BH Magic Guard Eternatus [Done]


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Eternatus is one of the most splashable and defining Pokemon in BH, capable of filling offensive and defensive roles through its excellent stat distribution, crucially outspeeding Arceus. Its Poison typing provides a crucial neutrality to Fairy and allows Eternatus to hit some of the most common specially defensive walls like Mega Audino super effectively, while its Dragon typing and naturally high HP allows it to heavily deter Imposter users from switching in. As a result, its Magic Guard set is one of the most defining offensive sets in the metagame, exerting strong pressure while retaining remarkably solid defensive capabilities. It can also serve a more defensive role with sets using Unaware or Regenerator that can blanket check a variety of setup users through its bulk, Speed, and typing that aids against common forms of passive damage, like poison and Thunder Cage. However, Eternatus's Speed leaves it outsped by and vulnerable to several prominent threats like Miraidon and Mega Alakazam. It is also highly reliant on maintaining high HP to retain Dragon Energy's power, which, when combined with its lower initial damage output, reduces its offensive consistency.

Magic Guard (Eternatus) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Shell Side Arm
- Torch Song
- Strength Sap

Magic Guard Eternatus is a setup attacker that is difficult to wear down that differentiates itself from other similar attackers like Mega Sceptile and Miraidon through its ability to easily pressure Fairy-types and Blissey without losing a recovery move. Magic Guard makes Eternatus incredibly difficult to chip down, helping maintain Dragon Energy's power, and it also negates recoil from Life Orb, giving Eternatus a much-needed damage boost. Shell Side Arm seems odd with Eternatus's base 85 Attack, but with the Life Orb boost, it heavily pressures Blissey, an otherwise difficult wall to surmount. Torch Song compresses boosting and coverage for Steel-types like Celesteela in one slot. Strength Sap is the preferred recovery move to keep Eternatus healthy. A Naive nature ensures Eternatus outspeeds the Arceus formes and Ultra Necrozma, and it is opted over a Hasty nature, as it helps against attacks from Pokemon like Mega Blaziken and RegenVest users as well as increasing damage dealt to Imposter users with Dragon Energy.

Magic Guard Eternatus fits on a variety of team structures thanks to its splashability. Thanks to Magic Guard, this set fits naturally on entry hazard-resilient teams as a source of offensive pressure, and it works well with other Magic Guard attackers like Mega Sceptile and Ultra Necrozma to overload their shared checks like Fire-immune Steel-types. Eternatus also synergizes excellently with hazard-stacking compositions, as checks like Ice Scales Pokemon cannot hold both Heavy-Duty Boots to negate hazards and Covert Cloak to prevent poison from Shell Side Arm. RegenVest users like Celesteela and Dialga-O pair well with Eternatus by providing Knock Off support against opposing RegenVest users while also checking faster offensive foes like Mega Alakazam and Mega Sceptile that threaten Eternatus. They can also sometimes provide paralysis support against Imposter users, rendering them useless against Eternatus. Blissey and Chansey can provide Wish support to help keep Eternatus healthy and allow it to forgo Strength Sap, and they also limit Strength Sap recovery from opposing Take Heart Arceus formes, helping Eternatus break through them easier. Eternatus also appreciates Knock Off absorbers like the Arceus formes and some aforementioned RegenVest Pokemon, as it is reliant on Life Orb for a significant amount of its damage output. Eternatus can be Imposter-proofed easily by Eviolite Chansey, either with Imposter + Jungle Healing or Heal Bell or with Magic Guard; other options include Fire-immune Steel-types and Take Heart Ice Scales Pokemon like the Arceus formes.

