BH Mega Audino (FULL) [QC 1/2]


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(image hyperlinks to original artist post; art by Natx on DeviantArt)

Mega Audino is a premier defensive stalwart capable of running a myriad of abilities on a wide array of team styles, from Hyper Offense as a Prankster Screens setter to Balance and Stall as a FurScales or Magic Bounce utility defender. Its unique Normal/Fairy typing is what makes Mega Audino as good as it is, though, as it is a Fairy-type that is completely immune to Moongeist Beam, one of the two legal Mold Breaker moves. Its low Attack stat also makes it an incredible Sap-blocker for teams without Blissey, Good as Gold, or Magic Bounce. However, its offensive stats are lacking and so needs utility moves like Knock Off and teammates like Mega Sceptile and Ash-Greninja to reduce its passivity. Nevertheless, Mega Audino is an incredible defender that fits on many teams and needs equal respect when preparing and playing against.

Audino-Mega @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Rocky Helmet / Covert Cloak
Ability: Ice Scales / Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Calm / Bold Nature
- Topsy-Turvy / Parting Shot
- Knock Off / Mortal Spin
- Moonblast / Teleport
- Shore Up

FurScales Mega Audino serves a strong role as an answer to either special attackers like Mega Sceptile, Take Heart Arceus, and Flutter Mane with Ice Scales or physical attackers lacking Sunsteel Strike like Ash-Greninja and Mega Garchomp with Rocky Helmet and Fur Coat, though Ice Scales is the preferred ability due to other Pokemon like Zamazenta and Arceus-Fairy answering Ash-Greninja better. Topsy-Turvy allows Mega Audino to punish setup attempts, with examples being Torch Song users like Mega Sceptile and Miraidon and Take Heart from the numerous Arceus formes. Parting Shot can be used instead to generate momentum and weaken threats like Ultra Necrozma and Eternatus. Knock Off helps remove items like Leftovers from Arceus formes and Zacian, Heavy-Duty Boots from users like Yveltal and Arecus-Ground, and Covert Cloak from users like Mega Slowbro and Arceus-Water. Moonblast is Mega Audino's best option for damage, threatening a 2HKO on Mega Sceptile and, in conjunction with Topsy-Turvy, Take Heart and Calm Mind users. Alternatively, Mortal Spin can be used over Knock Off to remove hazards, allow Mega Audino to escape trapping from Thunder Cage and Magma Storm, and pressure Take Heart users into setup overuse, although it is easily blocked. Teleport can also used with Knock Off when using a Speed-lowering nature and 0 Speed EVs and IVs to allow Mega Audino to slow pivot in frailer teammates like Ash-Greninja, Mega Sceptile, and Mega Alakazam while keeping Topsy-Turvy at the cost of being individually lacking offensively. Shore Up gives Mega Audino much-needed recover. Fur Coat sets can choose to run Strength Sap over Shore Up to better answer stronger physical attackers like Choice Band Kyurem-Black, but should note the cost of being potentially Sap-blocked alongside losing a big niche in being immune to Moongeist Beam. Alternatively, 116 Speed EVs can be used to allow Mega Audino to be as fast as possible while still being slower than Dialga-O, but 252 Speed EVs are generally better unless Mega Audino is carrying Mortal Spin over Knock Off.

