*MATCH OVER* Kaxtar vs. Tortferngatr (Ref: Acklow)

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I am always tired. Don't bother me.
Alright, this battle will be between Kaxtar and Tortferngatr!!

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The Rules to this battle will be:
3v3 Singles
2 days dq
Two uses of Recover/Rest and 5 chills
Arena: Mountain-plateau with approximately 2 feet of snow (for hiding in and what-not)


All Abilities
No items
Switching OK
For review:
Kaxtar sends out his Pokemon.
Tortferngatr sends out his Pokemon and issues his actions.
Kaxtar issues his actions.
I ref.

Ack. Larvesta. Half my team is REALLY weak to fire, and only Plicowatt resists it...nevertheless, getting Hail up might be instrumental in weakening Larvesta. If I beat it and he lacks other Fire-types, Syclar might be able to set up a Tail Glow and sweep this guy.

Go, Frostbite! (Snover) This may be risky and slightly counterintuitive, but Leech Seed, then Blizzard through the hail!

-Leech Seed-Blizzard-Blizzard-
Hmm, Snover...

Use a large Fire Blast right out of the gate to hit snover and melt a circle of snow. Following that, use an Ember for a quick and accurate hit, and finish up the round with a U-Turn (switch into Riolu).
My apologies for the delay, it's my first time reffing, so I may have made some minor mistakes.


Larvesta [Fire Moth] Female
Nature: Rash
Health: 90
Energy: 100%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Snover [Frostbite] Male
Nature: Relaxed
Health: 100
Energy: 100%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Round 1 Begin!

Frostbite finds itself naturally adapting to the snowy arena. Upon seeing that there was a lot of snow, Frostbite activates Snow Warning, causing an impending hail to fall upon the field of battle. However, Fire Moth quickly takes advantage of this snow warning and fires a large Fire Blast at Frostbite, devastatingly hurting Frostbite. A small circle appears around Frostbite. Frostbite, who is certainly hurt, retaliates firing a barrage of seeds at Fire Moth, which rapidly grow into vines, draining Fire Moth’s health via Leech Seed.

Fire Moth quickly spits out small flames in the form of Ember again, now straight towards Frostbite. Frostbite, grimaces, clearly hurt, however, taking advantage of the Hail, he begins summoning a large Blizzard. The power of the Blizzard knocks Fire Moth over!

Kaxtar yells to Fire Moth, “Finish this round with a U-Turn!” Fire Moth nods, and zooms past Frostbite, but suddenly circles around, hitting Frostbite straight in the back. Frostbite, feeling hurt, summons another Blizzard. Kaxtar quickly retrieves his fleeing Fire Moth and sends Aura Beast out. The Blizzard hits Aura Beast hard, the seething cold hitting Aura Beast right beneath its fur.

End Round 1

Field Effects:
Hail precipitation is falling harshly upon all Pokemon in this battle.​


Larvesta [Fire Moth] Female
Nature: Rash
Health: 56
Energy: 84%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Snover [Frostbite] Male
Nature: Relaxed
Health: 54
Energy: 74%
Boosts: None
Other: None


Riolu [Aura Beast] Male
Nature: Naughty
Health: 70
Energy: 100%
Boosts: None
Other: None
Come on Riolu, you can do it!

Start off with by leaping into the air and smashing Snover with a Hi Jump Kick. If you happen to miss, cushion your fall in the snow. Next, Protect from any on-coming attack (or use Rock Slide if he switches) to avoid damage. Riolu will then Swords Dance to gain a large attack boost for the next round. Tortferngatr, you're up!
Yikes. That was more potent than I thought.

"Leech Seed at wherever he lands, then come back. Freeze (Syclar) will take care of the rest by boosting with Tail Glow."

(BTW-remember Mountaineer when you consider the damage calcs.)

Snover [Frostbite] Male
Nature: Relaxed
Health: 54
Energy: 74%
Boosts: None
Other: None


Riolu [Aura Beast] Male
Nature: Naughty
Health: 70
Energy: 100%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Round 2 Begin!

As the next Round begins, both Pokemon are staring each other down. The first to move may have the advantage. Aura Beast smirks, knowing that Kaxter's next command may annoy his opponent...something that Aura Beast knew he would enjoy. Frostbite, however looks as if he wasn't fazed by the actions that occurred the previous round.

