Banner art by DreamPrince
National Dex Almost Any Ability is a format that lives up to its name; Pokemon in this metagame have access to "almost every ability" with the exception of a few that me, the council and the community deem broken or unhealthy. With new abilities at your disposal, new, old and even some unanticipated threats emerge from unexpected places!


Arena Trap
Fur Coat
Gorilla Tactics
Huge Power
Ice Scales
Innards Out
Magic Bounce
Magnet Pull
Neutralizing Gas
Orichalcum Pulse
Parental Bond
Poison Heal
Pure Power
Shadow Tag
Speed Boost
Water Bubble
Wonder Guard
Fur Coat
Gorilla Tactics
Huge Power
Ice Scales
Innards Out
Magic Bounce
Magnet Pull
Neutralizing Gas
Orichalcum Pulse
Parental Bond
Poison Heal
Pure Power
Shadow Tag
Speed Boost
Water Bubble
Wonder Guard

Baton Pass
Last Respects
Shed Tail
Baton Pass
Last Respects
Shed Tail
May 3, 2023 - Flutter Mane, Naganadel, and Genesect are quickbanned
July 15, 2023 - Iron Hands, Zamazenta-Hero, and Dracovish are quickbanned
July 17, 2023 - Hoopa-Unbound, Baxcalibur, Enamorus-Incarnate, Blacephalon, Sneasler, Archeops, and Xurkitree are quickbanned
July 19, 2023 - Keldeo, Weavile, Noivern, Poison Heal, and Electrify are quickbanned, Victini stays legal
July 23, 2023 - Zeraora is quickbanned
July 25, 2023 - Espathra, Regieleki, and Roaring Moon are unbanned
July 31, 2023 - Kommo-o and Hariyama are quickbanned
August 12, 2023 - Ability Clause = 2 is enabled
August 18, 2023 - Kingambit is quickbanned, Victini remains legal
August 20, 2023 - Walking Wake is unbanned
September 2, 2023 - Triage is quickbanned, Hariyama, Iron Hands, Kommo-o, Ursaluna, and Zamazenta-Crowned unbanned
November 29, 2023 - Deoxys-Speed, Dragonite, and Genesect unbanned, Archeops remains illegal
January 8, 2024 - Raging Bolt is quickbanned
January 28, 2024 - Iron Boulder is quickbanned
July 15, 2023 - Iron Hands, Zamazenta-Hero, and Dracovish are quickbanned
July 17, 2023 - Hoopa-Unbound, Baxcalibur, Enamorus-Incarnate, Blacephalon, Sneasler, Archeops, and Xurkitree are quickbanned
July 19, 2023 - Keldeo, Weavile, Noivern, Poison Heal, and Electrify are quickbanned, Victini stays legal
July 23, 2023 - Zeraora is quickbanned
July 25, 2023 - Espathra, Regieleki, and Roaring Moon are unbanned
July 31, 2023 - Kommo-o and Hariyama are quickbanned
August 12, 2023 - Ability Clause = 2 is enabled
August 18, 2023 - Kingambit is quickbanned, Victini remains legal
August 20, 2023 - Walking Wake is unbanned
September 2, 2023 - Triage is quickbanned, Hariyama, Iron Hands, Kommo-o, Ursaluna, and Zamazenta-Crowned unbanned
November 29, 2023 - Deoxys-Speed, Dragonite, and Genesect unbanned, Archeops remains illegal
January 8, 2024 - Raging Bolt is quickbanned
January 28, 2024 - Iron Boulder is quickbanned
- Ability Clause = 2: A player may not have three Pokemon with the same Ability on a team.
- Endless Battle Clause: A player may not intentionally prevent an opponent from being able to end the game without forfeiting.
- For example, a Slowbro holding a Leppa Berry can create an endless battle using the moves Recycle, Heal Pulse, Slack Off, and Block. To do so, Slowbro traps one of the opponent's Pokemon, PP stalls it, and heals Struggle damage indefinitely using Heal Pulse and Slack Off.
- Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have either Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
- OHKO Clause: A Pokemon may not have the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
- Species Clause: A player may not have two Pokemon with the same National Pokédex number on a team.
- For example, using a team with two Koffing would break this clause.
