Project National Dex OU Team Bazaar

Rain rain go away, let the sun come out to play

:Venusaur: :Torkoal: :Mandibuzz: :Charizard-Mega-Y: :Victini: :Kartana:

A fun team I have been laddering with. Pretty sure it isn't original but oh well. I prefer Scarf>Band on Victini just to have a bit more speed control with the team outside of Venu in sun and Kart. I like Scorching Sands on Zard over Focus Blast as a more reliable way to hit Heatran, but you sacrifice OHKOing Tyranitar.
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Hey there everyone, short SSNL team dump incoming (feat short descriptions for u sput)

As many of you are aware I am the biggest Gliscor fan in the world and it has great synergy w specs Magearna. Team's Kyurem MU can get dicey if you let Scizor take chip. Trick last better cripples opposing mons though u could run FBlast over Trick, its up to you. Plot Drei wreaking havoc on the tier is also p nice atm. Nicknames courtesy of Joji.

This team has MTar for all the psychics around atm as well as sand Driller for some classic offensive synergy w MTar. Clef inviting in Ferro to Flamethrower it is also good for your sand breakers. Also, Zap Pex Clef is among my favorite cores for a balance team, its just so well rounded for every non Kyurem threat. Nicknames courtesy of City Morgue.

The core I consider the most effective atm is Kyu Lop Zone, adding Zone to cover Scizor, Corv, and the MMaw MU by virtue of Sub. Lop Kyu is classic, absolutely lame core but its still super effective at doing what it does. Scarf Lando can RK the fast offensive threats and Clef was the only rocker that doesnt screw over my type synergy, so I went w a Utility Clef. Nicknames courtesy of Juice WRLD.

There would be more but legit 85% of my teams had Torn LOL

If you have questions about any of the teams feel free to ask
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Need help with this:
First, I know, HDB Volcarona is much better and blah blah blah, but I'm one of them who likes Z-moves on it so I built the team around Z Volcarona and not HDB Volcarona.
So Volcarona is the sweeper, doing what it always do. The Z-move is used to break past stuff like Ttar and Garchomp. Rilla is the revenge killer and can throw around physical attacks and knock off items. Dragapult is a fast pivot and becomes very powerful with twave. Mega Lopunny is a physical breaker that can also serve as a pivot. Fini and Gliscor form a defensive backbone. Fini defogs and can remove items with knock off and can also check opposing Volcarona. Gliscor is there for physical defense and it can also set rocks and cripple with toxic.
Need even more help with this:
So I built this team around Hydreigon and Mega Charizard Y. Hydreigon serves as the sweeper and I gave it my Z slot to break past some of its checks. Dragapult is again a fast pivot that can spread burns with wisp. Zard Y is the wallbreaker that is ridiculously powerful under sun. Rillaboom is a physical attacker and is also the team's revenge killer. Heattom is a slow pivot that can bring pokemon in safely and can also spread poison with toxic. Finally, Clefable is the cleric, stealthrock setter, and can also paralyze foes with twave.
Pls help me. Any suggestions is fine!
Beedrill + Rillaboom BO:

Volt-Turn spam team that I've had a lot of success with, but it needs a little help; it's pretty weak to CM+SG Magearna unless I set up my own before it (still playing around with flash cannon over stored power, but idk). My thought is to replace something with Slowbro but I don't know what. Any advice would be appreciated!
i will be deleting alot of my teams soon so i might aswell dump em here!
some cool rain, was kinda mid when play testing
i just dont like ace teams
made this for a teambuildin comp submission but i didnt like it so didnt submit
literally just built this cus i was listening to the peggies and wanted to build something using the peggies songs as nicks
just a bunch of niche mons on a team that doesnt really fit a medivile core

