Exactly what it says on the can, folks. I don't have a great selection yet, but I'll be steadily adding stuff over time.
Da Rules
1. No Hacks, Cheats, Scams etc. This ought to be pretty obvious.
2. Please don't redistribute my Pokemon. I will extend you the same courtesy.
3. That being said, please feel free to breed with my Pokemon! Traded Pokemon make great breeding stock - if I use one of yours in one of my breeds, I will credit you in the comments under that breeding line. I would love if you could do the same. Trading with me via this thread gives me implicit permission to breed with your 'mons.
4. Keep it civil and simple.
5. Please, make offers in the thread - keeps it busy! Once we've agreed on an offer, I'm happy to resolve the specifics via PM afterwards.
6. I'm human, and I do a lot of breeding. If I send you a Pokemon with the wrong IVs/Nature/Ability, let me know! I'll fix it ASAP.
My Info
3DS Friend Code: 4785 - 4411 - 1924
Friend Safari: Kakuna - Garbodor - Toxicroak
IGN: D'Arcy
Time Zone: Eastern Standard (GMT -5)
Active Work & Updates
My current projects, sorted by priority. #1 is what I'm workin' on now.
1. Slowpoke Breeding Line Completion.
2. Pumpkaboo-XL Breeding Line Completion
Trophy Case
These are Shiny Pokemon I have with competitively usable stats.
Sebastian the Clauncher
Ability: Mega Launcher
Nature: Modest
Pokemon Available
Here are the Pokemon I have breeding stock for already. All stock numbers do not include claimed 'mons.
#133 Eevee
Ability: Run Away, Adaptability
Nature: Bold, Modest
Egg Moves: Wish
Comments: Curse and Stored Power Egg Moves to be added. If you have a special request for a nature, I can almost certainly manage it; will work on new IV spreads soon, too.
#172 Pichu
Ability: Lightning Rod
Nature: Timid, Hasty
Egg Moves: Wish, Fake Out, Encore
Comments: Hasty is useful on sets making use of Nuzzle and/or Fake Out. Otherwise, the small amount of defense increase on the Timid + 31 IV DEF is good for taking resisted hits like Bullet Punches.
#629 Vullaby
Ability: Overcoat
Nature: Impish, Careful
Egg Moves: Knock Off, Foul Play, Mean Look
Stock: 1 Overcoat Impish, 1 6IV Big Pecks Impish
Comments: These are tricky, because they're an all-female species, and I do not currently have a male parent with the right IV spread. Breeding can be slow.
#659 Bunnelby
Ability: Huge Power
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: None
Comments: Nothing to see here. Diggersby, though.
#692 Clauncher
Ability: Mega Launcher
Nature: Modest
Egg Moves: None
Comments: Clawitzer is just so slow, and has such mediocre tank stats, that it seems best suited as a Trick Room sweeper. Hence the 0 IV. Variants with a 31 SPE IV will be made available soon, if there is demand.
#692 Flabebe
Ability: Flower Veil
Nature: Calm
Egg Moves: None
Stock: 2
Comments: My Flabebe line has a Blue Flower. Thanks to DarkKami, whose Togepi has sped up breeding these considerably!
#704 Goomy
Ability: Sap Sipper, Hydration
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: None
Comments: Egg Moves, Gooey and some other natures can be made, on request, but re-establishing the line will take a couple days. If there's demand I can prepare alternative IV spreads and natures.
#712 Bergmite
Ability: Sturdy, Ice Body or Own Tempo
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: Mirror Coat
Stock: 2 Own Tempo, 2 Ice Body
Comments: These guys took a while, but they're ready to go! I'll be honest and say that Sturdy is the best ability for these little guys, but if you think otherwise, I have a few of the other abilities in stock.
Active Projects
These are the Pokemon whose breeding lines are just not quite done yet, but are rather a work in progress. PLEASE keep in mind when requesting these, they are NOT ready for breed-on-demand status just yet. I will rearrange my breeding priorities for customers, but please be patient!
#79 Slowpoke
Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: None