Aura Beast jumps into action, running straight for Frostbite. Slowly, he picks up speed then suddenly leaps into the air, aiming a High Jump Kick straight for Frostbite. Frostbite sits in one place, suddenly producing a quantity of seeds. However, as he produces the seeds, Aura Beast lands his attack. A few of Frostbite's teeth (he does have teeth, doesn't he?) fall out upon impact. Frostbite, infuriated due to the loss of a few teeth, he smacks Aura Beast with the seeds. Slowly, the Leech Seed begins to sprout. The hail however, doesn't seem to be slowing down.

Upon finding himself in a tangle of sprouting seeds, Aura Beast starts panicking a little. Things don't seem to be going according to what he planned. However, he notices that Frostbite may be leaving the battle, so he quickly Rock Slides before Frostbite could get away. Frostbite clearly was hurt, however, Tortferngatr calls Frostbite back to his Pokeball. Tortferngatr then readies his next Pokeball with a grimace. Out comes Freeze the Syclar!

Freeze looks set and ready to take on his injured partner's opponent. He quickly ends the round by increasing the bioluminescence in his tail with Tail Glow, setting himself up for whatever is to come next. All the while, Aura Beast begins dancing around in a circle, using his paws to make sword shapes in the air. He finishes the ritual, known as Swords Dance, increasing his attack power twofold.

End Round 2

Field Effects:

Hail precipitation is still falling harshly upon all Pokemon in this battle.​


Snover [Frostbite] Male
Nature: Relaxed
Health: 20
Energy: 64%
Boosts: None
Other: None


Riolu [Aura Beast] Male
Nature: Naughty
Health: 58
Energy: 79%
Boosts: +2 Atk
Other: Seeded! (-2 HP/Round)


Syclar [Freeze] Male
Nature: Rash
Health: 90
Energy: 91%
Boosts: +3 SpAtk
Other: None

Tortferngatr, you're up first.
Blizzard, Blizzard, BLIZZARD Freeze! Even if Larvesta comes in, it's still your strongest move! You're at full health, you can take a few hits!
Hi Jump Kick, Hi Jump Kick, Hi Jump Kick. If Scylar is in KO range of Quick Attack, use that in place of a third Hi Jump Kick. If I get frozen, use a Blaze Kick to thaw out.

Hi Jump Kick, Hi Jump Kick, Hi Jump Kick/Quick Attack (If it can KO) (Replace any move with Blaze Kick if Riolu gets Frozen)

Riolu [Aura Beast] Male
Nature: Naughty
Health: 58
Energy: 79%
Boosts: +2 Atk
Other: None


Syclar [Freeze] Male
Nature: Rash
Health: 90
Energy: 91%
Boosts: +3 SpAtk
Other: None

Round 3 Begin!

Welcome to Round 3 of the match between Kaxtar and Tortfernatr! This match has been filled with many unusual turns of events. Freeze the Syclar and Aura Beast the Riolu are currently duking it out in an all out set-up battle. Let's see what comes next!

As the torrent of hail continues to fall on all partakers on the field of battle, both contenders await their commands. Aura Beast smirks at Freeze, thinking that he's got what it takes to take Freeze down. However, Freeze isn't about to let any problems get in his way, and suddenly summons a strong Blizzard which sweeps Aura Beast off of his feet. Aura Beast, who was just about to High Jump Kick Freeze, just got it's foot Frozen. The momentum of the High Jump Kick, however, did not keep Aura Beast from crashing into Freeze. Both pokemon get up from the great impact.

As each pokemon get back up, Freeze smacks Aura Beast with another wave of Blizzard. At such close range Blizzard rips through the fur of Aura Beast, with frost bite developing on Aura Beast's skin. The Blizzard was so powerful, it froze both of Aura Beast's paws and feet. Aura Beast, attempts to melt through the ice with a Blaze Kick. The kick successfully melts the ice on Aura Beast's left foot, and hits Freeze at point blank range. However, upon doing so, Aura Beast falls to the ground and faints due to Hail and Leech Seed.

End Round 3

Field Effects:

Hail precipitation is still falling harshly upon all Pokemon in this battle.​


Syclar [Freeze] Male
Nature: Rash
Health: 22
Energy: 71%
Boosts: +2 SpAtk
Other: None

Trainer Status:
Kaxtar- 2/3 Pokemon Left
1)Fire Moth (56 HP, 84% Energy)
2)Magic Shrimp (80 HP, 100% Energy)

Tortferngatr- 3/3 Pokemon Left
1)Frostbite (20 HP, 64% Energy)
2)Freeze (22 HP, 71% Energy)
3)Float (80 HP, 100% Energy)

Kaxtar, please choose your next Pokemon and make your move.
Out-of-Character question: Wait, did Riolu or Syclar score a crit during the match? My calculations (via the spreadsheet in the reffing section) say that barring the event of a critical hit, Hi Jump Kick (21.5) + Blaze Kick (26.0) = 47.5 damage approximately. 90-47.5=42.5 health. Secondly...wouldn't it have taken 3 hits barring a crit for Syclar's Blizzard to beat Riolu? (23*2=46. Even counting Leech Seed damage and Hail at 4 per action, Riolu would have barely been standing at 4 HP (58-[46+4+4])=58-54=4 Hp remaining for the third Blizzard.)

Just saying.

"Just use Earth Power to knock its health down a little Freeze-you've taken out one of his guys already."

-Earth Power-Earth Power-Earth Power-

Plicowatt [Magic Shrimp] Male
Nature: Modest
Health: 80
Energy: 100%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Syclar [Freeze] Male
Nature: Rash
Health: 22
Energy: 71%
Boosts: +2 SpAtk
Other: None

Round 4 Begin!

The battle continues, however it seems like both trainers are exhausted with using any direct strategies. Therefore, I'll keep narration at a general minimum. Anyways, Kaxtar sends Magic Shrimp the Plicowatt out to combat Freeze.

Freeze is feeling the pain and he knows his time is about to end...but he also knows that there is still time left!! Freeze gathers whatever brainpower he had left and forces three pulses to emanate from his head into the ground. The creation of these mighty Earth Powers move quickly across the ground towards Magic Shrimp.

Magic Shrimp responds to these Earth Powers with three of his own, mighty Thunderbolts! Each Thunderbolt hits Freeze, eventually knocking him unconcious.

However, Freeze's Earth Power attacks aren't for loss, two hit Magic Shrimp hard. Magic Shrimp dives out of the way just in time as the third Earth Power passes by him.

End Round 4

Field Effects:

Hail precipitation is still falling harshly upon all Pokemon in this battle.​


Plicowatt [Magic Shrimp] Male
Nature: Modest
Health: 26
Energy: 86%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Trainer Status:
Kaxtar- 2/3 Pokemon Left
1)Fire Moth (56 HP, 84% Energy)
2)Magic Shrimp (26 HP, 86% Energy)

Tortferngatr- 3/3 Pokemon Left
1)Frostbite (20 HP, 64% Energy)
2)Float (80 HP, 100% Energy)

Tortferngatr, please choose your next Pokemon and make your move.
Out-of-char note: I'm not clear on this, but isn't turn order "faster mon-slower mon-faster mon-slower mon-faster mon-slower mon?"

Not trying to munchkin (this would hypothetically hurt me worse,) but still.


Guess I'll sending out my own boomshrimp.

"Go, Float! (Plicowatt)" Use Wild Charge three times, let's solve this match!
Tortferngatr said:
Out-of-char note: I'm not clear on this, but isn't turn order "faster mon-slower mon-faster mon-slower mon-faster mon-slower mon?"

Not trying to munchkin (this would hypothetically hurt me worse,) but still.

Yes, it is, however I'm a little lazy at this point in time, so I don't want to narrate how EACH Pokemon uses the SAME action in separate paragraphs. If you are going to spam a move, it's much easier just to narrate within one paragraph and note that these actions occurred separately. I just don't want to put too much effort into narrating the same action separately, if the end result of those actions are basically the same.
Use Thunderbolt to strike him and to disrupt his tackle. Then, jump behind Float and into the snow behind him to avoid the second Wild Charge. Hopefully, he will not see where I land. If he does see me land in the snow, use Thunderbolt as he approaches me. If he can't find me, use a Charge instead.

Plicowatt [Magic Shrimp] Male
Nature: Modest
Health: 26
Energy: 86%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Plicowatt [Float] Female
Nature: Lonely
Health: 80
Energy: 100%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Round 5 Begin!

Alrighty then!!! Welcome back to the battle between Tortferngatr and Kaxtar. Just last round, we had an exciting fight between Tortferngatr's Freeze the Syclar versus Kaxtar's Magic Shrimp the Plicowatt. Sadly, Freeze fainted, but not without hurting Magic Shrimp too much! After running through his options, Tortferngatr decided that he would send out his Plicowatt as well, who is dubbed, Float. Who will have the upper hand during this round of the battle? Let's take a look.

Float attempts to Wild Charge Magic Shrimp. Magic Shrimp, reacts just in time and summons a Thunderbolt, hitting Float before she got a chance to hit Magic Shrimp. Float, however, hits Magic Shrimp head on with the attack.

Magic Shrimp, once again reacts quickly. As Float charges again with a Wild Charge, but Magic Shrimp jumps right behind Float, successfully dodging the attack.

