List of released Dream World Pokemon

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List of released Dream World Pokemon


Q: I'm new to the Dream World, how do i access this feature and it's contents?
A: Read the Dream World Guide by King N

Q: What is an effective strategy to strike high scores at the mini-games?
A: Click Here

Q: Is pokemon [X] confirmed/released?
A: Enter Ctrl+F, type pokemon [X]' name, if it's not on the list it's not confirmed. Note that only the first stage of evolution will be on this list.

Q: How do i make a picture of my current screen?
A: Enter the button shown in the picture(on some keyboards you'll need to enter both [prt sc] and [fn]). From there open Paint/Photoshop and enter ctrl+v

Q: How do i upload this picture on smogon?
A: Go to a image hosting site like as ImageShack or TinyPic and upload your picture.

Q: According to Serrebii/Bulbapedia pokemon X is released with move Y.
A: To prevent the spread of possible false information, we prefer to get our information directly from the Dream World proven by pictures rather than from a third-party source.

Q: Why are there no Generation V pokemon on this list?
A: Most overworld sprites of Unova pokemon are not programmed in the game. Therefore it's very unlikely that any DW Gen V pokemon will be found before the release of the expansion(if ever).


#518 Musharna (Dream Yard)
- Defense Curl
- Lucky Chant
- Psybeam
- Hypnosis

#555 Darmanitan (Desert Resort)
- Thrash
- Belly Drum
- Flare Blitz
- Hammer Arm



#012 Butterfree (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Confusion (level up) ねんりき
-Air Cutter (Gen 4 Move tutor) エアカッター
-Roost (Gen 4 TM)はねやすめ

#016 Pidgey (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Steel Wing (Gen 4/5 Egg move) はがねのつばさ
-Secret power (Gen 4 TM)ひみつのちから
-Gust (Level up move)

#019 Rattata (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Quick Attack (Level Up) でんこうせっか
-Iron Tail (Gen 4 TM)アイアンテール
-Me First (Gen 4/5 Egg) さきどり

#021 Spearow (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Peck (Level Up) つつく
-Steel Wing (Gen 4 TM/Gen 5 Egg) はがねのつばさ
-Faint Attack (Gen 4/5 Egg) だましうち

#029 Nidoran F (Pleasant Forest (#1))
-Scratch (Level Up) ひっかく
-Sucker Punch (Dream World Exclusive) ふいうち
-Super Fang (HGSS Move Tutor) いかりのまえば

#032 Nidoran M (Pleasant Forest (#1))
-Peck (Level Up) つつく
-Super Fang (HG/SS Move Tutor) いかりのまえば
-Counter (Gen 4/5 Egg) カウンター

#037 Vulpix (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Heat wave (Gen 5 egg move)
-Dark Pulse (Gen 4 TM)
-Roar level up move)

#041 Zubat (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Supersonic (level up) ちょうおんぱ
-Hypnosis (Gen 5 Egg) さいみんじゅつ
-Super Fang (HGSS Move tutor) いかりのまえば

#043 Oddish (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Sweet Scent (Level Up) あまいかおり
-Giga Drain (Level Up) ギガドレイン
-Teeter Dance (HGSS/Gen 5 Egg) フラフラダンス

#054 Psyduck (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Water Sport(level up move)
-Brine (Gen 4 TM)
-Encore (Gen 5 egg move)

#058 Growlithe (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Body Slam (gen 5 egg move)
-Endure (Gen 4 TM)
-Bite (Level up move)

#060 Poliwag (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Sleep Talk (Gen 4 TM)
-Mist(Egg move)
-Hypnosis (level up move)

#069 Bellsprout (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Vine Whip (Level Up) つるのムチ
-Seed Bomb (Gen 4 Tutor)タネばくだん
-Synthesis (Gen 4/5 Egg) こうごうせい

#072 Tentacool (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Supersonic (level up move)
-Acupressure (Gen 5 egg move)
-Giga Drain (Gen 4 TM)

