League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

okay. which champs are easiest to play though? I've been playing Ashe in bot lane quite a lot, but feel like i need to start playing more than one champ...

and i heard that Worlds won't be on again for another couple days... :/
Ya worlds is played over the weekends, so next weekend will be the last half of the group stage matches.

In terms of champions that are easy to play, that depends on the role. Soraka and Janna are pretty easy support champions, Ashe and Graves are pretty easy ADC champions, Ahri and Vladimir are fairly easy mid laners, and Renekton/Darius are pretty easy top laners. It mostly depends on your preferred style of play, however.

Junglers are a bit more tricky, but Amumu/Nunu/Sejuani/Rammus are probably good picks for a beginner jungler.
Master Yi/Warwick are also good beginner junglers, though their play style is quite different from the four US mentioned
Sejuani is a terrible pick for a first time jungler, she's been so gutted she can barely complete her first clear with runes at level 30, I hate to think what it's like without runes and masteries in a low level game where you don't get a leesh 50% of the time. Stick to junglers with innate sustain while learning.

Edit: Should probably add something positive instead of just shooting a comment down. I think Nocturne is an excellent champion for learning to jungle. He is flexible enough that he can go down several different build paths (tanky cinderhulk/ cinder/warrior bruiser/warrior assassin), has excellent farming capabilities, sustain, good tools for ganking with crowd control, and his ultimate encourages map awareness and cooperation with lanes.
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I mean if you just want a champion that's easy to clear with pick Fiddlesticks, you just press W and then go have a snack.

Sejuani is a good pick for a jungler because she's easy to learn and get a good handle on. Sure she won't be able to clear past Gromp/Blue/Wolves on the first clear without runes, but honestly no first timer should be doing more than that on any champ anyway.
I'd say that mid lane is probably easiest for a new player, because it's just you and so you can focus solely on what you have to do in terms of CSing, trading, and so on.
Why the fuck riot gotta put divison markers on borders? Im beginning to think g1 will look better than p5 now, but I rly fear that once its on PBE, they'll all look disgusting... Why riot gotta fuck with our loading screens, first this pointless ass champion mastery which is completely fuckin meaningless and just says to everyone 'I autistically main this hero and i'm still in shitter elo'. (I don't like being outed as a Dirty Wukong Picker). Then this division marker shit. Whole reason I even tried to climb at first was for the border and the e-peen, and now they have to fucking spoil that. It's like they promise you one thing but give you something completely different and shittier. Why does riot have to fuck with the game so much, like seriously, last 6 champion reworks are all perma fuckin pick or ban. How the fuck does riot's balancing team work? Do they all just sit in a room, smoke some crack, and stick in whatever numbers come to mind? 6 bans isn't enough any more, OP is always open. Lux is obscenely broken in SoloQ right now and she gets to do her stupid ass freelo shit every game because there's not enough bans to keep her down. I don't know, maybe I have some kind of cognitive bias against everything Riot does to the game now, every since they took my boi AP Sion out the game. I wish it was still season 3. If League had something like those fan made legacy vanilla Warcraft servers, I'd play the everloving fuck out that shit.

End of the day tho, I can vent but riot can do what the fuck they please as I'm their bitch and even if they do stupid shit like MORDE and GP, I'm still not gonna quit because I'm hooked. Fuck this beautiful game.

ok so im bronze. started out s4 but dropped really quickly due to huge lack of game knowledge. Recently, though, I've been taking advice from higher-elo friends/mentors (no not paid) and i've scratched myself up from b4 and am now sitting in b2. I know how to play the game, undeniably more than anyone else in b2 at the moment. One thing is holding me back from getting to silver/possibly gold and I'm hoping you guys can add ur encouragement/2 cents on this.

I have identified my problems and am working on improving them: Huge CS Problems. (many farm-only custom games are to come.) Warding problems (not warding enough, forgetting to upgrade trinkets and buy wards) and tunnel-visioning (It's hard not to as ghost/flash tf lol) and Yasuo (screw that champ, bad matchup for every mid-laner i play)

I am aware of those problems, but I am still able to win games in spite of them. That isn't the problem. The real problem is...

I can't solocarry garbage teams. Unforseen circumstances and this are keeping me back from silver again.

