So, time to post the teams.
To start the tournament, I built the most reliable LC style, Volturn. Having 18 Speed, Sprigatito is a good breaker that can pivot out of bad match-ups. Toxel and Mienfoo are slow pivots that allow Sprigatito to switch-in for free, while also stealing item. Vullaby acts the same way, though it also has a fast mode with Weak Armor. Drilbur puts rocks and spins, while being an electric immunity. Finally, since I needed something to resist fire and something that outsped the whole meta, I put a Scarf Clauncher, who with Mega Launcher hits hard and could get some sweeps.
Unfortunately, the team ended up easily defeated by Zcarlett:
I ran some calcs with Specs Tera Flying Hurricane Fletching and the results looked good. Of course, such a set needed Rain to work. There are no Drizzle Mons in LC to this day, so manual Rain is needed. Riolu and Shroodle are the only Prankster users that learn Rain Dance, but the former doesn,t have any means to pivot out, so Shroodle it is. Vullaby is the other Rain Dance user, since its a good Mon on its own, being able to Defog the Hazards that can bring Fletching down to 25%. Tepig looks a bad pick on Rain, however it provides an amazing defensive profile by being immune both to Electric and Grass. It also puts Rocks. Finally, Psyduck and Buizel (this one with a set that could have been invented by a 10 years old child, but was invented by a 30 years old one instead) are the Rain sweepers. < In a very bizarre battle I threw away both Rain setters but still somehow won, since Zcarlett forgot that Water resists existed.
Slugma looked like a good Trick Room breaker, so I built a team around it and Tepig. Both Fire Mons are supposed to wear down the checks of each other. The rest of the team puts Trick Room, with Vullaby providing a good defensive profile (TR teams tend to be bad vs Dark types) and Hatenna healing. < Wooper might as well be the worst nightmare for this team and with Tera Water Voltorb killing my Tepig, I pretty much had no chances, losing the game and the round.
Another Volturn, this time with Dreepy and an army of Mons that steal or Knock items. Mienfoo is the Scarfer, Toedscool is the spinner and Vullaby is the Vullaby. Both Toxel and Tinkatink have Pickpocket to absorb Knock Off and still steal the item. < Snak's Screen HO with a Stellar Shellder proved too much for this team to handle. After this battle, I decided to build teams without Mienfoo for the rest of the tournament.
Gale Wings gives a lot of toys to Fletching. One of them is priority Tailwind. Thats how I built a team with 3 birds that put the Wind and 3 abussers. Since Fletching needs the bulk to avoid being below 25% as much time as possible, Eviolite is the item and Dual Wingbeat the main STAB. Should Fletching lose Eviolite, then Acrobatics is the STAB to use, stronger and more accurate. Watrell benefits from its own Tailwind with WInd Power, its Electric moves become stronger. The final Tailwind Mon is Vullaby, who also is able to Defog the hazards (since all 3 birds are weak to Rocks). Both Glimmet and Mudbray provide our own Hazards, though both do it as a bonus, their main goal is to abuse Tailwind and hit hard. Glimmora has 22 Special Attack which rises to 33 when it uses Meteor Beam, its extremely hard to switch into. Last Mon is another hard hitter that happens to resist Water and Ice. Dewpider has just enough Speed to outspeed everything at +2.
This team was good enough to be used 2 times. In the first battle, vs Snak, Glimmora murdered his Toxel and forced Tera on Mienfoo, while putting Tspikes that couldn,t be removed except for a possible Defog Vullaby, which never happened, since, Fletching abused Weak Armor with Dual Wingbeat. In the end, Dewpider swept under Tailwind. < Vs rarre the result was worse. His Tera Dark Stunky ignored Tailwind with Sucker Punch and eventually swept me in late game
Being slow, Cutiefly is quite hard to use. It does learn Trailblaze, but requiring 3 turns to set-up is way too much. For this reason, I decided to make the opponent's team slow instead, with los of paralisis. Cutiefly uses Tailglow + Draining Kiss to sweep and never dying. Tera Electric Blast is needed to get past Mareanie and live Vullaby's Brave Bird. The Pokemon that spreads paralysis the best is Silicobra, who has Glare. Silicobra also happens to have a good match-up vs some of the new Mons of this Pet Mod, such as Toxel, Tepig, Galarian Meowth or even Dreepy. It also has a good match-up vs some of the regular LC Mons, such as Vullaby, Glimmet or Elekid. Silicobra has good bulk and Rock Blast to hit flying Mons, while Shed Skin lets it absorb and later heal status. Tinkatink also paralyzes, puts rocks and steals items. Swablu is a bulky Defogger with a godly typing. It can SPAM Body Slam to paralyze or abuse opposing Knock Off to use STAB Acrobatics. Mareanie is a bulky offensive Mon that like Cutiefly abuses paralysis, its needed due to the ammount of resists it provides (and a Poison type is always needed due to Glimmet). Finally, Voltorb acts as a pseudo-Scarfer and sometimes can also paralyze with Static.
