League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

So, I just played a really fun match in which the whole team was being outplayed (I was using someone new and so was someone else), and their entire team was in our base, but we rushed 3 of their towers, died, and then someone solo'd their Nexus while they were trying to destroy ours.

It was so awesome. Sneaky win was amazing.
Quick aside, jax is incredibly fun. Just get like Rageblade and Gunblade and maybe a Rylai's, and literally nobody can 1v1 you without like ignite and exhaust at the same time. Chased down by a full health Leona, when I had 100, and just ulted, jumped on her head with W+Q, and stunned her for the kill. Spell vamp op
Love people who quit a match as Leona because I wasn't tanking any hits for the dude as Fiddlesticks. Warmogs+LS sorta sucks. I tryed it as Yi and a huge amount of LS is so hard to come by without buying 3 Bloodthirsters.
Why would you build a warmog's on Jax when his health scales with AP + AD anyway? The entire point of Jax is that he can become incredibly durable whilst maximising his offensive stats.

don't ever let me catch any of you playing AP blitzcrank

also my back hurts

also i went an ENTIRE GAME without relying on infinity edge which is an achievement for me.
Does anyone have any videos of great/funny plays? I want to start a YouTube account, and want to make a "Top Ten Plays" kind of thing on my channel.
i always wonder how so many normal games get to the point where everyone has every item they could ever want

it literally happens every time your team has 2 dudes carrying the fuck outta the game but 2 feeding-ish types and one dude in the middle not really doing anything but not dying either, and the other team is either the same, or just way more balanced but not as much damage output as your 2 carries

therefore teamfights are never really won, always left with 2-3 vs 2-3 and its almost a stalemate but one team usually gets its shit together either gets baron or splitpushes etc
Does anyone have any videos of great/funny plays? I want to start a YouTube account, and want to make a "Top Ten Plays" kind of thing on my channel.
Do you mean do WE have personal videos of awesome moments/replays that we ourselves have, or can we provide you with other funny YouTube videos?

Yeah, Jax is easy mode if you get farmed enough. Gunblade, Rageblade, Triforce, Atma's, Banshee's, etc are all great items on him.

don't ever let me catch any of you playing AP blitzcrank

also my back hurts

also i went an ENTIRE GAME without relying on infinity edge which is an achievement for me.
Wait, what? This is not just Ap Blitz. This si three fucking Archangel Blitz. How can someone be that bad? One, you don't need 3000 or even 1000 bonus mana, and the passive is fucking unique
Do you mean do WE have personal videos of awesome moments/replays that we ourselves have, or can we provide you with other funny YouTube videos?

Yeah, Jax is easy mode if you get farmed enough. Gunblade, Rageblade, Triforce, Atma's, Banshee's, etc are all great items on him.

I meant you guys, as in personally.
Wait, what? This is not just Ap Blitz. This si three fucking Archangel Blitz. How can someone be that bad? One, you don't need 3000 or even 1000 bonus mana, and the passive is fucking unique

Stacking Archangel's is actually the way that you obtain the most AP. Only the extra mana part of the ability is unique, the 3% of your total mana being added to your AP is not (which is the important part).
Being a Blitzcrank player, Archangels is imo the 3rd best item you can get for him. Stacking it with zero extra mana? Meh. Its just meh.
EDIT: You guys shoulda had it easy late game. You got Blitz.
Being a Blitzcrank player, Archangels is imo the 3rd best item you can get for him. Stacking it with zero extra mana? Meh. Its just meh.
EDIT: You guys shoulda had it easy late game. You got Blitz.
don't build blitz AP

his scalings aren't very good. you use your Q for the grab, not the damage, and his ultimate for sustained DPS and that last bit of burst. his W is one of the best steroids in the game and his power fist is an excellent AA reset.

tanky DPS is probably the best way to build him - doublelift was one of the first to prove that. trinity, maybe manamune, frozen heart, banshee's veil, etc.