MATCH COMPLETED! DarkSlay versus Wikey (Referee: Tortferngatr) You may comment now.

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"Welcome, one and all Smogonites, to a CAP ASB battle! Today's match is between DarkSlay-leading off with this following challenge:"


Standard 1 V 1
DQ: 3 Days
2 Uses of Rest/Recover moves, 5 Uses of Chill
Traditional Japanese Dojo

This dojo has been around for centuries, but remains in peak condition. The floor is made of soft mats, with a hardboard flooring underneath. It is a four walled, closed area. On the edges of the dojo are shallow pools of water originally used for decoration. The pools provide water, but are too shallow to dive in. The walls are covered in beautiful ivy. Since the floor is primarily cushion and hard wood, it is impossible to dig through it or find a sustainable area to cause quakes with. Evidently, a magical seal has been placed upon the dojo, preventing all types of weather from disrupting the peace and honor of the dojo.

Summary of Restrictions: No diving under water, no weather, no Dig/Earthquake/Level Ground/Magnitude.

"And Wikey-finishing the deal with this acceptance!"

I accept, DarkSlay.

All Abilities
Switch = KO ( :P )
Items Enabled

"And I'm your host, Tortferngatr, reffing this match! Anyways, let's look at the challengers' Pokemon they've chosen to fight in this one-on-one duel: With DarkSlay, we see none other than his fine Slowpoke, Salmon!"


Slowpoke [Salmon] (F)
Nature: Bold (Adds * to Defense. Subtracts * from Attack.)

Type: Psychic / Water
Psychic: Psychic STAB; less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic attacks regardless of weight difference, Disable, Focus Blast and Recover have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 100
Atk: **(-)
Def: **** (+)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 15

EC: 0 / 4
MC: 0
DC: 0 / 5

Oblivious: (Innate)This Pokemon is incapable of being effected by Attract or Cute Charm.
Own Tempo: (Innate) This Pokemon moves at its own pace and cannot be confused by any method.
Regeneration (DW): (Innate) When this Pokemon is switched out during a switch battle, it reacts to the energy in the Pokeball and 10 HP is restored.

Curse (*)
Yawn (*)
Tackle (*)
Growl (*)
Water Gun (*)
Confusion (*)
Disable (*)
Headbutt (*)
Future Sight (*)
Block (*)
Mud Sport (*)
Calm Mind (*)
Surf (*)
Ice Beam (*)
Item for this match: Leppa Berry

"Anyways, Wikey has sent his excellent Gligar, Holden, to the table!"


Gligar(*) Holden (M)
Jolly (Special Attack reduced by *; A 15% increase in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +5% flat increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks.)

Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings. Knock Down, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Flying: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks outside extremely odd circumstances even for ground-based flying Pokemon, Heat Wave, Icy Wind, Ominous Wind, Silver Wind, Twister, Whirlwind have have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).


HP: 100
Atk: ***
Def: ****
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 98 (+15%)

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Hyper Cutter: (Innate) This Pokemon always keeps its claws/teeth/pincers extremely sharp, and thus cannot have its attack reduced.

Sand Veil: (Innate) This Pokemon is used to reacting in desert conditions and gets a 20% evasion boost during Sandstorms. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.

Immunity(DW): (Innate)This Pokemon’s body has an immensely strong immune response to venom and does not take poison damage when Poisoned. Toxic Poisoning will not do damage, however it will continue getting more severe.

Poison Sting*
Sand Attack*
Knock Off*
Quick Attack*
Fury Cutter*
Faint Attack*
Night Slash*
Wing Attack*
Swords Dance*
Stone Edge*
Item for this match: Oran Berry

"It seems like Salmon has the advantage in this fight-Ice Beam, Water STAB and all-but battles are not determined by just type-effectiveness! And who knows how the battle will end-Holden has Swords Dance, WAY more speed, and a super-effective Night Slash!"

"Now, normally DarkSlay would post which Pokemon he sends out first. But given that there's only one Pokemon for each side to send out, we'll skip that step. Wikey, you go first, then DarkSlay."


Alright, Holden. Take this Oran Berry and get out there.

Start by flying at Salmon to Knock Off his berry. Then hover by the ceiling and do a little Swords Dance. Once that's finished round out your turn with a sure-fire Faint Attack.

(Sorry about not picking an item or CPing my poke for you, tort. Posting from my cell phone. :P )
All right Salmon, this is a pretty good match-up to be in right now. I want you to focus on hitting Holden quickly and often, while shutting it down too!

First, we need to get Holden into a less offensive mindset. Yawn to make Holden sleepy and out of focus immediately while it knocks off your berry (poor Leppa berry ;_;). Next, as its boosting its attack with Swords Dance, use Calm Mind to boost your own Special Attack! Finish it off with a strong Ice Beam, hoping to give it a little freeze there.

Yawn -> Calm Mind -> Ice Beam

Slowpoke [Salmon] (F) Bold (Adds * to Defense. Subtracts * from Attack.)

