A+[5]->A[1] - I've been thinking about it for the last couple of months and whilst certainly still has a ceiling consistent with what I perceive to to be an A+ mon it has enough issues that it is more at home in A. I don't hold taking up a mega slot against it as you seldom want a second mega alongside anyways. It is fantastic on HO, but I'm not quite sure I'd describe it as a staple. It is decent at best to middling off of HO. The bulk is decent, but deceptively high as more often than not it is starting from 75%. Furthermore, also has uncharacteristically severe 4MSS for an A+ rank mon. It wants all of facade, return, double edge, earthquake, roost, and even refresh or defog. Without facade it has a hard time breaking through bulkier builds yet alone stall and finds its switch-in opportunities to be more limited. You can drop roost for facade, but then requires a lot of precision in getting on the field as it does not tend to find itself on teams with robust hazard removal if any at all. All of the moves it can viably run face a similar conundrum. 's. fourth moveslot, for example, is relatively free and can be tailored to what best suits its team. That being said, a which has not revealed its moves is one of the scariest mons in the tier and I wouldn't be shocked if I viewed it as an A+ mon in the future, I just don't at the moment.
A[4] -> A+ [4] - Getting the obvious out of the way: has literally almost zero defensive utility. survives a surprising number of attacks from full such as blades from defensive and any unboosted attack from offensive . It isn't much, but it also isn't nothing, which is more credit than I've given it in the past. in a lot of ways is the gatekeeper of viability for mons. That standard and ev specifically to live sneak from full already says a lot even though this is wasted if hazards are up or if just decides to
. There are a lot of teams I've scrapped that are otherwise decent solely because they are too weak. It is a menace into every playstyle that is rarely ever going to be deadweight as long as you don't handicap it with a .
Outside of nothing is really comfortable switching into bar non standard stuff like .. is also fairly splashable in spite of its lack of defensive utility. At a minimum should rise and wherever it ends up it should probably be one spot above . You can also run adamant and will probably get punished surprisingly infrequently.
A[3] -> A[5]/A-[1] - I am quite low on offensive sets. I've tried building a few teams based around it but always just ended up wanting to use a different which defeats the point of building around . However, some teams just need what offers defensively. We don't really have other good defensive fairies. has defensive sets, but those are far from splashable and lock you out of using broken geomancy. provides the switchin that you've likely turned to for, but is restricted to fat balance structures and is absolute dogshit v nearly anything other than or .
is an absolute menace to nearly everything slower than it and is the closest thing that most balance teams teams are going to find to a consistent switch-in. It can still get pressured into recover loops as wing is a 3hko regardless of investment, but it does the job well enough. I'm not a fan of the dex spread as support generally doesn't want to be risking being locked out of recover on a presumed switch. is also one of our better rockers due to drawing in as it sets up rocks and can keep them up with taunt and welcomes a burn from sacred fire compared to toxic or paralysis. Additionally, it naturally matches up well with /.
is something I've enjoyed using recently since it rarely needs to tera and it shores up the in a pinch since you're locked out of using .
A-[4] -> B+ - A+ on paper B/B+ in game. It is a fast mon that is outsped by, scared of, and loses to most of the other fast mons. It is close to if not deadweight v stall. Against HO it is usually at best trading v one mon. It is demon in the balance matchup, but it is still prediction reliant before getting to the issue of all of its moves having a chance to miss. This is a significant issue when is rarely going to be hitting the field more than twice due to vulnerability to every hazard, lack of any recovery, and its typing not giving it any entry points against offensive mons bar . It is not a bad mon and does have a lot of teams that it absolutely goobs, but it is too inconsistent to remain in A-.
B+ -> A-[6] - should be the delineating line between the A and B ranks. It is decently splashable between set on HO and sets on BO and balance structures. This nom is mostly on the back of the sets. sets are good, but are not enough to push to A- by themselves. 95 speed is a fantastic speed tier, only really missing out on timid which it can still trade with. outspeeds nearly the entire defensive meta and can hit everything with just Dragon Ascent and V-Create. Espeed can pick off weakened targets and provides value v HO. U-turn makes an incredibly rare source of momentum in this tier.
Dragon Ascent absolutely sends fat and stall packing as well. These are all known. What pushes from B+ -> A- for me is that it doesn't really require the level of support nor is it a complete defensive deadweight of the typical breaker you'd find in B+. It likes defog support which is not particularly difficult to come by in NDUbers. At the same time it isn't deadweight if rocks are up as it doesn't tend to take many hits in the first place so it can generally manage taking rocks a couple times and still do its job.
B+ -> B-/C+ - It is largely outclassed by as a screens lead. is so fast that its taunt may as well be a buffed version of prankster since it isn't blocked by dark types. Taunting opposing leads is a gamble due magic coat. It doesn't even reliably prevent webs as is the premier setter. still does have some matchups where it can do its thing, but as a whole it has fallen off pretty hard.