Mega Audino fits best on teams looking for a special wall immune to Moongeist Beam with Ice Scales or a Fairy-type Fur Coat wall to answer threats like Mega Garchomp lacking Sunsteel Strike and Ash-Greninja. Strong physical breakers like Ash-Greninja and Mega Blaziken synergise well, as Mega Audino can Sap-block after they have dealt their burst damage. Fur Coat Mega Audino can also Imposter-proof Sniper variants of the former thanks to Rocky Helmet chipping Imposter and its ability preventing any major damage. Flutter Mane is a great partner as a special attacker due to Mega Audino Imposter-proofing with its immunity to Moongeist Beam and Topsy-Turvy preventing all wallbreaking attempts from Imposter if Flutter Mane carries a setup move. Certain offensive Dragon-types like Miraidon and Mega Sceptile benefit from Ice Scales variants of Mega Audino imposter-proofing thanks to its immunity to Dragon Energy and Moonblast and Knock Off threatening Imposter, although Thunder Cage does guarantee a significant portion of chip and a safe switchin to Steel-types like Dialga-O and Celesteela to spinblock or threats like Eternatus, Mega Lucario, and Mega Alakazam if not carrying Teleport or Parting Shot. Ghost-types like Arceus-Ghost, Lunala, and the previously mentioned Flutter Mane make for great defensive partners, as Mega Audino can answer the Ghost- and Dark-types that threaten them like Ash-Greninja, Yveltal, and opposing Flutter Mane depending on Mega Audino's ability. Mega Audino fears Steel-types like Mega Lucario, Arceus-Steel, and Dialga-O as they can all threaten Mega Audino with potential OHKOes with their various Steel-type moves while also blocking Mortal Spin. As such, switch-ins like Mega Slowbro, Arceus-Ghost, and RegenVest Celesteela pair well. Fur Coat Mega Audino still greatly fears Sunsteel Strike and Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer from Choice Band wallbreakers like Mega Lucario, Ultra Necrozma, and Koraidon thanks to Fur Coat being ignored, so secondary switchins to these Pokemon like Mega Slowbro, Primordial Sea Solgaleo, and Arceus-Ghost are mandatory partners. Likewise, Ice Scales Mega Audino fears Eternatus, so RegenVest users like Nuzzle Primal Kyogre, Draco Meteor Dialga-O, and Ruination Celesteela alongside Primordial Sea Steel-types like Solgaleo and Arceus-Steel are necessary. Choice Specs Mega Gardevoir is another threat for Mega Audino, threatening a 2HKO on Ice Scales variants after minor chip with a Calm nature. As such, Primordial Sea Steel-types and secondary Ice Scales users like Arceus-Steel and Lunala are especially helpful while faster threats like Flutter Mane and Ash-Greninja can revenge. Even despite carrying Mortal Spin, Mega Audino can struggle to remove entry hazards and even may be overwhelmed without Heavy-Duty Boots so other entry hazard removers like Rapid Spin Arceus-Ghost, Tidy Up Ho-Oh, and backup Defog users are immensely appreciated. Mega Audino can be defensively Imposter-proofed with Steel-types like Dialga-O, Celesteela, and Solgaleo, while offensive Pokemon like Malignant Chain Eternatus and Mega Lucario offensively pressure Imposter Mega Audino. Knock Off variants of Mega Audino require Imposter-proofing from Knock Off absorbers such as Adamant Crystal Dialga-O and the Arceus formes.

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Other Options

Entry hazards via Stone Axe and Spikes may be preferred over Mortal Spin or Moonblast depending on the team's needs, but almost always must be paired with Parting Shot and Knock Off to allow Mega Audino to stay proactive and, as such, has little value over other moves. Salt Cure seems promising at first, but oftentimes is a poor fit due to its initially lacking output, reliance on removing Covert Cloak first, and Mega Audino commonly being an answer to Magic Guard users like Miraidon and Mega Sceptile. A set consisting of Prankster, Light Clay, dual Screens, Haze or Parting Shot, and Destiny Bond or Shore Up allows Mega Audino to serve as a strong supporter and anti-setup option on Hyper Offense, although Parting Shot and Shore Up must be used together and facilitates the need for an Unaware attacker like Eternatus. Magic Bounce turns Mega Audino into an even better supportive character, but comes at the cost of considerably less bulk and a set tailored towards the team's defensive needs, meaning it only fits on specific teams. RegenVest is an option for teams needing a more proactive Flutter Mane answer or Imposter-proof, but is otherwise outclassed by Ice Scales variants.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-type Pokemon**: Steel-type Pokemon like Dialga-O and Celesteela can easily switch into Mega Audino's Moonblast and Mortal Spin while potentially also absorbing its Knock Off. Certain Steel-types like Dialga-O and Arceus-Steel also carry Steel-type moves, forcing Mega Audino to switch.

**Sunsteel Strike and Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer**: Pokemon with Sunsteel Strike or Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer can lure and remove Fur Coat Mega Audino in one hit.

**Eternatus**: Even with Ice Scales, Eternatus can be incredibly scary and threaten Mega Audino with both the Poison status and immense damage overall.

**Mega Gardevoir**: Mega Gardevoir can easily 2HKO Calm Ice Scales Mega Audino after minor chip from sources like entry hazards, Poison chip, and its own Volt Switch.