Now before you all call me out for that behavior and attitude seeing as it is very toxic, I'll explain myself. I can play my game perfectly. For instance, a gragas game I had once that's prolly still in my na.op.gg history. a good example of this is a gragas game that i lost in which I went 4/5/23. 82% kda and ecerything looked good. Flash body slams gave lanes easy kills and they capitalized on them very well. The only problem was that our aatrox continually dc'd, our zed afk'd in lane and gave their yas first blood, and bronzies don't know how to A. ADC, B. Teamfight, C. Group and siege.
essentially, I can't play any tanks in ranked because my team can't do something simple like capitalize on a 4-man sejuani ult, and full ap sejuani sadly isn't a thing that I can do on teams without a frontline.

I have recently picked up 2 champions that I have seemed to be doing very well with, though people discourage me from playing them because of "too high a skillcap" or some other bullcrap of that sort. These champs are Syndra and orianna. Syndra moreso than orianna becaue i have to rely less on my team with syndra than i do ori. with orianna I either have to rely on a decent frontliner's positioning in a teamfight or give an ult flash dissonance to become the frontline and help my team pick off really clumped-together teams.

I don't really know at this point though. Can I do something about smite flash trundle adc? Can i do anything about a top-laner who splitpushes at the most inopportune times and doesn't get any turrets/benefits from doing so? Can i do ANYTHING about a duo afk'ing and instantly losing the game for us? can I do anything about a blitzcrank who spends less time playing and more time saying
"f you olaf mother f'er f ur mother you stupid sucker mother f'er" (even though we won that game)

any tips would be appreciated for A.) How I can play tanks and still win B.) how to get a bronze team to do what's necessary to win. C.) How to play around Disconnects other than by instalocking akali in any position so i can solocarry if needed?

Thanks for all the help.

NA buddies Add me @: SteelUragaan
I can play my game perfectly.

No one can play a game of league of legends perfectly. I mean, you can certainly play things well and net your team a huge advantage off your plays, but there's almost always a way to improve your game. It's also important to realize that you aren't going to win every game; even in Plat and Diamond you'll hear ppl bitch and moan about how uncarriable their teams are. You have to understand that you are going to lose games due to unfortunate circumstances such as dcs / trolls. It's dumb and it sucks, but it happens and you just gotta keep grinding through it. Individual games don't matter very much in the long run: it's just some lost LP. The important thing is to always be thinking about what you could have done better that game. Like, maybe you got caught out trying to steal blue from their jungle, and while you played well the rest of the game, maybe that one mistake put their jungler ahead enough to scrape ahead of you in fights. Or, maybe you tanked a Blitzcrank hook from fog of war and your team gets aced afterwards b/c they decided to fight even though you're the only person on your team that does damage. Shit happens, but try to not to keep making the same mistakes that may cost you in the long run.

As for your questions, I haven't actually played in bronze so I don't know how relevant my advice is, but:

a) Get a dude fed and set him up for success. When I did my placements a year ago, I was basically a one-trick pony Janna player (and still am tbh, lolz). At that time, a lot of dudes thought Janna was harder to carry with b/c she doesn't autowin her lane and snowball it really hard, but the nice thing about playing Janna is that she minimizes the mistakes your teammates make. Oftentimes I had a pretty bad adc, but if one dude was fed or smart enough on our team it was really easy to protect that dude and keep him alive so that he could carry (and she also helps stop your team from feeding), even if he mispositioned or made glaring mistakes. As a tank, you can do a similar job by focusing attention onto yourself so that your fed dude can deal out damage, and you can use your CC to peel for your fed dude so he doesn't get blown up by the fed dudes on the other team. Sometimes, you might be able to get yourself fed enough to do damage, which is a luxury that pure utility champs like Janna don't have :).

b) Pings are a good tool. Try not to engage in stupid arguments b/c they just make the team less coordinated. Keep in mind what your team is doing when you make calls. If you want to rush baron but your adc decides to go bot to get farm and the enemy team is up relatively soon, just let it go and try to leverage your advantage elsewhere.

c) Accept that the disconnect happened and that you're at a pretty big disadvantage. Don't be hard on yourself if you lose, and just try your best to do what you can to win. I mean, you probably won't win unless you or your team as a whole is significantly better than the other dude, but maybe they are bad. Just try to play it out and see what happens.

