Me Myself And I

This is probably my first actual UU team that did not completely suck. It took me months to finally perfect this team, but I feel it has finally reached it peak. Although this team was made in February it still works very well. I continuously adjusted the teams move sets, team members, items, and EVs. I also had a little help along the way from ToF and Snunch. I feel like this would be a good time to make a RMT for this team with me not playing with it much anymore. Although I know people that still do (thats you Teapot).
The main crux of this teams success is probably from it's ability to handle most metagame threats very well along with the ability to deal with many different types of teams used. With Deoxys-D being eliminated from the game this team has been preforming even better. Maybe I can revamp it for the current metagame even? Overall it has achieved a rating of 1405 ( #5 ) on the UnderUsed ladder. Now without further ado it is time to introduce the team!
Team Building
With the recent banning of Chansey I figured I should try out some new stuff that would preform better with it's absence. So I decided to use Offensive Calm Mind Suicune. I always liked this set in Gen 4 as well so I was wondering how well it would do in Gen 5 UU.

I realized Suicune would still need some help breaking the remaining special walls in the metagame such as Snorlax. It would also need to have a partner who could take on Roserade and Shaymin who otherwise could keep huge pressure on Suicune. So I decided on using Heracross, but not just any Heracross, a unique specially defensive RestTalk version who could not only abuse Guts under the sleep condition, but also could counter Roserade, Shaymin, and special walls properly. This was the perfect fit.

I then knew I wanted something to defeat threats such as Raikou and Zapdos. Now I must admit the Pokemon and set I selected were probably not the best answer, but the synergy was rather solid so I decided on using Flygon as my next teammate. I selected the Choice Band Flygon set to defeat special walls for Suicune's main sweep. Flygon was a rather good choice so I placed him in as well.

With these 3 selected I knew I had a baseline for the team. I looked over threats and realized I needed some aid with threats such as Heracross and other powerful fighting types. Togetic would also be annoying (thanks alot flareblitz and your flying fairies) so I put him up next on the team. Zapdos has always been a great Pokemon so I was sure it would do fantastic on the team. I used the defensive set ( although the offensive one would be pretty cool too ). So Zapdos was now the 4th member of the team.

Well up next was pretty random to be honest. I didn't really have any ideas on what to use so I looked the RMT of the month in The Smog and just put Porygon2 on the team. It was really random and had no real meaning. It actually worked pretty decent. Well not really it just occasionally KO'd something. In short Porgon2 was really just "there" for the time being.

Well now I knew I needed SR and a counter to Kingdra. I didn't exactly put a counter for Kingdra in, but it was close enough. I selected Empoleon and thus the first version of the team was complete. It was actually pretty decent, but it was loosely put together and didn't have the best synergy out there. But for now this would be the team.

I knew I needed some help so I went to ToF who was in #genvuu at the time. I asked him for some advice on the team, and he suggested some huge changing factors. He said to try Scarf Flygon instead of band to defeat Cobalion and faster threats, while also still having momentum and good power. He then suggested Snorlax to defeat strong special threats such as Zapdos, Raikou, and enemy offensive Suicune. Instead of using the traditional CurseLax I just ran a simple SleepTalk Snorlax.

This type of team preformed very well, but It has one big problem that stood out. That was that it was very weak to spike stacking teams. Especially with Deoxys-D and Roserade being everywhere at the time. I knew I had to do something, so I replaced Suicune with Blastoise. Although it was not my favorite decision, it still worked quite well. And it completed the main version of the team I used throughout the metagame. This was the version that achieved 1405 on the UU ladder.

I must admit it was awhile since I used the team again, but it had some problems still. It didn't like stuff like CB Flygon, Stoutland, and Rhyperior. So I basically replaced the only thing I could without messing up the team. I replaced Empoleon with Bronzong. He still provided Stealth Rock while patching up the teams holes. Snunch suggested I use Rhyperior over Empoleon, but who really listens to Snunch anyway?

The Team Itself

Bronzong @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Gyro Ball
- Toxic
- Earthquake
Bronzong is something that you would honestly not expect to be good, but despite all odds it proves assumptions just wrong. Bronzong is mainly used for the use of Stealth Rock, but also helps me in my weakness to Flygon. Bronzong was the addition over Empoleon, which began to become less effective after time went on in the new metagame. With the new addition of Scrafty and Mienshao Bronzong works even better. It's very solid defenses allow it to take on many of UU's premier threats, this includes LO Roserade and Raikou to some extent. It functions well with synergy and overall bulky style of the team, and I really do believe there is no other choice for this team overall.