11th November teamdump
i wanted to build some terrak teams and this one was easily my least favourite, still p solid tho.
i just thikn this teamcomp is kinda awkward, also mlati on sand is not the move AT ALL despite it being brokey
this is a v1 of a team that i have since rebuilt and made a much nicer version of
built this w/ my good friend blujay but i decided to make some changes after testin the team abit
sub blace is amazing but this team is NOT it
i just ont like rain

just a teamdump lol hf using these tho i wouldnt recommend it cus they BAD
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the team is a fat which focuses on mega scizor and kyurem, which cover each other well. Kyurem kills threats which tank Scizor (Zapdos, Toxapex, etc ...) and vice versa with Kyurem (Tyranitar, Blissey, Magearna). Blissey is a defensive pivot which helps me switch from one poke to another without undergoing a state change, mostly I use it to switch to Kyurem. Gliscor is a common defensive pivot and defoger set. Toxapex a common set. and finally cinderace that serves as a wallbreaker and pivot.

Nick: Luka Pichulo KT


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Hey there everyone,I got number 1 on ladder using this team on October 29th


The theme of the team revolves around the dual pressure stallers Corviknight and Zapdos, Reuniclus provides the offensive presence, being a potential set-up threat with Calm Mind,Chansey will easily take hits from most special attackers The other three Pokemon are support, carrying moves such as Knock Off, Toxic, or Haze

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the team is a fat which focuses on mega scizor and kyurem, which cover each other well. Kyurem kills threats which tank Scizor (Zapdos, Toxapex, etc ...) and vice versa with Kyurem (Tyranitar, Blissey, Magearna). Blissey is a defensive pivot which helps me switch from one poke to another without undergoing a state change, mostly I use it to switch to Kyurem. Gliscor is a common defensive pivot and defoger set. Toxapex a common set. and finally cinderace that serves as a wallbreaker and pivot.

Nick: Luka Pichulo KT
Alright so now that pult got banned I wanted to try my hand at submitting sample teams. I've had quite a bit of success with both these teams, one of them even getting me to #1 on ladder, and I think they're good enough to handle the meta at large with enough ease of use.

:lopunny-mega: + :reuniclus:
The main core of this team, where Lopunny functions for great revenging and momentum, and uturns out on things like pex, which Reuniclus absolutely feasts on. Reuniclus is also great now because in a 1 on 1, it is able to beat Mega latias, one the best mons in the tier, without fear of getting killed by Dragapult. It also is able to handle Cinderace quite well, as it is unable to consistently pressure it since uturn forces it to switch out.
:corviknight: + :gastrodon:
A simple yet effective core, where both mons cover for each others weaknesses quite neatly. Corv provides me with defog and uturn to get in my faster threats, and gastro gives me a stopgap to a large majority of the special metagame. Corv gets a special mention because its great to blank most Rillaboom flying all over the ladder.
Greninja and Lopunny together form an incredibly fast offensive core, outspeeding practically every mon in the tier now that Pult has left.
It fits here even better as in provides the spikes to wear down both Reuniclus and Lopunny's check.
The rocker of choice on this team, and is probably the best rocker in the current metagame. Able to keep rocks up against a ton of defoggers, and shores up this teams stall matchup. It also assists in the Cinderace matchup, who is a very difficult threat to keep in check in general.

With Blissey at an all time high in viability, Mawile comes in to absolutely demolish any of its weakened teammates. It's SD set plows through nearly any defensive switchin, and sucker allows it to clean up offensive teams. It no longer has to play 50/50 games with pult, so I think its more effective currently.
Combined with Mawile, I get a double priority offensive core which also means I don't need to run speed control and generally frees up the team. Spikes support makes Mawile even more ridiculously threatening, and its ability to draw in Blissey for Mawile to potentially take advantage of is great.
The rocker of choice, and facilitates easy switch ins for Mawile, due to have two Intimidates on the team. I chose smack down as my last move, since with Spikes on the team and Zapdos at an incredibly high usage, I'd want to scare it out of getting a defog off over toxicing it.
The fat special check of this team and we all know how good it is right now. It provides me with a great way of absorbing status and getting my threats in, as well as giving me twave support for Mawile to abuse. One great interaction is with Mega Latias, where if you twave it, Mawile is able to easily outspeed and kill it.
A terrific Rillaboom and Heatran answer all packed into one defog slot, since Lando is unable to handle both of these mons for any extended period of time.
I think Kyurem is terrific in this metagame, as its able to annoy Blissey while also having probably the most dominant matchup against rain of any pokemon in the tier. Blissey easily gets it in against mons like Toxapex, which it abuses to no end. It also appreciates the popularity of Zapdos, as it also abuses its presence on the field.