Other Options

For the Magic Guard set, Final Gambit is a niche alternative on more offensive teams or when coupled with Wish support as an option to clear out special walls for teammates like Mega Sceptile. Secret Sword is another niche alternative over Shell Side Arm or Strength Sap that hits Blissey and Chansey significantly harder and allows use of a stronger Poison-type STAB move like Malignant Chain, but it doesn't offer much else. Mold Breaker lets Eternatus bypass Well-Baked Body and Ice Scales to aid in wallbreaking, but the vulnerability to passive damage cuts into Dragon Energy's power much easier, it provides less defensive value, and Mold Breaker still can't beat Primordial Sea. Regenerator sets, sometimes with Choice Scarf, act as a decent pivot against threats like Mega Blaziken and Ash-Greninja and can provide utility through Spikes and Trick, although its offensive potential is low. A Fur Coat set seems appealing to act as a check to physical attackers like Sniper Ash-Greninja and Mega Blaziken, but it can be overwhelmed by the former after minor chip damage and has a glaring weakness to Mega Garchomp, rendering it mostly outclassed.

Checks and Counters

**Paralysis**: Eternatus is very dependent on its Speed to function, making paralysis severely crippling and heavily reducing its offensive and defensive potential.

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Attackers like Mega Sceptile and Mega Alakazam outspeed and can OHKO Eternatus.

**Fire-immune Steel-types**: Steel-types with abilities that snuff Torch Song, such as Well-Baked Body or Primordial Sea Solgaleo and Arceus-Steel, are nigh immovable for Eternatus. Notably, Magearna with one of these abilities is immune to all of Eternatus's standard moves.

**Ice Scales Walls**: Select Ice Scales Pokemon such as Meloetta and Arceus-Ground shrug off Eternatus's attacks and can retaliate with super effective STAB moves, and unlike Blissey, they can safely withstand Shell Side Arm. However, they must hold Covert Cloak to prevent poison, as Arceus-Ground struggles to fit Take Heart, rendering them susceptible to repeated chip damage from entry hazards.

**Chansey**: Chansey's respectable physical bulk with Eviolite, in contrast to Blissey, allows it to comfortably handle Eternatus and notably deny recovery from Strength Sap.

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Eternatus is one of the most splashable and defining Pokemon in BH, capable of filling offensive and defensive roles through its excellent stat distribution, crucially outspeeding Arceus. The Poison-typing offers a crucial Fairy-neutrality and allows Eternatus to hit some of the most common specially defensive walls like Mega Audino super effectively. As a result, its Magic Guard set is one of the most defining offensive sets in the meta, exerting strong pressure while retaining remarkably solid defensive capabilities. It can also serve a more defensive role with sets like Unaware that can blanket check a variety of setup users. mention regen somewhere? However, Eternatus's speed tier still leaves it outsped and vulnerable to several prominent threats like Miraidon and Mega Alakazam. It is also highly reliant on maintaining high HP to retain Dragon Energy power, which when combined with its lower initial damage output reduces its offensive consistency. Despite these flaws, Eternatus is still a dominant threat that cannot be ignored. also mention tox/mortal immune, dragon stab making imp dislike switching in and potentially absorbing tspikes

Magic Guard (Eternatus) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Shell Side Arm slash sludge bomb? doesnt break thru bliss but can run min atk to sapblock and has slightly higher psn chance, can discuss
- Torch Song
- Strength Sap / Final Gambit gambit no recovery is pretty sus even with wish support imo, regen is better at gambiting

Magic Guard Eternatus is a difficult to wear down setup attacker that differentiates itself from other similar attackers like Mega Sceptile and Miraidon through its ability to easily pressure Fairy-types and Blissey without consolidating recovery. Magic Guard makes Eternatus incredibly difficult to chip down, helping maintain Dragon Energy's power, and also negates recoil from Life Orb, giving Eternatus a much needed damage boost. Shell Side Arm seems odd with Eternatus's 85 Attack, but with Life Orb boost it heavily pressures Blissey, an otherwise difficult to surmount wall. Torch Song compresses boosting and coverage for Steel-types like Celesteela in one slot. Strength Sap is the preferred recovery move to keep Eternatus healthy. Final Gambit is an alternative on more offensive teams or when coupled with Wish support as an option to clear out special walls for teammates like Mega Sceptile see above. Secret Sword is a niche alternative over Shell Side Arm or Strength Sap that hits Blissey and Chansey significantly harder and allows use of a stronger Poison-STAB like Malignant Chain, but doesn't offer much else. shouldn't this be in OO A Naive Nature ensures Eternatus outspeeds Arceus formes and Ultra Necrozma, and is opted over Hasty as it helps against attacks from Pokemon like Mega Blaziken also uturn/mortal/salt chip and increases damage dealt to Imposter users with Dragon Energy.

