name: Nasty Plot
Move 1: Nasty Plot
Move 2: Freeze Dry / Blizzard
Move 3: Tera Blast
Move 4: Encore / Moonblast
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Ground
Set Details
Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales functions as an effective fast setup sweeper that can dismantle common threats like Cyclizar, Slowbro, and Krookodile. Freeze-Dry is a reliable option to hit Water-types like Gastrodon and Suicune, While Blizzard can't hit water type but becomes Alolan Ninetales' most powerful STAB move under snow, it also serves as a stronger option against Pokémon that set up their Special Defense, such as Oricorio and Calm Mind Reuniclus. Moonblast serves as a consistent Fairy STAB option for additional coverage against Dark- and Fight-Types such as Umbreon and Terrakion. Encore can disrupt and create easier setup opportunities by locking them into setup moves like Swords Dance from Bisharp or recovery moves like Roost from Empoleon. Tera Blast Ground helps overcome its biggest weaknesses: Steel- and Fire-types such as Jirachi and Entei, but it comes at the cost of losing the extra defense gained from snow. Defensively, Tera Ground provides immunity to Electric moves and resist to Rock and Poison, making it a great tool for avoiding paralysis from Pokemon like Klefki and Reuniclus, it also avoid the weakness from Rock- and Poison Type moves like Stone Edge and Gunk Shot From Pokemon like Rhyperior And Alolan Muk
Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for an offensive archetype, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, which benefits from its Slush Rush ability to outspeed threats under snow, such as Galarian Zapdos and Terrakion. Additionally, pivots like Mienshao and Galarian Zapdos are ideal partners, Fighting-types pivots are especially valuable because they put pressure on the opposing Steel-types helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes. Defensive partners like Jirachi, Noivern and Talonflame offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. Notably, all three of these Pokémon resist Steel-type attacks, a significant threat to Alolan Ninetales, while Noivern and Talonflame also resist Fire- and Fighting-type moves. Hisuian Goodra and Talonflame are both solid offensive and defensive checks, as they resist its Ice Stab moves. Which makes offensive partners that can weaken them, such as Krookodile, Crawdaunt, and Volcanion, appreciated. Ninetales also fits well on Bulky Offense teams, which can make progress at a slower pace and help Ninetales sweep opposing teams. Other good partners include Pokémon that learn Psychic Noise, such as Jirachi and Slowbro, as they can block recovery moves like Recover or Roost from Pokémon such as Reuniclus and Fezandipiti. Pokémon that can set up Entry Hazards also contribute to the slow progress of bulky offense teams, such as Krookodile and Chesnaught. can ease Ninetales-A's sweep later in the game by bringing foes in range of its attacks. For instance, at +2 Alolan Ninetales can OHKO Jirachi with Tera Blast Ground thanks to one layer of Spikes.
Written by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/ryu.645507/
Quality checked by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/flampoke.654091/
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name: Nasty Plot
Move 1: Nasty Plot
Move 2: Freeze Dry / Blizzard
Move 3: Tera Blast
Move 4: Encore / Moonblast
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Ground
Set Details
Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales functions as an effective fast setup sweeper that can dismantle common threats like Cyclizar, Slowbro, and Krookodile. Freeze-Dry is a reliable option to hit Water-types like Gastrodon and Suicune, While Blizzard can't hit water type but becomes Alolan Ninetales' most powerful STAB move under snow, it also serves as a stronger option against Pokémon that set up their Special Defense, such as Oricorio and Calm Mind Reuniclus. Moonblast serves as a consistent Fairy STAB option for additional coverage against Dark- and Fight-Types such as Umbreon and Terrakion. Encore can disrupt and create easier setup opportunities by locking them into setup moves like Swords Dance from Bisharp or recovery moves like Roost from Empoleon. Tera Blast Ground helps overcome its biggest weaknesses: Steel- and Fire-types such as Jirachi and Entei, but it comes at the cost of losing the extra defense gained from snow. Defensively, Tera Ground provides immunity to Electric moves and resist to Rock and Poison, making it a great tool for avoiding paralysis from Pokemon like Klefki and Reuniclus, it also avoid the weakness from Rock- and Poison Type moves like Stone Edge and Gunk Shot From Pokemon like Rhyperior And Alolan Muk
Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for an offensive archetype, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, which benefits from its Slush Rush ability to outspeed threats under snow, such as Galarian Zapdos and Terrakion. Additionally, pivots like Mienshao and Galarian Zapdos are ideal partners, Fighting-types pivots are especially valuable because they put pressure on the opposing Steel-types helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes. Defensive partners like Jirachi, Noivern and Talonflame offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. Notably, all three of these Pokémon resist Steel-type attacks, a significant threat to Alolan Ninetales, while Noivern and Talonflame also resist Fire- and Fighting-type moves. Hisuian Goodra and Talonflame are both solid offensive and defensive checks, as they resist its Ice Stab moves. Which makes offensive partners that can weaken them, such as Krookodile, Crawdaunt, and Volcanion, appreciated. Ninetales also fits well on Bulky Offense teams, which can make progress at a slower pace and help Ninetales sweep opposing teams. Other good partners include Pokémon that learn Psychic Noise, such as Jirachi and Slowbro, as they can block recovery moves like Recover or Roost from Pokémon such as Reuniclus and Fezandipiti. Pokémon that can set up Entry Hazards also contribute to the slow progress of bulky offense teams, such as Krookodile and Chesnaught. can ease Ninetales-A's sweep later in the game by bringing foes in range of its attacks. For instance, at +2 Alolan Ninetales can OHKO Jirachi with Tera Blast Ground thanks to one layer of Spikes.
Written by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/ryu.645507/
Quality checked by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/flampoke.654091/
Grammar checked by:
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