Could we trade so i can get Yveltal?? I can trade any starters (from 1st gen and 6th gen), and maybe a few others.
Sorry Yveltal isn't for trade until either cloning comes out or I reset another one and I probably wouldn't trade it for starters unless they are female, in cool balls and flawless.
Are you interested in Magnemite modest 5IV 31-x-31-31-31-31?
Sorry sir, only looking for the "Wanted" monsters:
Event Chansey / Blissey with Wish and Seismic Toss, Toxic, Protect 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense [Trading two pokemon for both Blissey and Chansey] - Have been looking for this since 2007...
Shiny Porygon2 in a Dive Ball Modest Download 31/X/31/31/31/31 Tri Attack, Recover, Discharge, Ice Beam Ev trained 252 HP / 252 Special Attack / 6 Defense Also Ev trained 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP Porygon-Z Tri Attack, Dark Pulse, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam as a Porygon-Z -
Open - Worth two credits!
Shiny Charizard Timid 31/X/31/30/31/31 HP Grass 60, Flamethrower, Blast Burn, Dragon Pulse, Roost 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed / 6 HP -
Hitmontop Impish 31/31/31/X/31/31 Sucker Punch, Foresight, Close Combat, Rapid Spin 252 HP / 252 Defense / 6 Special Defense -
6th Gen Wants:
*Flawless* *I don't want flawed* IV bred Female monsters in cool balls, just offer if you have 'em.
31/X/31/31/31/31 Calm / Natural Cure / Nest Ball / Female Roserade - Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Leaf Storm , Sleep powder Note: I want to train it 252 HP / 240 Special Defense / 16 Speed -
Jcpdragonx for Jolly Rough Skin Garchomp w/Iron Head and Outrage
31/X/31/31/31/31 Timid / Protean / Dive Ball / Female Froakie -
Open *Worth two credits*
31/X/31/31/31/31 Bold / Dive Ball / Dusk Ball / Wish / Female Eevees -
31/X/31/31/31/31 Modest Xerneas Great Ball -Expert Evan
31/X/31/31/31/31 Modest / Chlorophyll / Nest Ball / Female Bulbasaur -
Hey, I would trade the phantump for a malamar. I'm going out for a couple hours and need to breed one, so I'll let you know later tonight/early tomorrow when it's ready.
Posted on your thread. PM me when you can trade!
Restocked Malamar (for DragonKnight!), Ferroseed (for Expert Evan), Phantump (for Goodbar) and Feltchling (for whoever wants one)
Updating with this; it is probably for trade for the right price!:
OT: Pok
éguy (Y, 16123) (Lv. 70)
Nature: Timid -
Ability: Pressure
IVs: 29/31/01/31/31/31
Notes: I thought I would do a quick Zapdos reset on Y before I restart the game for another Yveltal. This took about 60 Super Repels just to find and a night of reseting. Basically five flawless, a great offensive Zapdos, that can use U-turn. It was too much work to reset for a Hidden Power when Zapdos will be coming in December from 5th Gen, so this has Hidden Power Dark.