Like Pokemon-related Challenges? Introducing Trick House!


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Approved by Kennedy

Hi there! Are you interested in battling on PS but are getting bored of regular laddering? Are you looking for a way to spice up your Pokémon games both casually and competitively? Perhaps you've wanted to win a battle in Ubers using only NU or lower Pokémon, or win a battle using at least one move of every typing before the battle concludes? Then Trick House is the place for you!

In the Trick House we have challenges galore to try out. Currently we have ladder challenges that can be attempted in battles on the ladder on PS, and in the future we have plans to bring in-game challenges (challenges in the physical games), fast-paced challenges, minigames and more to the forefront!

This is our current set of challenges so you can have a general idea of how they work:
- "RU" in OU [Amaluna]
Use only pokemon who have "ru" in their name. (CameRUpt, HaxoRUs, TentacRUel, etc)
In any of the eligible formats.émon_by_name - Ctrl + F "ru"

- Weather Strats [Hielito]
Every Pokemon on your team must have an ability or move relating to weather
Ability Example: Sand Force, Slush Rush, Drought. Move Example: Solar Beam, Weather Ball, Rain Dance

- 0 Moveset Coverages
Win a matchup only using moves with the same type as the mon. Including status moves.
Protean / Libero is allowed.

- I won't need more [Sificon]
Win a battle only using moves that have 8 PP (5 base PP)

- Vampire's Grip [Lucario]
Win a game using only moves that drain your opponent's health to replenish your health. This applies to ALL moves used.

- Consonantal Crisis - [Loading0987]
Use a team consisting of Pokemon whose names share no consonants.

- Gen one-er [Loading0987]
You may not use items, and you can only use moves and Pokemon available in Gen 1

If you’re interested in giving Trick House a look, join us in our Discord server. You’ll need to be in this server if you want to participate in the challenges we offer since this is currently the main platform we use. We have our own PS Room where you can find all our resources and more! What are you waiting for? Click the button below and join us!

Click it!
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Hey, hey! We have new challenges for you! Join the Discord server to complete them and meet new people. Good luck everyone!
Hello everyone! Challenges are back again here (i forgor to post last week)! From now on and until announced otherwise, cycles will last two weeks. Good luck trainers!
Hello everyone! For those who don't know me, I'm Atlas!

For the past long while, I've noticed the state of the room and I initially raised my hand somewhat recently to improve the state of the room. I have faith that my efforts, PS knowledge, and skills combined will make this successful, but beside that I currently have a small team of people I'm working with that I have unquestionable faith in. Our team is starting to organize things so that we can come back better and stronger than before.

My goal is to get this room back up and running, with my stronger efforts starting mid October. As Dorron said:
"Thanks for your patience, we'll make the room great again." Dorron, September 2024
I sincerely hope that I can do what I can to give everyone the best experience for Trick House that they can have. If you have any comments questions queries concerns or complaints, feel free to ask!
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Helo guys
Is there no list showing all the challenges submitted?
not the current ones (i hate you so much "Want to be view all challenges?" button.), i mean like, literally, every challenge submitted and its requisite.

If not, i think it would be a good idea to do it in here, since this place is... extremely empty... and i think it would be nice to give it some use
Or maybe just making an actual all challenges list in the room would suffice, idk, am not sure what are you guys planning to do here anyways.

P.S: if there actually exist a list with all challenges submitted within the room or the forum... well...
my first post will be a little embarrasing to me...
Helo guys
Is there no list showing all the challenges submitted?
not the current ones (i hate you so much "Want to be view all challenges?" button.), i mean like, literally, every challenge submitted and its requisite.

If not, i think it would be a good idea to do it in here, since this place is... extremely empty... and i think it would be nice to give it some use
Or maybe just making an actual all challenges list in the room would suffice, idk, am not sure what are you guys planning to do here anyways.

P.S: if there actually exist a list with all challenges submitted within the room or the forum... well...
my first post will be a little embarrasing to me...
Hi, thanks for reaching out.

