S rank

Cornerstone of every team at the moment. Wouldn’t be surprised if there will be more innovation with this. Knock and hp ice are cool and taunt is as good as ever.
A+ rank

Ngl whenever I play this it is so annoying to dance around. A lot of teams either need to be very bulky to handle it or they are more offensive and need to run rhelm Lando to even have a chance against it. Good speed control and taxel is nice but the main draw is u turn. Encore pup is funny.

best breaker in the tier by far.

semi exploitable but on the right teams where it’s not just slapped onto slop teams it’s very good. Pnoise could be looked into as well as trick.

Some people think that this more offensive meta harms Gliscor twofold but no it doesn’t lol. Sd sets and u turn fog sets are still good but spikes is harder to fit. Don’t let people say balance is completely unviable to you it isn’t imo. I think it still has the tools to be ok and although it’s not the same as offense’s dominance it’s not bad. Fat is the truly bad playstyle

amazing shifu answer on offense and good breaker but most of the teams it’s on kinda need another fire resist for Volcarona and heatran. Taunt booster is cool. Sub is funny with spikes

second best speed control in the tier. Don’t use anything besides elec z and maybe shuca berry as the item on pivot sets. CM fairy z is good anti-bolt

SD sets are hard to fit. Tera grass is funny and has barely any switchins but helm Lando and pon make it somewhat uncomfortable to click with

despite what some people say boots offensive with morning sun and Tera steel is good.

another cornerstone of every ho and offense team. Sponges literally everything in the tier. Specs is funny and cm 3A is a very good set. On AV don’t run slow no spatk invest that set is hot garbage.

This is the best mega in the tier no question despite my fondness for lop. Guaranteed progress even against offense teams and nothing really checks it consistently. However there are still stopgaps against it which make it manageable along with subpar speed meaning if you gain momentum you likely out offense it.

tox is mandatory on spdef imo.

scarf is still good but av is truly threatening without an iron crown.
A rank

Bulky sets are the best and they can win games but no good teams are losing to it on preview anymore except for cheese in the right mu. Subswarm and Tera ground are good options for gking.

Same thing with Gliscor. Dont let anyone fool you that this is bad because offense is best. Still blankets the majority of the tier. Boots isn’t so nice because rhelm is pretty much better for shifu / lop, however it does work on some teams with a lack of removal

sub cm is sometimes funny. Sd is fishy but works. Specs is too unprepped for nowadays imo.
A- rank

Good on some balance teams as a way to exploit Ferro lando cores and has a good speed tier. Yard offense is standard but very good against BO

Some teams with it are wonky but it’s able to compress so many roles at once. It’s able to mix and match its coverage for whatever it wants to lure and it’s one of the best stopgaps against raging bolt and gouging fire.

You need to play aggressive with this or you don’t truly reap its harvest.

don’t use drag z rocks, but instead use sub or scale shot with sd drag z. Toxtect is a good spdef blanket but loaded dice is best imo.

this mon rounds out so many Bo teams nicely and it’s a solid fogger and blanket. Specs is broken in rain

some people will give shade to this but knock sd is very very good against a variety of teams and can actually sometimes win games on its own while giving amazing defensive utility. No true safe checks imo lest they get crippled or take too much damage from stealth rock. 3a is very good glue on ho

IDBP sets are fishy but rocks is amazing at doing its job since it pressures so much with salt cure alone
B+ rank

A lot of teams are over preparing for Waterpon which makes this thing very good at exploiting teams with rbolt and dnite. Sturdy also comes in clutch and is one of the best setup stoppers in the tier especially for offense imo

Defensive BU is a good wincon but all other sets are middling.

This thing isn’t actually as passive as you think if you don’t pair it with gking Gliscor. Its best on BO teams or teams with long term wincons like Ursaluna / mega Scizor

Spdef BU is able to exploit a lot atm and is a fine check to Koko and crown.

Good teams with this are so consistent it’s insane. It’s great on balance teams as a check to dnite, shifu, mlop, and switches into a ton of defensive mons that can’t force progress against it, allowing it to gain back tempo. It’s one of the better rocks setters imo and twave Tera dragon is nice anti-waterpon.

dtail is very funny with spikes

I put this at B+ for the exact same reasons Sealoo did; Taxel inaccuracy, rocks weakness, and contact punishment make its life not fun

May be overhyping it a bit but when it fits it fits WELL.

