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Follow all rules listed here.
Spirit World Spectriers (3) vs (3) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: SEROO vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
LC: AM vs Zcarlett
CAP: Sificon vs Trouser Snakes
UU: Rinda vs Aeran
Wild Card: Uta The Clown vs Scarfire
This week's Monothreat is Flying!
Challenge codes: You are required to use these codes to challenge for all LC, CAP, UU, and Wildcard battles.
Follow all rules listed here.

Spirit World Spectriers (3) vs (3) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: SEROO vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
LC: AM vs Zcarlett
CAP: Sificon vs Trouser Snakes
UU: Rinda vs Aeran
Wild Card: Uta The Clown vs Scarfire
This week's Monothreat is Flying!
Challenge codes: You are required to use these codes to challenge for all LC, CAP, UU, and Wildcard battles.
- LC
/chall gen9lc @@@ sametypeclause, terastalclause, -Bright Powder, -Damp Rock, -Focus Band, -Heat Rock, -Icy Rock, -King's Rock, -Lax Incense, -Quick Claw, -Minccino, +Diglett-Base, +Porygon, +Vulpix, +Vulpix-Alola, +Snivy, +Scraggy, +Voltorb-Hisui, +Sticky Web
/chall gen9monotype @@@ +CAP, -Fidgit, -Crucibellite, -Heat Rock
/challenge gen9monotype @@@ -Garchomp, -Lokix, -Ogerpon-wellspring, -walking-wake, -Tornadus-therian, -Gliscor, -Kleavor, -Cinderace, -Terapagos, -Hippowdon, -Scizor, -Spectrier, -Dragonite, -Kyurem, -Archaludon, -Iron Hands, -Great Tusk, -Ceruledge, -Corviknight, -Meowscarada, -Clodsire, -Hatterene, -Volcarona, -Greninja, -Baxcalibur, -Raging Bolt, -Flutter Mane, -Gouging Fire, -Landorus-Base, -Ogerpon-Hearthflame, -Dragapult, -Iron Valiant, -Heatran, -Skarmory, -Iron Treads, -Sneasler, -Gholdengo, -Primarina, -Goodra-Hisui, -Toxapex, -Latios, -Urshifu*, -Ting-Lu, -Zamazenta, -Espathra, -Gallade, -Samurott-Hisui, -Pelipper, -Politoed, -Darkrai, -Iron-Boulder, -Forretress, -Klefki, -Zoroark-Hisui, -Mamoswine, -Roaring Moon, -Araquanid, -Glimmora, -Mimikyu, -Barraskewda
- Wild Card
/challenge gen9monotype @@@ -Heat Rock, !Same Type Clause
Congrats for making it to finals & the deadline for this round is Sunday, November 10th at 11:00 PM GMT -4.
Spirit World Spectriers (0) vs (0) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: SEROO vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
LC: AM vs Zcarlett
CAP: Sificon vs Trouser Snakes
UU: Rinda vs Aeran
Wild Card: Uta The Clown vs Scarfire
Monothreat: SEROO vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
LC: AM vs Zcarlett
CAP: Sificon vs Trouser Snakes
UU: Rinda vs Aeran
Wild Card: Uta The Clown vs Scarfire
Spirit World Spectriers (2) vs (1) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire
The monothreat for this tiebreak is Fire!
The deadline for this tiebreak is Sunday, November 17th at 11:00 PM GMT -4. Good luck!

Spirit World Spectriers (2) vs (1) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire
The monothreat for this tiebreak is Fire!
The deadline for this tiebreak is Sunday, November 17th at 11:00 PM GMT -4. Good luck!
Spirit World Spectriers (0) vs (0) Talented Turtwigs
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire
Monothreat: Rinda vs twinkay
National Dex: Dorron vs Sunnyboi0
CAP: Sificon vs Scarfire
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