Float, looking confused, attempts to look for Magic Shrimp, hoping to Wild Charge. Unfortunately, Magic Shrimp is hiding in the snow, and he uses the time to Charge.

End Round 5

Field Effects:

Hail precipitation is still falling harshly upon all Pokemon in this battle.​


Plicowatt [Magic Shrimp] Male
Nature: Modest
Health: 11
Energy: 71%
Boosts: Charge Boost, +1 SpDef
Other: None

Plicowatt [Float] Female
Nature: Lonely
Health: 54
Energy: 86%
Boosts: None
Other: None
Great job Magic Shrimp.

Start off the round with a surprise thunderbolt, blindsiding Float. Next, use detect to dodge whatever Float does to you and end up behind float. Finish up the round with another thunderbolt.

Plicowatt [Magic Shrimp] Male
Nature: Modest
Health: 11
Energy: 71%
Boosts: Charge Boost, +1 SpDef
Other: None

Plicowatt [Float] Female
Nature: Lonely
Health: 54
Energy: 93%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Round 6 Begin!

It's Plicowatt vs. Plicowatt in this exciting matchup between Tortferngatr and Kaxtar!

Magic Shrimp starts this round off by firing a blinding Thunderbolt at Float. Hoping to hit Float, he cries out in a blind rage. However, Float Detects this attack and dodges it just in time! Tortferngatr sighs in relief, as the attack singes a large boulder instead. However, the icy cold isn't going away too soon!

Float begins to Charge power, grinning at the fact that it has now caught it's opponent at the wrong time. Magic Shrimp, Detecting that it may be an attack, protects itself from any assault. However, it realizes that this was the wrong time to be doing so.

Float then Wild Charges Magic Shrimp, knocking Magic Shrimp unconscious. Unfortunately, Magic Shrimp fainted because of this.

End Round 6

Field Effects:

Hail precipitation is still falling harshly upon all Pokemon in this battle.​


Plicowatt [Float] Female
Nature: Lonely
Health: 54
Energy: 72%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Trainer Status:
Kaxtar- 2/3 Pokemon Left
1)Fire Moth (56 HP, 84% Energy)

Tortferngatr- 3/3 Pokemon Left
1)Frostbite (20 HP, 64% Energy)
2)Float (54 HP, 72% Energy)

Kaxtar, please choose your next Pokemon. After that, it's your move Tortferngatr.
"Okay, Float, good job. He's down to the last mon-use Muddy Water against Larvesta, Detect his next move, then Muddy Water again. You can win this fight."
Not really sure how he'll get the water for his attacks, but we'll see how it goes.

Start off with U-Turn to get around the Muddy water (or maybe it will miss) and hit him. Next, use morning sun when he uses detect. Finally, finish up another U-Turn to once again avoid the muddy water and hit Float.

Larvesta [Fire Moth] Female
Nature: Rash
Health: 56
Energy: 84%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Plicowatt [Float] Female
Nature: Lonely
Health: 54
Energy: 72%
Boosts: None
Other: None

Begin Round 7!

Welcome to another round of Kaxtar vs. Tortferngatr! It seems like the match-up has changed slightly, as Kaxtar sends out his Fire Moth to fight against Tortferngatr's Float. With Kaxtar having only one Pokemon left, who will win?

Float starts the round off by attempting to pull the water vapors in the air and the earthy ground to create a large quantity of Muddy Water. Unfortunately, the water around it is frozen and the ground is a little too cold to create mud. And not only that, but the attack also misses. Fire Moth, shaking the slight pain off, quickly zooms past Float, then U-turns and zooms right back, slamming into Float!

Float, who Detects that Fire Moth is about to attack, attempts to protect itself. However, Fire Moth, instead of attacking, takes the time to look up to the sun. The Morning Sun effectively helps Fire Moth heal some of its previous wounds.

After attempting to protect itself, Float begins to use the same ritual for Muddy Water as it did earlier. The effect of its attack remains the same, except this time, the attack lowers Fire Moth's Accuracy (1) one Stage!! Fire Moth then zooms past Float, yet again, U-turning just in the nick of time and slamming right into Float.

End Round 7

Field Effects:

Hail precipitation is still falling harshly upon all Pokemon in this battle.


Larvesta [Fire Moth] Female
Nature: Rash
Health: 49
Energy: 57%
Boosts: -1 Accuracy
Other: None

Plicowatt [Float] Female
Nature: Lonely
Health: 24
Energy: 51%
Boosts: None
Other: None​
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