League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Speaking of beta, I really hope all of you Smogonites get a chance to try at least one game or two of Dominion before it comes out. I played 6 games over the past 2 days (hooray for odd class scheduling!), and I had an absolute blast. Here are my 2 cents on it so far:

- Games are about 15-25 minutes long, generally around 18, just like Riot said they'd be. This is great if you don't have time for a potentially hour long Classic match.

- Tanky dps, as usual, dominates the game. However, there is a passive, global buff everyone gets where you have increased Armor and Magic pen. I was able to solo a Malphite as Brand today, which normally wouldn't happen in SR since he likes to build bulky.

- Stealthies actually don't suck. I saw Twitch go legendary simply because he waited for someone to try to back door and completely gimped him. There's also less distance to cover, from my perspective. But less distance means...

- Movement is critical. Champions like Rammus or Riven can move about the map so fast. Rammus is being banned in Dominion Draft every time. Twisted Fate and Pantheon, and to a lesser extent Nocturne, seem very potent to me as well, but they aren't targeted as much.

- Champions that are good at 1v1, such as Jax, Akali or Tryndamere, are also insanely powerful. Look at the LoL forums and you'll find EVERYONE is crying that Jax is OP. It could be because you gain exp and gold so fast so rushing that first item isn't so long anymore. As Nocturne, I just start with a Brutalizer and tear through 2-3 people capturing or defending a point. Duskbringer shaves about 1/3 of almost every champions health at lv 3, lol

I can't wait until Dominion is released. It'll definitely give everyone a break from the standard 5v5. It's a lot more action oriented since farming is pretty much non-existent. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did so far.
Dominion is really fun. Played one game so far (haven't had much available time at all) but it was with Kog'Maw. I agree especially that 1v1 capability will be a huge factor, and this in turn means that lifesteal will be very important. Master Yi with Sanguine Blade or whatever it's called is potent. Olaf and Udyr are also very powerful, and Gangplank obviously is as well.
yes yes yes yes listen to this person

don't have to rush MBR as an early malady, wits end, or wriggles is much stronger. on hit is one way to do it but ad is definitely very viable as is a doran's blade triforce variant, or as chaox suggests, a manamune artillery poke build. kog is the most versatile ranged carry in the game right now - don't ignore that.

I agree, Kog'maw is pretty damn versatile. I usually start with doran's blade and Berserker's Greaves, and I'm messing around with getting phantom dancers and hextech gunblades, with the occasional Nashor's Tooth thrown in there. I like using him as an AD heavy hybrid.

Also hell yes LoL with smogonites. I have bad internet atm but when i upgrade I'd be down to play with some of you guys
dominion is fucking cool
I had to take a few hours off to do some homework but got to play Dominion for most of the day, definitely not something that'll replace Summoner's Rift for me but Dominion was a lot of fun, had a great time with it. I think the two game modes will complement each other really well. I got a chance to play quite a few heroes there, will post a bit about it tomorrow or later or something.
what i want to see is champion balancing for seperate game modes - don't see why this wasn't done with 5s and 3s. champions should have different stats for summoners rift, twisted treeline and the crystal scar, or at least for 'classic' and 'dominion'. it's clear certain champions tip the balance on 3s and dominion (jax and lee sin on the former, akali, nocturne and rammus on the latter)

and it's cute how miss fortune is the only viable ranged ad on 3s
gp is by far the best jungler in the game.

amazing ganks, free money at lvl 6, can hit like a truck with inf edge and triforce and then be built like a truck with atmogs + force of nature... he's just great.
woodsy two months ago i would have agreed with you but since his nerfs, lee sin and nocturne are just as good and slightly better in many areas while slightly worse in many others
woodsy two months ago i would have agreed with you but since his nerfs, lee sin and nocturne are just as good and slightly better in many areas while slightly worse in many others

As the main jungler for my group of guys i play with ill give my 2 cents.

GP is AMAZING at lower levels however there are some big holes in his jungle. I have been experimenting with ganking REALLY early with red buff but that aside you pretty much do the quick 5 path or full clear gank. The problem lies in that Gp is very easy to counter jungle at red no matter what he does. A GP without red is not scary at all unless you are kissing the enemy tower and you don't have wards to see him coming. Late game His ult is decent at starting a fight but mummy does that 10 times better. If you build him glass cannon dps you are pretty much a ranged ad with a long cd on your auto attack. If you go tanky dps GP you ultimately become a slow bot late game.

Onto nocturne, I am not a huge fan of him atm but i can see his uses. Nocturne NEEDS there to be a squishy in the back line. In addition to this you have to have a strong tank on your team with him. If you do not the enemy team literally turns around and squishes him flat. If you have Both of those he is amazing at his job but you wont always have both happening so he is more situational imo.

Lee sin is amazing and i could rant all day about how op he is but ill make it shortish here. Lee sin FORCES every lane to play passively early on. He could come out of the bushes when you are lvl 1 and hes now lvl 2. Unless you get a CV/wards on him he can gank at any point/anywhere in the game once minions are in the lane and kill you. This creates a fear for the other team that lee sin is everywhere at once and your laners should abuse this hard.

