NOC Lumiose Legends Mafia - GAME OVER (Mafia Win)

If we vote des, then I'd say going into DBD would be good next.

Not sure I trust NE's claim of backing up Absol and learning Gengar's in the game. He's already on my radar. Though the power level is consistent with what I've seen from the flips.
With Mekkah not reading the posts leading up to BD’s death, and trying to push me
This is some very weak reasoning. How does that work? Keep in mind des wasn't being voted at that point, the bandwagon was between like 4 people including DBD, skipper, and bluedoom, and my vote was parked on NightEmerald. I switched to bluedoom at your suggestion that bluedoom was cc'd by des, since I missed those pages. That put my vote in the same place as (I think) most of town.
Before I went to bed last night (DBD asked for my thoughts at like 3am my time, way after I said I'd go to bed lol...) I was trying to see if des didn't mean to claim roleblocker. She just said she roleblocked someone. If you look at des's posts, she usually says very little, and only responds to questions where you're very specific about what you want - and preferably with very little mafia jargon in there, it's very clear she doesn't know all of those yet (relatable).

So I tried to ask des - are you just a roleblocker. A simple yes/no question. Just to give her an out to see if she's like a town JOAT that didn't mean to cc but was interpreted as one. She didn't answer, but she has since then claimed basically a garbage version of bluedoom's role. I think we can vote it out.