or you can be like me and duo with someone who plays op freelo and can carry ur shitter ass n_n.
No one can play a game of league of legends perfectly. I mean, you can certainly play things well and net your team a huge advantage off your plays, but there's almost always a way to improve your game. It's also important to realize that you aren't going to win every game; even in Plat and Diamond you'll hear ppl bitch and moan about how uncarriable their teams are. You have to understand that you are going to lose games due to unfortunate circumstances such as dcs / trolls. It's dumb and it sucks, but it happens and you just gotta keep grinding through it. Individual games don't matter very much in the long run: it's just some lost LP. The important thing is to always be thinking about what you could have done better that game. Like, maybe you got caught out trying to steal blue from their jungle, and while you played well the rest of the game, maybe that one mistake put their jungler ahead enough to scrape ahead of you in fights. Or, maybe you tanked a Blitzcrank hook from fog of war and your team gets aced afterwards b/c they decided to fight even though you're the only person on your team that does damage. Shit happens, but try to not to keep making the same mistakes that may cost you in the long run.

As for your questions, I haven't actually played in bronze so I don't know how relevant my advice is, but:

a) Get a dude fed and set him up for success. When I did my placements a year ago, I was basically a one-trick pony Janna player (and still am tbh, lolz). At that time, a lot of dudes thought Janna was harder to carry with b/c she doesn't autowin her lane and snowball it really hard, but the nice thing about playing Janna is that she minimizes the mistakes your teammates make. Oftentimes I had a pretty bad adc, but if one dude was fed or smart enough on our team it was really easy to protect that dude and keep him alive so that he could carry (and she also helps stop your team from feeding), even if he mispositioned or made glaring mistakes. As a tank, you can do a similar job by focusing attention onto yourself so that your fed dude can deal out damage, and you can use your CC to peel for your fed dude so he doesn't get blown up by the fed dudes on the other team. Sometimes, you might be able to get yourself fed enough to do damage, which is a luxury that pure utility champs like Janna don't have :).

b) Pings are a good tool. Try not to engage in stupid arguments b/c they just make the team less coordinated. Keep in mind what your team is doing when you make calls. If you want to rush baron but your adc decides to go bot to get farm and the enemy team is up relatively soon, just let it go and try to leverage your advantage elsewhere.

c) Accept that the disconnect happened and that you're at a pretty big disadvantage. Don't be hard on yourself if you lose, and just try your best to do what you can to win. I mean, you probably won't win unless you or your team as a whole is significantly better than the other dude, but maybe they are bad. Just try to play it out and see what happens.

or you can be like me and duo with someone who plays op freelo and can carry ur shitter ass n_n.

I didn't actually mean perfectly as in ahaha without flaws *tips monocle*, I meant "perfectly as in the way that I had set up a good lane game with my ganks". I explained how I set up lanes for success, camped mid to get the zed really ahead, and I still could not rely on him to do well. I'm saying my play (emphasizing jg here) is usually above the average bronzie's. Take a skarner game I had a few games back, for instance. Was in a 5v5 and it was a plat zed vs a bronze kayle. Zed was ahead, had gotten fb on kayle, and was essentially styling on her. I noticed this Zed was willing to go balls deep, and kept that in the front of my mind when ganking him. Zed dove her and threw a shadow under tower to possibly get another kill with his damage, or pop her ult. I knew he wouldn't completely all-in her because he knew about her ult, so he was, in the case of a dive (which was gonna happen because kayle took repeated harass and wasn't backing off) gonna throw a shadow back to escape. I moved myself to birds and as soon as i saw kayle pop ult and him go back to his safety shadow, flash ulted over the wall and got a huge shutdown (although our team ff'ed that game because of other feeding tht occurred) I like making flashy plays (both literally and physically as I practice so many flash combos it ain't even funny) and plays that you generally wouldn't expect at a bronze level. I'm really puffing myself up now, and I sound like a true toxic trash player who blames nothing but his team for the failure of the team, but I'm not saying that I'm going to be able to get every CS every game and hit 5-man gnar ults every time. I'm not perfect, as you said, no one has had a perfect game of league in a not-0-deaths sense.

