Council Member | Chansey | Sablenite | Toxapex | Unaware |
Jho | Ban | Ban | Do Not Ban | Do Not Ban |
Sevelon | Ban | Ban | Ban | Do Not Ban |
Mudkipbeans | Ban | Ban | Ban | Do Not Ban |
Chazm | Ban | Do Not Ban | Ban | Ban |
Sputnik | Ban | Ban | Ban | Do Not Ban |
Baconeatinassassin | Ban | Ban | Do Not Ban | Do Not Ban |
Zneon | Ban | Ban | Ban | Ban |
Stall has been the most prominent archetype on the ladder and has also seen continued success in tournament environments. This is mainly due to how malleable stall is and how easily it can adapt to whatever stallbreakers are commonly seen at the time, giving the Stall player a huge advantage before the match even starts. Pokemon like Shedinja, Mega Aggron, Melmetal, Alolan Muk, Altaria-Mega, and Pyukumuku have all seen valid use on Stall teams over the course of National Dex's history and with such a plethora of niche options to suit its every need, Stall is rarely in a poor spot strictly due to matchup.
What makes stall truly uncompetitive in our eyes is its ability to to completely negate all of the possible methods of counter play. Mega Sableye can prevent the team from being worn down by Hazards or Status Effects thanks to Magic Bounce while Pokemon that can boost their offensive stats and actually do meaningful damage to the incredibly bulky Pokemon Stall often runs are completely shut down by Unaware users such as Clefable and Quagsire. Lastly, any damage that you do manage to get off onto these Pokemon is easily mitigated by the Stall player with zero effort on their behalf, as they can easily pivot between Regenerator abusers such as Alomomola, Toxapex, and Tangrowth. All of these factors together make Stall almost unbreakable when played competently and gives the Stall player an unfair advantage.
Recently, I made a Council Minutes post which can be found here that promised a Magearna suspect after the Cinderace results came back, and that is still the plan. However, we felt it imperative to remove Stall before we could start this test due to how overwhelmingly skewed it makes suspect ladders. On top of this, one of Magearna's key traits that makes it so strong is its incredible Stall matchup. With Stall removed, Magearna no longer has this advantage and the suspect test will give us a much more honest representation of Magearna's impact on the metagame.
Tagging Kris to implement this on the ladder whenever possible please!