name: Defensive Utility (Dark)
move 1: Defog
move 2: Roost
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Foul Play / Brave Bird
item: Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Overcoat
nature: Bold Nature
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Set Description
Having fantastic bulk, access to a plethora of utility moves, and a decent Speed tier for a defensive Pokemon makes Mandibuzz an excellent pick for Dark-type teams. Roost helps Mandibuzz stay healthy through the match, while Defog removes entry hazards for your team to prevent chip damage. Toxic cripples defensive Pokemon in Hippowdon and Jellicent. Foul Play allows Mandibuzz to threaten powerful physical Pokemon such as Barraskewda and set up sweepers such as Excadrill and Gyarados. Leftovers grants passive recovery, allowing Mandibuzz to sustain itself without spending a turn using Roost. Heavy-Duty Boots can be used as an alternative to remove Mandibuzz's Stealth Rock weakness, allowing it to switch in more safely. Maximum EV investment in HP and Defense allows Mandibuzz to be as physically tanky as possible physically, to take on the aforementioned threats.
With its respectable bulk and part-Flying typing, Mandibuzz offers a Fighting- and Bug-type neutrality for Dark-type teams that teammates like Tyranitar and Hydreigon will appreciate. Tyranitar synergizes well with Mandibuzz, as it can be used as a pivot to absorb special attacks Mandibuzz is weak against, such as Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. The aforementioned Pokemon are all weak to Fairy-type attacks, so Drapion can be used as a teammate with its part-Poison typing. Mandibuzz also provides a Ground-type immunity, which is appreciated by Tyranitar and Drapion.
- Written by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Dark analysis by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [Moosical, 215618]]
- Grammar checked by: [[A Cake Wearing A Hat, 388157]]
name: Defensive Utility (Dark)
move 1: Defog
move 2: Roost
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Foul Play / Brave Bird
item: Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Overcoat
nature: Bold Nature
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Set Description
Having fantastic bulk, access to a plethora of utility moves, and a decent Speed tier for a defensive Pokemon makes Mandibuzz an excellent pick for Dark-type teams. Roost helps Mandibuzz stay healthy through the match, while Defog removes entry hazards for your team to prevent chip damage. Toxic cripples defensive Pokemon in Hippowdon and Jellicent. Foul Play allows Mandibuzz to threaten powerful physical Pokemon such as Barraskewda and set up sweepers such as Excadrill and Gyarados. Leftovers grants passive recovery, allowing Mandibuzz to sustain itself without spending a turn using Roost. Heavy-Duty Boots can be used as an alternative to remove Mandibuzz's Stealth Rock weakness, allowing it to switch in more safely. Maximum EV investment in HP and Defense allows Mandibuzz to be as physically tanky as possible physically, to take on the aforementioned threats.
With its respectable bulk and part-Flying typing, Mandibuzz offers a Fighting- and Bug-type neutrality for Dark-type teams that teammates like Tyranitar and Hydreigon will appreciate. Tyranitar synergizes well with Mandibuzz, as it can be used as a pivot to absorb special attacks Mandibuzz is weak against, such as Thunderbolt and Ice Beam. The aforementioned Pokemon are all weak to Fairy-type attacks, so Drapion can be used as a teammate with its part-Poison typing. Mandibuzz also provides a Ground-type immunity, which is appreciated by Tyranitar and Drapion.
- Written by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Dark analysis by: [[Perish Song, 419696]]
- Quality checked by: [[maroon, 305839], [Moosical, 215618]]
- Grammar checked by: [[A Cake Wearing A Hat, 388157]]
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