**Entry Hazards**: Even with Mortal Spin, Mega Audino without Heavy-Duty Boots can get quickly overwhelmed and fail to effectively answer threats if properly spinblocked.

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(image hyperlinks to original artist post; art by Natx on DeviantArt)

Mega Audino is a premier defensive stalwart capable of running a myriad of abilities on a wide array of team styles, from Hyper Offense as a Prankster Screens setter to Balance and Stall as a FurScales or Magic Bounce utility defender. Its unique Normal/Fairy typing is what makes Mega Audino as good as it is, though, as it is a Fairy-type that is completely immune to Moongeist Beam, one of the two legal Mold Breaker moves. Its low Attack stat also makes it an incredible Sap-blocker for teams without Blissey, Good as Gold, or Magic Bounce. However, its offensive stats are lacking and so needs utility moves like Knock Off and teammates like Eternatus i would mention something that runs offensive more commonly and appreciates audino improofing (eg. scept) to reduce its passivity. Nevertheless, Mega Audino is an incredible defender that fits on many teams and needs equal respect when preparing and playing against. also mention slowpivoting thats also pretty big compared to the competition (fairyceus/zacian)

Audino-Mega @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Rocky Helmet / Covert Cloak
Ability: Ice Scales / Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 116 Spe underspeeding dia-o is never relevant just make this either min or max
IVs: 0 Atk
Calm / Bold Nature
- Topsy-Turvy / Parting Shot
- Mortal Spin / Knock Off would slash knock first
- Moonblast / Teleport
- Shore Up / Strength Sap sap on this guy is throwing ngl, you get sapblocked by imposter + mg blobs who you realistically never pressure

FurScales Mega Audino serves a strong role as an answer to either special attackers like Mega Sceptile, Take Heart Arceus, and Flutter Mane with Ice Scales or physical attackers lacking Sunsteel Strike like Ash-Greninja and Mega Garchomp with Rocky Helmet and Fur Coat, though Ice Scales is the preferred ability due to other Pokemon like Zamazenta and Arceus-Fairy answering Ash-Greninja better. Topsy-Turvy allows Mega Audino to punish setup attempts, with examples being Torch Song users like Mega Sceptile and Eternatus Miraidon you're taking a million from psn move after torch boost and thus never want to switch in and Take Heart from the numerous Arceus formes mention physical setup asw. Parting Shot can be used instead in conjunction with a Prankster Haze Pokemon like Lunala and Giratina why does this matter to generate momentum and weaken threats like Ultra Necrozma and Eternatus. Mortal Spin removes hazards move this to last bc audino is never pressuring any steel ever to remove, allows Mega Audino to escape trapping from Thunder Cage and Magma Storm, and pressures Take Heart users into setup overuse. Moonblast is Mega Audino's best option for damage, threatening a 2HKO on Mega Sceptile and, in conjunction with Topsy-Turvy, Take Heart and Calm Mind users. Alternatively, Knock Off can be used over Mortal Spin on structures where its Mortal Spin is unnecessary. Teleport can also used with Knock Off when using a Speed-lowering nature anzld the 0 Speed EVs and IVs to allow Mega Audino to slow pivot in frailer teammates like Ash-Greninja, Mega Sceptile, and Mega Alakazam while keeping Topsy-Turvy at the cost of being individually lacking offensively it's already lacking offensively, 199 speed is never outspeeding anything relevant where moonblast damage would matter. Shore Up gives Mega Audino much-needed recovery, but is chosen over other moves like Roost and Recover in the rare case of Sand Stream being present to recover more dex info i think, can cut. Fur Coat sets should choose to run Strength Sap over Shore Up to better answer stronger physical attackers like Choice Band Kyurem-Black, but should note the cost of being potentially Sap-blocked. 116 Speed EVs allow Mega Audino to be as fast as possible while still being slower than Dialga-O, but 252 Speed EVs are equally applicable. see above

