UU Moltres


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Moltres @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Roost

With the latest tier shifts, Moltres joined its evil Galarian twin down in UU! Moltres's typing lets it check Pokemon like Scizor and Amoonguss, and its ability to lure and pivot out of foes like Rhyperior to bring in teammates like Keldeo via U-turn are both valuable traits on offensive teams. Flamethrower melts the aforementioned Scizor and other Pokemon like Aegislash and Jirachi, while Hurricane deters Pokemon like Kommo-o and Keldeo from switching in freely. Roost gives Moltres longevity to prevent Pokemon like Swords Dance Scizor from wearing it down. Flame Body is the chosen ability to discourage Pokemon like Scizor and Zarude from using U-turn, and acts as a last resort against sweepers like Gyarados and Salamence. Moltres needs Heavy-Duty Boots to consistently check Pokemon like Zarude, so teammates like Amoonguss and Tangrowth act as Knock Off absorbers. Rotom-W can form a VoltTurn core with Moltres, checking Pokémon like Milotic and bringing in Moltres against checks like Tangrowth. Lastly, Choice Scarf Krookodile can remove checks to Moltres like Nihilego, while Moltres beats Amoonguss and Celesteela for it.
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Moltres @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Roost

With the latest tier shifts, Moltres joined its evil omg? that's SO disrespectful. seriously tho evil might not be the choice of words here, maybe just refer to it as galarian Galarian sibling down in the UU tier! Moltres's typing allows it to check Pokemon like Scizor and Amoonguss. i think you can flesh this out a little better rather than just immediately going into what the moves do, like the spotlight should show off what this specific set is good at & what it brings to a team / why you should use it - for example, it pairs really well with something like keldeo because it's great at luring in and uturning on rhyperior/rotom-h as you mentioned, and that + its sciz/monke-checking capabilities make it a really cool fit on offense. Flamethrower melts the aforementioned Scizor and other Pokémon like Aegislash and Mamoswine often runs thick fat (and is therefore hit harder by hurricane) so i'd just change this to like, jirachi, while Hurricane consistently pressures and scares Pokémon like Kommo-o and Keldeo from switching in. U-turn lets Moltres pivot out of checks like Rotom-H and Rhyperior. like i said, bring this up & merge it with the stuff above to make it flow a lil better Roost gives it longevity to prevent Pokemon like Swords Dance Scizor from wearing it down. Flame Body is the chosen ability as it consistently scares Pokémon like Scizor and Zarude from using U-turn while also acting as a last resort against sweepers like Gyarados and Salamence. It also forces Lycanroc-D to use Stone Edge in fear of getting burned by using Accelerock i think you can cut this out for length purposes. Moltres needs Heavy-Duty-Boots to consistently check Pokemon such as Zarude, so teammates like Kommo-o and Tangrowth can act as Knock Off absorbers ehhhhh kommo isnt really great at absorbing knock, maybe amoonguss or something instead. Kommo-o can also check Rotom-W and Rotom-H for it. Rotom-W can form a VoltTurn core with Moltres, checking Pokémon like Primarina and Milotic and bringing in Moltres against checks like Tangrowth. Lastly, Choice Scarf Krookodile can remove checks to Moltres, like Nihilego and Thundurus-T while Moltres beats Amoonguss and Celesteela for it.

this is p solid im just very wordy, lmk when you're done and i'll double check it but overall good job!
Just a reminder that under Smogon standards, Pokemon is spelled without the accented é (besides articles and other special circumstances).
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Moltres @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Roost

With the latest tier shifts, Moltres joined its evil Galarian twin down in the UU tier! Moltres's typing lets it check Pokemon like Scizor and Amoonguss, and its ability to lure and pivot out of foes like Rhyperior to bring in teammates like Keldeo via U-turn are both valuable traits in offense on offensive teams. Flamethrower melts the aforementioned Scizor and other Pokémon Pokemon like Aegislash and Jirachi, while Hurricane deters Pokémon Pokemon like Kommo-o and Keldeo from switching in freely. Roost gives Moltres longevity to prevent Pokemon like Swords Dance Scizor from wearing it down. Flame Body is the chosen ability to deter Pokémon discourage (optional, varies the writing a little bit) Pokemon like Scizor and Zarude from using U-turn, and it acts as a last resort against sweepers like Gyarados and Salamence. Moltres needs Heavy-Duty Boots to consistently check Pokemon like Zarude, so teammates like Amoonguss and Tangrowth act as Knock Off absorbers. Rotom-W can form a VoltTurn core with Moltres, checking Pokémon Pokemon like Milotic and bringing in Moltres against checks like Tangrowth. Lastly, Choice Scarf Krookodile can remove checks to Moltres, (RC) like Nihilego, while Moltres beats Amoonguss and Celesteela for it.
1/1 :blobthumbsup:

no stamp cuz at school :mad: