(MATCH OVER) FinnRagetti vs Tortferngatr (ref: Limewire)

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is a Contributor Alumnus

1 vs 1
DQ: 2 days
2 uses of Rest / Recover, 5 chills
All abilities enabled
Items enabled

A subterrainean cavern plays host to this pokemon battle. The cavern is 50ft x 30ft x 100ft. There is a 15 ft circle opening from the top of the arena, the only source of light in the arena. The ground is soft, making it easy to dig. The walls are made of jagged rock. You can see anything in the circle clearly, 5ft outside the circle dimly, and nothing at all outside of that.

And without further ado, our challengers!


Syclar [Freeze] Male

Nature: Rash (+* special attack, -* special defense)
Type: Ice/Bug

Ice: Ice STAB; immune to freezing, no vision loss or damage in Hail, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail, Hail heals burns on Ice-typed Pokemon.
Bug: Bug STAB; Anger Powder, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Solarbeam, Spore, Stun Spore, Roost have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

Stats: 40 / 76 / 35 / 74 / 34 / 91

HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5


Ability 1: Compoundeyes: (Innate) This Pokemon’s complex eyes give it a comprehensive view of the field, making its attack 30% (x1.3) more accurate.
Ability 2: Mountaineer: (Innate) This Pokemon is used to scaling and avoiding rocks. It can avoid damage from Stealth Rock when it switches in, and one Rock-type attack per round.
Ability 3: Technician (DW, not yet activated): (Innate) This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their attacks that normally deal 6 or below base damage to have their base damage multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) damage, and the Energy Cost for mutli-hit attacks is increased by two (2).


Leech Life
Ice Shard
Focus Energy
Icy Wind
Earth Power
Tail Glow
Struggle Bug
Hidden Power (Electric, base 6, energy cost 4)
@ Oran Berry​

Zuruggu/Scraggy (Rex) (M)

Nature: Careful (+* Special Defense, -* Special Attack)
Type: Dark/Fighting

Dark: Dark STAB; Immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use more devious Dark-type attacks while attracted. Revenge and Vengeance have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves, Meditate and Cheer Up have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ****(+)
Spe: 48

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5


Shed Skin: (Innate) This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.
Moxie: (Innate) This Pokemon gets psyched after it earns a KO on an opposing Pokemon, increasing its attack by one (1) stage.
Intimidate (DW): (Can be Activated) When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing their Attack stage by one (1). The attack drop is maintained at the end of each round. If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again.

(*)Low Kick
(*)Sand Attack
(*)Faint Attack
(*)Brick Break
(*)Drain Punch
(*)Fire Punch
(*)Ice Punch
(*)Bulk Up
(*)Rock Slide

FinnRagetti will issue his actions first (also, don't forget to choose an item!) Tortferngatr will follow suit.

3... 2... 1... FIGHT!
"Okay, Freeze. You can beat this guy-even if he LOOKS tough on the special side, you can make yourself tougher. Tail Glow, move away from Drain Punch using your superior speed, then Tail Glow a second time. The light ought to prevent Scraggy from sneak attacking from the shadows."

-Tail Glow-Command: move away from Scraggy using superior speed-Tail Glow-

Not sure if consecutive move rule applies when separated by a command.
"Okay, Freeze. You can beat this guy-even if he LOOKS tough on the special side, you can make yourself tougher. Tail Glow, move away from Drain Punch using your superior speed, then Tail Glow a second time. The light ought to prevent Scraggy from sneak attacking from the shadows."

-Tail Glow-Command: move away from Scraggy using superior speed-Tail Glow-

Not sure if consecutive move rule applies when separated by a command.

Shouldnt imo
And we are off!

Freeze, gaping at Rex's enormous Special Defense stat, decides to pull of a Tail Glow. Rex is annoyed that Freeze is trying to stall it out instead of directly attacking it, and launches a Payback at the bug. The attack does quite a bit of damage and Freeze winches.

Next, Rex attempts to rub salt onto the wound by firing off a Drain Punch. Freeze, however, is almost twice as fast as the little gangster and easily dodges the attack. Rex's patience is running low, and decides to launch a sneaky Faint Attack by running into the shadows. Freeze anticipates this, though, and fires off another Tail Glow. This catches Rex off a bit, and he only scratches Freeze before stumbling back.

Freeze is near the center of the arena. Rex is about 9 feet behind him, still rubbing his eyes.



HP: 70
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 82

Boosts: +5 Special Attack


HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: *(-)
SpD: ****(+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 82

Tortferngatr, it is your turn.
Out-of-character refereeing callout: Waitwaitwait.

I used Tail Glow twice. Doesn't that mean that at the end of the turn, I should have +5 special attack, counting boost decay? (Explain your reasoning as to why TG only boosted special attack a single time)
Out-of-character refereeing callout: Waitwaitwait.

I used Tail Glow twice. Doesn't that mean that at the end of the turn, I should have +5 special attack, counting boost decay? (Explain your reasoning as to why TG only boosted special attack a single time)

EDIT: Never mind, you were right. I assumed that the first boost automatically dropped to 0 instead of +2 at the end of the round.
"Alright then Freeze, he looks dazed, so it's time to pay up front would some CompoundEyes-boosted power. Blizzard-Earth Power to conserve energy-Blizzard."
Rex, Dont let the Tail Glow to you! Keep warm with your fists of fury! Avoid being directly infront of the little bugger's blizzards (attack at the sides)

Fire Punch --> Swagger --> Fire Punch

HP: 70
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 82

Boosts: +5 Special Attack


HP: 90
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **** (+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 82

Freeze is all pumped up and ready to go. He fires off a powerful Blizzard at Rex, who tries to escape my moving diagonally, but is a bit too slow. Rex shivers a bit and quickly gets to his senses. He retaliates with a Fire Punch, which knocks back Freeze quite a bit into the dark.