Mega Audino fits best on teams looking for an Eternatus ???? and Flutter Mane counter with Ice Scales just say something along the lines of "special wall thats immune to moongeist" or a Fairy-type Fur Coat wall to answer threats like Mega Garchomp lacking Sunsteel Strike and Ash-Greninja. Strong physical breakers like Ash-Greninja and Mega Blaziken synergise well, as Mega Audino can Sap-block after they have dealt their burst damage. Fur Coat Mega Audino can also Imposter-proof Sniper variants of the former thanks to Rocky Helmet chipping Imposter and its ability preventing any major damage. Flutter Mane, especially with Flare Boost, is a great partner as a special attacker due to Mega Audino Imposter-proofing with its immunity to Moongeist Beam and Topsy-Turvy preventing all wallbreaking attempts from Imposter i would mention something else here bc fboost flutter is pretty bad rn. Certain offensive Dragon-types like Miraidon and Mega Sceptile benefit from Ice Scales variants of Mega Audino imposter-proofing thanks to its immunity to Dragon Energy and Moonblast and Knock Off threatening Imposter, although Thunder Cage does guarantee a significant portion of chip and a safe switchin to Steel-types like Dialga-O and Celesteela to spinblock or threats like Eternatus, Mega Lucario, and Mega Alakazam if not carrying Teleport or Parting Shot. Ghost-types like Arceus-Ghost, Lunala, and the previously mentioned Flutter Mane make for great defensive partners, as Mega Audino can answer the Ghost- and Dark-types that threaten them like Ash-Greninja, Yveltal, and opposing Flutter Mane depending on Mega Audino's ability. Mega Audino fears Steel-types like Mega Lucario, Arceus-Steel, and Dialga-O as they can all threaten Mega Audino with potential OHKOes with their various Steel-type moves while also blocking Mortal Spin. As such, switch-ins like Mega Slowbro, Arceus-Ghost, and RegenVest Celesteela pair well. Fur Coat Mega Audino still greatly fears Sunsteel Strike and Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer from Choice Band wallbreakers like Mega Lucario, Ultra Necrozma, and Koraidon thanks to Fur Coat being ignored, so secondary switchins to these Pokemon like Prankster Mega Slowbro not really a set you can just add onto a team, just say mega bro, Primordial Sea Solgaleo, and Arceus-Ghost are mandatory partners. Likewise, Ice Scales Mega Audino fears Eternatus without Covert Cloak and still relies on teammates to handle Mold Breaker variants with it, irrelevant, audino hates etern regardless of item or etern's abil so RegenVest users like Nuzzle Primal Kyogre, Draco Meteor Dialga-O, and Ruination Celesteela alongside Primordial Sea Steel-types like Solgaleo and Arceus-Steel are necessary. Choice Specs Mega Gardevoir is another threat for Mega Audino, threatening a 2HKO on Ice Scales variants after minor chip with a Calm nature. As such, Primordial Sea Steel-types and secondary Ice Scales users like Arceus-Steel and Lunala are especially helpful can mention rkers eg. flutter. Even despite carrying Mortal Spin, Mega Audino can struggle to remove entry hazards and even may be overwhelmed without Heavy-Duty Boots so other entry hazard removers like Rapid Spin Arceus-Ghost, Tidy Up Ho-Oh, and backup Defog users are immensely appreciated. mention knock absorbers bc not having boots/helm cuts into survivability/punish immensely, esp vs say th arc or agren Mega Audino can be defensively Imposter-proofed with Steel-types like Dialga-O, Celesteela, and Solgaleo, while offensive Pokemon like Malignant Chain Eternatus, Mega Lucario, and Mega Alakazam it doesn't even without scales and evio knocked offensively pressure Imposter Mega Audino. Knock Off variants of Mega Audino require Imposter-proofing from Knock Off absorbers such as Adamant Crystal Dialga-O and the Arceus formes.

