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MATCH COMPLETE: Solstice v. Darkamber8828 (ref FinnRagetti)

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A Challenger Approaches!

2 vs 2
2 Day DQ
2 Rest/Recover / 5 Chills
1 Ablilty
No Items
Switch = KO

Arena: The Castelia City Market

This joyous and active arena is ripe with people, and berries! Trade passes naturally along the streets connecting this commercial cacophony. Berries, food, clothes, toys, all products exchange hands here in the market. The floor is asphalt, almost impossible to dig in and hard on the skin. The market is bustling right now, the midmorning light awakening both sellers and shoopers alike! They've been kind enough to clear a decently large circle for your battle, with a 30 foot diameter. Spectators are lined up along the sides to watch, and maybe even provide some support with berries or other goods!

Summary: Asphalt floor is almost impossible to dig into, and if a Pokemon makes any contact on the floor that would involve scraping it's skin across it takes an extra 2 HP loss. There's a 20% chance each round that a spectator will throw a berry at one participant, which they can use to their advantage. The berries are (Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Leppa, or Oran, choice of which is random) No water nearby, and the time is midmorning.

Solstice, send out your first pokemon.
DarkAmber8828, you send yours out next then actions.
Solstice will then send in his actions.
Then i'll ref.
Solstice then will send in actions
Then DarkAmber8828
Then ref. etc.
The crowd waiting eagerly, the sounds of trade hustling in the background, the perfect arena for a fun battle.

Let's start it off Shroomish!
Mushrooms suck.

Right! Dablob the Gastly! Let's type-advantage shit up!

Start this out with a Haze! Then Sludge Bomb and Sludge Bomb again! If Shroomish shoots spores or powder at you, incinerate them with Will-O-Wisp!

Haze ~ Sludge Bomb/Will-o-wisp ~ Sludge Bomb/Will-o-wisp
Hey, in Mario mushrooms are amazing, and ghosts are a freaking pain.

start off with a Safeguard to keep away any status moves, then use Leech Seed to start recovering HP! If it misses, use it again, but if it hits follow up with a Double Team (2 Double team Clones) to keep him confused!

Safeguard - Leech Seed -Double Team/Leech Seed

Round 1:

HP: 100
Energy: 100%
Atk: **
Def: ***
SpA: *
SpD: ***
Spe: 41 (35 x 1.15)

Ability: Effect Spore

Safeguard-->Leech Seed-->Leech Seed/Double Team


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 90
Energy: 100%
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: ****
SpD: *
Spe: 92 (80*1.15)

Haze-->Sludge Bomb/WoW-->Sludge Bomb/WoW

The crowd goes wild with excitement over the pokemon battle that is about to unfold; however, their excitement is cut down a bit when Gastly uses Haze to obscure the battle field. Shroomish takes the opportunity to protect itself from status through Safeguard. The Gastly, uhphazed by his haze the fires off a Sludge Bomb at the Shroomish hitting it for a good chunk of health, forcing the Shroomish to skid across the pavement. The Shroomish tries to heal itself by Leech Seeding Gastly, but the fog proves too much and the Gastly dodges it, firing back with another Sludge Bomb that forces the Shroomish into the crowd. The Shroomish, still resiliant, fires another Leech Seed at the Gastly, which it can now make out through the haze, with success. The tenacity of the little Shroomish inspires one of the crowd members to throw the Shroomish an Oran Berry, which it immediately eats.

End of Round 1:

Field Condition: Clearing up but with little Haze left over. The Shroomish is on the edge of the circle while the Gastly towers overhead in the middle.

HP: 68
Energy: 73%
Nature: Jolly
Conditions: Safeguard (4 more rounds)


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 87
Energy: 81%
Nature: Naive
Conditions: Seeded (5 more actions)

Notes: I made Haze reduced accuracy by 5%, though didnt affect the leech seed's miss (RNG). Updated as of today, spamming attacks costs an additional 2 energy for each consecutive move. I.e. if Gastly uses Sludge Bomb again, it'd cost 4 more energy than normal. Since the Shroomish was hit by a super effective attack of extreme damage, skidded twice (extra 2 damage)
Ok Shroomish, disable Effect Spore to give you an acccuracy boost and slam that ghost with a Stun Spore!! Follow it up with a Seed Bomb, and then Double Team with three clones to throw him off!

Anyway, Dablob, Will-o-wisp the Stun Spores and burn them into oblivion! (Serenity, Dablob! Peace, Dablob!) Sludge Bomb the Seed Bomb so it explodes in Shroomish's face, and Haze those Double Teams!