I used this team 3 times, the most of any of them. < Vs Snak, Silicobra paralyzed half of his team, which allowed Cutiefly to boost and easily sweep in late game. Mareanie also stood out at ignoring its own paralysis vs Toxel and stalling its 8 Slack Off PPs. < Vs Rarre, Mareanie and Silicobra again provided both offensive and defensive support, wearing down his team. In particular, Silicobra abused Glimmet each time it came in. This time, Swablu was needed to remove the hazards, something it did succesfully, while also dealing some damage. < Feen ended the win streak of this team with a SD Alolan Sandshrew in Snow, a very respectable choice.
I started with a fantasy core (Steel-Fairy-Dragon) of Meowth, Swablu and Dreepy. After that I don,t know what I smoked to put that Munchlax set specifically and 2 Ground types. < Regardless of my reason to use it, Munchlax actually worked pretty well, killing Gastly and Tepig and severely damaging Vullaby, who despite that, was one flinch away from sweeping me with Nasty Plot.
I finally got to use one of my own submissions, Shieldon. And I use it with the wrong ability this time. Sand is a good field for Shieldon, boosting his Special Defense. With Restalk, Shieldon has a chance to use Roar twice per turn. Unfortunately, regular Roar doesn,t work this way, which nerfs Shieldon a lot. Anyway, the 3 Ground types are classic Sand core, though Sandshrew instead of sweeping, puts Spikes in this team, while also spinning and Knocking. Of course, with so many hazards we need something that spinblocks, so Poltchageist is used. Finally, Vullaby is a good Mon that covers many threats. < Hilariously enough, me having the wrong ability on Shieldon ended up preventing Feen's Body Press Swablu from sweeping me, after which my own Drilbur swept.
Both Corphish and Jangmo-o got realeased. I wanted to try just Corphish, but as I was building the team I entered the Clanger too. Foonguss and Wattrell both cover Corphish's weaknesses very well, though Foonguss now needs to use Tera Blast, since Tepig is very common. I don,t remember why I put Bronzor on this team, probably because of Swablu. <Both Corphish and Jangmo-og showed themselves well in their first game vs Feen.
I was yet to use Spoink. With such a terrible defensive typing and found in a crowded 17 speed Tier, Spoink needs both paralysis and Volturn support. Therefore, Silicobra comes back along with Dreepy and the always useful Vullaby. Mareanie again is a Mon that covers a lot and abuses paralysis too. Silicobra does learn Stealth Rock, but using it means not using either Rest or Rock Blast, both of which are often needed. Therefore, I had to find another Rocker, preferably one that could act as another Water, and Electric resist. Turtwig looked perfect for the job. Haven,t spoken about Spoink yet, but there is not much to speak about, Meteor Beam while stealing item is a cool tech and with Tera Fairy it can atract Knock Off (while being Psychic still) and steal a second item. < Little did I know that Turtwig instead of just putting Rocks would have to face half of teamo's team... and win vs it. Spoink contributed by removing Mudbray, who would have stopped Tera Steel Turtwig.
Oh, look, Shieldon now has the right ability! And some weird teammates that don,t look like they fit together, but they kinda do. Rowlett is a cool Defogger that last Gen already was good enough at handling Mienfoo and Grookey, but now it also has Knock Off and Bullet Seed. Corphish in this team has what I think currently is its best set, Scarf. Shieldon uses Curse boosts to sweep with Rock Blast (multi-hit move in LC=good) and Body Press. < I was almost destroyed by SD Mienfoo in this game, but stopped it first time with Nymble, and the second time it missed HJK (thats why CC is superior!).
