Quality Control Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales [QC 1/2]


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name: Nasty Plot
Move 1: Nasty Plot
Move 2: Freeze Dry / Blizzard
Move 3: Tera Blast
Move 4: Encore / Moonblast
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Ground

Set Details

Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales functions as an effective fast setup sweeper that can dismantle common threats like Cyclizar, Slowbro, and Krookodile. Freeze-Dry is a reliable option to hit Water-types like Gastrodon and Suicune, While Blizzard can't hit water type but becomes Alolan Ninetales' most powerful STAB move under snow, it also serves as a stronger option against Pokémon that set up their Special Defense, such as Oricorio and Calm Mind Reuniclus. Moonblast serves as a consistent Fairy STAB option for additional coverage against Dark- and Fight-Types such as Umbreon and Terrakion. Encore can disrupt and create easier setup opportunities by locking them into setup moves like Swords Dance from Bisharp or recovery moves like Roost from Empoleon. Tera Blast Ground helps overcome its biggest weaknesses: Steel- and Fire-types such as Jirachi and Entei, but it comes at the cost of losing the extra defense gained from snow. Defensively, Tera Ground provides immunity to Electric moves and resist to Rock and Poison, making it a great tool for avoiding paralysis from Pokemon like Klefki and Reuniclus, it also avoid the weakness from Rock- and Poison Type moves like Stone Edge and Gunk Shot From Pokemon like Rhyperior And Alolan Muk

Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for an offensive archetype, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, which benefits from its Slush Rush ability to outspeed threats under snow, such as Galarian Zapdos and Terrakion. Additionally, pivots like Mienshao and Galarian Zapdos are ideal partners, Fighting-types pivots are especially valuable because they put pressure on the opposing Steel-types helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes. Defensive partners like Jirachi, Noivern and Talonflame offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. Notably, all three of these Pokémon resist Steel-type attacks, a significant threat to Alolan Ninetales, while Noivern and Talonflame also resist Fire- and Fighting-type moves. Hisuian Goodra and Talonflame are both solid offensive and defensive checks, as they resist its Ice Stab moves. Which makes offensive partners that can weaken them, such as Krookodile, Crawdaunt, and Volcanion, appreciated. Ninetales also fits well on Bulky Offense teams, which can make progress at a slower pace and help Ninetales sweep opposing teams. Other good partners include Pokémon that learn Psychic Noise, such as Jirachi and Slowbro, as they can block recovery moves like Recover or Roost from Pokémon such as Reuniclus and Fezandipiti. Pokémon that can set up Entry Hazards also contribute to the slow progress of bulky offense teams, such as Krookodile and Chesnaught. can ease Ninetales-A's sweep later in the game by bringing foes in range of its attacks. For instance, at +2 Alolan Ninetales can OHKO Jirachi with Tera Blast Ground thanks to one layer of Spikes.

Written by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/ryu.645507/
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name: Nasty Plot
Move 1: Nasty Plot
Move 2: Freeze Dry / Blizzard
Move 3: Tera Blast
Move 4: Encore / Moonblast
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Ground

Set Details

Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales functions as an effective fast sweeper that can eviscerate common threats like Cyclizar, Slowbro, and Krookodile. Tera Blast Ground helps overcome its biggest weaknesses: Steel- and Fire-types such as Jirachi and Entei, but it comes at the cost of losing the extra defense gained from Hail snow. Moonblast serves as a strong Fairy STAB, while Encore can disrupt and lock opponents into setup moves like Swords Dance or healing moves like Roost, enabling Alolan Ninetales to overwhelm opposing teams. Freeze-Dry provides excellent coverage against Water-types like Gastrodon and Quagsire, while Blizzard serves as Alolan Ninetales' strongest STAB option, dealing massive damage under hail. Change the order of the moves to follow the set; Freeze Dry / Blizzard, Tera Blast Ground, Encore / Moonblast. Also need to talk about Tera Ground in general.

Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for offensive archetypes, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, benefiting from its Slush Rush ability to outspeed threats under hail snow, such as insert threats. Additionally, pivots like? are ideal partners, helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, Bisharp, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes, as they can take advantage of the pressure Ninetales places on the opposing team. Also defensive Partners like Jirachi, Slowbro and Klefki with Eject Button, Talonflame, and Noivern try to limit examples to three per reference, as listing five gets a bit monotonous offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. Rotom-Heat and Bronzong are solid checks for Alolan Ninetales, as they resist its STAB moves and block its Ground-type attacks after Terastallization. Despite this, Alolan Ninetales can still thrive when supported properly, using its fast sweeping capabilities to break down opposing teams. Careful play with Encore can help it overcome these checks, allowing it to continue its offensive momentum. Talk more about its checks like Heattom and Bronzong and what partners you can use to overcome them.

