NOC Lumiose Legends Mafia - GAME OVER (Mafia Win)

Oh god I have to use my brain

I am town
ck is town
that leaves three
Assume Charlie town
If masons are town then scum is Marlene/sunny/ag/ne which. The latter three does not work as a combo interactions wise
Hm. If Charlie is not town I don’t think ne is partnered with them but ag/sunny still make 0 sense
That leaves. Masons/two of sunnmarlyagne
That might be the solve that makes the most sense to me so far
If I tinfoil Charlie i guess scum is Charlie/marlyne/sunny/ne or mayyybe ne/ag if you think ne was aiming for a tie at that eod or maybe masons
I don’t think I tinfoil Charlie yet
You say that assuming charlie is not town, no combo of AG/NE/sunny can work because AG/sunny and AG/NE but doesn’t AG just work there? This is basically my reasoning for potentially slotting AG into my townsolve because I think it makes the most sense in that specific regard
by extension to the neon nk speculation, means at least 3 nkproof roles are town so the masons are necessarily conf town
Well there’s NE/Hydro/marlyne

I’m still hesitant on this because I feel like the claims cannot all be real because if they are do we not just win because scum just can’t kill us all, even with CK’s vig? Oh wait nvm the vanillizer
I got ninja'd oops. Anyway based on most recent convos (both public and private with Vizh) I think we sort of landed on marlyne/AG/sunny being the best votes. I really wanna post my vote before I start streaming in like 1.5 hour but I'm afraid of letting scum hammer the wrong person