Picking Heal should be a bannable offense. Just lost a game where all of my teammates had Heal.
can't see why you'd need to build that tankywould atmogs on poppy be decent
to be honest leaving a game regardless of the circumstances is generally a pretty dick move and outweighs whatever they were doing unless it was really bad
also if a player gets a penta kill they're typically doing well enough to merit them being able to tell the team what to do
regardless it's a terrible idea to dive nidalee or to chase nidalee in general but you shouldn't have left anyway :/
just a general rage post, people in this game are fucking insufferable.
just got out of a game where i was yelled at for not turret diving as a ~25% health olaf with an equally damaged renekton against an almost dead nidalee and a FULL HEALTH VAYNE. the anivia continued to insult me even as i tanked her penta(steal)kill. (she literally ulted and killed 4 people with no health)
after that fight we were up but not enough up that they could win without me so i told them i wanted them to lose and left :/ meh
Have some IP saved up was thinking about getting three 1350 champs. Amumu was my first fave, then Warwick, then Singed. I've used and liked Galio, Rumble, Kassadin, and Kayle. Any suggestions on good champs in the 1350 tier?
garen carries the hardest out of all the 1350s i think