Also on an personal rant BUY PINK WARDS JUNGLERS. You are paying 25 gold (kill a ward obviously) more to deny any wards inside that area for THREE MINUTES. I can't explain how huge that is for a role that thrives on fear like a jungler. Now i should really go to sleep ill edit this so its easily readable later.
I just wasted an hour of my time by calling mid and having to share if with a Veigar (which lead bot to being lost, and both of us having shitty cs, losing a long game). I don't think he was reported enough, so his account is bsox and I'd be grateful if you befriended and trolled him. I've never been this mad at LoL and that's saying something.
As the main jungler for my group of guys i play with ill give my 2 cents.

GP is AMAZING at lower levels however there are some big holes in his jungle. I have been experimenting with ganking REALLY early with red buff but that aside you pretty much do the quick 5 path or full clear gank. The problem lies in that Gp is very easy to counter jungle at red no matter what he does.

so is nocturne, xin zhao, udyr, amumu and just about any non-warwick or lee sin jungler

A GP without red is not scary at all unless you are kissing the enemy tower and you don't have wards to see him coming.

neither is pre-6 amumu and warwick, nunu, udyr, shaco

Late game His ult is decent at starting a fight but mummy does that 10 times better.

his ult doesn't start fights, it is a large aoe slow to confine people once the fight starts

If you build him glass cannon dps you are pretty much a ranged ad with a long cd on your auto attack.

which isn't necessarily bad, the damage on a parrrley crit is insane and you can actually 1v1 divers

If you go tanky dps GP you ultimately become a slow bot late game.

what part of 'tanky dps' is difficult for you to grasp, is it the dps bit

Onto nocturne, I am not a huge fan of him atm but i can see his uses. Nocturne NEEDS there to be a squishy in the back line.

or he can still do good aoe damage and fear a high priority target while being difficult to kill

In addition to this you have to have a strong tank on your team with him. If you do not the enemy team literally turns around and squishes him flat.

same argument goes for any other bruiser

If you have Both of those he is amazing at his job but you wont always have both happening so he is more situational imo.

or how about you pick him as much as possible if gp and lee sin aren't banned because he's op as fuck

Lee sin is amazing and i could rant all day about how op he is but ill make it shortish here. Lee sin FORCES every lane to play passively early on. He could come out of the bushes when you are lvl 1 and hes now lvl 2. Unless you get a CV/wards on him he can gank at any point/anywhere in the game once minions are in the lane and kill you. This creates a fear for the other team that lee sin is everywhere at once and your laners should abuse this hard.

Also on an personal rant BUY PINK WARDS SUPPORTS. You are paying 25 gold (kill a ward obviously) more to deny any wards inside that area for THREE MINUTES. I can't explain how huge that is for a role that thrives on fear like a jungler. Now i should really go to sleep ill edit this so its easily readable later.
I just wasted an hour of my time by calling mid and having to share if with a Veigar (which lead bot to being lost, and both of us having shitty cs, losing a long game). I don't think he was reported enough, so his account is bsox and I'd be grateful if you befriended and trolled him. I've never been this mad at LoL and that's saying something.

If someone won't let you take mid let them take it. Tell them they can have it until they die and then you will take over. Having two people mid will always screw your team over heavily.
If someone won't let you take mid let them take it. Tell them they can have it until they die and then you will take over. Having two people mid will always screw your team over heavily.

This. I've had teams make me fucking go mid with Garen. It's better to do that than to have a 3-man lane or a no-man lane. You just deal with it with solo queue players. Most mid characters can at least do somewhat well in duos.
Finally gotten use to mid with veigar... I love the stun in team fightsthen auto killing someone with m burst combo. Lost 2 games thought cause my team never called mia and one game due to the fact the all chased down singed.
Is Orianna still used in high elo? I am still able to carry most games, but it's a lot harder to win my lanes now.
Is Orianna still used in high elo? I am still able to carry most games, but it's a lot harder to win my lanes now.
bigfatjiji used orianna to great effect against team germany in CA vs. GER which is on YouTube right now

she's still good, just not OP any more. the nerf to Q range makes maxing W first much more viable than it was before.
I'm doing a Smogon invite tonight at 8 pm (Central) on the NA server. If you are interested post your info on my profile or PM me and I'll shoot you an invite.
I've been playing LoL a lot more while waiting for DotA 2. (IGN is SirLu).

I mostly play Zilean as a sidelane support, but when I hit 20 I would like to start jungling. In particular, Nocturne (Spectre!) and Lee Sin interest me the most. However, I can only afford only one at level 20 if I want to be able to purchase the runes as well. Which should I invest in first?
I've been playing LoL a lot more while waiting for DotA 2. (IGN is SirLu).

I mostly play Zilean as a sidelane support, but when I hit 20 I would like to start jungling. In particular, Nocturne (Spectre!) and Lee Sin interest me the most. However, I can only afford only one at level 20 if I want to be able to purchase the runes as well. Which should I invest in first?
zilean is actually extremely strong at the moment as a mid carry, not as a support. in terms of supporting he doesn't really have a heal and he needs farm to be reliable.

if you're going to buy a jungler i'd recommend saving for nocturne. lee sin is probably better right now but he's viewed by many as "op" and riot has announced their intentions to nerf him, so in the long run it may just be more prudent to buy noc. still, if you want to buy whoever's the better jungler RIGHT NOW, save for lee sin.