Leftovers and Defensive Items

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is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
This thread will serve to support the Discussion by concluding some case files opened there. So let's give this a shot with the 6th Council peeps.

Heals the Pokemon one (1) HP at the end of every one of the Pokemon's actions. Pokemon with the ability Gluttony have two (2) HP restored per action instead.
Black Sludge:
Heals Poison-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Poison Heal, Poison Point, or Poison Touch one (1) HP at the end of every one of the Pokemon's actions. Pokemon with the ability Liquid Ooze or Toxic Boost have two (2) HP restored per action instead. All other Pokemon are dealt two (2) damage at the end of each of each action.
Splitting this per item.

What should be done with Leftovers healing effect?
+1/+2 HP per action (Retain)
+2/+3 HP per action (Change)
Go back to Discussion

What should be done with Black Sludge healing effect?
+1/+2 HP per action (Retain)
+2/+3 HP per action (Change)
Go back to Discussion

Tag time. Frosty / Flamestrike / Dogfish44 / Texas Cloverleaf / Engineer Pikachu / Gerard
Okay, let's take a look at another "defensive" item - Protector.

Should Protector retain it's original BAP decrease?
Yes, and only that (moves to Q2)
Yes, with additional effects (moves to Q2, then Q3)
No, take some other effect instead (moves to Q3)

How much BAP decrease should Protector have?
-1 (Retain)

What other effects should Protector have? (MBV, any option that gets majority is counted in, so please delete unwanted options)
+2 Rank to Def and SpDef
+1 Rank to Def and SpDef
Gains the Battle Armour ability
Gains the Rock Head ability
Does no incur Sluggish and Exhaustion effects

Tsg time, again. Dogfish44 / Engineer Pikachu / Flamestrike / Frosty / Gerard / Texas Cloverleaf
No, take some other effect instead
Yes, and only that

Yes, with additional effects

Don't really like any of the additional effects (I've soured on the "no sluggish" idea since I first supported it), so I think the best bet is some sort of damage reduction, either rank boosts or flat damage reduction.
Yes, with additional effects
Yes, and only that
No, take some other effect instead

I like the battle armor myself and thing it would make for a great boost alongside a BP reduction (-2 is what I think wold be good) otherwise I prefer to keep it simple with the effects.
Yes, and only that
No, take some other effect instead
Yes, with additional effects

I don't like the idea of protector being just a combination of random stuff put together. Just pick one and be done with it.
Yes, and only that
Yes, with additional effects
No, take some other effect instead

In the best interests of all (both pro-buff and pro-nerf), conservatism is perhaps the best way to go.
No Gerard it is not a tie.

Yes and only that got three votes.
Yes with additional effects got two votes.
No take some other effect got one vote.
Abstain got one vote so let us ignore that lol.

The No vote gets transferred to Yes and only that.

So Yes and only that wins 4-2.


Based on ZhengTann's post the next (and final) thing you should be voting on is:

How much BAP decrease should Protector have?
-1 (Retain)

Go forth and vote ASB Council! Though I somehow doubt Flamestrike is going to get his vote in... :|
Our resident "secretary" ZhengTann enslaved me and told me to unlock this thread so he can do what he wants to do.
/me sighs at the use of the word enslaved
I just checked and found that 6th (current) Council term was inaugurated at 13th August 2014. Do the math - in other words, I may be "secretary" no longer (!)

Okay Sash/Band time. I know there are some unease that we've been voting on (and implementing some) changes that might not have been really necessary at all, but let's go for No Changes if we do count ourselves in (of course, I should have no influence on how fellow Council members vote. None at all).

* * * * *

What should be done with Focus Sash?
No changes
Focus Sash remains active while equipped Pokemon has above 30% HP
Focus Sash remains active if equipped Pokemon has above 50% HP at start of round

What should be done with Focus Band?
No changes
Focus Band is active when equipped Pokemon has below 70% HP
Equipped Pokemon takes no more than 20% maximum HP damage per hit (removing the BAP deduction effect)

* * * * *

Do we think Big Root warrants a discussion for change?
Yes (go back to Discussion while this thread hangs open)
No (close and lock this topic for good)

* * * * *

IRV for Sash / Band, and SBV for Big Root. I may be going out of the line here, but given how this topic simply lost its momentum, I suppose at least the Council may decide if we really want to figure Big Root out. If there are any issues that any member of the community feels absolutely need to be addressed, they may PM or IRC any Council member in an attempt to convince them.

Tag time ^_^ Dogfish44 / Engineer Pikachu / Frosty / Gerard / Texas Cloverleaf / Flamestrike
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