SVerse I have you friended on league already man ik what you do/did lol.

I never yell at people or argue in chat. i usually only throw out "we should group" and "gj dude" to my teams because I feel like people get more likely to feed and do poorly when you're trashy to them.

accepting the dc is really gonna take awhile to get over.

My question now is, how should I use the champions I've got to get myself outta brnz?

I have a decent champion pool for every lane, but there are some champions I still don't fully know the roles of and I'd like help on them before i continue using them.

Top: Olaf (Laning phase has a ton of factors shoved in with the different matchups and skills you should max but ult into the backline of tesmfights and blow up squishies) Renekton (Strong laning phase with easy harass and combo potential. Still a bit confused on Rton in teamfights other than to just frontline and deal some DoT with ult and various other skills) and Lissandra (farm up early, recieve gank to get ahead because they are v easy to follow up on. Ult carries who get too close in teamfights or ult yourself and become a large roadblock for the other team.)

Jg: Gragas, (flash body slam is a great fb combo and can really catch an opponent off guard, ult for repositioning and diving an escaping laner if ur about that life) Sejuani (frontline tank, ult as many as possible), Amumu (same as sej but with longer-range initiation.) nautilus (lock down adc or other fed squishy with ult+root aa) and nocturne (ult into backline and kill squishies)

Mid: Syndra (too much to summarize in a small way, just take my word for her) Orianna (ball placement ball placement ball placement) and vladimir (ur laning phase isn't AS bad as everyone says it is, as long as you use pool effectively and in worth situations. Hit as many ppl with ur ult as possible and all-in them after that.)

ADC: Twitch (kite and right click. Be invisible, don't get locked down. don't spam w+e in lane you can actually siege towers with ur ult without taking aggro if its completely necessary!) Corki ([[poking intensifies]] Hit potato bombs because they do a ton of damage and have the best mid-game powerspike ever)

Support: (all of these meantioned below should peel for their lovely adc as best they can and keep constant vision on the map in important places) Nautilus (hook+root with good base damages in lane) Janna (ult to reset a teamfight or disengage a teamfight, slow fleeing targets, tornados r great for followups with adcs like jinx with a lockdown)

note that these are all tl;dr and if im missing something big or not completely certain of a champ's role in the game then please tell me.
GlassGlaceon DCs and afkers will statistically happen just as often to the enemy team as they happen to your own, even if it doesn't seem that way - there is generally nothing you can do about it so you just need to keep playing. /mute is your best friend when it comes to ragers. take a break after more than one consecutive loss to de-tilt yourself

in bronze the easiest way to climb is to play champions that can carry, so syndra / olaf / renekton are great starts. it's arguably easiest to carry from a jungle position, particularly with high-damage high-skillcap junglers like lee sin, though this may not be doable if you lack the game sense and mechanics

the biggest problem that bronze, silver, and some gold players face is having subpar mechanics - and here, mechanics is a general term for CSing, trading in lane, warding, map awareness, and teamfight positioning. a bronze player might know that he can play at renekton and flash + E straight at the enemy backline to try to be effective; a challenger player will position himself to zone the enemy backline as effectively as possible without taking unnecessary poke from the enemy ADC. on paper there doesn't seem like much of a difference, but the challenger player needs to know the effective attack ranges of basically every ADC, how they can escape, how much distance he can close with slice + dice, whether his team is close enough to follow up, whether he should be zoning or peeling for his carries, etc. the only way you learn that is from experience: playing games, watching videos, playing more games, watching streams, reading guides, playing more games.

other than that, get good at CSing, get really good at CSing under tower, and try to buy at least one ward every time you back
in bronze the easiest way to climb is to play champions that can carry, so syndra / olaf / renekton are great starts
Going to have to disagree on this somewhat. I think the best champs for climbing bronze are those that are mechanically simple and can have huge impacts. For example for toplane you'd play things like Malphite or Wukong, or even Pantheon.

Your issue is that you have 153 games and you only have 17 games on your #1 most used champion. While champion knowledge diversity is good, mastering one or two champs will get you out faster.
Going to have to disagree on this somewhat. I think the best champs for climbing bronze are those that are mechanically simple and can have huge impacts. For example for toplane you'd play things like Malphite or Wukong, or even Pantheon.