Magic Bounce lol Eternatus fits on a variety of team structures thanks to its splashability. Thanks to Magic Guard, this set fits naturally on hazard-resilient teams as a source of offensive pressure, and it works well with other Magic Guard attackers do they have to be mg like Mega Sceptile and Ultra Necrozma to overload their shared checks like Fire-immune Steel-types. Eternatus also synergizes excellently with hazard stacking compositions, as its checks cannot hold both Heavy-Duty Boots to negate entry hazards and Covert Cloak to prevent poison from Shell Side Arm psea steels dont rly care about ssa psn, maybe reword to "most of its checks". RegenVest users like Celesteela and Dialga-Origin pair well with Eternatus by providing Knock Off support against opposing RegenVest users while also checking faster offensive foes like Mega Alakazam and Mega Sceptile that threaten Eternatus. They can also sometimes provide paralysis support against Imposter users, rendering them useless against Eternatus. Blissey and Chansey can provide Wish support to help keep Eternatus healthy and allow it to forgo Strength Sap, and they also limit Strength Sap recovery from opposing Take Heart Arceus formes, helping Eternatus break through them easier. mention koff absorbers bc without lorb bliss mostly walls Eternatus can be Imposter-proofed easily by Eviolite Chansey, either as Imposter with Jungle Healing or Heal Bell or with Magic Guard; other options include Fire-immune Steel-types and Take Heart Ice Scales Pokemon like Arceus formes.

Other Options

Mold Breaker is an option for offensive sets to allow Eternatus to break through Well-Baked Body and have a superior matchup against Ice Scales users, but it is more inconsistent due to susceptibility to residual damage from entry hazards and Salt Cure and provides less defensive utility. Regenerator sets, sometimes with Choice Scarf, act as a decent pivot against threats like Mega Blaziken and Ash-Greninja and can provide utility through Spikes and Trick. Fur Coat seems appealing to act as a check to physical attackers like Sniper Ash-Greninja and Mega Blaziken, but it can be overwhelmed by the former after minor chip and has a glaring weakness to Mega Garchomp, rendering it mostly outclassed. possibly mention nasty plot

Checks and Counters

**Paralysis**: Eternatus is very dependent on its speed tier to function, making paralysis severely crippling and heavily reducing its offensive and defensive potential.

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Attackers like Miraidon Mega Sceptile more relevant attacker and Mega Alakazam outspeed and can OHKO Eternatus.

**Fire-immune Steel-types**: Steel-type Pokemon like Solgaleo and Arceus-Steel with Well-Baked Body or Primordial Sea resist or are immune to all of Eternatus's common attacks and cannot be poisoned by secondary effects from?. Magearna in particular is immune to all moves, while Arceus-Steel can shrug off paralysis from utility sets. th steelceus is kind of bad

**Ice Scales Walls**: Select Ice Scales Pokemon such as Meloetta and Arceus-Ground shrug off Eternatus's attacks and can retaliate with super effective STAB moves. They However, they must hold Covert Cloak to prevent poison, as Arceus-Ground struggles to fit Take Heart, rendering them susceptible to repeated chip from hazards.

**Chansey**: Chansey's respectable physical bulk in contrast to Blissey with Eviolite allows it to comfortably handle Eternatus and notably deny recovery from Strength Sap.