B+ -> C - There isn't anything I can say that S0A0M0I0 hasn't said above. That is a great post. Everything about the mon can be summed up as just not enough. It just isn't speedy enough, it just doesn't hit hard enough, ect. If it were solely up to me it would be D rank but that is likely too extreme for one slate. Initially I thought well we have some real garbage in the C ranks but looking at them again they're all better than .
B -> B+ -I'm disappointing R8 by nomming it B+ instead of A-. More seriously, I'm kind of on the fence on whether it is A-. It has just a tad to many matchups for to rise to A- for me though I wouldn't be opposed. Also I'd be quite happy to see shadow tag banned. isn't broken, but its presence in the meta, builder, and the games where it actually shows up is unhealthy enough that I'd be happy to see it go.
B -> B+ - Similar to this nom is purely off the set. OTR is decent but not B+. Really the only reason you're not clicking lance is if defensive / support is on the other side of the field, to preserve pp v stall, or to use trick v stall. The other two slots are quite flexible. Trick and aromatherapy are my two perferred options though seed bomb and leech seed are decent options as well. The typing is mediocre, but the sheer bulk means that you can count the moves that OHKO it on your hands generally letting you trade for something in games where seems useless. Having a cleric also enables creative structures and provides longevity to standard ones that they otherwise wouldn't have. The tera is also flexible, I'm not a fan of
outside of full TR.
is my preference but as long as there is a proper reason for it any tera will work. Its rocks weakness holds it back from A-. Unlike the rocks weakness really hinders as it leverages its bulk to get attacks off and this can lead to some awkward choice or sequences in game. Sure you can run but then it is a significantly worse breaker.
B -> B- - It is a webs only mon that isn't even close to mandatory on webs. It feels more C+ personally, but I wouldn't drop so B- is fine for now.
B- -> B - Really should just be swapping places with or at least be a subrank above it if webs as a whole is voted to drop. Guaranteeing those webs go up against taunt leads is more valuable than the extra utility provided by
B -> B-/C+ - See section. It won't be me but perhaps imprison would be worth experimenting with?
C+ -> B/B- - It is near, if not mandatory on stall and stall decent right now. I've never seen a good team with that wasn't stall so should be the same rank. Even then the new sample uses over so maybe should be the representative of stall?
C -> B/B- - Pretty much the same as . Some stalls have managed to drop but they are few and far inbetween. It could be one subrank lower.
C -> C+ - It is viable if seldom used as an alternative to on stall. exists. If stall in generall deserves a rise so does to reflect that even if it is generally inferior to .
C -> C+- It works often enough to be C+. Still a very flawed mon, but it has enough good matchups. If it doesn;t rise should drop. I'd rate above , but I'm not sure if it deserves a whole subrank higher.
C -> D - Last slate the TR mons were unranked and should have gone with them. It is unviable outside of TR and the teams I've seen that attempt to prove otherwise are unconvincing. It also isn't the best mon on TR anymore, that would go to . If TR is ranked, keep ranked, otherwise drop it.
UR -> B- - R8 has made me a believer in its viability. I can link replays but others in the thread already have so I'm not sure those are needed. The structures it enables are interesting and certainly will be further explored in the future. I'm a believer in fat balance structures. It does what I've always seen / try and fail to do.
UR -> C - As far as I'm aware SandwichLover is currently in the process of making a nomination themselves so i'll leave that to him. He has been one of the main driving factors behind developing psyspam to its current state and deserves credit among some others. is a standin for psyspam which is 'new' in the grand scheme of things. It has existed to some degree in the past but its current iteration is more 'real' compared to past attempts which were ladder cheese that matchup fished at best. C is a conservative ranking for now though I think C+ would be fine as well. It has B/B- potential in my eyes but I'd perfer to wait and see how the meta adapts and psyspam can adapt back. Frankly, I'd rate psyspam higher than screens currently.
Stray Thoughts / Discussion Points - These are not proper noms, but just some things I'd like others to see how others view
S/S- ranks: Currently I think you could make an argument for everything and above to be at least S-. Mine would be:
S =
S- :
is somewhere between S and S- for me. All in all it does make S/S- feel a bit overpopulated but at the same time there is, at least in my eyes, a gap between and that is distinct but enough to be worth a full subrank.
<-> - These two mons are pretty much even in my eyes. They each have advantages and drawbacks over each other that even out in the grand scheme of things. I'm wondering how y'all view it? I'd be fine with them swapping places or remaining the same and don't feel strongly enoughone way or the other to make a nom.