In my first Slugma team attemt I tried brute power in Trick Room. But Slugma got a new move to boost Special Attack and Speed, so this time I built a team around boosting Slugma. I used Tera Blast and Earth Power to cover basically everything except Dragons. Sprigatito with U-Turn lures shit like Foonguss or Steels in so that Slugma can boost on them. Swablu Defogs, Mudbray rocks and Mareanie checks stuff. Vullaby this time is an emergency scarfer, even having a multi-hit move for better match-up vs opposing Vullaby. < I Tera'd Slugma too early and it didn,t kill anything on Zpice's team. Then Sprigatito did less than I expected to Glimmet and I lost Vullaby, the game was unwinnable after that.
Mareep got released but has an obvious problem: Tepig. Therefore either 5 teammates dedicated to bully Tepig or Tera Blast is needed. I decided the Tera Blast route, though some of the teammates still bully the pig. Mareanie, Vullaby and Drilbur do usual stuff. Growlithe absorbs Foonguss's Spore and acts as Scarfer with Sleep Talk. Finally, Jangmo-o is a bulky sweeper that acts as a secondary (because sometimes more than one is needed) Corphish check. < This was a very hard battle, since I lost Mareanie quite early to Trapinch, meaning that the Body Press Swablu was a threat if it used Tera vs Mareep. However, Zpice Tera'd Voltorb instead, removing my Jangmo-o. This was a mistake, since now Mareep could handle both Swablu and Corphish, which it succesfully did. Growlithe ended up sweeping.
My other winning submission in my favorite weather that finally could be a powerful style in LC. So, the 3 Ice Mons are the now standard core and the other 3 Mons support them defensively. Mareanie also has Eject Button to sometimes allow an early Cetoddle sweep.
I used this team twice. < Zpice didn,t bring Ice resists at all, though there was a Cetoddle counter in Wooper. However, Sandshrew killed it very early, so all I had to do was wait for an opportunity to use Belly Drum. That opportunity came when a damaged Voltorb killed my Tepig with Tera Blast and Protected the next turn. 4 Ice Shards and everyone is dead. < Teamo not only didn,t bring any Ice resist either, but also brought 4 Ice weak Mons. However, this battle was much harder and his Wingull almost won, forcing me to Tera the Mon that was supposed to never do it, Snover. The strategy worked and later Cetoddle managed to get Belly Drum done. Mienfoo tried to Tera Fire, but I predicted it and used Stomping Tantrum.
My second attempt at using Gastly. Still not sure how its supposed to be used. This time I tried the Protean version with a Scarf. A secondary scarfer in Magnemite is also present, along with a hazard stacking core and 2 strong Dark types. < The hazards were put, but me constantly being paranoid over Gothita and Gastly not being able to do enough damage made me lose the game.
Basically, the same Specs Fletching Rain, but now with Corphish instead of Psyduck. In Rain Corphish does insane damage and with Scarf it still outspeeds everything. < Teamo made a very solid try of counterplay with Shellder, Scarf Dewpider and some priority that gave him a decent chance to win. However, he should have lead with Nymble (which threatened my whole team and OHKOd at least 4 Mons) to take advantage of that. Instead, the battle started 6-5 with Corphish killing Glimmet and Nymble appeared way too late to change the outcome.
This late in the tournament, and there was still a Mon I haven,t used: Wooper. So, I mounted a hazard stack with it. Mienfoo being much worse allows Pawniard to shine and discourage Defog. Mienfoo still exists, so there is a Restalk Koffing to stop it, Foonguss, Grookey and several other things. Lastly, there is an offensive core of Tailwind Fletching and Life Orb Corphish to take advantage of all the hazards. < This was Koffing's battle. He just sit there, denying Regenerator and even living a Tera Blast Ground from Voltorb. As for Wooper, it walled the otherwise dangerous Clanger.
2 things were to be tried here. A Toxel that lured and eliminates Tepig with Tera Blast Water (so that Voltorb isn,t walled later) and a more offensive Tepig with Trailblaze. Rest of the team is pretty normal. < After using Fletching in several teams, only now I learned it gained the Fire typing, lol. This allowed Taka's one to wall Tepig. Toxel did work as intented, but it wasn,t enough and my match-up into Glimmet and Drilbur was very poor. In the end, I got finished by Shellder.
Hazards are broken, and in the last team I decided to abuse them again. Even with Shieldon's ability not working well with Roar, it remains a viable option if enough hazards are present. So, Glimmet and Sandshrew provide the hazards, with Sandshrew spinning as well. 2 strong and fast Dark types make the offensive power of the team and the last slot goes to the bulkiest Ghost possible that prevents Spin and also can Roar.