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Eternatus is one of the most splashable and defining Pokemon in BH, capable of filling offensive and defensive roles through its excellent stat distribution, crucially outspeeding Arceus. The Poison-typing Poison typing offers a crucial Fairy-neutrality provides a crucial neutrality to Fairy and allows Eternatus to hit some of the most common specially defensive walls like Mega Audino super effectively, while the Dragon-type Dragon typing and naturally high HP allows it to heavily deter Imposter users from switching in. As a result, its Magic Guard set is one of the most defining offensive sets in the meta, exerting strong pressure while retaining remarkably solid defensive capabilities. It can also serve a more defensive role with sets like Unaware and Regenerator that can blanket check a variety of setup users through its bulk, speed Speed, and typing that is resilient to poison and common moves like Thunder Cage aids against common forms of passive damage, like poison and Thunder Cage. However, Eternatus's speed tier still Speed leaves it outsped and vulnerable to several prominent threats like Miraidon and Mega Alakazam. It is also highly reliant on maintaining high HP to retain Dragon Energy power, which when combined with its lower initial damage output reduces its offensive consistency. Despite these flaws, Eternatus is still a dominant threat that cannot be ignored. fluff

Magic Guard (Eternatus) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Shell Side Arm
- Torch Song
- Strength Sap

Magic Guard Eternatus is a difficult to wear down setup attacker that differentiates itself from other similar attackers like Mega Sceptile and Miraidon through its ability to easily pressure Fairy-types and Blissey without consolidating losing a recovery move. Magic Guard makes Eternatus incredibly difficult to chip down, helping maintain Dragon Energy's power, and also negates recoil from Life Orb, giving Eternatus a much needed damage boost. Shell Side Arm seems odd with Eternatus's 85 Attack, but with Life Orb boost it heavily pressures Blissey, an otherwise difficult to surmount wall. Torch Song compresses boosting and coverage for Steel-types like Celesteela in one slot. Strength Sap is the preferred recovery move to keep Eternatus healthy. Final Gambit is an niche alternative on more offensive teams or when coupled with Wish support as an option to clear out special walls for teammates like Mega Sceptile. Secret Sword is another niche alternative over Shell Side Arm or Strength Sap that hits Blissey and Chansey significantly harder and allows use of a stronger Poison-STAB like Malignant Chain, but doesn't offer much else. move to other options since they aren't slashed A Naive Nature ensures Eternatus outspeeds Arceus formes and Ultra Necrozma, and is opted over Hasty as it helps against attacks from Pokemon like Mega Blaziken and RegenVest users, as well as increasing damage dealt to Imposter users with Dragon Energy.

Magic Guard Eternatus fits on a variety of team structures thanks to its splashability. Thanks to Magic Guard, this set fits naturally on hazard-resilient teams as a source of offensive pressure, and it works well with other Magic Guard attackers like Mega Sceptile and Ultra Necrozma to overload their shared checks like Fire-immune Steel-types. Eternatus also synergizes excellently with hazard stacking compositions, as checks like Ice Scales Pokemon cannot hold both Heavy-Duty Boots to negate entry hazards and Covert Cloak to prevent poison from Shell Side Arm. RegenVest users like Celesteela and Dialga-Origin Dialga-O pair well with Eternatus by providing Knock Off support against opposing RegenVest users while also checking faster offensive foes like Mega Alakazam and Mega Sceptile that threaten Eternatus. They can also sometimes provide paralysis support against Imposter users, rendering them useless against Eternatus. Blissey and Chansey can provide Wish support to help keep Eternatus healthy and allow it to forgo Strength Sap, and they also limit Strength Sap recovery from opposing Take Heart Arceus formes, helping Eternatus break through them easier. Eternatus also appreciates Knock Off absorbers like Arceus formes and some aforementioned RegenVest Pokemon, (ac) as it is reliant on Life Orb for a significant amount of its damage output. Eternatus can be Imposter-proofed easily by Eviolite Chansey, either as Imposter with Jungle Healing or Heal Bell or with Magic Guard; other options include Fire-immune Steel-types and Take Heart Ice Scales Pokemon like Arceus formes.

