Little Cup Creationism

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approved by our resident frog lover, macle

Little Cup Creationism

"Creationism --- /krēˈāSHəˌnizəm/ --- noun --- the belief that the universe and living organisms originate from specific acts of divine creation, as in the biblical account, rather than by natural processes such as evolution."

The basic premise of this project is to create Pokemon that work in Little Cup based off Pokemon without pre-evolutions. What does this mean, exactly? It means that Pokemon will receive their own mini-deities, or pre-evolutions, should they not already have one. Double staged Pokemon are ineligible for this treatment. This will be a community project centered around this goal. Before Little Cup was created, we had a tier known as RBY. In this RBY world, the only God we had was the lonesome Mewtwo, who many respected and looked up to. Mewtwo decided that it was eventually time for a change, with tyrants like Rhydon and Alakzam reigning supremer; and what better way to do so then to create mini-deity versions for every Pokemon? Well, this is more likely known as Little Cup, but these Pokemon aren't little by any means! Evolutionism is an idea that follows scientific principals, and Mewtwo was very much into leading with his own powers as a deity to create all. And, well, Mewtwo did create everything in this universe! Or... did he? Could one deity create an entire world with just his raw hands? Well, that's up to debate as well.

To keep this more organized, we will go through by tier and create pre-evolutions that are not to be overpowered. Sure, we can ban things from the metagame after it settles, but we should not aim to create completely broken Pokemon. So, where does the community come in? Well... everywhere past this point! In order to create these Pokemon, we must follow the following guidelines:

Pokemon name --- mini-deity name
Typing --- ability
Stat spread: HP / Atk / Def / SpA / SpD / Spe
Move reductions:[/I]

So, here would be an example:
Mawile --- Mawtike

Steel / Fairy --- Strong Jaw / Intimidate / Sheer Force
Stat spread: 20 HP / 65 Atk / 65 Def / 40 SpA / 40 SpD / 35 Spe
Move reductions: Sucker Punch, Baton Pass

This is a reasonable pre-evolution for Mawile because it has low HP, mediocre Attack and Defense, and poor Specials. The logic behind these moves is how powerful Swords Dance would be on top of Mawile's decent power already. Baton Pass on bulky sets would be insanely good due to Mawile's excellent typing and great physical bulk after an Intimidate. Mawtike would be a decently powerful LC threat held back by a poor Speed stat and mediocre stats in general.

But wait! unfixable! What do we do when there are no more Pokemon without pre-evolutions to give?! To spice things up a bit, we'll take a review of Pokemon Mewtwo has deemed unworthy of being able to call themselves a deity in any way, shape, or form. These Pokemon are the lowest of the low, only a lowly C Rank on his list of Pokemon will warrant a demotion of power to be reverted into a new form. Where will Mewtwo start?

First Round of Mini-Deities --- [NU] [C+ Rank in LC]
Aron --- done by Goldland
Binacle --- done by cityfolk
Chespin --- reserved by nobody
Darumaka --- reserved by nobody
Koffing --- reserved by nobody
Lileep --- reserved by nobody
Magby --- reserved by nobody
Numel --- reserved by nobody
Pumpkaboo-Small --- reserved by nobody
Spinarak --- reserved by nobody
Wynaut --- reserved by nobody
Mesprit --- Currently unavailable
Audino --- reserved by nobody
Kangaskhan --- reserved by Kavatika
Uxie --- Currently unavailable
Rotom-Fan --- Currently unavailable
Sawk --- done by inscribe [Stryke]
Crygonal --- done by cityfolk [Hexaflake]
Gourgeist --- Gourgeist is only receiving one forme
Qwifish --- done by The Avalanches [Qwilfry]
Rotom --- Currently unavailable
Tauros --- reserved by ajernijic
Zangoose --- reserved by Ununhexium
Bouffalant --- done by Melons-N-Soda [buffalad]
Kecleon --- reserved by Choice Banned
Chatot --- reserved by Rhythms
Regirock --- Currently unavailable
Rotom-Frost --- Currently unavailable
Stunfisk --- done by Omastar42 [Omastar42]
Articuno --- Currently unavailable
Diancie --- reserved by nobody
Ditto --- reserved by nobody
Basculin --- reserved by nobody
Volbeat --- reserved by nobody
Lapras --- reserved by nobody
Relicanth --- reserved by nobody
Throh --- reserved by nobody

Mewtwo has chosen NU first, the lowest of the low. There will be some ground rules before we create each Pokemon and some general things to keep in mind.

  • Make sure your idea is creative.
  • The Pokemon can be powerful, but please try and prevent broken Pokemon from being added.
  • Stat changes are usually around 40-50 for three stages, while it's usually 35-45 for two stages; however, this is not a limit.
  • Move reductions should take into account what could potentially broken.
  • Not all ideas will be approved.
  • Abilities should stay consistent with their evolutions but may be changed a bit, but no insane buff or theorymon change.
  • You may not add any moves.
  • The idea is to make the Pokemon positively affect the metagame, not to break it or make other Pokemon unviable.

