not having fun then what's the point of playing the game?
Hmm i'm level 13 currently so i suppose i could start doing pvp matches from now on and see how i could improve.

whats a normal game vs playing ranked? arent they the same thing almost?
A normal game is one that has no impact on your skill rating, or MMR (essentially, everyone has a hidden skill rating that is roughly approximated by the 'tier' in which they currently are -eg gold III), while a ranked game is necessarily the opposite (additionally, ranked games are draft mode, meaning you wait to pick a champion and the same champ can't be picked by both teams). Generally ranked games are taken quite seriously, while normals games aren't. As you're learning I'd recommend playing as much PvP as you can while focusing on what I said before: CSing (practice in a custom game if need be), minimizing deaths, and learning lane matchups and champion abilities.