Your issue is that you have 153 games and you only have 17 games on your #1 most used champion. While champion knowledge diversity is good, mastering one or two champs will get you out faster.

I was waiting for someone to point this out haha

It's been a good while since I've bunkered down and practiced noct, but as I do seem to be doing better with him in normals again I'll be bringing him back. I've been practicing spellshield timing on him and tunnel-vision control when playing him. It's easy to almost get a pick and have a low health target escape and instantly click r. Then you find urself dead in an entire team and the opponent has gotten baron for me getting a singular kill, which killed me. Ulting into the backline is fine if I have a team to back me up, but sometimes lategame solokills and picks are really enticing and i go super aggro for them.
Lane bullies are the name of the game in lower elos. If you are truly better than your elo then you'll just murk your opponent enough that you can go roam onto other lanes and extend your team lead. For this reason I would strongly recommend again playing champs like Twitch and Vladimir. Twitch is just useless as hell in lane and is probably one of the hardest ADCs to play strategically...which is playing to your weakness. Something like Vayne isn't very mechanically hard to play at an average level and isn't horrible in lane. Vladimir just has 0 kill pressure unless you're facing a rock and won't do anything until like 30+ minutes, and most games are usually decided by that point. Syndra is pretty hard to play at a good level and even if you think you're playing her well I can guarantee you that you probably haven't unlocked 30% of her potential.

Lane bullies > all
I didn't actually mean perfectly as in ahaha without flaws *tips monocle*, I meant "perfectly as in the way that I had set up a good lane game with my ganks". I explained how I set up lanes for success, camped mid to get the zed really ahead, and I still could not rely on him to do well. I'm saying my play (emphasizing jg here) is usually above the average bronzie's. Take a skarner game I had a few games back, for instance. Was in a 5v5 and it was a plat zed vs a bronze kayle. Zed was ahead, had gotten fb on kayle, and was essentially styling on her. I noticed this Zed was willing to go balls deep, and kept that in the front of my mind when ganking him. Zed dove her and threw a shadow under tower to possibly get another kill with his damage, or pop her ult. I knew he wouldn't completely all-in her because he knew about her ult, so he was, in the case of a dive (which was gonna happen because kayle took repeated harass and wasn't backing off) gonna throw a shadow back to escape. I moved myself to birds and as soon as i saw kayle pop ult and him go back to his safety shadow, flash ulted over the wall and got a huge shutdown (although our team ff'ed that game because of other feeding tht occurred) I like making flashy plays (both literally and physically as I practice so many flash combos it ain't even funny) and plays that you generally wouldn't expect at a bronze level. I'm really puffing myself up now, and I sound like a true toxic trash player who blames nothing but his team for the failure of the team, but I'm not saying that I'm going to be able to get every CS every game and hit 5-man gnar ults every time. I'm not perfect, as you said, no one has had a perfect game of league in a not-0-deaths sense.

See, no, that's you backpedaling on not being perfect. You've made some good plays, ok. We all have, regardless of elo. One play won't always win you a game. "Flashy" plays aren't always optimal because of how high risk they are. Consistent play is far more important than flashes of brilliance.
How and what champ would help me get to level 30 the fastest?

None. You just need to play lots of games. It's honestly a huge waste of time and a device that Riot implemented in order to force new players to learn how to play while also making it annoying for veterans to make smurf accounts. The former doesn't always work as intended (those people that only play bots 'til 30 then start playing ranked), while the latter is literally the reason why the levelling system in LoL is garbage and pointless.

ok so im bronze. started out s4 but dropped really quickly due to huge lack of game knowledge. Recently, though, I've been taking advice from higher-elo friends/mentors (no not paid) and i've scratched myself up from b4 and am now sitting in b2. I know how to play the game, undeniably more than anyone else in b2 at the moment. One thing is holding me back from getting to silver/possibly gold and I'm hoping you guys can add ur encouragement/2 cents on this.

I have identified my problems and am working on improving them: Huge CS Problems. (many farm-only custom games are to come.) Warding problems (not warding enough, forgetting to upgrade trinkets and buy wards) and tunnel-visioning (It's hard not to as ghost/flash tf lol) and Yasuo (screw that champ, bad matchup for every mid-laner i play)

I am aware of those problems, but I am still able to win games in spite of them. That isn't the problem. The real problem is...

