Lunar New Year Celebration Festival V


is a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
thread approved by ironwater, logo by Arya


The 29th of January is the beginning of the Lunar New Year, and with it, a new edition of this festival will begin, from the 3rd of February to the 16th. This year, it's the Year of the Snake! Curious to see how rooms face this year's topic? Join us and let's meet again in some of the mo
st famous rooms in Pokemon Showdown!

The main objective, once again, is to gather points from all around PS’s rooms to climb up the leaderboard and be first place at the end of the event, winning an amazing prize from our selection of prizes! This year, the second place will also get a prize.

Every room that participates will host one or more events related to the Lunar New Year, and the points will be gathered in a huge final leaderboard.

We will have, once again, a ROOM where you can join to check the schedule and be with other LNY participants and hosts. Once the event start, you will be able to join it with /join LNY.

Every room will host a different kind of event, at different times, related to the contents the room offers. For further information, you can take a look at the table below or ask each respective room for information on their event. You can see where and when these events will take place below.

For every question feel free to ask me, Yveltalnl or neycwang.

Period: from the 3rd February to the 16th February

Prize for the 1st classified: one of the following: a custom avatar, color change OR the possibility to gain a disabled name of your choice.
Prize for the runner-up: The option the 1st classified won't pick.

SCHEDULE: Note that all timestamps are in GMT+0 (UTC)
LNY III schedule (short).png

Each room will give a maximum of 48 points in total, except the events that include submissions or count participation. You can check each room to know how they will distribute their points.

PARTICIPATING ROOMS: Check them out to know their event!

(If you don't see your room in here and want to participate, quick-PM any of the organizers before 31st January)
UbersNational Dex MonotypeFrançaisTournaments PlazaThe CafeSurvivorHindi
MonotypeChinesePokemon GoTV FilmsPets & AnimalsTriviaRuins of Alph
Pet ModsEspañolVideogamesBattle DomeThe WildernessAnything Goes
1v1NederlandsWiFiThe LibraryLobbyTrick House
Zero UsedJapaneseTournamentsBoard GamesScavengersThe Happy Place

Good Luck! 祝你好运!


  • LNY III schedule (short).png
    LNY III schedule (short).png
    568.1 KB · Views: 95
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Happy Lunar New Year! Monotype and National Dex Monotype will be hosting Monothreat Grass and Mono Snake tours on the following times:

NDM - Feb 3 (Mono Snake) /Feb 10 (Monothreat Grass) 2:00AM GMT+0
Mono - Feb 3 (Monothreat Grass) /Feb 10 (Mono Snake) 4:00 AM GMT+0

Here is the list of "snakes" that will be legal (mons in * are unavailable in the SV version of the tour):

ekans, arbok, milotic, silicobra, sandaconda, dunsparce, dudunsparce, onix*, steelix*, dratini, dragonair, seviper, snivy, servine, serperior, zygarde*(no power construct), rayquaza, gyarados, eternatus, huntail*, gorebyss*, hydrapple, hydreigon, eelektross, lapras, giratina, giratina-origin, steelix-mega*

We hope you enjoy the incoming tours and happy Lunar New Year :blobnom:
Happy Lunar New Year! Wi-Fi will be hosting an array of exciting events to celebrate this special occasion:

- Serpentine Tournaments (February 9th @ 0:00 GMT and February 15th @ 22:00 GMT)
Ready for a battle? Join us for our Serpentine Tournaments! Battlers will partake in a Natdex OU tournament using only Pokémon that the in-game Pokédex considers as Pokémon w/serpentine bodies (w/a few bans, of course)!

Legal Pokémon: Metapod, Kakuna, Ekans, Arbok, Onix, Gyarados, Dratini, Dragonair, Dunsparce, Steelix, Slugma, Magcargo, Pupitar, Seviper, Milotic, Huntail, Gorebyss, Shellos, Gastrodon, Cresselia, Serperior, Clawitzer, Goomy, Sliggoo, Sliggoo-Hisui, Charjabug, Sandygast, Palossand, Pyukumuku, Mimikyu, Drampa, Applin, Silicobra, Sandaconda, Snom, Dreepy, Orthworm, Dudunsparce, and Wo-Chien!

- Catching Contest (February 3rd to 13th)
Contestants will journey across Paldea to catch a Pokémon in Scarlet & Violet that best fits the given theme, Lunar New Year: Year of the Wood Snake! Voting from the community will soon follow, then awards will be given!

- Trivia (February 16th @ 20:00 GMT)
Test your snake, or snake adjacent Pokémon knowledge in this special iteration of Wi-Fi's Trivia!

