League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

I have no idea what just happened but apparently I was second best on my team and we won.

Dominion is awesome, and I can keep my ultimate on for ages with swain because of the increased mana regen and stuff lol
okay so from all the champions i played, i did the best with skarner. just followed his recommended items and by the time i had frozen heart i was pwning. i did horribly with orianna, did ok with akali but had a horrible team and lag, and was pretty pathetic with poppy. i'm probably doing something wrong but meh.
only got to play one game of it but...


the game was so much fun, game lasted less than 14 minutes, we just dominated them.
damn i should have skipped class today instead of yesterday

i liked dominion a lot when it was called arathi basin but where do i buy pve epics to carry me

today i practiced cs

it's a really worthwhile thing to do, believe me

anyway this is the first time that i've broken 100 in 10 minutes

i'm not sure if breaking the first turret is allowed but i was pushing really hard so i couldn't really do much about it
When I practice CS, I practice as Ashe, but I always have another bot in the game so that it's vaguely more realistic... but maybe I'll try solo, get 100+ in ten, and then weight train up. My AD carry play sucks so I need to practice it more often.
Kog'Maw is played primarily as an AP champ, with some AS and magic procs.

As for otherwise, I see 6 heals. SIX. That is very wrong.
i'm going to assume by the fact all of the summoner skills are retarded that youre low level because im too lazy to look it up, but uh dont get too reliant on dat clarity. seeing only two flashes makes the spot where my heart should be burn

you most likely want to go for an on-hit build where youre at, the pros mostly rush madreds but thats not at all feasible when youre somehow getting 52 cs in an entire game (work on last hitting, you arent going to be able to win getting that little farm as a carry past the first few summoner levels) -- you most likely want to do the malady + wits end thing gene is always trying to corrupt alex into using. going ad the way you started off there is an option too (go IE first), but i imagine you arent gonna see enough gold to do IE+Phantom Dancer+Last Whisper most games and it's kind of silly to try to build that way if you arent

also kog ashe and vayne all on the same team is probably not the best strategy ive ever seen but i guess at least if you build on hit youre doing primarily magic damage yea!

why does that caitlyn have boots of mobility and zeal and banshees but no real damage ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff LOOK OUT SHES GOING TO CATCH YOU AND DO NOTHING FOREVER WITH THAT SPEED + CLARITY AND HEAL

AD carry by far my weakest role though probably other people can give more intuitive advice than I can
Kog maw needs to rush bloodrazor...
after that build either stuff like AP/AS or just pure ad with infinity edge+phantom dancer+2bloodthirsters (my favorite way)
first time playing kogmaw, anything wrong with my build - or otherwise

Uh, yeah, that build looks kinda all over the place haha.

First of all, make sure you get Boots. You can get a Phantom Dancer afterwards if you want. But PD isn't very good without sizable amounts of AD behind it because of the way multiplicative and additive scaling works. Most AD Carries get it after a Bloodthirster or something.

I suggest looking at Chaox's guide and just copying one of the builds he lists.
first time playing kogmaw, anything wrong with my build - or otherwise

Work on last hitting the creeps and remember to stay in the back and hit whatever is safest to hit as kogmaw. With your W up you will kill anything you target late game so just stay safe. Also stop using clarity, you will form bad habits that will be REALLY hard to unlearn once you know what you are doing.

Item build wise rushing a bloodrazor can be a bad idea. Don't get me wrong it is an amazing item late game but i disagree with rushing it for your first core item. The 4% magic dmg per hit isn't a ton early/mid game when people are runing around with 1k-1.5k hp.

A good rule of thumb for kogmaw is fill in the damage role your team is weak at. If you are the only AD building IE->Pd is usually the way to go. On the other hand if you are low on magic dmg going malady/wits end-> bloodrazor will have you pumping out the magic dps.
Kog'Maw is played primarily as an AP champ, with some AS and magic procs.

As for otherwise, I see 6 heals. SIX. That is very wrong.

Also, there are 3 clarities on top of that...
And I'm probably dead wrong about this, but I thought Aegis was really not a good item on Kog at all

Work on last hitting the creeps and remember to stay in the back and hit whatever is safest to hit as kogmaw. With your W up you will kill anything you target late game so just stay safe. Also stop using clarity, you will form bad habits that will be REALLY hard to unlearn once you know what you are doing.

Item build wise rushing a bloodrazor can be a bad idea. Don't get me wrong it is an amazing item late game but i disagree with rushing it for your first core item. The 4% magic dmg per hit isn't a ton early/mid game when people are runing around with 1k-1.5k hp.

A good rule of thumb for kogmaw is fill in the damage role your team is weak at. If you are the only AD building IE->Pd is usually the way to go. On the other hand if you are low on magic dmg going malady/wits end-> bloodrazor will have you pumping out the magic dps.
Infinity Edge on Kog? Most builds I see that succeed get like attack speed boots, zeal and then Bloodrazor for synergy with W. W is kinda Kog's main way of doing a lot of damage. Kog'maw is not going to be very good early to mid game, that's just how Kog'maw is. He is a late-game god, and it's kinda unavoidable that his early game will be bad. Infinity Edge is probably not the best idea.
It's funny to see the IE complaining with it being in chaox's guide linked like two posts above (but what does he know, right?) I swear im just gonna start spamming the lurk more button

Also lol how did I not notice rodan wasn't using boots
how do you guys build WIN NHAO i was building him like i do noc greaves/wriggles/mallet/atmas/idk didnt get that far but woodsy told me some other stuff idk
Work on last hitting the creeps and remember to stay in the back and hit whatever is safest to hit as kogmaw. With your W up you will kill anything you target late game so just stay safe. Also stop using clarity, you will form bad habits that will be REALLY hard to unlearn once you know what you are doing.

Item build wise rushing a bloodrazor can be a bad idea. Don't get me wrong it is an amazing item late game but i disagree with rushing it for your first core item. The 4% magic dmg per hit isn't a ton early/mid game when people are runing around with 1k-1.5k hp.

A good rule of thumb for kogmaw is fill in the damage role your team is weak at. If you are the only AD building IE->Pd is usually the way to go. On the other hand if you are low on magic dmg going malady/wits end-> bloodrazor will have you pumping out the magic dps.
yes yes yes yes listen to this person

don't have to rush MBR as an early malady, wits end, or wriggles is much stronger. on hit is one way to do it but ad is definitely very viable as is a doran's blade triforce variant, or as chaox suggests, a manamune artillery poke build. kog is the most versatile ranged carry in the game right now - don't ignore that.