Tournament National Dex Ubers Spring Seasonal - Round 3 (Losers bracket only)

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Hosted by entrocefalo and R8
Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations.
  • Best of three, double elimination.
  • This tournament will use the standard National Dex Ubers banlist, which can be found on Smogon's strategy dex.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown! or the SmogTours server
  • SV cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
  • National Dex-specific mechanics.
  • Replays will be mandatory.

From R2's winners bracket:
1) Snak  vs  sealoo
From R2's losers bracket:
2) Minnair  vs  Amstan
3) McCrab  vs  Kin+ak (✧∇✧)

Extension deadline: Wednesday 7PM GMT+1

Round 3:

 vs  Inferno Scareskull
Amstan  vs  NoahTheGreat64
Skyiew  vs  zaydapoketrainer
kimer  vs  ForrestFire
ToasterBoi420  vs  BananaTimeZ
 vs  Parmesan Cheese
Velcroc  vs  GeniusFromHoenn
Mtias simp  vs  Anchor9
Kin+ak (✧∇✧)
 vs  Weirdhamster
ClaudioINK58  vs  Admiral Kuzan
seth  vs  Xr Kartana
 vs  The N@me User
idiotpokemoner  vs  lemoncell0
gudwbs  vs  treeshhhh
 vs  Snak
Alpha1013  vs  Imperial

Round 3 deadline: March 3th, 11:59 PM GMT+0
Last edited:
gg won in 0
Welcome to act win city
Act. Opponent hasn’t responded to post and has been inactive since February 14th.
calling ACT my opponent hasn't responded and hasn't been online since February 14th
Calling act, opponent is not responding.
call act oppo didnt show up since Tuesday
Call act my opp last seen was February 23
act no response on scheduling
Calling act, there is no response to scheduling
All granted

Other activity wins:
Amstan vs NoahTheGreat64
+ banned users also lose

GeniusFromHoenn vs Velcroc
Stampi vs Snak
Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 14.07.17.png
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