Freeze gets back on his feet, and sends a sonar pulse using the power of earth throughout the ground. Rex is looks confused until the pulse reaches his feet and explodes, sending him back into the dark as well. Rex smiles, as the darkness makes him feels at home. Suddenly, the 'lil gangster pulls out his shades and starts to break dance. Freeze is completely pissed off at Rex's swagger and confused as well. The ice bug tries to launch a Blizzard at him, but is stunned by his awesome dancing skills and hurts himself. Rex takes advantage of this moment by attacking again with Fire Punch, knocking Freeze away again. The intensity of the attack snaps Freeze out of confusion.



HP: 34
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 67

Boosts: +4 Special Attack, +2 Attack


HP: 53
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **** (+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 64

Rex is near the center of the arena. Freeze is 13 feet away and directly in front of him.

FinnRagetti, go!
Rex, show off your Swagger some more. That seems to slow the little bugger down.

Swagger-->Fire Punch-->Rock Slide

That'll finish it off I hope.
"Ignore Rex's girth as he Swaggers like a fool. Use Icy Wind to cool his fists down, and then Blizzard. You're a Mountaineer-you can dodge rocks any day of the week."

-Ignore Rex-Icy Wind-Blizzard-

HP: 26
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 67

Boosts: +4 Special Attack, +2 Attack


HP: 53
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **** (+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 64

Rex pulls out his shades again and attempts to unnerve Freeze with his Swaggah, but Freeze isn't going to fall for the same trick twice. Nope, the little ice bug instead ignores him and fires a blast of icy cold wind at his hands. Rex is enraged that Freeze would dare interrupt his awesome break dancing skills, and pimp slaps him with a Fire Punch. However, because his hands are frozen solid, the punch dealt only neutral damage (his hands are unfrozen now). Freeze now retaliates with a mighty powerful Blizzard, sending Rex flying across. The lil' gangstar attempts to counter by ramming the ground and creating a Rock Slide, but Freeze's Mountaineer ability allows him to dodge the rocks easily.



HP: 34
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 56

Boosts: +3 Special Attack, +1 Attack


HP: 32*
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **** (+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 46

*Icy Wind did not cause any damage nor a speed drop since it was aimed at Rex's arms rather than his body.

Freeze is in the center of the arena. Rex is 20 feet away, in the darkness where Freeze cannot see him. In addition, the darkness may give Rex, a Dark-type, an advantage. Keep this in mind, battlers.

Tortferngatr, it is your turn now. Go!
"Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard! Go all-out, Scraggy's almost down! Use your CompoundEyes and residual Tail Glow light (the stuff from a couple rounds ago) to observe him in the dark!"
He cannot see you if you are invisible.

Faint Attack him through the shadows. Be invisible when you strike him

Follow it up with two Fire Punches to finish him off
You cant see a shadow in a dark now can you?

Syclar is in the center of the arena-the umbra of the shadow is 20 feet away. If Syclar were to see Scraggy from either the side or the front, he would be able to quickly move and pinpoint a Blizzard at it. (Compoundeyes, remember?)

Though I see the concept of a backstab...
Syclar is in the center of the arena-the umbra of the shadow is 20 feet away. If Syclar were to see Scraggy from either the side or the front, he would be able to quickly move and pinpoint a Blizzard at it. (Compoundeyes, remember?)

Though I see the concept of a backstab...

Fair point. We'll see how sneaky a Dark Pokemon can truly be!

HP: 34
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 56

Boosts: +3 Special Attack, +1 Attack

HP: 32
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **** (+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 46

Freeze uses his residue Tail Glow and his Compound Eyes to squint and search for Rex in the shadows. He sees a sillhoute, and fires off a Blizzard. Rex, however, is in his element- he easily dodges the attack with a Faint Attack and slams into the ice bug from the behind. Surprised, Freeze attempts to fire off another powerful Blizzard, but not before getting slammed by a nasty Fire Punch. Both attacks send each other flying (Fire Punch somewhat softened the damage Rex recieved from Blizzard) ten feet apart. Their HP are dangerously low, and both Pokemon are panting and struggling to get on their feet. After much effort, Rex gets up and attempts another Fire Punch by stepping into the shadow and attacking Freeze from the rear. Freeze anticipates this, however, and musters off all of his energy to create one final Blizzard. The attack misses Rex's body, but puts out the fire in his arms, so Fire Punch only dealt neutral damage to the bug.



HP: 10
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 31

Boosts: +2 Special Attack


HP: 16
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **** (+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 29

Both Pokemon are in the center of the arena, 7 feet apart. They are panting heavily and both of them look as if they will fall apart in any second. This could be the final round! FinnRagetti, go!

HP: 10
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 31

Boosts: +2 SpA

HP: 16
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **** (+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 29

Rex tried to win the match for his beloved master, FinnRagetti. He tried very hard. But in the end, Freeze was faster and ended it all with a +2 Blizzard. Rex hangs his head in shame as the cold blast of wind knocks him unconscious.



HP: 10
Atk: ***
Def: **
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 91
Energy: 24

Boosts: +1 Special Attack


HP: 0
Atk: ***
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **** (+)
Spe: 48
Energy: 29

"Good job, Freeze! Good game, FinnRagetti!"

Out-of-character: Nice job there-this really was a close match. The Swagger twist was really funny-thanks for including it Limewire!


-I get 2 Trainer counters
-Freeze gets 1 KO counter (which I will put into the move counter) 1 evolution counter, 1 move counter, and 1 dream counter.

-FinnRagetti gets 2 Trainer counters
-Rex gets 1 evolution counter, 1 move counter, and 1 dream counter.
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