League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Had a game of Dominion that turned into a 1v1 because of all the lag and the dropped connections. Irelia vs. Ryze on Dominion = dumbest game ever.

Too bad I forgot to take a screenshot :(
Hotshot's been playing a lot of AP mid Shaco recently.

and it works

Max Shiv first but start at level 1 by stacking boxes by your blue (note: this requires a non-blue reliant jungler such as Lee Sin, Gangplank, etc). He uses Flash+Ignite. Take blue at level 1 while your jungler does some other sustained route or early aggressive/invasive route, harass with shiv all day in lane, use Q+E to harass or use Q to escape enemy harass (very strong against Brand and also Cass/Karthus)

boxes act as mini-wards and mid-game can easily pick up kills all on their own if the fear directs them the right way

shiv is just incredible harass as it's very long range, is also a slow, is on a low CD, and is very cheap. blue is preferred early on in lane just so you can blink in to harass more reliably and spam boxes everywhere.
Actually the MF buff will be interesting. She is a lacklustre carry because she lacks good farming skills. Having her in a hybrid damage dealer ala hybrid Ez may just give her a niche where she isn't 100% outclassed. I'm seeing cooldown + attack speed being a bit of an interesting build, so like the hybrid Lux in a way.

i am suffering from mild insomnia at the moment so have a mordekaiser cheat sheet.

also thorns' jax comment looks a tad silly after hotshot carried CLG on his back in the first game vs WE.
Dear CLG,


Love Synre

Was very frustrated with CLG's team selection feeding depressing loss to WE, but it's probably really good for the game as a whole that the Asian teams put up such a strong showing here. I thought the bans in the last two games were a little interesting... first time in quite a while I can remember saintvicious drawing a ban like that. Didn't understand CLG going double AP in game 2(it worked so well in the qualification rounds!) or picking Cassie over Kennen in game 2 but WE did such a nice job of targeting individual players in Game 2 and 3... a little different than how the Western teams normally play things.
What is solo bot supposed to do in Dominion, exactly? I spend a lot of games solo bot defending (since my main is Cho), taking theirs if I see an opportunity, but some teammates (granted, the ones who can't teamfight for shit) yell at me for not playing more aggressively. So I'm either stuck feeling like I'm not really helping the rest of the team push, or someone backdooring bottom. Does anyone know of a good place to find Dominion streams so I can make sense of things?
You need to be pushing minions constantly. If you're not a character who can push a wave REALLY quickly, you're not playing a good bot character. The reasoning for this is because if you're doing your job correctly, the opposing team should have to devote 2 people to protecting the bot lane, because you + minions will capture the opposing bot point no matter what.
just a general rage post, people in this game are fucking insufferable.

just got out of a game where i was yelled at for not turret diving as a ~25% health olaf with an equally damaged renekton against an almost dead nidalee and a FULL HEALTH VAYNE. the anivia continued to insult me even as i tanked her penta(steal)kill. (she literally ulted and killed 4 people with no health)

after that fight we were up but not enough up that they could win without me so i told them i wanted them to lose and left :/ meh
to be honest leaving a game regardless of the circumstances is generally a pretty dick move and outweighs whatever they were doing unless it was really bad

also if a player gets a penta kill they're typically doing well enough to merit them being able to tell the team what to do

regardless it's a terrible idea to dive nidalee or to chase nidalee in general but you shouldn't have left anyway :/
to be honest leaving a game regardless of the circumstances is generally a pretty dick move and outweighs whatever they were doing unless it was really bad

also if a player gets a penta kill they're typically doing well enough to merit them being able to tell the team what to do

regardless it's a terrible idea to dive nidalee or to chase nidalee in general but you shouldn't have left anyway :/

normally i wouldnt leave. people don't get to me easily, but these people seemed to have some profound mental problems. literally any time something bad happened "OLAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF NOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB" whether it had anything to do with me or not. even when something good happened "fuck i dont want olaf to win..." all because i wouldnt turret dive a nidalee :chaos:

and, honestly, the penta really was as simple as pressing R and whatever button that icicle thing is once. her KDA wasn't even positive before that.
Oh well shit when you put it like that. tbh i question the mental stability of anyone who would stick around for ~30 minutes of constant harassment in a NORMAL when you don't care that much and could just leave. your team doesnt deserve your help at that point as far as im concerned.

anyways to make my posting here more substantial i'll just give my (late) first impression of dominion. I know it's intended to be fast-paced, but I think it's a little too much. I'd remove the buff personally... maybe I'm just boring and hate change.
just a general rage post, people in this game are fucking insufferable.

just got out of a game where i was yelled at for not turret diving as a ~25% health olaf with an equally damaged renekton against an almost dead nidalee and a FULL HEALTH VAYNE. the anivia continued to insult me even as i tanked her penta(steal)kill. (she literally ulted and killed 4 people with no health)

after that fight we were up but not enough up that they could win without me so i told them i wanted them to lose and left :/ meh

Playing Ranked Solo Queue right now is basically playing Russian Roulette and seeing which team has the most bads.

The biggest problem is the nature of the reset combined with the nature of placement matches. The former 1600s and 1700s from Season 1 are now in the 1300s. This is fine, but there are also terrible players who get lucky and win two placement matches, and...they are also in the 1300s.

So basically you see things like an Anivia going 1/0/1 with 100 cs in 12 minutes and a Clarity/Ghost Alistar missing point blank Q's in the same game.

I've played about 20 games so far this season. I've had games where I raped people, and I've had games where I've fed 1/9. I'm not saying I'm better or worse than my current Elo.

But I do have a nagging feeling that the people I was feeding were 1600+ players in Season 1.
Basically it turns into a battle of who can carry more which is why you see Hotshot playing Anivia and getting an 8 minute oracle while buying five wards, or using a cheese build like AP Shaco to dominate the early game. All the high ELO players are duo queuing which is why they're mostly all 1700+ now.
Have some IP saved up was thinking about getting three 1350 champs. Amumu was my first fave, then Warwick, then Singed. I've used and liked Galio, Rumble, Kassadin, and Kayle. Any suggestions on good champs in the 1350 tier?
Have some IP saved up was thinking about getting three 1350 champs. Amumu was my first fave, then Warwick, then Singed. I've used and liked Galio, Rumble, Kassadin, and Kayle. Any suggestions on good champs in the 1350 tier?

I personally like Teemo, Malphite, and Cho'gath
garen carries the hardest out of all the 1350s i think

Really? I know you're a much better player than I am, but whenever I play Garen, it always goes with early domination, like 8-0 to 10-1 or such, but then he falls way off late game. I always thought he was just for early game, kinda like Shaco, but couldn't really carry late game