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Other Options

Entry hazards via Stone Axe and Spikes may be preferred over Mortal Spin or Moonblast depending on the team's needs, but almost always must be paired with Parting Shot and Knock Off to allow Mega Audino to stay proactive and, as such, has little value over other moves. Salt Cure seems promising at first, but oftentimes is a poor fit due to its initially lacking output, reliance on removing Covert Cloak first, and Mega Audino commonly being an answer to Magic Guard users like Miraidon and Mega Sceptile. A set consisting of Prankster, Light Clay, dual Screens, Haze or Parting Shot, and Destiny Bond or Shore Up allows Mega Audino to serve as a strong supporter and anti-setup option on Hyper Offense, although Parting Shot and Shore Up must be used together and facilitates the need for an Unaware attacker like Eternatus. Magic Bounce turns Mega Audino into an even better supportive character, but comes at the cost of considerably less bulk and a set tailored towards the team's defensive needs, meaning it is not suitable for newcomers. just say that it only fits on specific teams RegenVest is an option for teams needing a more proactive Flutter Mane answer or Imposter-proof, but is otherwise outclassed by Ice Scales variants.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-type Pokemon**: Steel-type Pokemon like Dialga-O and Celesteela can easily switch into Mega Audino's Moonblast and Mortal Spin while potentially also absorbing its Knock Off. mention that certain steels like dia-o also carry steel stab to force audino out altogether

**Sunsteel Strike and Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer**: Choice Band users they don't need to be band but i get what you mean with either Sunsteel Strike or Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer can lure and remove Fur Coat Mega Audino in one hit.

**Eternatus**: Even with Ice Scales, Eternatus can be incredibly scary if Mega Audino has no Covert Cloak or Eternatus is Mold Breaker. see point above

**Mega Gardevoir**: Mega Gardevoir can easily 2HKO Calm Ice Scales Mega Audino after minor chip from sources like entry hazards, Poison chip, and its own Volt Switch.

**Entry Hazards**: Even with Mortal Spin, Mega Audino without Heavy-Duty Boots can get quickly overwhelmed and fail to effectively answer threats if properly spinblocked.

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Mega Audino is a premier defensive stalwart capable of running a myriad of abilities on a wide array of team styles, from Hyper Offense as a Prankster Screens setter to Balance and Stall as a FurScales or Magic Bounce utility defender I would rearrange the order as Prank is obv not the main set. Its unique Normal/Fairy typing is what makes Mega Audino as good as it is, though, as it is a Fairy-type that is completely immune to Moongeist Beam, one of the two legal Mold Breaker moves this feels very hyper specific considering the relatively low usage of specs geist users, aud is good moreso because it has extremely respectable defenses with a typing thats very difficult to exploit. Its low Attack stat also makes it an incredible Sap-blocker for teams without Blissey, Good as Gold, or Magic Bounce. However, its offensive stats are lacking and so needs utility moves like Knock Off and teammates like Mega Sceptile and Ash-Greninja to reduce its passivity. Nevertheless, Mega Audino is an incredible defender that fits on many teams and needs equal respect when preparing and playing against.

Audino-Mega @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Rocky Helmet / Covert Cloak
Ability: Ice Scales / Fur Coat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe min the speed you still need to underspeed other tp guys
IVs: 0 Atk wrong position than usual but idk if it matters?
Calm / Bold Nature
- Topsy-Turvy / Parting Shot
- Knock Off / Mortal Spin
- Moonblast / Teleport
- Shore Up
these slashes are extremely weird when it implies you can run PShot Mortal TP Shore Aud. there are a lot of options here regarding slashing so feel free to discuss. Pivoting should be always slashed together and I'm not super sure if PShot deserves specific mention. consult existing set perhaps, and move set comments order as necessary.

