Making a Poisoner team for "casual competitive" play

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First and foremost: This is the first time I've posted here since I created this account 7 years ago, and while I think this seems to be the right forum for this type of thread, feel free to move it or tell me otherwise if it isn't. I'm posting this in the OU forum because I do plan to use some OU Pokemon, but my entire team won't necessarily be OU.

Basically, a few people (including myself) at the card shop where I play Magic: the Gathering like to have Pokemon battles in between tournament rounds. Everyone does "competitive" teams in that we make a balanced team of powerful Pokemon, EV train them, get the right natures, etc, but we don't stress over IVs and we're willing to use Pokemon that are down a few tiers just because we like them better or they fit a gimmicky team better. So, "casual competitive."

With all that in mind, I'm working on a Poisoner team that focuses on using Toxic Spikes and Venoshock for some evilness. But I'm not sure which Pokemon I should use to fill out everything, and some of them are missing a few moves or hold items. Here's what I have so far:

Tentacruel @ Leftovers
Rain Dish
252 Speed, 252 HP, 4 SpAtk

Rapid Spin
Toxic Spikes
Toxic / Rain Dance

Most likely going to be the opener, sets up Toxic Spikes, spins away their hazards, and badly poisons their opener. Alternatively, I could have him start the rain to enable Rain Dish and set up for Thunder.

Gengar @ Gengarite
Shadow Tag
252 Speed, 252 SpAtk, 4 HP

Thunder / Thunderbolt
Shadow Ball / Psychic / Focus Blast

My Mega Evolver and special sweeper. Basically standard Gengar, but with Venoshock to mesh with the team and Hex over Shadow Ball (or maybe both). Thunder if I go for the rain angle, Thunderbolt if not.

Toxicroak @ Life Orb / Black Sludge
Dry Skin
252 Speed, 252 SpAtk, 4 HP

Sucker Punch
Drain Punch
Ice Punch
Poison Jab / Swords Dance / Bulk Up

Physical sweeper, and (along with Tentacruel's Rain Dish) the main reason I'm considering the rain angle.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Poison Heal
HP / Speed / Def EVs, unsure of how I want to split them

Stealth Rock

Physical tank, EQ helps deal with Steel/Poison types. Considered using him as my opener as well, but IIRC he can't learn Toxic Spikes, so... yeah.

Drapion @ Life Orb / Black Sludge (whatever Toxicroak isn't using)
252 Atk, 252 Speed, 4 Def

Night Slash / Crunch
Poison Jab
Earthquake / Aqua Tail / Whirlwind

Anti-Psychic guy, anti-switching guy, and I'm thinking I could give him Whirlwind to force switch-ins onto Stealth Rock/Toxic Spikes.

And that's all I have so far. For my sixth, I'm not sure who I want - I was thinking maybe Dragalge as a second special tank, or I could have a Politoed open and commit more to the rain angle. What would you guys suggest?
I thought about posting there, but it says that you need to have played with your team, and they don't seem to like gimmicks or non-top-tier teams. This team isn't even finished, I certainly haven't played with it yet, and I'm sacrificing viability to have a theme.

There doesn't really seem to be a place around here where "help me finish my team" posts are encouraged, so I just put it on the most general forum I could find and hoped for the best.
To be fair, I actually might have helped with the team just because I like the whole Venoshock thing. The whole "Hit #1 on our ladder or don't bother" isn't real. People would help improve your team that's the point of it.

inb4 i shouldnt have posted here
Alright, I'll post this over there then.

EDIT: Nevermind, they don't want Gen VI teams yet. I'll just hold off until they do.
locking this as in the rules it states we don't want teams being posted here (or it should say so). Try asking in Simple Questions, Simple Answers (with a shorter OP), and someone might help you there.
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