Mudbray @ Eviolite
Ability: Stamina
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 36 Atk / 196 Def / 236 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- High Horsepower
- Close Combat
- Heavy Slam
Mudbray's high Attack and Defense stats, useful ability in Stamina, neutrality to Fighting, access to Stealth Rock, and good matchup against other common Stealth Rock setters like Onix and Pawniard allow it to be an effective choice in the Little Cup metagame. Stamina works great to annoy U-turn and Fake Out users like Vullaby and Mienfoo. Close Combat threatens both Ferroseed and Porygon with a 2HKO. Heavy Slam is a generally strong move against neutral targets and forms strong coverage alongside High Horsepower. Due to Mudbray's typing leaving it vulnerable to Grass- and Water-types like Grookey and Staryu, Pokemon like Foongus and Ferroseed that generally have a good matchup against them work well as teammates. Taunt Mienfoo is useful for letting Mudbray switch into Pokemon like Koffing, which Will-O-Wisp would normally make risky to do.
Ability: Stamina
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 36 Atk / 196 Def / 236 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- High Horsepower
- Close Combat
- Heavy Slam
Mudbray's high Attack and Defense stats, useful ability in Stamina, neutrality to Fighting, access to Stealth Rock, and good matchup against other common Stealth Rock setters like Onix and Pawniard allow it to be an effective choice in the Little Cup metagame. Stamina works great to annoy U-turn and Fake Out users like Vullaby and Mienfoo. Close Combat threatens both Ferroseed and Porygon with a 2HKO. Heavy Slam is a generally strong move against neutral targets and forms strong coverage alongside High Horsepower. Due to Mudbray's typing leaving it vulnerable to Grass- and Water-types like Grookey and Staryu, Pokemon like Foongus and Ferroseed that generally have a good matchup against them work well as teammates. Taunt Mienfoo is useful for letting Mudbray switch into Pokemon like Koffing, which Will-O-Wisp would normally make risky to do.
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