FurScales I do not know if this is coined term Mega Audino serves a strong role as an answer to either special attackers like Mega Sceptile iffy, guy regularly has gigaton, Take Heart Arceus, and Flutter Mane with Ice Scales or physical attackers lacking Sunsteel Strike like Ash-Greninja and Mega Garchomp with Rocky Helmet and Fur Coat, though Ice Scales is the preferred ability due to other Pokemon like Zamazenta and Arceus-Fairy answering Ash-Greninja better. Topsy-Turvy allows Mega Audino to punish setup attempts, with examples being Torch Song users like Mega Sceptile and Miraidon and Take Heart from the numerous Arceus formes. Parting Shot can be used instead to generate momentum and weaken threats like Ultra Necrozma and Eternatus. Knock Off helps remove items like Leftovers from Arceus formes and Zacian, Heavy-Duty Boots from users like Yveltal and Arecus-Ground, and Covert Cloak from users like Mega Slowbro and Arceus-Water feels oddly overspecific for a basic mention, can trim. Moonblast is Mega Audino's best option for damage, threatening a 2HKO on Mega Sceptile and, in conjunction with Topsy-Turvy, Take Heart and Calm Mind ?? users phrasing sounds like you can 2hko topsied th users which you don't really but you can mention it pressures them. Alternatively, Mortal Spin can be used over Knock Off to remove hazards, allow Mega Audino to escape trapping from Thunder Cage and Magma Storm, and pressure Take Heart users into setup overuse, although it is easily blocked can reorder/phrase to emphasize the escape trapping and pressure TH point more and remove in a pinch. Teleport can also used with Knock Off when using a Speed-lowering nature and 0 Speed EVs and IVs to allow Mega Audino to slow pivot in frailer teammates like Ash-Greninja, Mega Sceptile, and Mega Alakazam while keeping Topsy-Turvy at the cost of being individually lacking offensively see speed adjusts to remove mention, also as rc mentioned its already lacking offensively so do not need point. Shore Up gives Mega Audino much-needed recover do not need to mention this if you want to then you need to specify over sap otherwise just simply cut. Fur Coat sets can choose to run Strength Sap over Shore Up to better answer stronger physical attackers like Choice Band Kyurem-Black sap not slashed should be OO, but should note the cost of being potentially Sap-blocked alongside losing a big niche in being immune to Moongeist Beam ??. Alternatively, 116 Speed EVs can be used to allow Mega Audino to be as fast as possible while still being slower than Dialga-O, but 252 Speed EVs are generally better unless Mega Audino is carrying Mortal Spin over Knock Off. see speed points

Please clean up + trim this section, going way too into detail about stuff in general and several lines can be compressed together, not going into detail for each line lmk if you need examples
Mega Audino fits best on teams looking for a special wall immune to Moongeist Beam with Ice Scales or a Fairy-type Fur Coat wall to answer threats like Mega Garchomp lacking Sunsteel Strike and Ash-Greninja feels hyper specific, aud is very splashable in general and this seems to undersell its capabilities. Strong physical breakers like Ash-Greninja and Mega Blaziken synergise well, as Mega Audino can Sap-block after they have dealt their burst damage. Fur Coat Mega Audino can also Imposter-proof Sniper variants of the former thanks to Rocky Helmet chipping Imposter and its ability preventing any major damage. Flutter Mane is a great partner as a special attacker due to Mega Audino Imposter-proofing with its immunity to Moongeist Beam and Topsy-Turvy preventing all wallbreaking attempts from Imposter if Flutter Mane carries a setup move. Certain offensive Dragon-types like Miraidon and Mega Sceptile benefit from Ice Scales variants of Mega Audino imposter-proofing thanks to its immunity to Dragon Energy and Moonblast and Knock Off threatening Imposter, although Thunder Cage does guarantee a significant portion of chip and a safe switchin to Steel-types like Dialga-O and Celesteela to spinblock or threats like Eternatus, Mega Lucario, and Mega Alakazam if not carrying Teleport or Parting Shot. Ghost-types like Arceus-Ghost, Lunala, and the previously mentioned Flutter Mane make for great defensive partners, as Mega Audino can answer the Ghost- and Dark-types that threaten them like Ash-Greninja, Yveltal, and opposing Flutter Mane depending on Mega Audino's ability. Mega Audino fears Steel-types like Mega Lucario, Arceus-Steel, and Dialga-O as they can all threaten Mega Audino with potential OHKOes with their various Steel-type moves while also blocking Mortal Spin I don't think Steelceus ever threatens the ohko unless its the very rare Gigaton and Diao never. As such, switch-ins like Mega Slowbro, Arceus-Ghost, and RegenVest Celesteela pair well. Fur Coat Mega Audino still greatly fears Sunsteel Strike and Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer from Choice Band wallbreakers like Mega Lucario, Ultra Necrozma, and Koraidon thanks to Fur Coat being ignored, so secondary switchins to these Pokemon like Mega Slowbro, Primordial Sea Solgaleo, and Arceus-Ghost are mandatory partners. Likewise, Ice Scales Mega Audino fears Eternatus, so RegenVest users like Nuzzle Primal Kyogre, Draco Meteor Dialga-O, and Ruination Celesteela alongside Primordial Sea Steel-types like Solgaleo and Arceus-Steel are necessary. Choice Specs Mega Gardevoir is another threat for Mega Audino, threatening a 2HKO on Ice Scales variants after minor chip with a Calm nature. As such, Primordial Sea Steel-types and secondary Ice Scales users like Arceus-Steel and Lunala lunala not very great choice when it also is boom fodder, and stacking scales is also not the greatest, can consider exampling AV mon instead are especially helpful while faster threats like Flutter Mane and Ash-Greninja can revenge not exactly sure what this means, aud cant safely pivot in front of garde due to being overpowered, so you need something else (which you will mention before), on a fresh switch in gren also does not want to go in because of espeed potential. Even despite carrying Mortal Spin, Mega Audino can struggle to remove entry hazards and even may be overwhelmed without Heavy-Duty Boots so other entry hazard removers like Rapid Spin Arceus-Ghost, Tidy Up Ho-Oh, and backup Defog users are immensely appreciated this should be rephrased since currently it sounds like Mortal Aud is a remover when it really isn't, and Tidy Up Hooh is not great nor are Defog users. Mega Audino can be defensively Imposter-proofed with Steel-types like Dialga-O, Celesteela, and Solgaleo, while offensive Pokemon like Malignant Chain dont need to specify this Eternatus and Mega Lucario offensively pressure Imposter Mega Audino. Knock Off variants of Mega Audino require Imposter-proofing from Knock Off absorbers such as Adamant Crystal Dialga-O and the Arceus formes I dont think Crystal Diao is that good as an example and you don't necessarily need hard koff immunes here.