Here's Mewtwo's Chamber:
  • 331.png
    unfixable :D

I'll go over your submissions and make sure they're of quality. Then I'll add them to the OP. I may add more users, but probably only one or two. Happy posting! ♪♪
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Qwilfish --- Qwilfry
Water / Poison --- Poison Point / Swift Swim / Intimidate
Stat spread: 50 HP / 70 Atk / 65 Def / 40 SpA / 40 SpD / 75 Spe
Move reductions: Swords Dance


I have always wanted to evolve this thing, but I think I can live with this.

Qwilfry would make for a fantastic lead, as it has access to Intimidate, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Taunt, allowing it to punish lead foes such as Dwebble and Surskit with its fantastic speed and proceed to set up entry hazards on them. It could opt for Explosion or Destiny Bond in the fourth slot to let it take down a foe, the former preventing its hazards from being spun or defogged. Intimidate could, along with Qwilfry's excellent 50/65 physical bulk, to check a variety of foes such as Mienfoo, Snubbull, and Timburr. Although its special bulk is lackluster, it is able to take on the likes of Spritzee thanks to its excellent typing. A Rain Dance Swift Swim set is also viable. Despite its shallow movepool, Waterfall and Poison Jab provide great coverage. Destiny Bond or Explosion are good candidates for the fourth slot, as they allow for Qwilfry to take down Croagunk and Ferroseed if rain is about to end.
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reserving cryogonal

Cryogonal --- Hexaflake (Hexagon + Snowflake)
Ice --- Levitate
Stat Spread: 60 HP / 25 Atk / 30 Def / 70 SpA / 90 SpD / 90 Spe (355 BST)
Move Reductions: Sharpen, Confuse Ray, Explosion, Hyper Beam, Night Slash, Poison Jab

Hexaflake could actually be a decent Ice type in LC (which is severely lacking in viable Ice types, with only Snover and Amaura). It has access to a great speed tier (19), amazing special bulk, and great special attack. It lacks coverage with only Ice STAB (Freeze Dry, Frost Breath, Ice Beam), Water Pulse, Signal Beam, and Flash Cannon. It has access to a speedy rapid spin, much like Staryu, except with much higher HP & SpD and much lower Def. It can be run offensively with a Life Orb, or defensively with moves like Recover. I doubt this would be broken, since it's a mono-ice type, but it could probably be around low B rank.
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Chatot for me



Chatot --- Mumblombl
Normal/Flying --- Big Pecks / Keen Eye / Early Bird
Stat spread: 30 HP / 60 Atk / 40 Def / 65 SpA / 30 SpD / 70 Spe = 295
Move reductions: Boomburst, Synchronoise, Sky Attack
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Stunfisk --- Funfisk
Electric / Ground --- Hydration / Static / Sand Veil
Stat spread: 75 HP / 45 Atk / 65 Def / 65 SpA / 70 SpD / 30 Spe (edited from 90 Hp->75)

Move reductions: None would make it broke

Funfisk would be a great addition to LC because it is a super bulky Pokemon that can set up Stealth Rock and function as a check to many offensive threats to teams. It makes a great burd check, stops sweepers with paralysis, and has good Sp Atk with decent Stabs on top of its high bulk. Although lacking a form of reliable recovery (hydration rest loses utility), a Wish passer like Spritzee could be used to keep it healthy through the match. The best set would be a bulky Stealth Rock setter like the following:
Funfisk @ Eviolite
Ability: Static
Level: 5
EVs: 76 HP / 156 Def / 76 SpA / 196 SpD
Bold Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Thunderbolt
- Earth Power
- Thunder Wave
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Sawk -- Stryke
Fighting -- Sturdy | Inner Focus ; Sturdy
Stat Spread -- 40 HP / 85 Atk / 30 Def / 10 SpA / 30 SpD / 70 Spe

This is a great pre-evolution for Sawk, as it keeps its offenses in balance with terrible defense stats. Terribly low HP and defense stats keep Stryke's above average Attack and Speed stats in check, but Stryke is still a powerful Pokemon. A Choice Scarf set would fit it very nice, or even a Life Orb set to nuke things with STAB Close Combats and strong Knock Offs. However, any other type of set wouldn't benefit Stryke very much, seeing as it lacks the defensive stats to do so. A Scarf Set would be easily switched in to, because many things are immune/resist Close Combat & Earthquake, while a Life Orb set can be revenged by most 'Mons in the tier.
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Heh. Another announcement: Legendaries will be unable to be reserved at this time. Until I find users I feel comfortable with making this decision, I won't be allowing everyone to jump on legendaries. This mainly due to how insanely broken the legendary can easily become, and we're going to try and limit this as much as possible. Thanks everyone ^_^!
Bouffalant for me please.