Written by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/ryu.645507/
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Off to a good start, implement the above and let me know so I can review again.
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name: Nasty Plot
Move 1: Nasty Plot
Move 2: Freeze Dry / Blizzard
Move 3: Tera Blast
Move 4: Encore / Moonblast
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Ground

Set Details

Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales functions as an effective fast sweeper that can eviscerate common threats like Cyclizar, Slowbro, and Krookodile. Tera Blast Ground helps overcome its biggest weaknesses: Steel- and Fire-types such as Jirachi and Entei, but it comes at the cost of losing the extra defense gained from Hail snow. Moonblast serves as a strong Fairy STAB, while Encore can disrupt and lock opponents into setup moves like Swords Dance or healing moves like Roost, enabling Alolan Ninetales to overwhelm opposing teams. Freeze-Dry provides excellent coverage against Water-types like Gastrodon and Quagsire, while Blizzard serves as Alolan Ninetales' strongest STAB option, dealing massive damage under hail. Change the order of the moves to follow the set; Freeze Dry / Blizzard, Tera Blast Ground, Encore / Moonblast. Also need to talk about Tera Ground in general.

Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for offensive archetypes, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, benefiting from its Slush Rush ability to outspeed threats under hail snow, such as insert threats. Additionally, pivots like? are ideal partners, helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, Bisharp, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes, as they can take advantage of the pressure Ninetales places on the opposing team. Also defensive Partners like Jirachi, Slowbro and Klefki with Eject Button, Talonflame, and Noivern try to limit examples to three per reference, as listing five gets a bit monotonous offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. Rotom-Heat and Bronzong are solid checks for Alolan Ninetales, as they resist its STAB moves and block its Ground-type attacks after Terastallization. Despite this, Alolan Ninetales can still thrive when supported properly, using its fast sweeping capabilities to break down opposing teams. Careful play with Encore can help it overcome these checks, allowing it to continue its offensive momentum. Talk more about its checks like Heattom and Bronzong and what partners you can use to overcome them.

Written by: https://www.smogon.com/forums/members/ryu.645507/
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Off to a good start, implement the above and let me know so I can review again.
Ready for round 2!! :mad:
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name: Nasty Plot
Move 1: Nasty Plot
Move 2: Freeze Dry / Blizzard
Move 3: Tera Blast
Move 4: Encore / Moonblast
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Ground

Set Details

Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales functions as an effective fast setup sweeper that can dismantle common threats like Cyclizar, Slowbro, and Krookodile. Freeze-Dry is a reliable option to hit Water-types like Gastrodon and Quagsire, while Blizzard becomes Alolan Ninetales' most powerful STAB move under snow, dealing massive damage. Tera Blast Ground helps overcome its biggest weaknesses: Steel- and Fire-types such as Jirachi and Entei, but it comes at the cost of losing the extra defense gained from snow. Defensively, Tera Ground provides immunity to Electric moves and resistance to Rock, making it a great tool for avoiding damage from common threats like Thunderbolt or Stone Edge. Thunderbolt from whom? Tera Ground to avoid Thunder Wave is a lot more relevant and flipping the weakness to Rock is also kind of whatever, it's probably more important to avoid the Steel weakness to Choice Scarf Jirachi and Registeel. Finally, Encore can disrupt opponents by locking them into setup moves like Swords Dance or recovery moves like Roost, while Moonblast serves as a consistent Fairy STAB option for additional coverage. Move this to before the Tera Ground section

Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for offensive archetypes, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, benefiting from its Slush Rush ability to outspeed threats under snow, such as Galarian Zapdos and Terrakion. Additionally, pivots like Mienshao are ideal partners, helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes, as they can take advantage of the pressure Ninetales places on the opposing team. Defensive partners like Jirachi, Slowbro with Eject Button, and Talonflame offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. These three are good teammates, mention the latter two resisting Fighting and all three resisting Steel Rotom-Heat and Bronzong are solid checks for Alolan Ninetales, as they resist its STAB moves and block its Ground-type attacks after Terastallization. Strong which makes offensive partners that can weaken Alolan Ninetales' checks them, such as Krookodile, Crawdaunt, and Armarouge, are appreciated. Alolan Ninetales can still thrive when supported properly, using its fast sweeping capabilities to break down opposing teams. This sentence is considered fluff since it doesn't talk about specific interactions, so if you can rewrite it to better define how it thrives with what support that would be good Careful play with Encore can help it overcome these checks, elaborate on what it wants to Encore; CM Slowbro, Sucker Bisharp, etc. allowing it to continue its offensive momentum.