This is already being worked on internally. We just need time. At this time I'm not really focused on giving the smogon thread a purpose but I could be convinced otherwise, if it would be effective at drawing new people in. There isn't any harm in posting it here, either, but I don't know yet if I want to actively manage it, as my plate is pretty full otherwise. I'll let you know when it's up (but it'll also likely be announced in the room.)

If you have any other queries, comments, questions, concerns or complaints, feel free to respond here or ask in the room. We can't cover all times but if we have time, we'd be happy to listen!
Hi everyone! As per the last two posts... This thread will now have an actual purpose! The reason why we're doing this is because Trick House, as a chat room, has a very good amount of activity in it - this is good! One issue with this however, is that feedback or conversations that happen in there may get lost, and there may not be a staff member on at that time to be able to properly review and act on that feedback. As such, this thread now serves as a more persistent venue to send things our way!

-> Things you SHOULD use this thread for (but you can also ask a staff member online if you see them):

- Concerns about the difficulty of a challenge (e.g being too hard/too easy, especially if this is in a cycle that you played - player feedback is vital!)​
- Feedback on cycles (Specifically constructive. Don't post one liners like "this cycle was good", but if there were notable issues about it from the challenges side, or there was something particularly good about a cycle that you wanted to see in future cycles)​
- Suggestions about changing the wording of an already existent challenge​
- Suggestions for the room itself​

-> Things you should NOT use this thread for:

- Suggesting a challenge (do this through /rfaq challenges)​
- Submitting challenge completions (do this through /rfaq challenges)​
- Asking staff to verify your replay (We try to do this regularly and it's all on a volunteered basis - I oversee it and try to at least verify this daily if no one else has)​
- Casual discussion unrelated to Trick House​

Of course, these lists are not exhaustive and there may be something else that falls under this category - we won't be too hard on you if you post something in the "wrong" place - we'll handle it accordingly c:

PSA: Nothing functionally is changing regarding how we do things. This is just simply a venue to which you can voice your concerns! It is preferable to drop them here than in the chat room, but you are also still allowed to PM staff members of course!
Furthermore: If there's a suggestion or something you agree with, feel free to LIKE the post so we know what's more popular! Likes won't translate 1:1 to action, but it's a good way to +1 posts you agree with!
Complaining on/pointing out a current (Cycle 9) challenge:Fortified, Gifted & Broken is not a valid challenge as it breaks the first Trick House Submission Guideline
  1. Challenges that require the usage of a specific Pokemon will not be accepted.
Fortified, Gifted & Broken, in particular, requires the use of Cinderace to Court Change Screens to the other side of the field. (Technically you can use Smeargle but Smeargle is a stupid Pokemon that should be annihilated from the face of the earth.) Therefore, Fortified, Gifted & Broken is not a valid challenge. Also, it should take Psychic Fangs and Raging Bull as both also destroy screen, and the challenge doesn't have anything that requires just Brick Break to be used. Just my two cents.

Also Playering for RO 2025
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Just wanted to point out a dupe challenge name: Teamwork makes Dream work is in the database twice (once by vaderaven and once by Yoshman8). They are different challenges, just the same name. Just wanted to point it out to avoid confusion. Thank you.

Also Playering for RO 2025
and in the future we have plans to bring in-game challenges (challenges in the physical games), fast-paced challenges, minigames and more to the forefront!
Is this still the case, or was that just things that were never gotten to? I would support it (except for the physical games part :blobsad:)
Is this still the case, or was that just things that were never gotten to? I would support it (except for the physical games part :blobsad:)
In-game challenges should belong to the Pokemon Games room

Fast-paced challenges is something we've brought up but we mainly need people to host it. I've found myself too busy to actually do this as of recent but I haven't forgotten
In-game challenges should belong to the Pokemon Games room

Fast-paced challenges is something we've brought up but we mainly need people to host it. I've found myself too busy to actually do this as of recent but I haven't forgotten
Sigh can carry the fast-paced challenges don't worry about it. But on a serious note don't give them an excuse to get more lines than me