Other Options

Mold Breaker is an option for offensive sets to allow allows Eternatus to break through Well-Baked Body and have a superior matchup against Ice Scales users, but it is more inconsistent due to susceptibility to residual damage from entry hazards and Salt Cure and provides less defensive utility. Mold Breaker lets Eternatus bypass Well-Baked Body and Ice Scales to aid in wallbreaking, but the vulnerability to passive damage cuts into Dragon Energy's power much easier, it provides less defensive value, and Mold Breaker still can't beat Primordial Sea. Regenerator sets, sometimes with Choice Scarf, act as a decent pivot against threats like Mega Blaziken and Ash-Greninja and can provide utility through Spikes and Trick, (ac) although its offensive potential is low. Fur Coat seems appealing to act as a check to physical attackers like Sniper Ash-Greninja and Mega Blaziken, but it can be overwhelmed by the former after minor chip and has a glaring weakness to Mega Garchomp, rendering it mostly outclassed.

Checks and Counters

**Paralysis**: Eternatus is very dependent on its speed tier Speed to function, making paralysis severely crippling and heavily reducing its offensive and defensive potential.

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Attackers like Mega Sceptile and Mega Alakazam outspeed and can OHKO Eternatus.

**Fire-immune Steel-types**: Steel-type Pokemon like Solgaleo and Arceus-Steel with Well-Baked Body or Primordial Sea resist or are immune to all of Eternatus's common attacks and cannot be poisoned by its Poison-type moves. Magearna in particular is immune to all moves. Steel-types with abilities that snuff Torch Song, such as Well-Baked Body or Primordial Sea Solgaleo and Arceus-Steel, are nigh immovable for Eternatus. Notably, Magearna with one of these abilities is immune to all of Eternatus's standard moves. cleaned up sentence

**Ice Scales Walls**: Select Ice Scales Pokemon such as Meloetta and Arceus-Ground shrug off Eternatus's attacks and can retaliate with super effective STAB moves, (ac) and unlike Blissey, can safely withstand Shell Side Arm. However, they must hold Covert Cloak to prevent poison, as Arceus-Ground struggles to fit Take Heart, rendering them susceptible to repeated chip from hazards.

**Chansey**: Chansey's respectable physical bulk with Eviolite, in contrast to Blissey, allows it to comfortably handle Eternatus and notably deny recovery from Strength Sap.

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Eternatus is one of the most splashable and defining Pokemon in BH, capable of filling offensive and defensive roles through its excellent stat distribution, crucially outspeeding Arceus. Its Poison typing provides a crucial neutrality to Fairy and allows Eternatus to hit some of the most common specially defensive walls like Mega Audino super effectively, while its Dragon typing and naturally high HP allows it to heavily deter Imposter users from switching in. As a result, its Magic Guard set is one of the most defining offensive sets in the metagame, exerting strong pressure while retaining remarkably solid defensive capabilities. It can also serve a more defensive role with sets like using Unaware and or Regenerator that can blanket check a variety of setup users through its bulk, Speed, and typing that aids against common forms of passive damage, like poison and Thunder Cage. However, Eternatus's Speed leaves it outsped by and vulnerable to several prominent threats like Miraidon and Mega Alakazam. It is also highly reliant on maintaining high HP to retain Dragon Energy's power, which, (AC) when combined with its lower initial damage output, (AC) reduces its offensive consistency.

Magic Guard (Eternatus) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Dragon Energy
- Shell Side Arm
- Torch Song
- Strength Sap

Magic Guard Eternatus is a difficult to wear down setup attacker to wear down that differentiates itself from other similar attackers like Mega Sceptile and Miraidon through its ability to easily pressure Fairy-types and Blissey without losing a recovery move. Magic Guard makes Eternatus incredibly difficult to chip down, helping maintain Dragon Energy's power, and it also negates recoil from Life Orb, giving Eternatus a much-needed (AH) damage boost. Shell Side Arm seems odd with Eternatus's base 85 Attack, but with the Life Orb boost, (AC) it heavily pressures Blissey, an otherwise difficult to surmount wall to surmount. Torch Song compresses boosting and coverage for Steel-types like Celesteela in one slot. Strength Sap is the preferred recovery move to keep Eternatus healthy. A Naive Nature nature ensures Eternatus outspeeds the Arceus formes and Ultra Necrozma, and it is opted over a Hasty nature, (AC) as it helps against attacks from Pokemon like Mega Blaziken and RegenVest users (RC) as well as increasing damage dealt to Imposter users with Dragon Energy.