#077 Ponyta (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Tackle (Level Up) たいあたり
-Heat Wave (Gen 4 Tutor)ねっぷう
-Thrash (Gen 4/5 Egg) あばれる

#079 Slowpoke (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Brine (Gen 4 TM)
-Block (Gen 5 egg move)
-Yawn (Level up move)

#083 Farfetch'd (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Fury Cutter (Level Up) れんぞくぎり
-Leaf Blade (Gen 4/5 Egg) リーフブレード
-Roost (Gen 4 TM/5 Egg) はねやすめ

#084 Doduo (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Growl (level up) なきごえ
-Flail (Gen 4/5 Egg) じたばた
-Roost (Gen 4 TM) はねやすめ

#098 Krabby (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Amnesia (gen 5 egg move)
-Vicegrip (Level up move)
-Secret Power (Gen 4 TM)

#102 Exeggcute (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Barrage (level Up) たまなげ
-Synthesis (Gen 4/5 Egg) こうごうせい
-Giga Drain (Gen 4 TM/5 Egg) ギガドレイン

#108 Lickitung (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Lick (level up) したでなめる
-Rock Climb (Gen 4 HM) ロッククライム
-Sleep Talk (Gen 4/5 Egg, Gen 4 TM)ねごと

#114 Tangela (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Sleep Powder (level up) ねむりごな
-Leech Seed (Gen 4/5 Egg) やどりぎのタネ
-Seed Bomb (Gen 4 Move Tutor) タネばくだん

#115 Kangaskhan (Pleasant Forest (#1))
-Counter (Gen 4/5 Egg) カウンター
-Fake Out (Level up) ねこだまし
-Drain Punch (Gen 4 TM) ドレインパンチ

#116 Horsea (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Octazooka (Gen 5 egg move)
-Brine (Level up move)
-Bubble (level up move)

#118 Goldeen (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Psybeam (Gen 5 egg move)
-Water Pulse (Level up move)
-Peck(level up move)

#119 Seaking (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Endure (Emerald Move tutor)
-Peck (level up move)
-Water Pulse (Level up move)
-Sleep talk (5th gen egg move)

#120 Staryu (Sparkling Sea)
-Water Gun (Level Up)
-Icy Wind (Move Tutor PtHGSS)
-Recycle (Gen 4 TM)

#123 Scyther (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Baton Pass (Gen 5 egg move)
-Tailwind (Move Tutor HGSS)
-Quick Attack (level up move)

#128 Tauros (Pleasant Forest)
-Rage (Level up move)
-Iron Tail (Gen 4 TM)
-Rock Climb (Gen 4 HM)

#129 Magikarp (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Bounce (Move Tutor Pt/HGSS)
-Splash (level up move)

#131 Lapras (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Horn Drill (5th gen egg move)
-Icy Wind (Gen 4 Move tutor)
-Confuse Ray (level up move)

#138 Omanyte (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Muddy water (Gen 5 egg move)
-Icy Wind (Gen 4 move tutor)
-Bite (Level up move)

#140 Kabuto (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Flail (Gen 4/5 egg move)
-Stealth Rock (4th Gen TM)
-Absorb (level up move)

#142 Aerodactyl (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Bite (level up) かみつく
-Assurance (Gen 4/5 Egg) ダメおし
-Stealth Rock (Gen 4 TM) ステルスロック

#147 Dratini (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Thunder Wave(level up move)
-Dragonbreath(Egg move)
-Water Pulse(Egg move)


#161 Sentret (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Scratch (level up) ひっかく
-Covet (Gen 4/5 Egg move) ほしがる
-Endure (Gen 4 TM)こらえる

#163 Hoothoot (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Forsight (level up) みやぶる
-Recycle (Gen 4 TM)リサイクル
-Night Shade (Gen 4/5 Egg) ナイトヘッド

#165 Ledyba (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Bug Bite (Gen 4/5) むしくい
-Thunder punch (Gen 4 Move tutor)かみなりパンチ
-Comet Punch (Level up move)