Zapdos @ Leftovers
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 236 Def / 24 Spd
Bold Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Heat Wave
- Roost
- Toxic
Zapdos is my Heracross counter, which otherwise would easily 6-0 me with any set. Zapdos has some of the best gifts a defensive Pokemon can have. Great offensive presence, solid defensive stats, and a above average speed stat. Just to make it even better, Zapdos as has a reliable healing move in Roost. Mainly used to destroy bulky waters and steels, Zapdos also can handle most fighting types quite well, although it must be weary of Stone Edge. With the resistance to Heracross's STABs and a super effective move to bring it down with, the little beetle gets burned up. Finally, Toxic is great to cripple incoming defensive threats such as grass and ground types. Together with Bronzong, Zapdos forms a solid defensive core with it, being able to take each other's weaknesses fairly well.

Blastoise @ Leftovers
Trait: Torrent
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Rapid Spin
- Roar
- Foresight
Blastoise is the main spinner in UU, being a bulky water with access to Foresight to negate incoming Ghosts is always a good perk, especially when it has the defenses to take a hit or two. Blastoise I play rather straight forward, bringing it in only when I need to to retain it's bulk. When the coast is clear I Rapid Spin away hazards, which are very deadly to this team. Scald is the main attacking move, being able to burn 30% of the time is a great gift, especially because it eases the physically defensive worries of the team quite a bit. Roar is used to shuffle around Pokes and gain residual damage, or just so I can stay in to gather a little more Leftovers recovery. Blastoise is the main answer to offensive fire types as a whole, being able to take a Flare Blitz from Arcanine and Darmatarian rather well, however, due to the lack of reliable recovery it sometimes gets overwhelmed, but that's what teammates are for. Rapid Spin is a gift on any team, especially mine.

Heracross @ Leftovers
Trait: Guts
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Swords Dance
- Stone Edge
Originally my own made specially defensive resting Heracross, this Pokemon has been a great addition with the new set. Despite lacking the original bulk of my specially defensive version, this set still works just fine. I had increasing trouble with stall as it became more popular, and this team just couldn't keep up without a stronger offensive presence. I changed to this SD set so that I could now defeat stall more easily. However, in order to do this I must be conservative with Heracross, keeping it alive long enough so I can pull off a successful sweep. I believe this to still be a solid defensive Roserade check, but it now lacks the extreme defense it once had. Heracross is my main physical attacker, being able to defeat Rhyperior and Snorlax with ease.

Flygon @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Outrage
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw
Flygon is my main revenger of the team, with a nice scouting move in U-Turn, and an attack for everything that can possibly set up in the tier, Flygon is the premier scarfer of Choice for my team. Being able to revenge Raikou, Zapdos, and Kingdra makes Flygon a threat to all offensive teams I face, keeping them under constant pressure. Flygon was previously Choice Band, but my trouble with many set up sweepers made me switch up to Choice Scarf. I run the obvious moves of Outrage and Earthquake for STABs, being able to hit most of the set up sweepers for super effective damage. Dragon Claw is used if I need to hit something like Kingdra, but cannot risk being locked into Outrage this early. Flygon is the perfect revenger for this team, as without I would lose to many of the new introduced threats, especially Scrafty and Mienshao.

Snorlax @ Leftovers
Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 108 HP / 48 Atk / 136 Def / 216 SDef
Careful Nature
- Body Slam
- Crunch
- Sleep Talk
- Rest
Last but not least, is Snorlax. Not seen much anymore sadly, especially with the new fighting types introduced, Snorlax was once rather common. This set walls almost every special attacker in UU. Raikou, Zapdos, Chandelure, and Roserade all can't touch this guy. And a STAB Body Slam or a solid Crunch can send them to their graves. Thanks to it's useful ability in Thick Fat, Snorlax can take fire types and ice types with no problem at all. Snorlax rounds off the team with the overall secondary coverage to check special threats in general. Nothing can exactly break through him successfully, making him a perfect member for this team. Sadly Snorlax isn't as effective anymore, but he will always be a great team player.
Other Options
I was thinking of Scarf Mienshao over Flygon, or something over Snorlax. Not really in touch with the metagame and don't know much about the whole general stuff at the momment.
Threat List

ToF - Congrats on winning the Smogon Tour!!! Also huge thanks for helping me build this team. Hope you continue to play.
TPO3 - Nothing. He did nothing. He used this team. That's all he did. Congrats.
kd24 - Made me the man I am today ( kinda )
prem! - idk but hes cool anyway
joshe - ^ but hes cool too
Lamppost - Cool dude and helped me test a lot of teams, LGI team east!!!
franky - helped me test early version of this team, cool dude and wish he'd come back more often :(
DJXO9 - come back for reals, pokemon is still fun!!!
undisputed - Great guy, mentioned me in his RMT so I shall mention him here!
august - he gave me his blizspam team like last year
BKC - Cool dude and great teambuilder, GO EAST!!!
the rest of team east - your all great and GO EAST!!!
Snunch - Helped me a bit with this team, congrats on ST8!