Comments: This breeding line will be ready very soon. Quad-Perfs without the 0 SPE available now. Working on Quiet 31/31/31/31/31/x spread for Assault Vest Slowkings.
#115 Kangaskhan
Ability: Scrappy, Early Bird
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: None
Comments: This breeding line will be ready very soon. Quad-Perfs without the 31 SPE available now. This is yet another all-female species, so it's sometimes tricky.
#303 Mawile
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: None
Comments: If you're not particular about Speed, the Quad-Perf Variant of these is ready now.
#696 Tyrunt
Ability: Strong Jaw
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang
Comments: These are going to be ready pretty soon.
#710 Pumpkaboo
Ability: Frisk
Nature: Brave, Relaxed, Impish
Egg Moves: None
Comments: These are Pumpkaboo XLs. If there is a demand for other sizes, I can handle that. Relaxed is going to be the first nature to be completed.
Want List
These are the pokemon I am particularly interested in, if folks have them.
#173 Cleffa
Ability: Magic Guard
Gender: Female
Nature: Calm
Egg Moves: None
Comments: Many thanks to Dangerous for fulfilling this request!
#175 Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Gender: Male
Nature: Bold, Timid or Modest
Egg Moves: None Needed
Comments: Many thanks to DarkKami for fulfulling this request!
#227 Skarmory
Ability: Sturdy
Gender: Male
Nature: Impish
Egg Moves: Spikes, Defog, Whirlwind
Comments: Currently being filled by Azure Demon
#315 Roselia
Ability: Technician
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Egg Moves: Leaf Storm, Spikes, Toxic Spikes
Comments: If it is an HP Fire Technician Roselia, I will offer TWO Quint perfect Pokemon, but I will accept a one-for-one trade of a non-HP specc'd specimen.
#597 Ferroseed
Ability: Iron Barbs
Gender: Either
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: Stealth Rocks, Spikes
Comments: Currently being filled by Grimsip.
#133 Ditto
For a Trip-Perfect Ditto, I will offer one Quint-Perfect or Two Quad-Perfect Pokemon*
For a Quad-Perfect Ditto, I will offer three Quint-Perfect Pokemon
For a Quint-Perfect Ditto, I will offer five Quint-Perfect Pokemon
My Kingdom for a Hexa-Perfect Ditto; If you actually want to trade one of these, lets talk!
Please tell me the spread when offering up a Ditto; I may not be interested in all spreads.
*Currently not interested in trip-perfect Dittos. This may change once my current projects are done, which won't be for a while.
Requested Items:
Leftovers: I will trade two Quint-Perfect Pokemon for a Leftovers.
Ability Capsule: I will trade two Quint-Perfect Pokemon for an Ability Capsule
I am not interested in any other items purchased with BP - I play enough Battle Maison to buy them myself.
Da Rules
1. No Hacks, Cheats, Scams etc. This ought to be pretty obvious.
2. Please don't redistribute my Pokemon. I will extend you the same courtesy.
3. That being said, please feel free to breed with my Pokemon! Traded Pokemon make great breeding stock - if I use one of yours in one of my breeds, I will credit you in the comments under that breeding line. I would love if you could do the same. Trading with me via this thread gives me implicit permission to breed with your 'mons.
4. Keep it civil and simple.
5. Please, make offers in the thread - keeps it busy! Once we've agreed on an offer, I'm happy to resolve the specifics via PM afterwards.
6. I'm human, and I do a lot of breeding. If I send you a Pokemon with the wrong IVs/Nature/Ability, let me know! I'll fix it ASAP.
My Info
3DS Friend Code: 4785 - 4411 - 1924
Friend Safari: Kakuna - Garbodor - Toxicroak
IGN: D'Arcy
Time Zone: Eastern Standard (GMT -5)
Active Work & Updates
My current projects, sorted by priority. #1 is what I'm workin' on now.
1. Slowpoke Breeding Line Completion.
2. Pumpkaboo-XL Breeding Line Completion
Trophy Case
These are Shiny Pokemon I have with competitively usable stats.