#174 Igglybuff (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Sing (level up) うたう
-Fake Tears (Gen 4/5 Egg) うそなき
-Helping hand (Gen 4 move tutor てだすけ

#177 Natu (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Giga Drain (Gen 4 TM)
-Featherdance (Gen 5 egg move)
-Night Shade (Level up move)

#179 Mareep (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Thundershock (level up)でんきショック
-Shock Wave (Gen 4 TM)でんげきは
-Reflect (Gen 4 Egg) リフレクター

#183 Marill (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Water gun (level up) みずてっぽう
-Aqua Jet(Gen 5 egg move)
-Defense Curl (Level up move)

#185 Sudowoodo (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Role Play (Move Tutor PtHGSS)
-Flail (level up move)
-Rollout (Gen 5 egg move)

#187 Hoppip (Pleasant Forest/Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Synthesis (level up) こうごうせい
-Bullet Seed (level up) タネマシンガン
-Helping Hand (Gen 4/5 Egg) てだすけ
-Encore (Gen 4/5 Egg) アンコール
-Synthesis (Level up)
-Bounce (Level up)

#191 Sunkern (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Mega Drain (level up) メガドレイン
-Sweet Scent (Gen 4/5 Egg) あまいかおり
-Earth power (HGSS move tutor) だいちのちから

#193 Yanma (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Quick attack (level up) でんこうせっか
-Feint (Gen 4/5 egg move) フェイント
-Giga drain (Gen 4 TM) ギガドレイン

#194 Wooper (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Body Slam (Gen 5 egg)
-Aqua Tail (PtHGSS Tutor)
-Water Gun (Level up move)

#198 Murkrow (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Peck (level up) つつく
-Confuse Ray (Gen 4/5 egg) あやしいひかり
-Roost (Gen 4 TM/5 Egg) はねやすめ

#203 Girafarig (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Skill Swap (Gen 5 egg move)
-Mirror Coat (Gen 5 egg move)
-Confusion(level up move)

#207 Gligar (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Sand Attack (level up) すなかけ
-Feint (Gen 4/5 Egg) フェイント
-Tailwind (HG/SS Move tutor) おいかぜ

#211 Qwilfish (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Aqua Jet (Gen 5 egg move)
-Poison Sting (level up move)

#220 Corsola (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Stealth Rock (Gen 4 TM)
-Bubble (Level up move)
-Confuse Ray (Gen 5 egg move)

#223 Remoraid (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Rock Blast (Gen 5 egg move)
-Brine(Gen 4 TM)
-Lock-on (level up move)

#225 Delibird (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Present (level up) プレゼント
-Focus Punch (Gen 4 TM) きあいパンチ
-Ice shard こおりのつぶて

#226 Mantine (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Supersonic (Level up move)
-Mirror Coat (Gen 5 egg move)
-Air Cutter (Gen 4 move tutor)

#227 Skarmory (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Drill Peck (Gen 5 egg move)
-Roost(Gen 4 TM)
-Peck (level up move)

#234 Stantler (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Tackle (level up) たいあたり
-Disable (Gen 4/5 Egg) かなしばり
-Skill Swap (Gen 4 TM) スキルスワップ

-239 Elekid (Pleasant Forrest)
(Male) (Female)
-Magnet Rise (Move Tutor Gen 4)
-Cross Shop (Gen 5 egg move)
-Thundershock (level up move)

#241 Miltank (Pleasant Forest)
-Iron Tail (Gen 4 TM)
-Curse (Gen 5 egg move)
-Defense Curl


#261 Poochyena (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Howl (level up) とおぼえ
-Dark Pulse (Gen 4 TM) あくのはどう
-Poison Fang (Gen 4/5 Egg) どくどくのキバ

#263 Zigzagoon (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Trick (Gen 5 egg move)
-Last Resort (Gen 4 Move tutor)
-Tackle (level up move)