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Other Options

Entry hazards via Stone Axe and Spikes may be preferred over Mortal Spin or Moonblast depending on the team's needs, but almost always must be paired with Parting Shot and Knock Off to allow Mega Audino to stay proactive and, as such, has little value over other moves this sounds kind of odd and i'm not immediately sure what you mean if you could clarify this. Salt Cure seems promising at first, but oftentimes is a poor fit due to its initially lacking output, reliance on removing Covert Cloak first, and Mega Audino commonly being an answer to Magic Guard users like Miraidon and Mega Sceptile you can rephrase this to being an option on fc sets bc its not completely terrible. if you don't slash haze directly then add a comment here as alternative to topsy on fc sets to deal with anti topsy. A set consisting of Prankster, Light Clay, dual Screens, Haze or Parting Shot, and Destiny Bond or Shore Up i have never seen parting shot its almost always teleport i thought, dbond i have also not seen much i think last is haze or shore allows Mega Audino to serve as a strong supporter and anti-setup option on Hyper Offense, although Parting Shot and Shore Up must be used together and facilitates the need for an Unaware attacker like Eternatus again this feels very vague and mysterious. Magic Bounce turns Mega Audino into an even better supportive character, but comes at the cost of considerably less bulk and a set tailored towards the team's defensive needs, meaning it only fits on specific teams. RegenVest is an option for teams needing a more proactive Flutter Mane answer or Imposter-proof, but is otherwise outclassed by Ice Scales variants. i would move av ahead of bounce its more useable

Checks and Counters

**Steel-type Pokemon**: Steel-type Pokemon like Dialga-O and Celesteela can easily switch into Mega Audino's Moonblast ok this is true but its kind of weird when diao is not actually a fairy resist so i would change it to something else and Mortal Spin while potentially also absorbing its Knock Off. Certain Steel-types like Dialga-O and Arceus-Steel also carry Steel-type moves, forcing Mega Audino to switch.

**Sunsteel Strike and Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer**: Pokemon with Sunsteel Strike or Mold Breaker Gigaton Hammer can lure and remove Fur Coat Mega Audino in one hit. give example like scept etc

**Eternatus**: Even with Ice Scales, Eternatus can be incredibly scary and threaten Mega Audino with both the Poison status and immense damage overall.

**Mega Gardevoir**: Mega Gardevoir can easily 2HKO Calm Ice Scales Mega Audino after minor chip from sources like entry hazards, Poison chip, and its own Volt Switch. kind of weird to single out this mon i think its very valid but you can lump it under like super powerful wallbreakers or something

**Entry Hazards**: Even with Mortal Spin, Mega Audino without Heavy-Duty Boots can get quickly overwhelmed and fail to effectively answer threats if properly spinblocked. oddly specific thing to single out what makes aud special as a defensive mon susceptible to hazards bc otherwise you can remove this

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