Sebastian the Clauncher
Ability: Mega Launcher
Nature: Modest
Here's a list of non-competitive shinies I have, if you want to make an offer on em'.
Pokemon Available
Here are the Pokemon I have breeding stock for already. All stock numbers do not include claimed 'mons.

Ability: Run Away, Adaptability
Nature: Bold, Modest
Egg Moves: Wish
Comments: Curse and Stored Power Egg Moves to be added. If you have a special request for a nature, I can almost certainly manage it; will work on new IV spreads soon, too.

Ability: Lightning Rod
Nature: Timid, Hasty
Egg Moves: Wish, Fake Out, Encore
Comments: Hasty is useful on sets making use of Nuzzle and/or Fake Out. Otherwise, the small amount of defense increase on the Timid + 31 IV DEF is good for taking resisted hits like Bullet Punches.

Ability: Overcoat
Nature: Impish, Careful
Egg Moves: Knock Off, Foul Play, Mean Look
Stock: 1 Overcoat Impish, 1 6IV Big Pecks Impish
Comments: These are tricky, because they're an all-female species, and I do not currently have a male parent with the right IV spread. Breeding can be slow.

Ability: Huge Power
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: None
Comments: Nothing to see here. Diggersby, though.

Ability: Mega Launcher
Nature: Modest
Egg Moves: None
Comments: Clawitzer is just so slow, and has such mediocre tank stats, that it seems best suited as a Trick Room sweeper. Hence the 0 IV. Variants with a 31 SPE IV will be made available soon, if there is demand.

Ability: Flower Veil
Nature: Calm
Egg Moves: None
Stock: 2
Comments: My Flabebe line has a Blue Flower. Thanks to DarkKami, whose Togepi has sped up breeding these considerably!

Ability: Sap Sipper, Hydration
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: None
Comments: Egg Moves, Gooey and some other natures can be made, on request, but re-establishing the line will take a couple days. If there's demand I can prepare alternative IV spreads and natures.

Ability: Sturdy, Ice Body or Own Tempo
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: Mirror Coat
Stock: 2 Own Tempo, 2 Ice Body
Comments: These guys took a while, but they're ready to go! I'll be honest and say that Sturdy is the best ability for these little guys, but if you think otherwise, I have a few of the other abilities in stock.
Active Projects
These are the Pokemon whose breeding lines are just not quite done yet, but are rather a work in progress. PLEASE keep in mind when requesting these, they are NOT ready for breed-on-demand status just yet. I will rearrange my breeding priorities for customers, but please be patient!

Ability: Regenerator
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: None
Comments: This breeding line will be ready very soon. Quad-Perfs without the 0 SPE available now. Working on Quiet 31/31/31/31/31/x spread for Assault Vest Slowkings.

Ability: Scrappy, Early Bird
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: None
Comments: This breeding line will be ready very soon. Quad-Perfs without the 31 SPE available now. This is yet another all-female species, so it's sometimes tricky.

Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: None
Comments: If you're not particular about Speed, the Quad-Perf Variant of these is ready now.

Ability: Strong Jaw
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang
Comments: These are going to be ready pretty soon.

Ability: Frisk
Nature: Brave, Relaxed, Impish
Egg Moves: None
Comments: These are Pumpkaboo XLs. If there is a demand for other sizes, I can handle that. Relaxed is going to be the first nature to be completed.
Want List
These are the pokemon I am particularly interested in, if folks have them.

Comments: Many thanks to Dangerous for fulfilling this request!

Comments: Many thanks to DarkKami for fulfulling this request!

Ability: Sturdy
Gender: Male
Nature: Impish
Egg Moves: Spikes, Defog, Whirlwind
Comments: Currently being filled by Azure Demon

Ability: Technician
Gender: Female
Nature: Modest
Egg Moves: Leaf Storm, Spikes, Toxic Spikes
Comments: If it is an HP Fire Technician Roselia, I will offer TWO Quint perfect Pokemon, but I will accept a one-for-one trade of a non-HP specc'd specimen.

Ability: Iron Barbs
Gender: Either
Nature: Relaxed
Egg Moves: Stealth Rocks, Spikes
Comments: Currently being filled by Grimsip.

For a Quad-Perfect Ditto, I will offer three Quint-Perfect Pokemon
For a Quint-Perfect Ditto, I will offer five Quint-Perfect Pokemon
My Kingdom for a Hexa-Perfect Ditto; If you actually want to trade one of these, lets talk!
Please tell me the spread when offering up a Ditto; I may not be interested in all spreads.
*Currently not interested in trip-perfect Dittos. This may change once my current projects are done, which won't be for a while.
Requested Items:
Leftovers: I will trade two Quint-Perfect Pokemon for a Leftovers.
Ability Capsule: I will trade two Quint-Perfect Pokemon for an Ability Capsule
I am not interested in any other items purchased with BP - I play enough Battle Maison to buy them myself.
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