- It is still definitely a B+ tier mon on the teams it fits on, but that latter part is pretty important. Initially I had nommed from B+ -> B since it feels a bit too constricting to build with for a B+ mon but thought it would be better to ask for others perspectives as I may be influenced by my building and playstyle preferences. feels ok enough at B and that is less flexible than in terms of the teams it fits on though I'd be fine w/ it in B-.
- Is locking yourself out of and enough to keep it out of B+? is one of those mons that will always have less usage than viability. It is a threat when it shows up. It doesn't really worsen the / issues has since it would be replacing a mon that already loses to them
- Is it consistent enough to be A-?
A+[5]->A[1] - I've been thinking about it for the last couple of months and whilst certainly still has a ceiling consistent with what I perceive to to be an A+ mon it has enough issues that it is more at home in A. I don't hold taking up a mega slot against it as you seldom want a second mega alongside anyways. It is fantastic on HO, but I'm not quite sure I'd describe it as a staple. It is decent at best to middling off of HO. The bulk is decent, but deceptively high as more often than not it is starting from 75%. Furthermore, also has uncharacteristically severe 4MSS for an A+ rank mon. It wants all of facade, return, double edge, earthquake, roost, and even refresh or defog. Without facade it has a hard time breaking through bulkier builds yet alone stall and finds its switch-in opportunities to be more limited. You can drop roost for facade, but then requires a lot of precision in getting on the field as it does not tend to find itself on teams with robust hazard removal if any at all. All of the moves it can viably run face a similar conundrum. 's. fourth moveslot, for example, is relatively free and can be tailored to what best suits its team. That being said, a which has not revealed its moves is one of the scariest mons in the tier and I wouldn't be shocked if I viewed it as an A+ mon in the future, I just don't at the moment.
A[4] -> A+ [4] - Getting the obvious out of the way: has literally almost zero defensive utility. survives a surprising number of attacks from full such as blades from defensive and any unboosted attack from offensive . It isn't much, but it also isn't nothing, which is more credit than I've given it in the past. in a lot of ways is the gatekeeper of viability for mons. That standard and ev specifically to live sneak from full already says a lot even though this is wasted if hazards are up or if just decides to
Outside of nothing is really comfortable switching into bar non standard stuff like .. is also fairly splashable in spite of its lack of defensive utility. At a minimum should rise and wherever it ends up it should probably be one spot above . You can also run adamant and will probably get punished surprisingly infrequently.
A[3] -> A[5]/A-[1] - I am quite low on offensive sets. I've tried building a few teams based around it but always just ended up wanting to use a different which defeats the point of building around . However, some teams just need what offers defensively. We don't really have other good defensive fairies. has defensive sets, but those are far from splashable and lock you out of using broken geomancy. provides the switchin that you've likely turned to for, but is restricted to fat balance structures and is absolute dogshit v nearly anything other than or .
is an absolute menace to nearly everything slower than it and is the closest thing that most balance teams teams are going to find to a consistent switch-in. It can still get pressured into recover loops as wing is a 3hko regardless of investment, but it does the job well enough. I'm not a fan of the dex spread as support generally doesn't want to be risking being locked out of recover on a presumed switch. is also one of our better rockers due to drawing in as it sets up rocks and can keep them up with taunt and welcomes a burn from sacred fire compared to toxic or paralysis. Additionally, it naturally matches up well with /.
A-[4] -> B+ - A+ on paper B/B+ in game. It is a fast mon that is outsped by, scared of, and loses to most of the other fast mons. It is close to if not deadweight v stall. Against HO it is usually at best trading v one mon. It is demon in the balance matchup, but it is still prediction reliant before getting to the issue of all of its moves having a chance to miss. This is a significant issue when is rarely going to be hitting the field more than twice due to vulnerability to every hazard, lack of any recovery, and its typing not giving it any entry points against offensive mons bar . It is not a bad mon and does have a lot of teams that it absolutely goobs, but it is too inconsistent to remain in A-.
B+ -> A-[6] - should be the delineating line between the A and B ranks. It is decently splashable between set on HO and sets on BO and balance structures. This nom is mostly on the back of the sets. sets are good, but are not enough to push to A- by themselves. 95 speed is a fantastic speed tier, only really missing out on timid which it can still trade with. outspeeds nearly the entire defensive meta and can hit everything with just Dragon Ascent and V-Create. Espeed can pick off weakened targets and provides value v HO. U-turn makes an incredibly rare source of momentum in this tier.
B+ -> B-/C+ - It is largely outclassed by as a screens lead. is so fast that its taunt may as well be a buffed version of prankster since it isn't blocked by dark types. Taunting opposing leads is a gamble due magic coat. It doesn't even reliably prevent webs as is the premier setter. still does have some matchups where it can do its thing, but as a whole it has fallen off pretty hard.