Magic Guard Eternatus fits on a variety of team structures thanks to its splashability. Thanks to Magic Guard, this set fits naturally on entry hazard-resilient teams as a source of offensive pressure, and it works well with other Magic Guard attackers like Mega Sceptile and Ultra Necrozma to overload their shared checks like Fire-immune Steel-types. Eternatus also synergizes excellently with hazard-stacking (AH) compositions, as checks like Ice Scales Pokemon cannot hold both Heavy-Duty Boots to negate entry hazards and Covert Cloak to prevent poison from Shell Side Arm. RegenVest users like Celesteela and Dialga-O pair well with Eternatus by providing Knock Off support against opposing RegenVest users while also checking faster offensive foes like Mega Alakazam and Mega Sceptile that threaten Eternatus. They can also sometimes provide paralysis support against Imposter users, rendering them useless against Eternatus. Blissey and Chansey can provide Wish support to help keep Eternatus healthy and allow it to forgo Strength Sap, and they also limit Strength Sap recovery from opposing Take Heart Arceus formes, helping Eternatus break through them easier. Eternatus also appreciates Knock Off absorbers like the Arceus formes and some aforementioned RegenVest Pokemon, as it is reliant on Life Orb for a significant amount of its damage output. Eternatus can be Imposter-proofed easily by Eviolite Chansey, either as with Imposter with + (slightly altered words to maintain parallelism and improve clarity) Jungle Healing or Heal Bell or with Magic Guard; other options include Fire-immune Steel-types and Take Heart Ice Scales Pokemon like the Arceus formes.

Other Options

For the Magic Guard set, Final Gambit is an niche alternative on more offensive teams or when coupled with Wish support as an option to clear out special walls for teammates like Mega Sceptile. Secret Sword is another niche alternative over Shell Side Arm or Strength Sap that hits Blissey and Chansey significantly harder and allows use of a stronger Poison-STAB Poison-type STAB move like Malignant Chain, but it doesn't offer much else. Mold Breaker lets Eternatus bypass Well-Baked Body and Ice Scales to aid in wallbreaking, but the vulnerability to passive damage cuts into Dragon Energy's power much easier, it provides less defensive value, and Mold Breaker still can't beat Primordial Sea. Regenerator sets, sometimes with Choice Scarf, act as a decent pivot against threats like Mega Blaziken and Ash-Greninja and can provide utility through Spikes and Trick, although its offensive potential is low. A Fur Coat set seems appealing to act as a check to physical attackers like Sniper Ash-Greninja and Mega Blaziken, but it can be overwhelmed by the former after minor chip damage and has a glaring weakness to Mega Garchomp, rendering it mostly outclassed.

Checks and Counters

**Paralysis**: Eternatus is very dependent on its Speed to function, making paralysis severely crippling and heavily reducing its offensive and defensive potential.

**Faster Offensive Threats**: Attackers like Mega Sceptile and Mega Alakazam outspeed and can OHKO Eternatus.

**Fire-immune Steel-types**: Steel-types with abilities that snuff Torch Song, such as Well-Baked Body or Primordial Sea Solgaleo and Arceus-Steel, are nigh immovable for Eternatus. Notably, Magearna with one of these abilities is immune to all of Eternatus's standard moves.

**Ice Scales Walls**: Select Ice Scales Pokemon such as Meloetta and Arceus-Ground shrug off Eternatus's attacks and can retaliate with super effective STAB moves, and unlike Blissey, they can safely withstand Shell Side Arm. However, they must hold Covert Cloak to prevent poison, as Arceus-Ground struggles to fit Take Heart, rendering them susceptible to repeated chip damage from entry hazards.

**Chansey**: Chansey's respectable physical bulk with Eviolite, in contrast to Blissey, allows it to comfortably handle Eternatus and notably deny recovery from Strength Sap.

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