Miasmaw [QC 0/1] [GP 0/1]

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Miasmaw @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Neutralizing Gas
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Taunt
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
- Thunder

The Create-A-Pokemon project's newest creation comes in the form of one of the best stall breakers the tier has ever seen. Access to Heavy-Duty Boots to circumvent its vulnerability to Stealth Rock, a decent speed tier in conjunction with an amazing ability in Neutralizing Gas further enhances Miasmaw's stallbreaking potential. Taunt allows Miasmaw to deal with common walls such as Blissey and Toxapex, preventing the use of recovery and status moves and allowing it to act as an effective stallbreaker. Draco Meteor acts as Miasmaw's strongest offensive STAB option, dealing with common dragon-types such as Astrolotl and Hydreigon while hitting as hard as possible. Earthquake hits common Steel-types in the form of Heatran and Magearna. Thunder rounds off the set, providing crucial coverage to hit prominent Water- and Flying-types namely Tapu Fini, Toxapex, Tomohawk, and Tornadus-T. Miasmaw appreciates Fairy- and Steel-type teammates like Magearna and Equilibra that help offset the threat posed by Fairy-types such as Clefable, Kerfluffle, and opposing Magearna. On the other hand, Fighting- and Fire-types like Tomohawk and Cinderace help deal with one of Miasmaw's greatest threats in Levitate Equilibra. Miasmaw is anticipated to solidify itself as a formidable force within the tier in days to come!
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Miasmaw @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Neutralizing Gas
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Taunt
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
- Thunder

The Create-A-Pokemon project's newest creation comes in the form of one of the best stall breakers the tier has ever seen. Frankly Miasmaw is an average stallbreaker that has a niche in eating regen cores; that factor should be emphasized before anything else. Access to Heavy-Duty Boots to circumvent its vulnerability to Stealth Rock, a decent speed tier in conjunction with an amazing ability in Neutralizing Gas further enhances Miasmaw's stallbreaking potential. Taunt allows Miasmaw to deal with common walls such as Blissey and Toxapex, preventing the use of recovery and status moves and allowing it to act as an effective stallbreaker. Again, I want this to be connected to denying Toxapex/Slowking the last ways they have to recover. Draco Meteor acts as Miasmaw's strongest offensive STAB option, dealing with common dragon-types such as Astrolotl and Hydreigon while hitting as hard as possible. Earthquake hits common Steel-types in the form of Heatran and Magearna. And Equilibra and Slowking-Galar. Thunder rounds off the set, providing crucial coverage to hit prominent Water- and Flying-types namely Tapu Fini, Toxapex, Tomohawk, and Tornadus-T. Minor but thunder is here as a burn immune option vs pex more than anything else. Miasmaw appreciates Fairy- and Steel-type teammates like Magearna and Equilibra that help offset the threat posed by Fairy-types such as Clefable, Kerfluffle, and opposing Magearna. On the other hand, Fighting- and Fire-types like Tomohawk and Cinderace help deal with one of Miasmaw's greatest threats in Levitate Equilibra. Miasmaw actively beats Equilbra to the point that you can use it as a switchin to Libra. Miasmaw is anticipated to solidify itself as a formidable force within the tier in days to come! I really would like a mention of offensive pivots; this mon is a niche anti-regen mon that should be paired with pokemon that need regenerator users dead, eg Kerfluffle, Cinderace, and much of this should be structured around that strategy.

There are several fundamental issues with this, eg not focusing on beating regen cores and saying that Miasmaw needs help vs Libra, QC Reject
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