Big [Multifaction] Radical Mafia: One Piece (Won by Radicals, Zorbees, Gmax, and Mekkah)

That's leaving out a couple of details. tl;dr I agree with Yeti, the hosts have to decide these things before the game starts, and if they didn't then no matter what they choose it's wrong. [edited out dms]
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You implied it by suggesting that it was not Yeti's game, ergo shes wrong. I also asked Mekkah about those actions after the game to which he said "Its up to the mod" which again is my point.
The mod is essentially always right under optimal practice. Games have an additional layer of balance from the priority order, which should be established in the pre-game. This game didn’t have one, hosts have accepted that’s not great but was a product of the timeframe in which they put the game out, even still afaik priority order remained consistent so it’s fine.

There isn’t a right answer to that resolution. It will be different from game to game. The optimal way to do it is for hosts to be forthright with answering “if [role player describes exactly is in this game] targets the same person as I do, am I higher priority?” questions accurately. This is with “if that role were in the game then you would(n’t) be” even if the role as described by the player isn’t in the game, to prevent info leak.
The mod is essentially always right under optimal practice.

There isn’t a right answer to that resolution. It will be different from game to game. The optimal way to do it is for hosts to be forthright with answering “if [role player describes exactly is in this game] targets the same person as I do, am I higher priority?”

Ok but there are issues with this. A host wont want to answer certain hypotheticals if they involve mechanics not found in their game. So is the host obligated to answer my hypothetical, since by not doing so they may confirm something is NOT in the game?

How can I describe "[role player describes exactly is in this game]' without copy and paste allowed? If Im paraphrasing from someone, I cannot describe their role precisely. Or perhaps the mod ends up accidentally confirming or not that a claim given to me is true as part of asking about hypothetical mechanics.

Or does the mod simply refuse to answer my hypothetical which leads to me wondering how it will resolve?

I dony see why there is any pushback on my point at all. Sure a mod will have final say, but we should have expectations as a community as to how resolutions happen. People arguing against my point here are saying mods should basically do whatever they want so long as they document beforehand privately that ls how it is? Whenever feasible we should expect interactions to be consistent and intuitive as a community.
Ok but there are issues with this. A host wont want to answer certain hypotheticals if they involve mechanics not found in their game. So is the host obligated to answer my hypothetical, since by not doing so they may confirm something is NOT in the game?

That is not my experience, hosts have answered plenty of hypotheticals. Usually the questions involve well-known roles from previous games so they tend not to be very far fetched.
You implied it by suggesting that it was not Yeti's game, ergo shes wrong. I also asked Mekkah about those actions after the game to which he said "Its up to the mod" which again is my point.

I never said it was not Yeti’s game or anything similar. Yeti’s name wasn’t mentioned once by me in the discussion. You’re misremembering events. I think you need to understand that the decisions in the game were unbiased and I spent such a long time resolving these actions with others because of the potential implications. Ultimately, radicals won the game so I think it’s all a moot point. Again, Im very glad you had fun but I think you could have been a lot more constructive during the conversation as opposed to accusatory. While I did make mistakes in this game, I did the best with each decision to incorporate the opinions of others with a lot more experience.
oh wait one more thing

You also forced yourself to be the Main Character by telling your Core and Radical newbies not to talk to anyone and didn't trust them to play by themselves.


gtfo with that.

The newbies in this game seem like smart, capable people and I am pissed off that you robbed me of the opportunity to get to interact with mine. YOU had that all game and still squandered it with your "I'm the best but I can only trust myself and I don't WANNA teach them how to be the big carry" attitude.


galactikitty knew sam was a snake and her team tried to gaslight her that "no no it's all gonna be good" and choked away an easy af joint-core win trying to butter up with a known reptile who had an alternative wincon with more people than core had.

me and purple were extremely pissed that like. nothing on our team was going our way.
A week late but I wanted to say my little piece :)

I just finally read back on this chat after a little bit and I gotta say that despite people having some issues with some interactions and stuff, I thought you did a fantastic job running things and crafted a really fun and interesting game. No game is ever perfect, and I think for your first big OC game you killed it and I hope to see you run another one :)

I knew it LMAO - I was pretty sure you were playing both sides and were gonna try and play the middle but I had to put my faith in the RADICALTOPIA plan because lord knows I didn't trust the Strawhats for a multitude of reasons. I started off the game not trusting you, got added to the "Real Radical" server, saw you there and was like "NOT HIM" but even after that I still had fun playing with you even after getting betrayed. I knew you were protecting both your win cons and didn't take it personal, I would have been more focused on protecting my SH win con if I didn't firmly believe that it was unlikely to happen and that Radicaltopia was more realistic. When I realized that the liklihood of you flipping was getting more and more likely, it was already too little too late. We tried to form a counter faction and FWIW I may have died, but the dream of Radicaltopia didn't.