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Good work, implement and move to QC2
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name: Nasty Plot
Move 1: Nasty Plot
Move 2: Freeze Dry / Blizzard
Move 3: Tera Blast
Move 4: Encore / Moonblast
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Ground

Set Details

Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales functions as an effective fast setup sweeper that can dismantle common threats like Cyclizar, Slowbro, and Krookodile. Freeze-Dry is a reliable option to hit Water-types like Gastrodon and Quagsire, while Blizzard becomes Alolan Ninetales' most powerful STAB move under snow, dealing massive damage. Tera Blast Ground helps overcome its biggest weaknesses: Steel- and Fire-types such as Jirachi and Entei, but it comes at the cost of losing the extra defense gained from snow. Defensively, Tera Ground provides immunity to Electric moves and resistance to Rock, making it a great tool for avoiding damage from common threats like Thunderbolt or Stone Edge. Thunderbolt from whom? Tera Ground to avoid Thunder Wave is a lot more relevant and flipping the weakness to Rock is also kind of whatever, it's probably more important to avoid the Steel weakness to Choice Scarf Jirachi and Registeel. Finally, Encore can disrupt opponents by locking them into setup moves like Swords Dance or recovery moves like Roost, while Moonblast serves as a consistent Fairy STAB option for additional coverage. Move this to before the Tera Ground section

Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for offensive archetypes, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, benefiting from its Slush Rush ability to outspeed threats under snow, such as Galarian Zapdos and Terrakion. Additionally, pivots like Mienshao are ideal partners, helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes, as they can take advantage of the pressure Ninetales places on the opposing team. Defensive partners like Jirachi, Slowbro with Eject Button, and Talonflame offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. These three are good teammates, mention the latter two resisting Fighting and all three resisting Steel Rotom-Heat and Bronzong are solid checks for Alolan Ninetales, as they resist its STAB moves and block its Ground-type attacks after Terastallization. Strong which makes offensive partners that can weaken Alolan Ninetales' checks them, such as Krookodile, Crawdaunt, and Armarouge, are appreciated. Alolan Ninetales can still thrive when supported properly, using its fast sweeping capabilities to break down opposing teams. This sentence is considered fluff since it doesn't talk about specific interactions, so if you can rewrite it to better define how it thrives with what support that would be good Careful play with Encore can help it overcome these checks, elaborate on what it wants to Encore; CM Slowbro, Sucker Bisharp, etc. allowing it to continue its offensive momentum.

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, implement and move to one

Done. :heart:
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name: Nasty Plot
Move 1: Nasty Plot
Move 2: Freeze Dry / Blizzard
Move 3: Tera Blast
Move 4: Encore / Moonblast
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Snow Warning
Nature: Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Tera Type: Ground

Set Details

Nasty Plot Alolan Ninetales functions as an effective fast setup sweeper that can dismantle common threats like Cyclizar, Slowbro, and Krookodile. Freeze-Dry is a reliable option to hit Water-types like Gastrodon and Quagsire Suicune, while Blizzard becomes is Alolan Ninetales' most powerful STAB move under snow explain why there is a slash here, why would someone want to use one option over the other? give calcs to support each point, Moonblast serves as a consistent Fairy STAB option for additional coverage. put the Encore sentence here, same questions as the previous sentence Tera Blast Ground helps overcome its biggest weaknesses: Steel- and Fire-types such as Jirachi and Entei, but it comes at the cost of losing the extra defense gained from snow. this part should be in the tera section Defensively, Tera Ground provides immunity to Electric moves and resistance to Rock, making it a great tool for avoiding damage from common threats like Thunderwave or Stone Edge "threats" is used to talk about Pokemon so rephrase this by saying which specific matchups this tera improves. Encore can disrupt opponents by locking them into setup moves like Swords Dance or recovery moves like Roost. elaborate with the matchups it improves and give examples for which mon can most easily be turned into setup fodders + move this to before the tera section like FP said