HP: 100
Atk: **(-)
Def: **** (+)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 15
Energy: 100

Item for this match: Leppa Berry


Gligar(*) Holden (M) Jolly (Special Attack reduced by *; A 15% increase in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +5% flat increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks.)

HP: 100
Atk: ***
Def: ****
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 98 (+15%)
Energy: 100

Item for this match: Oran Berry

Anyways, time for Round 1!

Holden the Gligar decides to kick things off by crippling Slowpoke and remove its item with Knock Off. Gliding across the arena with its very high speed, as Salmon the Slowpoke, being, well, a slowpoke, doesn't really have time to dodge. Gligar knocks off Slowpoke's Leppa Berry, sending her flying into a pool of water at the dojo's edge.

Nevertheless, the rather bold Slowpoke isn't intimidated (and despite super-effectiveness, Slowpoke doesn't seem too phased, and Yawns at Gligar from point blank range!) Aside from Gligar feeling the immediate effects of smelling the rather bad breath of a fish-eating Pokemon, Gligar seems to be getting slightly drowsy...still, he manages to easily pull off a Swords Dance as Slowpoke calms her mind.

Gilgar seems to be starting to have trouble staying awake, but he sneaks quietly up to Slowpoke before delivering a nasty Faint Attack! Of course, Slowpoke is unphased, barely taking more than 1/10 of his health-this guy is one hell of a tank! Slowpoke responds with a sharp Ice Beam to Gligar's left wing. This rather obviously deals some pretty hefty damage to the Ground/Flying scorpion. Gligar, slightly startled by this new turn of events, expertly cuts the ice off with his right claw. Of course, once that's completed soon he returns to a state that is even more sleepy.

Slowpoke, looking as calm and happy as ever, sits with her flanks heaving with light, easy, but deep breaths. Gligar has plenty of stamina left, but it's feeling pretty tired from the almost narcotic Yawn.
Time for the trainers to call a few new orders! DarkSlay, you're up first!

End results for Round 1:


Slowpoke [Salmon] (F) Bold (Adds * to Defense. Subtracts * from Attack.)

HP: 85
Atk: **(-)
Def: **** (+)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 15
Energy: 80
Boosts: Sp. A. +1, Sp. D. +1
Other: 5 chills remaining, 2 uses of rest/recovery remaining.

Item for this match: None


Gligar(*) Holden (M) Jolly (Special Attack reduced by *; A 15% increase in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +5% flat increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks.)

HP: 81
Atk: ***
Def: ****
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 98 (+15%)
Energy: 86
Boosts: Attack +2
Other: Drowsy. Will fall asleep in 1 action. 5 chills remaining, 2 uses of rest/recovery remaining.

Item for this match: Oran Berry
Excellent job, Salmon! You just bought us a good deal of time to get in some nasty attacks.

Okay, since we really only have to worry about one turn causing very little damage, I want you to simply fire off another dangerous boosted Ice Beam at Holden.

At the end of that, he should glide down right to the ground and be in a deep sleep for a few turns asleep. I want you to Calm Mind the first turn it's asleep, and Surf on the last turn of the round.
Hang in there Holden!

Go right at him with a Night Slash. Then try to stay awake by showing off your extreme Agility. If that works finish things off with another Night Slash.
Round 2


Slowpoke [Salmon] (F) Bold (Adds * to Defense. Subtracts * from Attack.)

HP: 85
Atk: **(-)
Def: **** (+)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 15
Energy: 80
Boosts: Sp. A. +1, Sp. D. +1
Other: 5 chills remaining, 2 uses of rest/recovery remaining.

Item for this match: None


Gligar(*) Holden (M) Jolly (Special Attack reduced by *; A 15% increase in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +5% flat increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks.)

HP: 81
Atk: ***
Def: ****
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 98 (+15%)
Energy: 86
Boosts: Attack +2
Other: Drowsy. Will fall asleep in 1 action. 5 chills remaining, 2 uses of rest/recovery remaining.

Item for this match: Oran Berry

"And we're back! Gligar starts the round off with-" *Slowpoke gives a slightly pained cry.*

"WHOAH! A critical hit! Gligar's Night Slash certainly doesn't seem fun for Slowpoke! Looks like Slowpoke has a cut from that attack-but she seems a bit slow to notice, as shortly after she's used another Ice Beam, this also at point blank range for some more good damage!

Gligar can barely stay awake, but the feeling of having dealt so much damage at once gives it energy to use Agility, temporarily regain energy and stay on target. Slowpoke, however, it moving at its own tempo, and doesn't mind that Gligar isn't asleep like he thought. She calms her mind anyway, focusing for her next attack!"

Gligar manages to- wait wait wait.

"ANOTHER critical hit with Night Slash?!"

Holy Miltank! Lady Luck and her husband Ryan N. Golden must really be favoring the FlyScorpion today! Slowpoke seems visibly afflicted by the two attacks, but he managed to relatialte with a powerful blast of Surf! However, this second attack rather than helping Gligar exhausts him, and he falls to the ground-he'll be asleep for a while. Let's hope Gligar wakes up quickly for Wikey's sake!

