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I hope you catch a million Pokémon
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Type: Bug/Flying
Swarm - Increases the power of Bug moves by 50% if Ledian is at 1/3 health.
Early Bird - Amount of sleep turns is cut in half
Dream World: Iron Fist - The power of punching moves is increased by 20%

Base Stats: 55 / 35 / 50 / 55 / 110 / 85

Comet Punch
Light Screen
Mach Punch
[COLOR=Red]Baton Pass
[COLOR=Black][COLOR=Red]Silver Wind[/COLOR]
Double Edge
Bug Buzz

In-game NPC:
Double Edge
Air Cutter
Bug Bite
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Mega Punch
Mud Slap
Ominous Wind
Sleep Talk
String Shot
[COLOR=Red]Swords Dance[/COLOR]
Tail Wind
Focus Punch
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Brick Break
Double Team
Aerial Ace
Focus Blast
Giga Impact
Struggle Bug
Rock Smash

Gen 5 Egg moves:
Focus Punch
Drain Punch

Gen 4 TM/Move Tutor Moves:
Giga Drain
Natural Gift
Roll Out
Tail Wind

Well, we're more than 4 months into UT and surprisingly enough, still no Ledian thread. Boy, look at that attacking movepool! Focus Punch, Focus Blast, Giga Drain, Drain Punch, Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Bug Bite, Bug Buzz, DynamicPunch, Mach Punch, U-turn... some of which should complement its Dream World ability Iron Fist quite well. Unfortunately, Ledian hits like a whiffle ball bat from both spectra with terrible 35/55 attacking stats, completely wasting any potential these moves have. It has a great 110 Special Defense stat, but any potential Ledian has of being a bulky support Pokemon is wasted with its awful 55 HP and 50 Defense. It has Encore, Baton Pass and great boosting moves such as Agility and Swords Dance, but its ho-hum Speed and crippling 4x Stealth Rock hinder any chance it has at being a reliable Baton Passer. All in all, Ledian is an inferior Ninjask who has a harder time finding a niche role a lead due to lack of Speed Boost. Everything it can do, someone else can do better. Let's get to the sets that Ledian can use. However, Encore is a great asset as a Baton Passer, as Ledian is significantly more bulky and faster than Smeargle (Encore acts as a pseudo Spore).

name: Realistic Baton Pass
ability: Early Bird
nature: Jolly
item: Focus Sash / Lum Berry
move 1: Encore
move 2: Agility
move 3: Swords Dance
move 4: Baton Pass
EVs: 152 HP / 104 SpD / 252 Spe

Does this look familiar? Probably not, unless you read every 4th Generation analysis on-site. This set has literally not changed in the transition to Black and White. Ledian needs maximum Speed and runs no attacking moves, so you are free to focus the rest of its EVs on its Special Bulk. Switch Ledian in on a Choice-locked Ground-type attack and start boosting, or switch into something slower and Encore its Grount-type attack. It's best to start with Agility while they switch, then Swords Dance, survive the oncoming hit with Focus Sash, hope they don't have a priority move, then Baton Pass the hell out of there.

In order for this set to work, there must be no Stealth Rock, Sandstorm, or hail on the field, and you must avoid enemy priority. Also, Mischievous Heart users totally ruin this set, so make sure they are out of the picture as well. All-in-all, this takes a ton of support and weather cancelling to work.

name: Screen Pass
ability: Early Bird
nature: Jolly
item: Light Clay / Lum Berry / Leftovers
move 1: Encore
move 3: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen / Agility / Swords Dance
move 4: Baton Pass
EVs: 136 HP / 120 Def / 252 Spe

Very similar strategy as above. Encore a setup or Ground-type move, Reflect on the switch to give Ledian more Physical Bulk. Light Screen is the recommended 3rd move, as it makes Ledian very Specially bulky, but you can take advantage of on-coming Physical attackers and set up Agility or Swords Dance. Once you have one screen and any other boosts, Baton Pass out of there.
I had immense success in early Gen 4 with

Ledian @ Focus sash
Early Bird

swords dance
baton pass

honestly it worked like a charm, even with taunters out there. Hell, if ledian gets taunted even with its strongest attack it's better off switching out, so it may as well not even bother attacking.