B+ -> C - There isn't anything I can say that S0A0M0I0 hasn't said above. That is a great post. Everything about the mon can be summed up as just not enough. It just isn't speedy enough, it just doesn't hit hard enough, ect. If it were solely up to me it would be D rank but that is likely too extreme for one slate. Initially I thought well we have some real garbage in the C ranks but looking at them again they're all better than .
B -> B+ -I'm disappointing R8 by nomming it B+ instead of A-. More seriously, I'm kind of on the fence on whether it is A-. It has just a tad to many matchups for to rise to A- for me though I wouldn't be opposed. Also I'd be quite happy to see shadow tag banned. isn't broken, but its presence in the meta, builder, and the games where it actually shows up is unhealthy enough that I'd be happy to see it go.
B -> B+ - Similar to this nom is purely off the set. OTR is decent but not B+. Really the only reason you're not clicking lance is if defensive / support is on the other side of the field, to preserve pp v stall, or to use trick v stall. The other two slots are quite flexible. Trick and aromatherapy are my two perferred options though seed bomb and leech seed are decent options as well. The typing is mediocre, but the sheer bulk means that you can count the moves that OHKO it on your hands generally letting you trade for something in games where seems useless. Having a cleric also enables creative structures and provides longevity to standard ones that they otherwise wouldn't have. The tera is also flexible, I'm not a fan of
B -> B- - It is a webs only mon that isn't even close to mandatory on webs. It feels more C+ personally, but I wouldn't drop so B- is fine for now.
B- -> B - Really should just be swapping places with or at least be a subrank above it if webs as a whole is voted to drop. Guaranteeing those webs go up against taunt leads is more valuable than the extra utility provided by
B -> B-/C+ - See section. It won't be me but perhaps imprison would be worth experimenting with?
C+ -> B/B- - It is near, if not mandatory on stall and stall decent right now. I've never seen a good team with that wasn't stall so should be the same rank. Even then the new sample uses over so maybe should be the representative of stall?
C -> B/B- - Pretty much the same as . Some stalls have managed to drop but they are few and far inbetween. It could be one subrank lower.
C -> C+ - It is viable if seldom used as an alternative to on stall. exists. If stall in generall deserves a rise so does to reflect that even if it is generally inferior to .
C -> C+- It works often enough to be C+. Still a very flawed mon, but it has enough good matchups. If it doesn;t rise should drop. I'd rate above , but I'm not sure if it deserves a whole subrank higher.
C -> D - Last slate the TR mons were unranked and should have gone with them. It is unviable outside of TR and the teams I've seen that attempt to prove otherwise are unconvincing. It also isn't the best mon on TR anymore, that would go to . If TR is ranked, keep ranked, otherwise drop it.
UR -> B- - R8 has made me a believer in its viability. I can link replays but others in the thread already have so I'm not sure those are needed. The structures it enables are interesting and certainly will be further explored in the future. I'm a believer in fat balance structures. It does what I've always seen / try and fail to do.
UR -> C - As far as I'm aware SandwichLover is currently in the process of making a nomination themselves so i'll leave that to him. He has been one of the main driving factors behind developing psyspam to its current state and deserves credit among some others. is a standin for psyspam which is 'new' in the grand scheme of things. It has existed to some degree in the past but its current iteration is more 'real' compared to past attempts which were ladder cheese that matchup fished at best. C is a conservative ranking for now though I think C+ would be fine as well. It has B/B- potential in my eyes but I'd perfer to wait and see how the meta adapts and psyspam can adapt back. Frankly, I'd rate psyspam higher than screens currently.
Stray Thoughts / Discussion Points - These are not proper noms, but just some things I'd like others to see how others view
S/S- ranks: Currently I think you could make an argument for everything and above to be at least S-. Mine would be:
S =
S- :
is somewhere between S and S- for me. All in all it does make S/S- feel a bit overpopulated but at the same time there is, at least in my eyes, a gap between and that is distinct but enough to be worth a full subrank.
<-> - These two mons are pretty much even in my eyes. They each have advantages and drawbacks over each other that even out in the grand scheme of things. I'm wondering how y'all view it? I'd be fine with them swapping places or remaining the same and don't feel strongly enoughone way or the other to make a nom.
- It is still definitely a B+ tier mon on the teams it fits on, but that latter part is pretty important. Initially I had nommed from B+ -> B since it feels a bit too constricting to build with for a B+ mon but thought it would be better to ask for others perspectives as I may be influenced by my building and playstyle preferences. feels ok enough at B and that is less flexible than in terms of the teams it fits on though I'd be fine w/ it in B-.
- Is locking yourself out of and enough to keep it out of B+? is one of those mons that will always have less usage than viability. It is a threat when it shows up. It doesn't really worsen the / issues has since it would be replacing a mon that already loses to them
- Is it consistent enough to be A-?
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