I knoooooooooow, I know. I was frustrating to work with and kinda forced you to abandon the SH main win con with my actions, but like I said before, I thought that Radicaltopia was more realistic and couldn't trust the core, and I knew hurting the SH core would get you and Zilo to show yourselves. Was that selfish and against one of my two win cons? Yep. Would I do it again? Probably. I got outed early, got put between a rock and a hard place multiple times, and when I weighed my options I went with the one I thought was more realistic. I know you didn't want me to side with the Radicals over the SH core, and honestly I might not have had the first two days and nights gone differently, but what can you do. I didn't play perfect, but I played trying to enable the wincon I felt strongest in and it payed off.

Man trying to figure out who the last radical was a pain but when you got on board it was a blast and you played great. I had a lot of fun working with you and the Jalmont and kinda killing the SH core group in the process. Why have two win cons when you only need one :)))

@Radicals and @StrawhatCore
I really wanted to keep my options open for both as long as I could, and I know killing a SHC was considered by many to be unwise. If I was a non-publically revealed Radical I would have agreed, but with the gamestate where it was, I was in a unique position and with the information I had, choosing the radicals over the strawhats was the logical decision and while I did try and work with the SHs at times, ultimately we could never build the trust with each other and I recognize that I'm partially to blame. When I had the choice to work with Bass or LN, I chose Bass and had to commit. I don't regret it. It was a fun game, and even though we almost lost, I still wouldn't change what I did.

Despite all our bickering in dead chat and in the game, I did love playing with you and I am sorry for the headache I caused you LMAO. I loved our little attempts to try and work together despite it never really happening and just our relationship as a whole. In the moment I was frustrated and I'm sure you were too, but that's the game! We were supposed to be allies and yet by virtue of our personalities, gamestates, decision making and more ended up against each other. I respect the day 1 play to mole for radicals, it was smart, but ultimately that backfired in quite a spectacular way and I think had that not happened this game would be quite different

Galactikitty and BuiBui
You two were the only ones I came into the game really knowing, and yet none of us could win together, and despite us all fucking with each other at points I did love playing with you both. Mad respect to Purple for voting me out, that was funny as fuck. And mad respect to Bui for doing the most with the crumbling SHF core. You both did great and played awesome :)

I hope I'm pinging the right Bass there were lots of options, but you were a blast to work with and you made the game so much fun (And thank you for defending my actions in dead chat I appreciated it a lot). Also, while I was really debating siding with you in the end anyways, you using LN's words against him was a baller play and I had to respect it. You played that really well and I was like "Well damn, I can't argue with that logic".

Ultimately this game was a lot of fun (for me), and I hope to see all of you again in another game
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Also, I'm a dumbass but if I'm dead and the radicals win does that count for me winning (even if it doesn't let's just say it does okay :blobuwu: )
Yeah you are 100% a winner Fish, I will say that you committing to Radicaltopia is probably one of the main reasons it ended up happening.

Sorry for voting you out :(, but glad we got to win together in the end!
Yeah you are 100% a winner Fish, I will say that you committing to Radicaltopia is probably one of the main reasons it ended up happening.

Sorry for voting you out :(, but glad we got to win together in the end!

LOL no hard feelings. My logic was "well for Radicaltopia to happen all the factions need to give up people at some point, and two birds one stone if we kill some SH Core early we can get my radicals on board and hopefully it all works out". I knew it was risky, but still seemed more doable than the SH solo win. When the gov core was still alive I started to worry about the reality of the gov radicals flipping but I was in too deep to do much about it and had to hope it would all work out (and luckily it did!)

BuiBui -
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i'm sorry this is late but i'm j reading this now and BLAZADE ARE YOU KIDDING ME

Yes, I am sorry. I was a complete and total failure this game. I have already told everyone how bad I feel about that. I left the fucking servers. I would like the people in this game to stop tagging me to remind me how garbage I am.
Yes, I am sorry. I was a complete and total failure this game. I have already told everyone how bad I feel about that. I left the fucking servers. I would like the people in this game to stop tagging me to remind me how garbage I am.
I mean - I'm not going to like, dog on you. But you've gotta imagine my shock at reading that you knew when you were one of the prime people kinda telling me to hush up about Sam.
Everyone has their reasons, and everyone plays how they want or need to, and everyone's going to make mistakes or have a bad few weeks or whatnot. I'm not goign to be forever mad at you, just like... my exasperation in reading that comment, lol.

I hope you're doing ok. Take care of yourself. I forgive you.