So, thats it. Time to personally rank the currently available 17 new Mons:
1. Corphish
Scarf set alone makes this Mon the best newly added one. Its a Scarfer that can also work as breaker and has a pivoting move. It 2HKOs almost the whole tier and every team needs one or preferably multiple stops to it. It also has a competent Dragon Dance set that can 6-0 some teams if used properly. Tera makes it kinda worse, but that means it won,t be your Tera user most of the time. What stops Corphish? Funily enough on the same slate Corphish got in, its counter Jangmo-o got in too. Mareep appeared one slate later, but also is a very solid check. Swablu is worse, but still sometimes can deal with the crab. Fletching and Scarf Sprigatito can revenge kill Corphish, but can,t get it. Wooper is immune to Water, but will need Tera to take repeated Knock Offs. Out of the old Mons, Snover, Grookey, Mienfoo, Nymble and Foonguss kinda check it, but have troubles getting in. Croagunk is a full counter, but a mediocre Mon otherwise. Fortunately, DD Corphish has a hard time setting up due to 5 weaknesses, so it will rarely win by itself, however Scarf Corphish has no such problem and will wear down its checks over the course of a match.
2. Tepig
Before Corphish appeared, this was the most influential Mon and the reason many Mons run Tera Blast Ground or Water. It single-handely saved Voltorb from being axed in this meta. It made almost all Electric and Grass types very hard to use, Fire types too have become very limited by it. Apart from such defensive profile, it also happens to learn Rocks and hit decently hard with its STABs. The only problem Tepig has, its that being this good everyone will be preparing for it and often it will eat some effective Tera Blast, but thats what scouting and teammates are for.
3. Swablu
Another Mon with great defensive typing. I think every single opponent that used it vs me used it wrong though. Yes, Cotton Guard + Body Press sounds cool and sometimes can act as a win condition. In reality though, Swablu is much better as a team player. It checks lots of stuff and can clear hazards and paralyze with Body Slam, a move no Mon is immune to thanks to Pixilate. It also can take Knock Off and use powerful Acrobatics, even without investement that will hit hard. Main Swablu's problem is Toxel switching in for free, but its not a dangerous offensive threat.
4. Sprigatito
Almost nothing switches into Life Orb Sprigatito. Tinkatink is the one exception that does and Shieldon sometimes can check it too if it has the right Tera. Swablu is another good check, but Swablu will have to check a lot of Mons over the course of a match. Other than that, the cat 2HKOs almost the whole Tier. It does have drawbacks in that its very prediction reliant and can be revenge killed by Trapinch. The day the meta has a good Healing Wish user Sprigatito will be even better.
5. Fletchling.
Very versatile anti-offense Mon. Can have many viable sets: itemless, Eviolite + SD + Dual Wingbeat, Tailwind or Specs + Rain. Even emergency Defog could work on this Mon. It does need Hazard control, but almost any team requires that anyway.
6. Jangmo-o
Countering Corphish is the main appeal of this Mon, but it also happens to know many boosting moves: Bulk Up, Sword Dance, Iron Defense, Dragon Dance and Take Heart (also Work Up, but don,t see the point of that). This, coupled with Slack Off and Jangmo-o's offensive movepool makes it another very versatile threat
7. Wooper.
Very passive Mon, but denies many sweeps too. Water types (Corphish included) would be a lot better if this thing didn,t exist. Its very passive but in the free time it has, it can put hazards.
8. Toxel.
Item stealer or Static cheeser. Even when it doesn,t have Static, it can paralyze with Nuzzle. Removes Toxic Spikes and gives troubles to all the birds, basically mandating a Ground type. Unfortunately, Tepig is a massive issue, as well as Wooper and literally any Ground. Sludge Bomb poison comes handy vs those, though eventually it will have to face Alolan Diglett.
9. Dreepy
Fast and frail U-Turner that also statuses stuff. It has an unfortunate weakness to Knock Off, but otherwise it supports the team well and can be an offensive threat itself. This Mon is in the limit of the ranking, from here begin the Mons that need either Tera or big support to work.
10. Shieldon
Would be much higher if the ability worked the way I intended it to, but still a very good Mon as long as you give it hazard support and accept that it will probably be the Tera user, since base typing is terrible. It can sweep with Body Press or Curse boosted Rock Blast, or absorb Status and Roar away the opponents. Pre-Tera typing is good enough to switch into Cutiefly, Foonguss, Fletching, Sprigatito (kinda) and Vullaby, among others.