End results for Round 2:


Slowpoke [Salmon] (F) Bold (Adds * to Defense. Subtracts * from Attack.)

HP: 49
Atk: **(-)
Def: **** (+)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 15
Energy: 62
Boosts: Sp. A. +1, Sp. D. +1
Other: 5 chills remaining, 2 uses of rest/recovery remaining.

Item for this match: None


Gligar(*) Holden (M) Jolly (Special Attack reduced by *; A 15% increase in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +5% flat increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks.)

HP: 42
Atk: ***
Def: ****
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 98 (+15%)
Energy: 69
Boosts: Attack +1 Speed +2
Other: In deep sleep, will wake up in 4 turns without interference. 5 chills remaining, 2 uses of rest/recovery remaining.

Item for this match: Oran Berry

Wikey orders his attacks next.
Hm...Yawn didn't take it's effect like it was supposed to, but I suppose we can work with this too, Salmon!

Holden should be asleep for a while, which is good news! You should be able to fire off a Surf with ease! Then fire off an Ice Beam!

On the last turn, you should be able to KO it even after the Oran Berry takes effect. Finish off this match with a Surf!

Surf -> Ice Beam -> Surf for the KO!
Round 3


Slowpoke [Salmon] (F) Bold (Adds * to Defense. Subtracts * from Attack.)

HP: 49
Atk: **(-)
Def: **** (+)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 15
Energy: 62
Boosts: Sp. A. +1, Sp. D. +1
Other: 5 chills remaining, 2 uses of rest/recovery remaining.

Item for this match: None


Gligar(*) Holden (M) Jolly (Special Attack reduced by *; A 15% increase in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +5% flat increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks.)

HP: 42
Atk: ***
Def: ****
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 98 (+15%)
Energy: 69
Boosts: Attack +1 Speed +2
Other: In deep sleep, will wake up in 4 turns without interference. 5 chills remaining, 2 uses of rest/recovery remaining.

Item for this match: Oran Berry

"Alright! Time for Round 3!"

"Gligar is sleeping like an egg. Despite his trainer's calling to him, Gligar doesn't hear, giving Slowpoke the opportunity to launch another wave of Surf! Luckily for Gligar, it was JUST powerful enough to jolt him into a groggy state of semi-awareness. Gligar suddenly finds himself on the receiving end of an Ice Beam, leaving him barely standing! He eats his Oran berry in the meantime.

"Feeling far more awake now, Gligar makes a final attempt to defeat Slowpoke-as he engages in another Night Slash, claws ripping furiously at Slowpoke, he JUST misses getting another critical hit!" Slowpoke is hurt, and he's feeling weaker, but she's still sitting up and breathing.

As Slowpoke survives the assault, Holden the Gligar has one final thought as what seems like the contents of every pool in the arena-and then some extra water-rush at him in one final Surf.



As the water sinks and the weather seal somehow causes all the water to move back into the pools for another round, Slowpoke is simply sitting calmly, with Gligar clearly knocked out. The water cleanly washed the wounds from Gligar's two critical Night Slashes, leaving few traces behind. Slowpoke is getting tired, but she's clearly sitting in the normal position for Slowpoke-the one that indicates they are not fainted.

DarkSlay and his Slowpoke, Salmon, win!


Slowpoke [Salmon] (F) Bold (Adds * to Defense. Subtracts * from Attack.)

HP: 38
Atk: **(-)
Def: **** (+)
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 15
Energy: 44

Item for this match: None


Gligar(*) Holden (M) Jolly (Special Attack reduced by *; A 15% increase in Base Speed [Rounded Up] and a +5% flat increase in accuracy (e.g. 85 Accuracy becomes 90) on this Pokemon's attacks.)

HP: 0
Atk: ***
Def: ****
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ***
Spe: 98 (+15%)
Energy: 64

"And that's that!

DarkSlay gets:
1 KO counter for Salmon
2 Trainer counters
1 Evolution Counter, a Move Counter, and a Dream Counter for Salmon.
i get a ref counter
Wikey gets:
2 Trainer counters
1 Evolution Counter, a Move Counter, and a Dream Counter for Holden."

And fellow Smogonites: Feel free to comment now!
Good match Wikey. You had a pretty bad mismatch, but Holden turned out to be a pretty large force! You were a great opponent. :)

Salmon receives one Move, Dream, and Evolution counter. It also receives one KO counter, which I will be using as a Move Counter. Using these two counters, I will be buying the TM for Thunderwave!

I receive two Trainer counters, which I will be saving.

Thanks for reffing, Tortferngatr. You did a very good job. :)
Good match. Thanks to both of you. Once I saw you had a Slowpoke I knew you'd use him as both my mons are weak to water. If I had known it'd end so fast I'd have gone with Swords Dancex2 - Night Slash followed by Swords Dance - Night Slash. Not sure if that'd been enough since Slowpoke is such a tank.
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