The ladder has been a blast lately, especially with Dragapult gone. So I'm here to dump some of my god teams, many of whom I've been using on high ladder and the peak spot, breaking 1900s.

Make one of these a sample team, you know they're certified GOAT teams.
:sm/Tapu Koko: :sm/Charizard-Mega-Y:

:ss/Rillaboom: :ss/Kommo-o:

:ss/Corviknight: :ss/Weavile:
A rather different take on a core of Koko+Zard Y. It’s a team I’ve been experimenting with recently and I’ve got to say, for a set that I thought would almost be a meme pick, turned out to be a really potent cleaner. With all that out of the way, I’ll explain each mon in detail and my thought process when building the team

:Tapu Koko: :Charizard-Mega-Y:

So I knew I wanted to build around these two to start. Koko appreciates a ground immunity from Zard Y and something that can handle ground types with coverage like Solarbeam. Zard Y is a really solid wall breaker on its own, as we all know. With this core in particular, I straight up wanted to shut down BlissBro cores and any bulky teams.

This is where Tapu Koko comes in with a set of Work Up/Wild Charge/Nature’s Madness/Roost. Work up boosting Koko’s physical attack by 1 stage for a terrain boosted Wild Charge is no joke, especially when ground types like Gliscor, Chomp, Lando, Hippo, etc. have been taken care of. The team as a whole has a ton of ways to pressure and handle ground types, but one in particular is through NM. Forcing ground types to switch in and out due to this move is significant and easily applies pressure for Zard Y to potentially clean. Your opponent has to be really cautious as it can not only put an insane amount of pressure on grounds, but Blissey or Mega Latias as well. Breaking through rather bulky mons with a +1 Z Wild Charge boosted by terrain is also very satisfying. Finding the opportunity to set up is the challenge with this set, but when you pick your spots with this mon correctly, the reward is very worth it.


From here, I knew I could use a water resist. I immediately opted for Rillaboom due to its high damage output and access to priority with Glide. It helps put on even more pressure with NM on Koko, as there aren’t many mons, if any at all, that want to repeatedly switch in to Knock off or Banded anything from its arsenal. In addition to all of this, having it as a pivot is always nice too.


I needed a rock setter that could act as a sturdy Ash Gren answer while messing with bulky cores. I value a rock setter that isn’t super passive either, as it can utilize Drain Punch for some extra last minute recovery alongside Lefties, Toxic to put problematic mons on a timer and Taunt for stall breaking capabilities and to avoid set up sweepers from getting out of control. That and having an immunity to Spec Shadow Ball and Pyro Ball from Ace simply because of Bulletproof is very valuable.


So I chose to add Corv as I needed a fairy resist thanks to Kommo-o’s 4x fairy weakness. Having Pressure and stalling out recovery, rocks, etc. is always a nice tool to have. It’s one of the most common Defoggers alongside Zapdos, I don’t think much of an explanation is needed here.


For the last mon on the team, Weavile rounds out the team super well. In a sense it forms a Pressure core with Corv and has been a staple when it comes to teams that utilize Zard Y. Another mon that can outrun a majority of the tiers threats including Ace, Mega Latias, etc. and go for a Banded Icicle Crash or Knock as well are huge. Again not really sure if I need to explain this one much lol.

Overall really satisfied with this team and I hope you guys enjoyed!