WoW at Stun Spores ~ Sludge Bomb ~ Haze

note: i have permission to change by ref, read something wrong
Beginning of Round 2

HP: 68
Energy: 73%
Nature: Jolly
Conditions: Safeguard (4 more rounds)


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 87
Energy: 81%
Nature: Naive
Conditions: Seeded (5 more actions)

Shroomish, now healed thanks to a kind spectator and leech seed, moves back into the arena and fires a Stun Spore at Dablob, who tries to stop the attack with Will-o-Wisp, but it goes astray and he is now Paralyzed. Shroomish then fires off a Seed Bomb at the crippled Gastly and hits for some damage and follows it up with Double Team making 3 clones. Gastly manages to pull of a Haze which again covers the field with smoke, breaking all of the clones. Another impressed spectator throws an Aspear Berry to the Shroomish, who really has no use for it.

End of Round 2:

Field Condition: Covered in Haze, Shroomish visibility is decreased slightly and is positioned 5 feet from the edge of the area. Gastly is hidden amongst the Haze.


HP: 77
Energy: 52%
Nature: Jolly
Conditions: Safeguard (3 more rounds)


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 70
Energy: 70%
Nature: Naive
Conditions: Seeded (2 more actions), Paralyzed (25% chance of no action)

Notes: Gastly was paralyzed and failed to use Sludge Bomb. Darkamber is having bad luck, but the match is still close.

Darkamber: Your move

Dablob, I believe in you. There is no possible way you'll get FPed.

Sludge Bomb.


Sludge Bomb.

Will-o-wisp if he tries to attack with a not-redundant status condition on any of the three turns.

Shroomish start off with two clone Double Team to try and avoid the Sludge Bomb And after the Haze smack him with another Seed Bomb and then finish with a Mega Drain!
Beginning of Round 3

HP: 77
Energy: 52%
Nature: Jolly
Conditions: Safeguard (3 more rounds)


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 70
Energy: 70%
Nature: Naive
Conditions: Seeded (2 more actions), Paralyzed (25% chance of no action)

Dablob, still able to outspeed the Shroomish, fires off Sludge Bomb and again knocks Shroomish out of the arena into a spectator. Shroomish, quickly bounces back and uses Double Team to make it harder for Gastly to hit. Gastly tries to counter this with yet another Haze to continue the previous Haze, but cannot make a move. Shroomish takes advantage and fires a Seed Bomb at the Gastly, as the Haze dissipates. The Gastly used its keen sense and was able to fire off another Sludge Bomb at the Shroomish who is again knocked backed into a spectator. Shroomish recovers and uses Mega Drain to recover some of the damage. A spectator, by the name of Heart of RNG, is impressed by the poise DeBlob has had and throws a Cheri berry at DeBlob, curing Paralysis.

End of Round 3
Field Condition: Clear, Shroomish is at the edge of the arena standing in front of a spectator. Gastly is still hovering around the center of the arena.

HP: 41
Energy: 35%
Nature: Jolly
Conditions: Safeguard (2 more rounds)


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 49
Energy: 52%
Nature: Naive
Conditions: Clean

Notes: Both Sludge Bombs knocked Shroomish into pavement (STAB, super effective, >20 damage). DaBlob was paralyzed during his second turn. Leech Seed drained 6 HP from DaBlob before falling off and Mega Drain healed 4. Im impressed by Shroomish's resilience. It has been the target of 4 Sludge Bombs but manages to still get back up and recover from that. Good job Solstice for that.

Solstice: Your move
]Shroomish I'm proud of you, let's try and finish him off! Leech Seed again and if it hits get him with a Mega Drain and if it misses use Leech Seed again! Then try to hide in the crowd and chill!

Leech Seed - Mega Drain/Leech Seed - chill

Use Sludge Bomb on the Leech Seed, it's more accurate, and perhaps Shroomish will suck some of the toxin up, hurting itself! (No Poison Heal yeah). Sludge Bomb Shroomish, then FIRE PUNCH THE CROWD AND SET EVERYTHING ABLAAAAAZE
Beginning of Round 4

HP: 41
Energy: 35%
Nature: Jolly
Conditions: Safeguard (2 more rounds)


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 49
Energy: 52%
Nature: Naive
Conditions: Clean

Gastly, anticipating the Leech Seeds, launches Sludge Bomb once Shroomish fires at Gastly. The sludge manage to weaken the overall power of the Leech Seeds, but some manage to land on Gastly still. Some of the sludge hits Shroomish. Shroomish then uses Mega Drain to regain some health while Gastly fires another Sludge Bomb at Shroomish. Shroomish is fired deep into the crowd this time and takes a deep breath. DaBlob follows it into the crowd and manages to find and strikes Shroomish with a Fire Punch. A scurring crowd member drops an Aspear berry near Shroomish, who promptly picks it up, though has no need for it.

