
but do we really want to sacrifice a life orb on an extra 10% accuracy for high jump kick? That's the thing...


Simper Fi
The question is whether it is worth it to have a HJK that hits Ghosts or a HJK that's 30% more powerful from Life Orb.
Well let's keep in mind that aiming mark may be a one-time only item. Once it's used up Kojondo is pretty much left without an item.

Kojondo's main weakness IMO is the lack of ability to boost speed in any way. I think salacc berries are going to be important unless he's spending all his time using U-turn or baton pass.

Oh yeah and this: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79056&page=2

We don't know what Aiming Mark actually does.
He can be a good revenge killer and do scouting much more better than flygon although Kojondo doesn't resist Spikes etc. Regeneration can be used on Choice Band and Choice Scarf sets, since Kojondo is a hit and run pokemon =]. Here are some sets i have thought of:

Kojondo @ Life Orb
- Substitute
- Sword Dance
- Stone Edge / Bounce
- Hi Jump Kick

Kojondo @ Salac Berry
Inner Focus / Regeneration
Jolly / Adamant
- Substitute
- Reversal
- Sword Dance
- Stone Edge / Bounce / Acrobat / Rock Slide

SubSalac can sweep alot of things. With 105 Base Speed, after a salac berry boost nothing outspeeds Kojondo. With a 125 Base attack, reversal is going to do alot to those who does not resist it. As for the SubSwordDance, its pretty random from my thoughts. Substitute eases prediction.
I do really like the idea of subsalac, since he can use regeneration to cut off that unwanted entry hazard damage if it doesn't work out. Personally I'd want to take something like rock slide over stone edge though. Bounce is also risky. This is a fragile pokemon, so there's no reason to gamble on accuracy if possible.


It's all coming back to me now
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Acrobat is a much better option over Bounce on the Sub Salac set. Mainly because it doubles in power after your Item is used (which you are aiming to do anyway).

Acrobat is a much better option over Bounce on the Sub Salac set. Mainly because it doubles in power after your Item is used (which you are aiming to do anyway).
I actually don't know what Acrobat does.. Now i realise what it does (Thanks). Anyways, why Rock Slide? Stone Edge for power. Regeneration seems good on SubSalac, i will slash that in.
So unless you are using knock off (which Kojondo does learn) there's really no point in using Acrobat over bounce or aerial ace.
Why would you be sticking U-turn on a SD sweeper? It's not scouting anything.
Its only roll doesn't have to be swords dance.

1) there isn't a good coverage move to put in its place.
2) U-turning will put people off and they won't expect swords dance
3) when people expect you to uturn, they sometimes make a switch themselves to counter your counter = free SD.
I actually think bulk up would be more beneficial than swords dance in many cases, because once you have 1-2 defense boosts under your belt, you can actually afford to restore health with U-turn switching, since I doubt most neutral attack would be a 1-hit KO after bulk up.

If Floatzel can get away with it, I'm sure Kojondo can.
Huh, you're sort of right. The database says the pre-evo learns Assist power and Konjondo learns Claw Sharpen...

But serebii lists them as learning trickery. Someone has made an error here.

Well if claw sharpen is true, then that adds yet *another* buff move to it's arsenal. As for assist power I can maybe see that working in combination with a calm mind mixed special attacking set...but doesn't seem that great.
This is one of my favorite new Pokémon!! It looks so cool and elegant! It reminds me a lot of Espeon in terms of stats, however it looks like it could do some damage from both of its attacking stats. The fact that it gets Baton Pass along with Regeneration is very cool (I'm hoping it would still work if you switched out by Baton Passing) and basically gives it a sure fire way to get out of Shadow Tag, as long as there are other Pokémon. Cheer Up would also be very useful to be able to pass.
Updated the OP with a post from DDRMaster! I completely looked over Cheer Up! Seems like Kojondo would be extremely hard to stop after a boost! :0
As far as I know, Kojondo gets Wide Guard by level up. I don't see Trickery anywhere in its moveset so I'm going to trust Smogon and assume it doesn't have it.

Also, I didn't realise this before, but since Baton Pass and Low Kick are Egg moves, they're probably illegal with Reckless. You should mention that in the OP.

Here's the sets I was going to edit in to my thread.

Set Name: Sub Pass
Item: Life Orb
EVs: 252 SpAtk/4 Def/252 Spe (good thing to note: if you put the last 4 EVs in HP, Kojondo takes an extra point of SR and Sandstorm damage)
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Regenerate

~Hi Jump Kick/Drain Punch
~Stone Edge/Payback
~Baton Pass

Normally, Kojondo is suceptible to being revenge killed by priority users and Ghost types, particularly Scizor and Shanderaa. Substitute allow it to scout for these threats and attack them while protected from their attacks and status. Regenerate allows Kojondo to make a free Substitute every time it switches in and once behind that Substitute, can act appropriately for whatever comes in.

Scizor and Shanderaa will take massive damage from Hi Jump Kick and Stone Edge or Payback, respectively, and will most likely be forced out. Substitute allows you to get Payback up to full power against faster Ghosts, since Kojondo won't immediately faint to their attacks. If you run into something you can't take down, you can Baton Pass your Substitute to a counter. This works extremely well against Scizor and Shanderaa, since you can simply go to Magnezone or a Pursuit user, respectively, and trap them. Even if the switch out, you'll know exactly what they switched in and have a Pokemon that can counter them behind a Substitute.

Set Name: Multi-Battle Support
Item: Focus Sash
EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spe
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Inner Focus

~Fake Out
~Hi Jump Kick/Low Kick
~Protect/Wide Guard/Fast Guard/Feint/Acrobat/Reflect

Kojondo has a niche in Double and Triple Battles since it has access to Fake Out, Inner Focus, and Taunt. The former two are common in Doubles because you can choose one of your opponent's Pokemon to stop for one turn and as a way to prevent it. The latter is often used because many Pokemon try to set up things such as Trick Room on the first turn. Hi Jump Kick and Low Kick are for STAB and the last slot is for one of the many moves Kojondo can use that is useful in Multi Battles.

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