Bulky defog is how you get the most mileage out of it. Sd norm z is good on highly aggressive offense and scarf is alright

One of balance’s cornerstones that checks gouging fire, raging bolt, and is good anti offense. Ruination is annoying and pannu has this really cool team with lead rhelm which I think is a solid set.

requires very particular support and sometimes ends up being sloppy on the builds it’s on but when there’s a good team using it it puts in amazing work.

one of the best forms of cheese because glare is insane as a move. Grass z is funny but never run this without glare
B rank

checks mmedi, mlop, and gouging fire in one slot which is good. Never run slack off.

has solid traits and spdef lefties is a good lele check but like Lameflame said it’s not exceptional in any role, however I do think it is an above average fogger.

Iirc this put up numbers in invitational but unless eterrain offense ends up being revolutionized it’s safe to put it here
B- rank

Defensive sets are horrible but scarf is actually quite decent and is a good speed control option with nice utility. sub nplot is funny.

I still think this is a fraud

Some balance teams can use it. Weas and chris I think were cooking with this in recent tours and it has good traits like checking Volcarona / Ival short term

Very good rain mon and it’s decent on some offenses. Checking bolt is a very good trait and it compresses well. Not convinced by the weird ice z sets

very weak initially which makes it somewhat underwhelming.

That pdt lead meow ho he used in ndwc is so good. Very average guy but spikes are broken, and pivot sets are fine on BO

very good against offense teams if played right and those that have gking, iron crown, and lando as defensive pieces. Being able to hold boots is also nice.

only good at checking pon snd fishing for kokoval teams but still fine

good anti ground and blankets pretty much almost every physical attacker with Tera. Always run pwhip on it though as giga drain loses to ogerpon
C Rank

Got a little worse without Darkrai but defensive sets and taunt z are still good glue.

fine on some BO teams ig but I don’t know what he does

The Band Boulder guy sure does spam him a ton on ladder!

doesn’t deserve the hate it gets and although specific its good on tar pex fat teams

if it weren’t for lameflame I would’ve probably put this at UR after seeing him talk about / use it. It’s fine on bulkier teams with Gliscor as the sole fighting resist and is a good blanket to offensive fires

needs good anti ferro support

those gseed sets on ladder are hot garbage

useful typing giving it entry points on lando-t which is good. Cm has potential maybe but scarf is best

one of the better c rank guys. Absolutely crushes those lando ferro / crown cores and has a good typing in this metagame for offense teams

not outclassed by tangrowth because of an offensive presence. AV dtail is probably okish

meta is sort of unkind to it atm but cm pnoise can break at the very least parts of almost any team not named iron crown Lando t offense

not as bad as people think as it checks koko / crown with some bulk invest

fine on some balances

screens are too fishy

scarf is weird but ok on ho

Tera makes this a little better. Lure sets are funny asf with rindo signal beam for waterpon and wacan ice beam for rbolt

thanks Sputnik for enlightening me on this. Read about what it does

Outspeeding Lele and Shifu unlike gouging and having a typing that exploits Lando before mega evolving is nice for some ho teams

Defensive is weird but offensive is fire, literally. Offensive fog can be tested since it does well against Lando, Gliscor, heatran, and ferro

Darkrai being gone gives more reason to use this. Good heatran check with some other miscellaneous utility. Fog dark z is fine

Being a dark type is very good in this metagame and especially one that does what GMoltres does; tear through offensive teams with agility and nplot. Tera also makes this thing a nightmare in some mus

Bad mon but funny on some fat balance teams for rain.

twave / rocks along with other utility options make this rankable imo

good with fake water resists like tealpon, kyurem, and kartana. Fine breaker in its own right

fine in theory but where do you slot

sub cm is ok against balance and bo and completely shuts down gking teams with Tera, scald is broken and has a higher initial speed tier than shifu

rhelm pivot sets are funny on mdia ho

My glorious Queen… where do I begin? Amazing shifu and dark answer for offense teams and with the correct postioning it completely wrecks a ton of teams with Garg and Corv among other things. Checks heatran, hsam, and weavile, with bulk invest it’s actually kinda fat. Sometimes you can’t get a cm off so encore is also very good to be annoying to bulkier structures or setup mons like dnite and sd shifu

Being able to check lele and other stuff like mdia and mtios better than corv is a plus on sand balances. Leech seed is also very annoying for some teams to handle. Maybe metronome is funny…?