=> mention Freeze-Dry and Blizzard together and then Moonblast and Encore together

Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for offensive archetypes, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, benefiting from its Slush Rush ability Ninetales doesn't "benefit" from Cetitan's ability it's the other way around so rephrase this to outspeed threats under snow, such as Galarian Zapdos and Terrakion. Additionally, pivots like Mienshao are ideal partners, helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep give more than one example when you're talking about a category of Pokemon like "pivots", here Fighting-types pivots are especially valuable because they put pressure on the opposing Steel-types so mention that. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes. Defensive partners like Jirachi, Slowbro with Eject Button niche sets like this shouldn't be mentioned, add Cyclizar or Gligar instead, and Talonflame offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. Notably, all three of these Pokémon resist Steel-type attacks, a significant threat to Alolan Ninetales, while Slowbro and Talonflame also resist Fire- and Fighting-type moves. change or remove this sentence to match with the new examples Rotom-Heat and Bronzong are solid checks to Alolan Ninetales, as they resist its STAB moves and block its Ground-type attacks after Terastallization. Which makes offensive partners that can weaken them, such as Krookodile, Crawdaunt, and Armarouge, appreciated. These two Pokemon are too low on the VR to be mentioned here Careful play with Encore can also help Alolan Ninetales overcome certain threats by locking them into unfavorable moves, such as Calm Mind from Fezandipiti or Sucker Punch from Bisharp, allowing it to maintain its offensive momentum. This paragraph is about team options so this sentence belongs in the first paragraph

=> Alolan Ninetales isn't limited to offense (more like teams from offense to balance) so I'd like you to structure this paragraph mentioning bulky offense partners first (like the offensive and defensive pivots) then briefly talk about snow teams.
Try to go more in detail about the teammates: which Pokemon benefit from Ninetales being able to lure in and eliminate Steel- and Fire- types and why? Which ones can get it out of troublesome matchups? Which ones can make its sweep easier (hazard support for instance)? I would like to see all of this in your analysis.

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Good work, try to give even more details in your analysis. People who read might not know anything about the tier so help them. Let me know when this is implemented and I'll stamp it!
Freeze-Dry is a reliable option to hit Water-types like Gastrodon and Suicune, While Blizzard becomes Alolan Ninetales' most powerful STAB move under snow, it also serves as a stronger option against Pokémon that set up their Special Defense, such as Oricorio (+2 252 SpA Ninetales-Alola Blizzard vs. +1 252 HP / 0 SpD Oricorio-Pom-Pom: 468-552 (132.2 - 155.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO) and Cm Reuniclus (+2 252 SpA Ninetales-Alola Blizzard vs. +1 252 HP / 4 SpD Reuniclus: 199-235 (46.9 - 55.4%) -- 16.8% chance to 2HKO).
This is not what I meant when I said to use calcs. What you basically need to write here is that Freeze-Dry trades power with the ability to hit Water-types hard then give examples (Gyarados and Gastrodon get OHKO'd for instance, not the full calc, you need to make proper sentences) and then Blizzard is much stronger while not being able to hit Water-types + examples here again where Blizzard is more valuable than Freeze-Dry (Rhyperior, Oricorio...).
Check out other analyses if you want illustrations of how things are done and rephrase this part.

Moonblast serves as a consistent Fairy STAB option for additional coverage. Encore can disrupt opponents by locking them into setup moves like Swords Dance from Bisharp or recovery moves like Roost from Empoleon.
You did not explain why one would use one over the other. Here the point of slashing Moonblast with Encore is that Ice + Ground coverage is good enough to damage the opposing teams so you can afford not to have a Fairy STAB. While you will need more chip damage on Fighting and Dark-types targets, Encore can create easier setup opportunities. So rephrase this part.

Defensively, Tera Ground provides immunity to Electric moves, making it a great tool for avoiding damage from common threats like Thunderwave paralysis from Pokemon like Klefki and Reuniclus, It also removes Alolan Ninetales' weakness to Steel-type moves, so Tera Ground can also be a good way to avoid moves like Iron Head.
Like I said, usually the word "threat" is used to describe a Pokemon and Thunder Wave is not a Pokemon.
About the type change itself, yes Ground makes Steel not super effective but it's not the main point here. Ground happens to cover two weaknesses of Ninetales-A: Poison and Rock-types. So talk about that in the last sentence (also mentioning specific Pokemon against which it is relevant). You should also mention that Tera Ground grants a resistance to Stealth Rock which can be useful if Ninetales-A lost its Heavy-Duty Boots.

