VGC Lunala


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VGC Leader
Lunala @ Power Herb
Ability: Shadow Shield
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 4 Def / 180 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moongeist Beam
- Meteor Beam
- Trick Room / Hypnosis
- Wide Guard / Protect

Lunala had an amazing showing at the VGC 22 World Championships in London, placing 2nd by Guillermo Castilla Diaz, top 8 by Naoto Mizobuchi, and top 32 by Joe Ugarte. Lunala is known for its sturdiness, thanks to amazing natural bulk and Shadow Shield, and its offensive pressure, with STAB Moongeist Beam and Power Herb Meteor Beam to OHKO Incineroar and Charizard while boosting its Special Attack. Lunala is especially notable for being one of the few Pokemon on Groudon teams that can pressure Incineroar and Charizard without Dynamaxing. This allows Lunala / Groudon teams to make use of other Dynamax candidates like Charizard and Regieleki. Naoto's Lunala opted for Trick Room and Wide Guard, offering Speed control and the ability to put a stop to the common spread move users like Kyogre and Calyrex-S. Guillermo instead went with a Hypnosis variant to gain more control of the field. 252 Speed EVs allow it to hit 149 Speed so that it can outpace Calyrex-S after a Max Airstream boost from Charizard.
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A shame I couldn't find any of the teams fully publicized.

252 Speed EVs allow it to hit 149 Speed exactly so that it can outpace Calyrex-S after a Max Airstream boost,
You could specify it's from Charizard
while 180 Special Attack EVs with a Modest nature afford Lunala an extra point in Special Attack, which is very important when factoring Meteor Beam boosts.
Maybe a bit too exuberant for just an extra point in special attack.

A shame I couldn't find any of the teams fully publicized, but great work qc 1/1
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kasty and penguin did post rental teams but I never found full pastes, and since s13 is coming in a few days it's prob not worth linking to rentals

GP Team
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Lunala @ Power Herb
Ability: Shadow Shield
Level: 50
EVs: 68 HP / 4 Def / 180 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moongeist Beam
- Meteor Beam
- Trick Room / Hypnosis
- Wide Guard / Protect

Lunala had an amazing showing at the VGC 22 World Championships in London, placing 2nd by Guillermo Castilla Diaz, top 8 by Naoto Mizobuchi, and top 32 by Joe Ugarte. Lunala is known for its sturdiness, thanks to amazing natural bulk and Shadow Shield, and its offensive pressure, with powerful Moongeist Beams STAB Moongeist Beam and Power Herb Meteor Beam to OHKO Incineroar and Charizard while boosting its Special Attack. Putting pressure on these Pokemon specifically is important, as Lunala is one of the few Pokemon that can accomplish this on Groudon teams without the need to Dynamax Lunala is especially notable for being one of the few Pokemon on Groudon teams that can pressure Incineroar and Charizard without Dynamaxing. These Lunala/Groudon teams then This allows Lunala / Groudon teams to make use of other Dynamax candidates like Charizard and Regieleki. Naoto's Lunala opted for Trick Room and Wide Guard, offering Speed control and the ability to put a stop to the common spread move users like Kyogre and Calyrex-S. Guillermo instead went with a Hypnosis variant to gain more control of the board field. 252 Speed EVs allow it to hit 149 Speed exactly so that it can outpace Calyrex-S after a Max Airstream boost from an ally Charizard.
GP 1/1!


GP Team done