Please see Wi-Fi's /roomevents for additional information, we're happy to assist if there's any questions. We look forward to seeing you!
A very late happy new year to everyone from the Ubers room!!

For our event, we're doing the same tournament on two different dates and times to give players in all timezones a reasonable chance to participate in at least one of them:
  1. Sunday, February the 9th - 10:00AM GMT+0
  2. Sunday, February the 16th - 06:00PM GMT+0

USUM Ubers Tournament - Winner of each tournament gets 12 points and the runner up gets 6 points. However, bonus points are also available if you bring snake-themed Pokemon! The popular ones being Rayquaza, Zygarde, Giratina, and Gyarados! But even the lesser viable yet snake-like Pokemon will get you those bonus points (ehem Serperior).

The finalist with more snakes on their team will get 4 bonus points, and the one with fewer (non-zero) snakes will get 2 bonus point. If both players have same non-zero number of snakes, the winner will get 4 points and runner up will get 2 point. If only one player brings snake Pokemon then they'll get full 6 points!
New year is a special time no matter which one you celebrate, it's a way to start fresh and welcome new beginnings. Get out and help clean your local community with the Pokémon GO room's GO Collect Trash event!

As a participation event is an easy way to score 5 LNY points each week no matter what your time zone is.
This Lunar New Year, from February 14-16 (GMT), Survivor on PS! is calling all lucky players to assist with defeating the Boss Snake that has descended upon our room! In this event, you must win Survivor games to have a chance at dealing damage to the Boss Snake. The top damage dealers to the Boss Snake will earn up to 24 LNY points. Find more information here and be sure to join games in Survivor from February 14-16 to participate! (No prior signups required)
thread approved by ironwater, logo by Arya


The 29th of January is the beginning of the Lunar New Year, and with it, a new edition of this festival will begin, from the 3rd of February to the 16th. This year, it's the Year of the Snake! Curious to see how rooms face this year's topic? Join us and let's meet again in some of the moView attachment 708276st famous rooms in Pokemon Showdown!

The main objective, once again, is to gather points from all around PS’s rooms to climb up the leaderboard and be first place at the end of the event, winning an amazing prize from our selection of prizes! This year, the second place will also get a prize.

Every room that participates will host one or more events related to the Lunar New Year, and the points will be gathered in a huge final leaderboard.

We will have, once again, a ROOM where you can join to check the schedule and be with other LNY participants and hosts. Once the event start, you will be able to join it with /join LNY.

Every room will host a different kind of event, at different times, related to the contents the room offers. For further information, you can take a look at the table below or ask each respective room for information on their event. You can see where and when these events will take place below.

For every question feel free to ask me, Yveltalnl or neycwang.

Period: from the 3rd February to the 16th February

Prize for the 1st classified: one of the following: a custom avatar, color change OR the possibility to gain a disabled name of your choice.
Prize for the runner-up: The option the 1st classified won't pick.

SCHEDULE: Note that all timestamps are in GMT+0 (UTC)
View attachment 710958

Each room will give a maximum of 48 points in total, except the events that include submissions or count participation. You can check each room to know how they will distribute their points.

PARTICIPATING ROOMS: Check them out to know their event!

(If you don't see your room in here and want to participate, quick-PM any of the organizers before 31st January)
UbersNational Dex MonotypeFrançaisTournaments PlazaThe CafeSurvivorHindi
MonotypeChinesePokemon GoTV FilmsPets & AnimalsTriviaRuins of Alph
Pet ModsEspañolVideogamesBattle DomeThe WildernessAnything Goes
1v1NederlandsWiFiThe LibraryLobbyTrick House
Zero UsedJapaneseTournamentsBoard GamesScavengersThe Happy Place

Good Luck! 祝你好运!
Happy Lunar New Year! Monotype and National Dex Monotype will be hosting Monothreat Grass and Mono Snake tours on the following times:

NDM - Feb 3 (Mono Snake) /Feb 10 (Monothreat Grass) 2:00AM GMT+0
Mono - Feb 3 (Monothreat Grass) /Feb 10 (Mono Snake) 4:00 AM GMT+0

Here is the list of "snakes" that will be legal (mons in * are unavailable in the SV version of the tour):

ekans, arbok, milotic, silicobra, sandaconda, dunsparce, dudunsparce, onix*, steelix*, dratini, dragonair, seviper, snivy, servine, serperior, zygarde*(no power construct), rayquaza, gyarados, eternatus, huntail*, gorebyss*, hydrapple, hydreigon, eelektross, lapras, giratina, giratina-origin, steelix-mega*

We hope you enjoy the incoming tours and happy Lunar New Year