You didn't implement some changes for the second paragraph so I'll repeat them here:
Alolan Ninetales is a great choice for offensive archetypes, functioning as both a powerful special attacker and a utility piece. It pairs exceptionally well with Cetitan, benefiting from its Slush Rush ability Ninetales doesn't "benefit" from Cetitan's ability it's the other way around so rephrase this to make it less ambiguous to outspeed threats under snow, such as Galarian Zapdos and Terrakion. Additionally, pivots like Mienshao are ideal partners, helping to weaken the opposing team and gain momentum for Alolan Ninetales to sweep give more than one example when you're talking about a category of Pokemon like "pivots", here Fighting-types pivots are especially valuable because they put pressure on the opposing Steel-types so mention that. Physical sweepers like Mimikyu, Mamoswine, and Swords Dance Rhyperior also fit nicely in these archetypes. Defensive partners like Jirachi, Slowbro with Eject Button niche sets like this shouldn't be mentioned, add Cyclizar or Gligar instead, and Talonflame offer solid defenses while also contributing to pivoting, allowing the team to maintain offensive pressure while still covering threats. Notably, all three of these Pokémon resist Steel-type attacks, a significant threat to Alolan Ninetales, while Slowbro and Talonflame also resist Fire- and Fighting-type moves. change or remove this sentence to match with the new examples
Please try to be more thorough when working on your analysis.

AV Mamoswine is a solid offensive check, while Bronzong is a good defensive check, both are good checks to Alolan Ninetales, as they resist its STAB moves. Which makes offensive partners that can weaken them, such as Krookodile, Crawdaunt, and Armarouge, appreciated. AV Mamoswine is not relevant, same as Bronzong as I said in the previous check Ninetales also fits well on Bulky Offense teams, which can make progress at a slower pace and help Ninetales sweep opposing teams. Other good partners include Pokémon that learn Psychic Noise, such as Jirachi and Slowbro you have to say why here otherwise newcomers won't understand,. Pokémon that can set up Spikes entry hazards also contribute to the slow progress of bulky offense teams, such as Gastrodon Krookodile and Chesnaught. can ease Ninetales-A's sweep later in the game by bringing foes in range of its attacks. For instance, at +2 Ninetales-A can OHKO Jirachi with Tera Blast Ground thanks to one layer of Spikes.
Implement this too for the last part.

Tag me again when you're done. The analysis is still missing quite a few elements but I want you to focus on this for now. Please take your time when implementing a qc check.
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This is not what I meant when I said to use calcs. What you basically need to write here is that Freeze-Dry trades power with the ability to hit Water-types hard then give examples (Gyarados and Gastrodon get OHKO'd for instance, not the full calc, you need to make proper sentences) and then Blizzard is much stronger while not being able to hit Water-types + examples here again where Blizzard is more valuable than Freeze-Dry (Rhyperior, Oricorio...).
Check out other analyses if you want illustrations of how things are done and rephrase this part.

You did not explain why one would use one over the other. Here the point of slashing Moonblast with Encore is that Ice + Ground coverage is good enough to damage the opposing teams so you can afford not to have a Fairy STAB. While you will need more chip damage on Fighting and Dark-types targets, Encore can create easier setup opportunities. So rephrase this part.

Like I said, usually the word "threat" is used to describe a Pokemon and Thunder Wave is not a Pokemon.
About the type change itself, yes Ground makes Steel not super effective but it's not the main point here. Ground happens to cover two weaknesses of Ninetales-A: Poison and Rock-types. So talk about that in the last sentence (also mentioning specific Pokemon against which it is relevant). You should also mention that Tera Ground grants a resistance to Stealth Rock which can be useful if Ninetales-A lost its Heavy-Duty Boots.

You didn't implement some changes for the second paragraph so I'll repeat them here:

Please try to be more thorough when working on your analysis.

Implement this too for the last part.

Tag me again when you're done. The analysis is still missing quite a few elements but I want you to focus on this for now. Please take your time when implementing a qc check.
Done. I hope lol