11. Mareep.
Good in theory, since it checks Corphish and some other physical threats very well and is an Electric that doesn,t care about Ground types... except Tepig. Thats the Main problem, since it requires either dedicating the whole team to hunt it down or Tera Blast. Even if Tepig is dealt with, Mareep is still walled by Toxel and every Grass or Dragon type. Fortunately, other Grasses suffer from Tepig exactly the same, so they are not that common.
12. Cetoddle
Devastating in Snow, but pretty much requires it. Also stopped by Wooper and revenge killed by Tera Nymble. Still a very strong Mon, just needs lots of support.
13. Cutiefly
Losing so much speed didn,t help it. That being said, it has a good defensive profile and with para support can sweep by using Tail Glow + Draining Kiss. However, Jangmo-o is easier to use.
14. Meowth Galar.
Out of all Mons buffed, the only ones that started better than it were the 2 Ubers. It was already an usable Scarf Mon. Now it has some other uses and can even heal, but still competes for the Steel slot with Tinkatink and Shieldon. Its original use of checking Shellder doesn,t work that well, since Shellder can just use Liquidation or Hydro Pump to avoid the recoil.
15. Slugma
Would be higher if Tepig didn,t appear. Slugma isn,t actually walled by Tepig, but competes for teamslot with it. Tepig is much bulkier and although it doesn,t sweep, it still does high damage. Slugma's niche comes from its ability and its signature move, but those are not enough to distinguish it from Tepig. If Sticky Web ends up unbanned at some point, Slugma's stock value will increase.
16. Spoink
Has a very fun ability that lets it break and steal Eviolite from a counter. Unfortunately, the typing is terrible and its even trapped by Trapinch. It also is found in a crowded 17 Speed Tier, right with Mienfoo and Grookey. Its extremely predictable, since it only has one trick. It does break well when it appears on the field and can steal more than one item if it Teras, but it still needs a lot of support to work. Its the second best Rock and the second best Psychic, but thats not an important achievement.
17. Gastly
The nerfs have been very harsh on this Mon. Or maybe its just me who is unable to find a good use for it. It has 2 good abilities, but its too frail and too slow to use its ofensive power (which also has been nerfed). With Webs unbanned it would probably be a lot better, even without Levitate, but right now my experience with it has been very negative.
Rest of meta comments.
This Pet Mod has done a good job at doing what every LC Pet Mod should: make Mienfoo worse. Swablu, Sprigatito, Fletching, Dreepy, Mareep, Toxel, Spoink, Cutiefly, Wooper, Jangmo-o and even Gastly (who prevents HJK spam at least) make the Regenerator clicker worse. Its still good and even has moves to beat all its new enemies, but its not clearly the best Mon of the meta anymore, it competes with several (Vullaby, Corphish, Tepig...).
Vullaby has not suffered as much. It got several Fairies and Toxel to deal with, while Corphish and Sprigatito compete as STAB Knockers. It still offers an unique (until we get Murkrow down) defensive profile, while at the same time hitting hard and being a potential win condition.
Grass types have it dire, Tepig walls most of them. Now they need to either run Tera Blast or something that hits Tepig. On this note, Toedscool is notable for having Earth Power, though it still should either lose or be worn down one on one. Hisuian Voltorb is axed mostly due Tepig, but its still a decent Mon due to outspeeding everything.
Electric types have it equally dire, though Chinchou is an exception and also walls Fletching.
Ground types on the other hand don,t compete too much with Tepig, since they all beat it one on one. Drilbur and Sandshrew can still spin, Mudbray has titanic bulk and good power, Alolan Diglett outspeeds almost everything and Trapinch has Tepig, Toxel, Spoink, Shieldon, Slugma, Sprigatito and even Wooper if it dares to use Giga Drain as trapping targets.
Mareanie continues being the best Poison type and bulky water. Wooper, Toxel and Gastly didnt dethrone it, since Regenerator while having both defensive and offensive presence is always going to be good.
Stunky is the second best Poison and still can do lots of damage with Knock + Sucker Punch, checking defensive and offensive teams a like.
Glimmet is the third one of the unholy Poison triade, still the best hazard spreader but also has a good offensive potential.
Lastly, its probably still too soon to talk about unbanning Sticky Web, but several Mons (Swablu, Fletching, Slugma and Cutiefly) are immune to it, while other defensive Mons (Toxel, Wooper and Shieldon) simply don,t care about it. If we get more Mons like that, a Sticky future might be a reality.
Have a nice Eeveening!