It worked as a lead til people started simply rock sliding it into oblivion, that is.
Ledian is one of those Pokemon that I'd say gives you infinite cool points for using... but that's about it :| Game Freak just chooses to keep shitting all over it; giving it Iron Fist is just an insult, considering those attacking stats. Ah well.
I actually was looking over Ledians movepool literally a day ago. I got excited when I seen all those punch moves along with Iron Fist... and then I seen its Atk stat. Beyond. Pointless. GF. Even at +6 its still barely going to 2HKO most things.

I would love to use it. Power Rangers was my shit back in the day and it seems this thing is GF's attempt at a sentai, but, really, if I need a baton passer, I would use the 2374987234 others who do it better.
While I find it HILARIOUS that Ledian was given Iron Fist to complement its epic 35 base attack, this thing could be fun on a team to surprise your opponent and Baton Pass an SD while they are trying to figure out what Ledia even does
I love Ledian. I do. I used him when Silver originally came out soooo long ago... When I think back to those days, I remembered thinking Ampharos and Ledian were the shit.

Coming back to it now, and looking at it, it just makes me feel really sad. On one hand, its just awesome looking. And on the other hand... its just one of the worst pokemon ever.

Regardless though, with the use of encore and baton pass and that entire list of awesome moves it learns, it at least can do something... albeit it definitely deserves an evolution.
+6 Life Orb Focus Punch to 252/252 Shuckle with 252Attack, Jolly (to outspeed max speed Arbok), Iron Fist Ledian is a solid 2HKO and a OHKO with SR support.

Don't ever doubt it again.
why the fuck is there a thread on this



Agilipass is all Ledian should be doing. Put Bug Buzz over Silver Wind on the last set and that's the only set you're ever going to use.
why the fuck is there a thread on this

It's a fully evolved Pokemon (hopefully it won't be that way forever), and somebody might want to use it because they like it. It's the same reason why all the NU Pokemon in existence get analyses on site - they exist.
Iron Fist on Ledian is absolutely pointless because of its bad Attack. It has to stick with what it did best in Gen IV this gen: Baton Passing Swords Dance or Agility.
I remember in Gen4 NU, when Exeggutor was still NU. In those days, I had an almost perfect team in just 5 slots. So I used the sixth slot for a sweeper Ledian.

It rarely worked, but when Ledian did manage to sweep, it was the ultimate in trolling.

Anyway, if Ledian isn't Baton Passing, don't use it. Simple as that. Even with Baton Passing, the surprise factor is the only reason reason to use it.
Trollfreak has a really odd sense of humor giving a pokemon with 35 base attack Iron Fist...

I've always thought Ledian was badass for a lady bug of all things aesthetic wise. But dear God is it hard putting him to use.
Trollfreak has a really odd sense of humor giving a pokemon with 35 base attack Iron Fist...

I've always thought Ledian was badass for a lady bug of all things aesthetic wise. But dear God is it hard putting him to use.

Maybe it's in preparation for giving him an evolution with 55 attack and huge/pure power.

Probably not, but it doesn't hurt to dream, right?
And Bug/Fighting, right? STAB Huge Power Mach Punch + U-turn =D No but seriously, Ledian sucks, which sucks because he is a very cool Pokemon. Agility passing works for the lulz though.
Hey if they changed Manemite's family to Electric/Steel typing there's nothing to say they can't change Ledian to Bug/Fighting with an extra 90 points in At in the future, right? Heracross Jr lol.
In Gen 4 NU, this thing was easy to use. Agility first turn, Encore their rocks or whatever, SD on the switch, Baton Pass out and gg
actually, at one point in 4th gen (before hypnosis got nerfed), I seem to recall a time when hypnosis and other sleepers were extremely common. Encoring hypnosis is exceptionally obnoxious when you have early bird. Those were fun times.

Speaking of which, Early bird is pretty awesome with the new sleep counter! Maybe...someday...the rest of ledian, save it's special defense, will be.
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