End of Round 4:

Field Conditons: Shroomish is on the ground about 10 feet away from the edge of the arena with Gastly looming 5 ft away, blocking the, now, clear path to the arena.


HP: 9
Energy: 31%
Nature: Jolly
Conditions: Safeguard (1 more rounds)


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 39
Energy: 38%
Nature: Naive
Conditions: Weak Seeded (3 more actions).

Notes: I visualized a speeding bullet (leech seed) going through a liquid (sludge). I figured some of the seed would break through and the rest deflected and shriveled. Thus weak seeded (only 1 HP/action).

DarkAmber8828 to move. Solstice has the option of switching out to save his Pokemon more grief, if he feels he cannot pull off another attack in time, seeing Gastly outspeeding Shroomish and can KO with any move basically.
Beginning of Round 5:


HP: 9
Energy: 31%
Nature: Jolly
Conditions: Safeguard (1 more rounds)


Gastly [Dablob] Male
HP: 39
Energy: 38%
Nature: Naive
Conditions: Weak Seeded (3 more actions).


Nature: Mild
HP: 90
Energy 100%

"Good job, Shroomish!" Solstice said to his pokemon, "Return! Go Larvesta!" DaBlob, still prepping for a Shroomish, backs himself towards the arena and fires off a Sludge Bomb and where the Larvesta now stands. Larvesta has little chance to recover from the welcoming shot as a Shadow Ball flies into it and knocks it back. Larvesta gets back up and then strikes the Gastly with Zen Headbutt which knocks it back into the arena. Larvesta then runs back in and fires an Ember at the suprised Pokemon, while Gastly then fires up a Haze to shroud the field in smoke.

End of Round 5:
Field Conditions: Both pokemon are back in the arena Gastly hovering a few feet back from the center facing the path that is now being covered up by spectators. The field is covered in Haze, making it hard for Larvesta to see Gastly. Larvesta is standing directly between them. The energy of light surronding Larvesta and formerly Shroomish has disappeared, just as the weak seeds fall.


Nature: Mild
HP: 62
Energy 91%
Condition: Good


Gastly [Dablob] Male
Nature: Naive
HP: 12
Energy: 22%
Conditions: Good.

Notes: Because Shroomish switched out before it was going to get KO'd, Gastly still recieves his KO bonus which can be picked up post game. I play'd the switching as how the other matches do: Switching counts as an action, and if Trainer switching is second, the other trainer has no way to anticipate it, thus cannot redo action (though despite that, I think it turned out well for DaBlob this round).
Beginning of Round 6

Nature: Mild
HP: 62
Energy 91%
Condition: Good


Gastly [Dablob] Male
Nature: Naive
HP: 12
Energy: 22%
Conditions: Good.

DaBlob and Darkamber 8828 decide its time to go out in a blaze of glory! They launch a massive Sludge Bomb and Shadow Ball before getting burned out by two consecutive Embers.

Dablob is KO'd, Larvesta is awarded a KO point which can be picked up at the end of the match.

Darkamber8828 knows he's in a position to win. He sends out his last remaining pokemon, Tim the Cranidos. The crowd is excited to see the epic conclusion to this match as the end of the battle now nears completion.

End of Round 6:


Nature: Mild
HP: 33
Energy 83%
Condition: Good

Cranidos [Tim] (M)
Nature: Naive
HP: 100
Energy: 100%
Atk: ****
Def: **
SpA: **
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 67 (58*1.15 rounded up)
Larvesta start us off with two String Shots tying Cranidos to the floor, make sure you can keep your distance, and now charge up a Solarbeam!

String Shot - String Shot - Solarbeam

Wow, I was screwed typing wise for this one.
Excellent work, Dablob! It's the final stretch!

Tim, finish him! Spam Stone Edge until the...weird bug thing...keels over!

If it ties you to the floor or ties up your legs (you're headbutting it, so it doesn't matter if your arms are immobilized), Earthquake to shake it loose!

We've got this in the bag, Tim!

(Also, Stone Edge, don't miss three times in a row. Just don't.)
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