#270 Lotad (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Absorb (level up) すいとる
-Leech Seed (Gen 4/5 Egg) やどりぎのタネ
-Water pulse (Gen 4 TM) みずのはどう

#276 Taillow (Pleasant Forest/Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Peck (level up) つつく
-Mirror Move (Gen 4/5 Egg) オウムがえし
-Tailwind (HG/SS Move Tutor) おいかぜ
-Endure (Gen 4 TM)こらえる
-Brave Bird (5th gen egg move)

#278 Wingull (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Water Gun (level up) みずでっぽう
-Twister (Gen 4/5 Egg) たつまき
-Shockwave (Gen 4 TM)でんげきは

#283 Surskit (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Bubble (level up) あわ
-Hydro Pump (Gen 4/5 Egg) ハイドロポンプ
-Giga Drain (Gen 4 TM) ギガドレイン

#300 Skitty (Small Forrest)
(Male) (Female)
-Tickle (Gen 5 egg move)
-Captivate (Level up move)
-Foresight(Level up move)

#309 Electrike (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Ice Fang (Gen 5 egg move)
-Signal Beam (Move Tutor HGSS)
-Thunder Wave (level up move)

#318 Carvanha (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Dark Pulse (Gen 4 TM)
-Thrash (Gen 5 egg move)

#320 Wailmer (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Bounce (level up move)
-Water Gun (Level up move)
-Sleep Talk (Gen 5 egg move)

#333 Swablu (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Peck (level up) つつく
-Roost (Gen 4 TM/Gen 5 Egg) はねやすめ
-FeatherDance (Gen 4/5 Egg) フェザーダンス

#339 Barboach (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Spark (Gen 5 egg move)
-Sleep Talk (Gen 4 TM)
-Mud slap (level up move)

#345 Lileep (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Giga Drain (Gen 4 TM)
-Mirror Coat (Gen 5 egg move)
-Acid (Level up move)

#341 Corphish (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Endeavor (Egg move)
-Metal Claw (Egg move)
-Harden (level up move)

#347 Anorith (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Cross Poison (Gen 5 egg move)
-Stealth Rock (Gen 4 TM)
-Scratch (level up move)

#349 Feebas (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Mirror Coat (Gen 5 egg move)
-Splash (Level up move)
-Captivate(Egg move)

#351 Castform (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
- Water Pulse (Gen 4 TM)

#357 Tropius (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Gust (level up move)
-Leech Seed (Gen 5 egg move)
-Silver Wind (Gen 4 TM)

#366 Clamperl (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Captivate (Gen 4 TM)
-Aqua Ring (Gen 5 egg move)
-Whirlpool (Gen 5 egg move)

#369 Relicanth (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Sleep Talk (gen 5 egg move)
-Earth power (Move Tutor PtHGSS)
-Water Gun (Level up move)

#370 Luvdisc (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Mud Sport (Gen 5 egg move)
-Icy Wind (Gen 4 Move tutor)
-Charm (level up move)


#397 Staravia (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Wing attack (level up) つばさでうつ
-Tailwind (HG/SS Move tutor)
-FeatherDance (Gen 4/5 Egg) フェザーダンス

#399 Bidoof (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Tackle (level Up) たいあたり
-Aqua Tail (gen 4/5 Egg) アクアテール
-Iron Tail (Gen 4 TM)
-Secret Power (Gen 4 TM)

#403 Shinx (Pleasant Forest (#1))
(Male) (Female)
-Charge (level Up) じゅうでん
-Night Slash (Gen 4/5 Egg)つじぎり
-Magnet Rise (Gen 4 Tutor) でんじふゆう

#417 Pachirisu (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Shock Wave (gen 4 TM)
-Covet (Gen 5 egg move)
-Quick Attack (level up move)

#418 Buizel (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Water gun (level up move)
-Slash (Gen 5 egg move)
-Water Pulse (Gen 4 TM)

#422 Shellos (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Mud-Slap (level up move)
-Secret Power (Gen 4 TM)
-Yawn (Gen 5 egg move)

