Not to be snarky or diminish the point you're trying to put across, as I do /generally/ believe people should be respectful when it comes to issues like this, but I find your post here incredibly tone-deaf and ignorant. The use of the term bi lesbian has substantial negative effects for LGBT people, the identity itself is nonsensical and only serves as a way of bisexual erasure. As someone who's struggled with her sexuality for years now, before realising I'm bisexual with a strong preference for women, identities such as these have been suggested towards me without any significant justification. As Crux stated, these people treat "bi lesbian" as if it's some mid ground between bisexuality and homosexuality that simply doesn't exist in this fashion. They're just plain harmful towards a large subsect of the LGBT community, and treating them with this sort of hostility is not only understandable, but in my opinion right, given their significant negative impact and the intent of the majority who identify this way.I'm leaving Crux's long post but I've snipped the snark at the end (which is word-for-word the same post I deleted the first time). A reminder to all: this is a sensitive topic so think and word things carefully when taking positions that could diminish the identity of others. People in this space are often trying to discover themselves and I have zero tolerance for snarkiness towards anyone's self-identification here. You can criticise constructively but none of this "friendly" reminder bullshit.
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