Edit: Forgot someone already reserved Kanga.

Bouffalant-- Buffalad
Normal -- Sap Sipper / Reckless / Soundproof (HA)
Stat Spread -- 80 HP / 85 Atk / 65 Def / 20 SpA / 65 SpD / 25 Spe

Buffalad's main niche is being a stop to Foongus or Cottonee due to its Sap Sipper ability, while being able to do something back or not be weak to types like Flying or Water. It has solid bulk and a decent attack stat, though low speed and weakness to Fighting are glaring issues. A bulky SD set would work best.
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Relicanth --- Relicoel
Water/Rock --- Swift Swim/Rock Head/Solid Rock (HA)
Stat spread: 80 / 70 / 110 / 25 / 45 / 15 (Total: 345)
Move reductions: None; it already has a pretty suckish movepool

I think I actually made a better Relicanth when making this. Relicoel now has a good HA in Solid Rock, can hold Eviolite, and has lots of physical bulk. I could see this Pokemon having a nice niche in rain teams as well, as Swift Swim helps to cover up its horrible Speed and highlights its above-average attack. Removed, as unfix wanted it to have a lower speed.
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I'll just try this out. Reserving Rotom-Fan

EDIT: Is it alright to make a prevo of a form of a pokemon?
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Tauros --- Boaros
Normal --- Run Away / Sheer Force / Thick Fat
Stat spread: 55 hp / 70 atk / 70 def / 20 spatk /60 spdef / 70 speed
Move reductions:
Rock Climb

Justification: So I believe this would be a pretty good mon in this current metagame. For its abilities I decided to get rid of Anger Point because 12 attack from a crit, especially with the bulk I gave it? No thanks. Now instead of Anger Point I gave it run away because it just makes sense, and then replaced Intimidate with Thick Fat. Now for its spread I wanted to give it speed and attack like its successor but i didn't wanna make it too fast or powerful and ended up letting it hit 17 speed with ease. Instead of stacking its speed and attack I gave it some bulk because it's fat little bull. As for taking away Rock Climb, do you really think a little baby bull could pull that off?

Audino -- Medique (medicine + acoustique [audio in french])
Normal / Fairy -- Healer | Regenerator ; Klutz
Stat Spread: 90 HP / 20 Atk / 60 Def / 55 SpA / 55 SpD / 15 Spe

Medique would be a great Pokemon in the current metagame. Medique would provide stall with a big boon, as a Regenerator user and wish passer. Medique would be very healthy in the metagame because of its average defense stats, but its above average HP allows it to excel at passing wishes. It wouldn't outclass every Fairy-type ever either, because Medique's typing doesn't allow it to reliably beat Fighting-types, so after some prior damage and after being knocked off, Medique is susceptible to being beat by Fighting-types. However, it's cool to note, that with Medique's decent SpA stat, you can pull off a fairly decent Calm Mind set / 4 attacks set.
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Tauros --- Boaros
Normal --- Run Away / Sheer Force / Thick Fat
Stat spread: 55 hp / 70 atk / 70 def / 20 spatk /60 spdef / 70 speed
Move reductions:
Rock Climb

Justification: So I believe this would be a pretty good mon in this current metagame. For its abilities I decided to get rid of Anger Point because 12 attack from a crit, especially with the bulk I gave it? No thanks. Now instead of Anger Point I gave it run away because it just makes sense, and then replaced Intimidate with Thick Fat. Now for its spread I wanted to give it speed and attack like its successor but i didn't wanna make it too fast or powerful and ended up letting it hit 17 speed with ease. Instead of stacking its speed and attack I gave it some bulk because it's fat little bull. As for taking away Rock Climb, do you really think a little baby bull could pull that off?
rip SpA
Relicanth --- Relicoel
Water/Rock --- Swift Swim/Rock Head/Solid Rock (HA)
Stat spread: 80 / 80 / 120 / 25 / 55 / 35 (Total: 395)
Move reductions: None; it already has a pretty suckish movepool

I think I actually made a better Relicanth when making this. Relicoel now has a good HA in Solid Rock, can hold Eviolite, and has lots of physical bulk. I could see this Pokemon having a nice niche in rain teams as well, as Swift Swim helps to cover up its horrible Speed and highlights its above-average attack.
#BanHammer. I think it is actually really cool what you did and I really like it, but there is no way that would not be broken. That bulk with an Eviolite, in addition to fantastic attack and a great ability? Good game LC. Lol. I really like the idea though - very cool. :]
Skarmory- Chikrome(if someone can come up with a better name i'll give you something nice)
steel/flying, same abilities
45/60/120/20/50/50 (yes its phys mantyke)
take away hyperbeam/giga impact i guess

do i need to explain why this would be good?
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