#425 Drifloon (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Hypnosis (Gen 5 egg move)
-Skill Swap (Gen 4 TM)
-Minimize (Level up move)

#427 Buneary (Pleasant Forest)
(Male) (Female)
-Drain Punch (Gen 4 TM)
-Fake Out (Gen 5 egg move)
-Foresight (level up move)

#431 Glameow (Pleasant Forrest)
(Male) (Female)
-Secret Power (Gen 4 TM)
-Assurance (Egg move)

#441 Chatot (Windswept Sky)
(Male) (Female)
-Mirror Move (level up move)
-Role Play (Move Tutor HGSS)
-Nasty Plot (Gen 5 egg move)

#456 Finneon (Sparkling Sea)
(Male) (Female)
-Sweet Kiss (Gen 5 egg move)
-Water Pulse (Level up move)
-Attract (Level up move)

List of pokemon that 'should' have been released but haven't been confirmed on smogon.

I'll need a screenshot to add it as confirmed. Please list the attacks as well.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far! And special thanks to Spoit for a huge update, and adding Japanese move translations as well

Fellowing event pokemon are male only therefore cannot have egg moves or pre-evo moves.

Pokemon Labyrinth
Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon (Pre-BW Game)

Pokemon Peer
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle (Buy Pokemon Peer and enter code)

CoroCoro November issue
Croagunk (Buy the November issue of CoroCoro and receive a code)

TGC starter set
Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup (Buy a TCG Starter set only on November 12th and receive a code)

Pokemon Black & White Guide
Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip (Purchase the Pokemon Black & White guide in Japan)

Pokemon Popularity Poll
Arceus (Released through Dream World)

Birthday Togekiss
Togekiss (On a birthday when synced with both Daisuke club and Pokemon Global Link)
- Present (Egg move)

Pokemon Fan Mamoswine
Mamoswine (purchase the december issue of Pokemon Fan magazine in Japan and receive a code)

Event pokemon that include both genders

Pokemon Café
#061 Poliwhirl (Male) (Female)
-Rain Dance あまごい (level Up Move)
-Haze くろいきり (breeding move)

#133 Eevee (Male) (Female)
-Helping Hand てだすけ (level up move)
-Charm あまえる (egg move)
-Swift スピードスター (Gen IV move tutor)

#235 Smeargle (Male) (Female)
-Sketch スケッチ (level up move)
-Sleep Talk ねごと
-Captivate ゆうわく

#412 Burmy (Male) (Female)
-Protect まもる (level up move)
-Bug Bite むしくい (level up move)
Just seen this, thanks a lot for that Mien! I know I appreciate having an updated one especially with supposedly released but unconfirmed pokes on it as well.

One thing I thought I should bring up - I thought DW Vulpix got Dark Pulse as an exclusive move? Fairly sure I debated its general uselessness for coverage in the Sun/Tales thread at one point when someone mentioned it, but unfortunately I can't seem to find it for you.

Also, will this be stickied over the old one? Seeing as it hasn't been updated in years...
Definitely appreciate the update. I was having a hard time trying to figure out what I could and couldn't use in OU when I first started battling on Smogon's server on PO. Started to figure it out over time, but it's nice to have it all in one place. Good work.
Glad to see this stickied. Will be checking back here now and then to see if Moody Smeargle gets released to the forest area :P
actually it's not sunkern and sunflora DO NOT get earth power by Plat HG/SS tutor
I'm afraid you're wrong there. It's true that neither one gets Earth Power in Platinum, but Sunflora does indeed get Earth Power from the move tutors in HG/SS. I know, I've taught a Sunflora Earth Power myself. Not Sunkern, though, so technically, this is the only way to get an Earth Power Sunkern.
I'm afraid you're wrong there. It's true that neither one gets Earth Power in Platinum, but Sunflora does indeed get Earth Power from the move tutors in HG/SS. I know, I've taught a Sunflora Earth Power myself. Not Sunkern, though, so technically, this is the only way to get an Earth Power Sunkern.
I actually fired up my SoulSilver to check this and the guy's got Earth Power on the list of moves he can teach a Sunkern.
Wait, I don't see the hoenn starters on this list anywhere?