I can't solocarry garbage teams. Unforseen circumstances and this are keeping me back from silver again.

Now before you all call me out for that behavior and attitude seeing as it is very toxic, I'll explain myself. I can play my game perfectly. For instance, a gragas game I had once that's prolly still in my na.op.gg history. a good example of this is a gragas game that i lost in which I went 4/5/23. 82% kda and ecerything looked good. Flash body slams gave lanes easy kills and they capitalized on them very well. The only problem was that our aatrox continually dc'd, our zed afk'd in lane and gave their yas first blood, and bronzies don't know how to A. ADC, B. Teamfight, C. Group and siege.
essentially, I can't play any tanks in ranked because my team can't do something simple like capitalize on a 4-man sejuani ult, and full ap sejuani sadly isn't a thing that I can do on teams without a frontline.

I have recently picked up 2 champions that I have seemed to be doing very well with, though people discourage me from playing them because of "too high a skillcap" or some other bullcrap of that sort. These champs are Syndra and orianna. Syndra moreso than orianna becaue i have to rely less on my team with syndra than i do ori. with orianna I either have to rely on a decent frontliner's positioning in a teamfight or give an ult flash dissonance to become the frontline and help my team pick off really clumped-together teams.

I don't really know at this point though. Can I do something about smite flash trundle adc? Can i do anything about a top-laner who splitpushes at the most inopportune times and doesn't get any turrets/benefits from doing so? Can i do ANYTHING about a duo afk'ing and instantly losing the game for us? can I do anything about a blitzcrank who spends less time playing and more time saying
"f you olaf mother f'er f ur mother you stupid sucker mother f'er" (even though we won that game)

any tips would be appreciated for A.) How I can play tanks and still win B.) how to get a bronze team to do what's necessary to win. C.) How to play around Disconnects other than by instalocking akali in any position so i can solocarry if needed?

Thanks for all the help.

NA buddies Add me @: SteelUragaan
I don't really ward much besides my yellow trinket and im gold 2. Mechanics, decision making, and the ability to carry from multiple situations or roles is the most important. Especially in low elo.

Seriously though, you should ward. Just emphasizing because low elo players tend to make the excuse "we lost because we don't have vision." Not truly why people lose games most of the time. Stupid decisions, losing lane, throwing leads, poor objective control, poor teamfighting, and poor positioning is why people lose games. Warding just gives you the information to do those things better.

I don't build sight stone on my supports and I win my games. Ward intelligently, but not wasteful. Ward objectives, throw points, and around where you guys are on the map. Don't waste wards on places where you already have map control. Use wards to keep an advantage. Warding to keep an advantage is more rewarding than using them to not die or to stay safe. Use them to push and dominate the map, and control what the opponent can and cannot do. Wards are also much more effective if your teammates ward. Reminding people to upgrade their trinket can be useful since bronze players may not know how overpowered the yellow trinket upgrade is.

I didn't actually mean perfectly as in ahaha without flaws *tips monocle*, I meant "perfectly as in the way that I had set up a good lane game with my ganks". I explained how I set up lanes for success, camped mid to get the zed really ahead, and I still could not rely on him to do well. I'm saying my play (emphasizing jg here) is usually above the average bronzie's. Take a skarner game I had a few games back, for instance. Was in a 5v5 and it was a plat zed vs a bronze kayle. Zed was ahead, had gotten fb on kayle, and was essentially styling on her. I noticed this Zed was willing to go balls deep, and kept that in the front of my mind when ganking him. Zed dove her and threw a shadow under tower to possibly get another kill with his damage, or pop her ult. I knew he wouldn't completely all-in her because he knew about her ult, so he was, in the case of a dive (which was gonna happen because kayle took repeated harass and wasn't backing off) gonna throw a shadow back to escape. I moved myself to birds and as soon as i saw kayle pop ult and him go back to his safety shadow, flash ulted over the wall and got a huge shutdown (although our team ff'ed that game because of other feeding tht occurred) I like making flashy plays (both literally and physically as I practice so many flash combos it ain't even funny) and plays that you generally wouldn't expect at a bronze level. I'm really puffing myself up now, and I sound like a true toxic trash player who blames nothing but his team for the failure of the team, but I'm not saying that I'm going to be able to get every CS every game and hit 5-man gnar ults every time. I'm not perfect, as you said, no one has had a perfect game of league in a not-0-deaths sense.