- Using different formes on the same team, such as Rotom-W and Rotom-C, also breaks the clause since they share the same Pokédex number (#479).
- Sleep Moves Clause: A player may not use a move that induces sleep as a primary effect, such as Hypnosis.
- Terastal Clause: A player may not Terastallize.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: "Why can't I use abilities on Pokemon that get them naturally in standard play?"
Answer: "Native Users" don't exactly exist in AAA.
Question: Do Mega Evolutions retain ability changes?
Answer: No, once a Pokemon mega evolves it will use its standard ability, e.g. Mega Swampert will always change its ability to Swift Swim.
Challenge Code
/challenge gen9nationaldex @@@ !Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 2, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, +Chi-Yu, +Darmanitan-Galar, +Deoxys-Speed, +Espathra, +Genesect, +Gholdengo, +Landorus, +Ogerpon-Hearthflame, +Palafin, +Regieleki, +Roaring Moon, +Walking Wake, +Zamazenta-Crowned, +Power Construct, +Metagrossite, -Archeops, -Baxcalibur, -Blacephalon, -Darkrai, -Enamorus, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Boulder, -Iron Valiant, -Kartana, -Keldeo, -Kyurem, -Noivern, -Raging Bolt, -Regigigas, -Slaking, -Sneasler, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Weavile, -Xurkitree, -Zeraora, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Fur Coat, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Ice Scales, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -Magic Bounce, -Magnet Pull, -Neutralizing Gas, -Orichalcum Pulse, -Parental Bond, -Poison Heal, -Pure Power, -Simple, -Stakeout, -Speed Boost, -Triage, -Unburden, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard, -Electrify, -Light Clay, +Metagross, -Gouging Fire, -Kingambit
/tour new gen9nationaldex,elim,,,[Gen 9] NAAAtional Dex
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 5
/tour rules
!Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 2, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, +Chi-Yu, +Darmanitan-Galar, +Deoxys-Speed, +Espathra, +Genesect, +Gholdengo, +Landorus, +Ogerpon-Hearthflame, +Palafin, +Regieleki, +Roaring Moon, +Walking Wake, +Zamazenta-Crowned, +Power Construct, +Metagrossite, -Archeops, -Baxcalibur, -Blacephalon, -Darkrai, -Enamorus, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Boulder, -Iron Valiant, -Kartana, -Keldeo, -Kyurem, -Noivern, -Raging Bolt, -Regigigas, -Slaking, -Sneasler, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Weavile, -Xurkitree, -Zeraora, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Fur Coat, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Ice Scales, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -Magic Bounce, -Magnet Pull, -Neutralizing Gas, -Orichalcum Pulse, -Parental Bond, -Poison Heal, -Pure Power, -Simple, -Stakeout, -Speed Boost, -Triage, -Unburden, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard, -Electrify, -Light Clay, +Metagross, -Gouging Fire
/tour autostart 7
/tour autodq 5
/tour rules
!Obtainable Abilities, Ability Clause = 2, Sleep Moves Clause, Terastal Clause, +Chi-Yu, +Darmanitan-Galar, +Deoxys-Speed, +Espathra, +Genesect, +Gholdengo, +Landorus, +Ogerpon-Hearthflame, +Palafin, +Regieleki, +Roaring Moon, +Walking Wake, +Zamazenta-Crowned, +Power Construct, +Metagrossite, -Archeops, -Baxcalibur, -Blacephalon, -Darkrai, -Enamorus, -Hoopa-Unbound, -Iron Boulder, -Iron Valiant, -Kartana, -Keldeo, -Kyurem, -Noivern, -Raging Bolt, -Regigigas, -Slaking, -Sneasler, -Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, -Weavile, -Xurkitree, -Zeraora, -Comatose, -Contrary, -Fur Coat, -Gorilla Tactics, -Huge Power, -Ice Scales, -Illusion, -Imposter, -Innards Out, -Magic Bounce, -Magnet Pull, -Neutralizing Gas, -Orichalcum Pulse, -Parental Bond, -Poison Heal, -Pure Power, -Simple, -Stakeout, -Speed Boost, -Triage, -Unburden, -Water Bubble, -Wonder Guard, -Electrify, -Light Clay, +Metagross, -Gouging Fire
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