But... Speed Boost Blaziken...

Also, you might want to make a section with darminition and musharna, just to be thorough.
I actually fired up my SoulSilver to check this and the guy's got Earth Power on the list of moves he can teach a Sunkern
Thanks for the notification, i fixed the OP accordingly.

One thing I thought I should bring up - I thought DW Vulpix got Dark Pulse as an exclusive move? Fairly sure I debated its general uselessness for coverage in the Sun/Tales thread at one point when someone mentioned it, but unfortunately I can't seem to find it for you.
Dark Pulse Vulpix has been mentioned in the Japanese Wiki but apparently it hasn't been found yet on smogon. If someone does and posts a picture of it here i'll add it to the OP

You misspelled "Carvanha", "Aqua Jet", "Luvdisc", "Labyrinth", "Endeavor", (whether or not you spell the word this way, this is how it's spelled in-game) and sometimes "Forest". Also, Eevee was never available on Pokémon Labyrinth
You misspelled "Carvanha", "Aqua Jet", "Luvdisc", "Labyrinth", "Endeavor", (whether or not you spell the word this way, this is how it's spelled in-game) and sometimes "Forest". Also, Eevee was never available on Pokémon Labyrinth.
I actually fired up my SoulSilver to check this and the guy's got Earth Power on the list of moves he can teach a Sunkern.
Oh, really? Wow. See, I think what it was was that I remember somebody posting when HG/SS came out, saying that the only difference with older move tutor compatibility was that Sunflora could now learn Earth Power. No mention of Sunkern.
Oh, really? Wow. See, I think what it was was that I remember somebody posting when HG/SS came out, saying that the only difference with older move tutor compatibility was that Sunflora could now learn Earth Power. No mention of Sunkern.
Well, really, who cares about Sunkern enough to mention it got a move tutor move it didn't get before.
Hey guys, I don't know if this belongs here. But I've bought a copy of White, and I have a Black copy as well. Can I use one account to access the Dream World on both games? Or do I need to make a new account?
Here's a tip to those who are going to play the "Breakout!" game on the Pokemon website.
If you want a certain Eeveelution, just avoid every sphere that comes out EXCEPT for the one that you are trying to get. If you accidentally get seomthing else and it says it'll send that Pokemon, play the game again.

That's how I ensured a Magic Bounce Espeon :)
Here's a tip to those who are going to play the "Breakout!" game on the Pokemon website.
If you want a certain Eeveelution, just avoid every sphere that comes out EXCEPT for the one that you are trying to get. If you accidentally get seomthing else and it says it'll send that Pokemon, play the game again.

That's how I ensured a Magic Bounce Espeon :)

Or just trade with Japanese people via GTS Negotiations. That's how I got my Timid EV'ed MB Espy :P
On the topic of the Breakout game for the Eeveelutions, from the other thread:

Hey guys, a massive heads-up. When you win your Eeveelution, DO NOT click the "play again" button. Instead, leave the game by going to a different site or closing the window/tab the game is in, then go back in. You should get a message saying that you've already gotten the Eeveelution and that future play is for fun. If you haven't seen this message, your Eeveelution choice was not saved.

Clicking the "play again" button after finishing DOES NOT save your choice. I read about this and sure enough, the Espeon I thought I earned a couple of nights ago wasn't registered as gotten. Played through again just before, closed the tab afterwards, went back and Espeon get.

TL;DR: Leave the game site instead of clicking "play again" after winning the Eeveelution. Otherwise it won't count.
Or just trade with Japanese people via GTS Negotiations. That's how I got my Timid EV'ed MB Espy :P
as i've found out, normal GTS works too. I managed to get a female drought vulpix for only a snivy *not mine* using it. (and a male lickitung but that's not as good. XD)
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