A Challenger Approaches!
2 vs 2
2 Day DQ
2 Rest/Recover / 5 Chills
1 Ablilty
No Items
Switch = KO
Arena: The Castelia City Market
This joyous and active arena is ripe with people, and berries! Trade passes naturally along the streets connecting this commercial cacophony. Berries, food, clothes, toys, all products exchange hands here in the market. The floor is asphalt, almost impossible to dig in and hard on the skin. The market is bustling right now, the midmorning light awakening both sellers and shoopers alike! They've been kind enough to clear a decently large circle for your battle, with a 30 foot diameter. Spectators are lined up along the sides to watch, and maybe even provide some support with berries or other goods!
Summary: Asphalt floor is almost impossible to dig into, and if a Pokemon makes any contact on the floor that would involve scraping it's skin across it takes an extra 2 HP loss. There's a 20% chance each round that a spectator will throw a berry at one participant, which they can use to their advantage. The berries are (Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Leppa, or Oran, choice of which is random) No water nearby, and the time is midmorning.
Solstice, send out your first pokemon.
DarkAmber8828, you send yours out next then actions.
Solstice will then send in his actions.
Then i'll ref.
Solstice then will send in actions
Then DarkAmber8828
Then ref. etc.