SVerse I have you friended on league already man ik what you do/did lol.

I never yell at people or argue in chat. i usually only throw out "we should group" and "gj dude" to my teams because I feel like people get more likely to feed and do poorly when you're trashy to them.

accepting the dc is really gonna take awhile to get over.

My question now is, how should I use the champions I've got to get myself outta brnz?

I have a decent champion pool for every lane, but there are some champions I still don't fully know the roles of and I'd like help on them before i continue using them.

Top: Olaf (Laning phase has a ton of factors shoved in with the different matchups and skills you should max but ult into the backline of tesmfights and blow up squishies) Renekton (Strong laning phase with easy harass and combo potential. Still a bit confused on Rton in teamfights other than to just frontline and deal some DoT with ult and various other skills) and Lissandra (farm up early, recieve gank to get ahead because they are v easy to follow up on. Ult carries who get too close in teamfights or ult yourself and become a large roadblock for the other team.)

Jg: Gragas, (flash body slam is a great fb combo and can really catch an opponent off guard, ult for repositioning and diving an escaping laner if ur about that life) Sejuani (frontline tank, ult as many as possible), Amumu (same as sej but with longer-range initiation.) nautilus (lock down adc or other fed squishy with ult+root aa) and nocturne (ult into backline and kill squishies)

Mid: Syndra (too much to summarize in a small way, just take my word for her) Orianna (ball placement ball placement ball placement) and vladimir (ur laning phase isn't AS bad as everyone says it is, as long as you use pool effectively and in worth situations. Hit as many ppl with ur ult as possible and all-in them after that.)

ADC: Twitch (kite and right click. Be invisible, don't get locked down. don't spam w+e in lane you can actually siege towers with ur ult without taking aggro if its completely necessary!) Corki ([[poking intensifies]] Hit potato bombs because they do a ton of damage and have the best mid-game powerspike ever)

Support: (all of these meantioned below should peel for their lovely adc as best they can and keep constant vision on the map in important places) Nautilus (hook+root with good base damages in lane) Janna (ult to reset a teamfight or disengage a teamfight, slow fleeing targets, tornados r great for followups with adcs like jinx with a lockdown)

note that these are all tl;dr and if im missing something big or not completely certain of a champ's role in the game then please tell me.

Olaf, Renekton, and Amumu are strong solo queue champs.

Olaf can be camped hard and has no escape, but if you are mechanically good with his axes you can wreck your lane by chaining axes when ahead. He has good single target DPS and he has unpredictable cheese. He needs to get ahead though, so you can Ghost and ult carries as efficiently as you can.

Renekton doesn't scale nearly as bad as people used to say, can win or deny lane hard, is somewhat mobile, does mixed damage, and has a lot of great tools in his kit. He's manaless and has sustain with his Q, which makes the Cloth 5 start very strong on him. He has a good peel game, a good split push, a great teamfight, and deceptively strong damage. AOE is easy to underestimate and Renekton has a lot of it. He can get kited or poked down, but you can flank people out of position through the fog of war.

Amumu scales very strongly, power farms quickly, has a strong level 6, has strong damage, percent health damage, is very strong vs AD heavy teams, can build AP or defensively and still have a great damage to tank ratio, is a great backbone and CC platform for teams to capitalize on, and is great siege and anti siege. Tanking towers for your team is very effective if you win a teamfight.

I wouldn't underestimate Renekton or Amumu if the enemy team is especially squishy. Renekton scales strong vs teams like that because his damage is good vs squishies and he gets really tanky. Usually you want to carry yourself out of an elo, but being able to tank for your shitty bronze ADC is a secondary benefit.

Never depend on your teammates for a gank when playing a lane. You won't get a gank when you need or want one, and for consistent success you don't want one. I don't have enough experience with the other champs you play to give my thoughts. I'll help more later if I think of something and have time. Bronze is very easy and I think you can get out if you don't tilt, focus on improving, and keep trying until you get out.
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